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Climate Change Denial

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I am a retired computational chemist with a degree in Statistical Thermodynamics. Climate warming is real and the existential challenge of our time.

But this isn’t the venue to troll about it. I do not believe this poster started the discussion to talk about Tesla, but rather to troll EV owners, to just start an argument. I don’t understand the emotional need people have to troll others on forums. But the only response I’ve seen is “don’t feed the trolls”.

So I’m looking for Tesla commentary on other threads.

Just sayin...

I hope the OP does buy a Tesla, but I’m skeptical....

I think that I put skeptic in the title because it was lyrical with electric and the fact that I want to distance myself from the climate believers.

I’m happy to debate though, but I don’t think that trading insults or name calling are debate.

I think it is an important topic worth debating for sure, and I am sincerely willing to examine my beliefs and thinking with an open mind.

Are you?

Unfortunately, most of what passes for debate among the believers, are claims of consensus, and appeals to authority - which is basically pointing at someone else and saying “that person over there who really knows things says you’re wrong”

I’m interested in the actual dynamics of the climate and atmosphere, and I’ve read all the major studies before coming to my conclusions.

Which database do you think proves warming in the last 100 years?

How does a cooler atmosphere heat up the warmer earth, in violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?


Hans Conser DC

PS Attached find a screen grab of my Tesla order - Would I really be spending 62K on an M3P 2nd car if I didn’t LOVE electric cars?


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LOL! Someone needs to create a Godwins law for Galileo...

Peer reviewed science of the form. Observation => Hypothesis => Test => Theory => Test, Test, Test, Test, Test, Test...... Test....... forever

Didn't exist in the time of Galileo.

In 1859 when scientists wondered what was keeping the Earth Warm they didn't consult a 2000 year old book... they got to work testing different gasses. Answer: Mostly H2O and CO2.

Global Warming is possibly the most tested theory in the history of science and the error bars have only narrowed around the initial hypothesis.

View attachment 614776

I’m gonna need some references for your claims of testing CO2 and global warming
How does a cooler atmosphere heat up the warmer earth, in violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?

For the 3rd time now. Is your microwave also violating the 2nd law? Microwaves are < -256C. How do they boil water?

I’m gonna need some references for your claims of testing CO2 and global warming

On Radiation - 1865

The influence of carbonic acid on the oceans and atmosphere -1896

Long-term impact of CO2 on Climate -1979

Absorption spectrum of carbon dioxide at 4.3 μm

I'd never seen this before. This is a chart John Tyndall made from his experiments in 1865. 1865! He used two tubes and measured the difference so '1' means no absorption in the IR was detected.

Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 11.48.56 AM.png

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Your entire post is an argument from ignorance, which is a logical fallacy.

Care to form an actual argument?

Still curious as to how you think Microwaves heat food if you think even radiation can't go from cold to hot. Microwaves are < -256C. Or... maybe it's just about energy? Also... why is Venus hotter than Mercury?

How do you measure the temperature of a wave?

I never said radiation did not go from cold to hot, what I said was cold objects do not warmer objects, second law of thermodynamics

You should really watch the video linked above
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Venus is hotter than Mercury despite being further from the Sun, because it has a far more massive atmosphere.

Surface pressure is 90 vs 12 Bar.

I wonder if there's something in that massive atmosphere that somehow traps the heat from the sun? Maybe some of the gasses? Who knows, someone should really look in to that.
How do you measure the temperature of a wave?

I never said radiation did not go from cold to hot, what I said was cold objects do not warmer objects, second law of thermodynamics

You should really watch the video linked above

Physics. All wave lengths correlate to a temperature. Have you never wondered why your lightbulbs say ~2700K or ~6000K?


RADIATION can go from 'cold' to 'hot'. All objects >0K radiate photons in proportion to their temperature. That's how IR cameras work in the dark. That's the energy that CO2 is deflecting back to the surface of the Earth.
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Physics. All wave lengths correlate to a temperature. Have you never wondered why your lightbulbs say ~2700K or ~6000K?

Again, I made no claims about radiation! only stated that a cooler object cannot heat a warmer one

RADIATION can go from 'cold' to 'hot'. All objects radiate photons in proportion to their temperature. That's how IR cameras work in the dark. That's the energy that CO2 is deflecting back to the surface of the Earth.
Yep. And increasing that small amount of CO2 by 40% increases the radiative forcing by >1.5w/m^2. Not much... when you charge your iPhone that's 10w buuuut... earth is 510M Million meters squared.

So that's (1.5w)(510M)(1000000) = 765,000GW of additional energy. 24/7/365. That's >1600x more energy than all of humanity uses. MATH! SCIENCE!

I want to smoke what you are smoking.

Let's just go with the experts and not with voodoo science, ok?

‘No Climate Emergency’: MIT Climate Expert, 500 Prominent Global Experts Write In Letter To UN
“No Climate Emergency” …MIT Climate Expert, 500 Prominent Global Experts Write In Letter To UN
I want to smoke what you are smoking.

???? To have the ability to understand numbers? I think that's the lack of smoking really. Most people I know lose their ability to understand numbers when they smoke.

Odd how climate denier 'experts' always ignore the numbers. 1.5w/m^2 isn't correct? ok.... what's the value? Silence. LOL!

Why is Venus hotter than Mercury? Again.... silence... LOL! Pathetic. Truly. Just accept reality and move on to a brighter future.
???? To have the ability to understand numbers? I think that's the lack of smoking really. Most people I know lose their ability to understand numbers when they smoke.

Odd how climate denier 'experts' always ignore the numbers. 1.5w/m^2 isn't correct? ok.... what's the value? Silence. LOL!

Why is Venus hotter than Mercury? Again.... silence... LOL! Pathetic. Truly. Just accept reality and move on to a brighter future.

Hahahahahahaha. Stop ignoring the science. I would disassociate myself from these doomsday fortune tellers based upon their past track record alone.

Climate Change Predictions:
In the 1960s and ’70s Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and others said man-made global-cooling would causes billions of deaths (crop failures and starvation). Professor Kenneth E.F. Watt at the University of California in 1970 predicted an ice age would arrive when the world be 4 degrees colder in 1990 and 11 degrees colder by 2000.

In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said sea-level rises, increased hurricanes, and desertification caused by “man-made global warming” would lead to massive population disruptions. The 2005 UNEP predictions said, by 2010, 50 million “climate refugees” would be frantically fleeing from those regions affected such as the Caribbean and low-lying Pacific islands and along with coastal areas. However, by 2010 those “affected regions” experienced significant population growth that placed them some of the fastest-growing places on Earth.

In 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore (The Goracle), predicted the North Pole would be “ice-free” in the summer by around 2013 because of “man-made global warming.” Contrary to Gore’s and other alarmists predictions, satellite data showed that Arctic ice volume as of summer of 2013 had actually expanded more than 50 percent over 2012 levels. During October 2013, sea-ice levels grew at the fastest pace since records began in 1979.
Hahahahahahaha. Stop ignoring the science. I would disassociate myself from these doomsday fortune tellers based upon their past track record alone.

Climate Change Predictions:
In the 1960s and ’70s Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and others said man-made global-cooling would causes billions of deaths (crop failures and starvation). Professor Kenneth E.F. Watt at the University of California in 1970 predicted an ice age would arrive when the world be 4 degrees colder in 1990 and 11 degrees colder by 2000.

In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said sea-level rises, increased hurricanes, and desertification caused by “man-made global warming” would lead to massive population disruptions. The 2005 UNEP predictions said, by 2010, 50 million “climate refugees” would be frantically fleeing from those regions affected such as the Caribbean and low-lying Pacific islands and along with coastal areas. However, by 2010 those “affected regions” experienced significant population growth that placed them some of the fastest-growing places on Earth.

In 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore (The Goracle), predicted the North Pole would be “ice-free” in the summer by around 2013 because of “man-made global warming.” Contrary to Gore’s and other alarmists predictions, satellite data showed that Arctic ice volume as of summer of 2013 had actually expanded more than 50 percent over 2012 levels. During October 2013, sea-ice levels grew at the fastest pace since records began in 1979.

Why is Venus hotter than Mercury? What's the radiative forcing of increasing CO2 by 50%? 1w/m^2? 1.2? 2? This is directly measurable. What's the number?

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Your typical climatologist couldn’t engineer their way out of a paper bag!

This is my point. Their “science” is JUNK!

This is why so many REAL scientists and engineers who who ACTUALLY read the science become skeptics.

Most of us started out as true believers based on what we read, the coverage of the science.

When you dig into the actual papers, you start realizing that it’s a house of cards, more propaganda than science.

They love the coverage (and grant gravy train) they get from making apocalyptic prognostications.

Their predictions are always wrong BTW!

The ice caps were going to be gone in 1999, 2008, 2014, 2020, but it never happened.

It is an Apocalyptic cult cloaking itself as science.

Ok since you already accused me of logical fallacy...

First, you are making ad hominem attacks on the individuals involved. Apparently, all these scientists are totally wrong, and you magically know better. I say "magically" here because all your claims are totally unsubstantiated .. where is the peer-reviewed research to back your claims? If there is none, then they are merely random opinions.

Second, you keep using the term "skeptic". Do you understand the difference between a skeptic and someone in denial? (Clue, I'm the one being the skeptic here, not you.)

Third, have you looked at a thermometer recently? We are beyond theory now .. we have record highs all over the planet. Every year average temperatures hit new highs. Australia is struggling with record temperatures and forest fires the like of which they have never seen before. Parts of the middle east were so hot last summer they were essentially uninhabitable. Hurricane seasons are breaking all records. Can you show me one factual, reliable, counter-example? Oh, and as for those ice-caps, would you care to comment on these photos?

Finally, your claims in other posts are so wild as to be barely comprehensible. Adiabatic heating by gravity and the mass of the atmosphere? (which, if it existed, would occur at night as well). Irrelevant graphs of absolute CO2 levels in geological time (which dont matter since it is not the absolute CO2 level, but the change in the CO2 level, that matters). Confusion between conductive/convective heat transfer (which goes from hot to cold btw, not the other way around) and radiative (which goes from point to point regardless of the thermal gradient just like light does, because .. er .. it is light). And on and on. (and no, this is not ad hominem, I am attacking your arguments, not you).

To clear up one point that seems to baffle you. Yes, over geological time the earth has had many different atmospheric compositions, with O2 and CO2 levels very different from today. If global warming is real, will the earth be devastated? Not from a biological standpoint, no. Sure, many species will be stressed, and may go extinct. Others may/will flourish. New forests will appear where there were once deserts. New rivers appear as rainfall patterns change, while old ones dry out. All this has happened many times in the past. But that is all beside the point. The point is that climate change is going to have devastating effects on civilization, not the biosphere. We are not equipped to deal with massive crop failures and famine/starvation as rainfall pattern change and monsoons fail (permanently). Most major cities are close to sea level, as they arose from maritime trading centers. What happens when they all start flooding .. permanently?

One way to reason about an argument is to ask what are the consequences of being wrong? If the climatologists are wrong, and we attempt to address global warming when we dont need to, what happens? Well, we lower CO2 emissions and pollution in general, which puts some stress on the economy (but other parts thrive). Overall, maybe, we waste some effort, perhaps a lot of effort, that could have been skipped. But what happens if you are wrong? We have the collapse of food production as crops fail leading to starvation for perhaps hundreds of millions of people. Then huge displaced populations as rising sea levels displace millions more when coastlines and cities become uninhabitable. Global conflicts as governments fight bitterly over the control of the remaining resources.

So, are you so so certain of your position that you are willing to risk these truly terrible consequences? You are playing Russian roulette with my children lives as well as yours. You had better be right, as otherwise you will be the scourge of humanity.

(I'm going to step out of this discussion now, as I have said all that needs to be said, and this is probably not the forum for this debate to go further.)
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