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  1. NuShrike

    Tesla Owners API v3 enabled

    Looks like Tesla broke things again by hiding the login captcha in JavaScript.
  2. NuShrike

    Tesla Owners API v3 enabled

    I've been able to use the local-login protocol, as previously described in this thread with the cookies, to get local login ("customer" login? the site you see when you hit your Gateway directly by LAN IP via browser) with enough authority to poll for statistics. I haven't used local-login for...
  3. NuShrike

    Tesla Owners API v3 enabled

    I think it still works with the .NET lib, previously mentioned, that has uses a WebView which supports the captcha bar. Mine (independently .NET6 console based) just stopped working on my Raspberry Pi, and so I'm updating to support this new captcha requirement.
  4. NuShrike

    Tesla Owners API v3 enabled

    Thanks! My local API access just stop working. This is after I had just finished the OAuth2 flow for my remote API access ...
  5. NuShrike

    Sense Monitor CT Placement

    Nice! And Home Assistant can fake Kasa smart-plugs to Sense so we can finally get other data-sources into it.
  6. NuShrike

    Firmware 1.50.1 Breaks Automation using API

    The only thing to keep and out for is Internet outage taking out automation. :-/ Cloud API definitely is safer otherwise as it prevents interfering with any system updates or other process.
  7. NuShrike

    Certified Powerwall installers in SoCal area

    Mine was installed a SoCal installer that will do it without involving PV. PM me if you need the infos. Btw, SGIP does NOT require PV. It's in the SGIP docs, and I've signed specifically for that in my installation. Only Federal credits require PV.
  8. NuShrike

    Firmware 1.50.1 Breaks Automation using API

    According to my logs, it only specifically stopped working for a brief period around 8:55PM PDT today. After that, it's been working fine.
  9. NuShrike

    Firmware 1.50.1 Breaks Automation using API

    Looks like something is being updated to support 2FA/MFA, but hasn't broken anybody yet.
  10. NuShrike

    Firmware 1.50.1 Breaks Automation using API

    Does the non-Installer login give API access? It doesn't ask for power-switch toggle, and still lets people change modes/etc via the web-UI (when it originally didn't iirc). I'd migrated all of my automation couple months ago to use the Owner/App API since it no longer has lag, and everything...
  11. NuShrike

    What happened to PowerWall-only accounts display in the Tesla App?

    Sorry, nevermind! Looks like the app will allow my Tesla forum login, and then of course not show my PWs because it's not connected to my actual Tesla account.
  12. NuShrike

    What happened to PowerWall-only accounts display in the Tesla App?

    I literally cannot see my PWs now. App asked me to log-in and then says: "No products found Join the mission" Anybody else experiencing this? Wth!
  13. NuShrike

    Firmware 1.50

    1.50.1 here. Haven't investigated Installer UI for differences.
  14. NuShrike

    What is your reserve percentage set to and why?

    Previous thread/post somewhere said/proved that if a PW drops below 10% charge, it will auto-shutdown at some point near 0%. Then, it will NOT restart/power back up without manual intervention upon any outage nor restart when grid/solar-power resumes. Manual intervention involves opening up the...
  15. NuShrike

    Water heater: Gas to electric conversion illegal in California?

    Please take the politics out, or I will bring in my politics and blow up this thread.
  16. NuShrike

    Water heater: Gas to electric conversion illegal in California?

    Thanks for the heads-up. It's a 22 year old air-handler that turns on variably, for 10 minutes or so, under Ecobee's control with a MERV 13 filter. It runs at ~500 watts -- 18 kWh this week, 99.4 kWh this month according to TP-Link smart-plug it's plugged into. I generated 662 kWh since Aug 20th...
  17. NuShrike

    Water heater: Gas to electric conversion illegal in California?

    Chalk that up as opportunity cost, or cost of the lesson? Doing the conversion couple years ago when the rebates were stronger (or when politics wrote obviously on the walls) would've saved you capital on installation, and all costs leading up to now? I appreciate all the efficiency changes...
  18. NuShrike

    Hose off ash or wait a bit

    If you didn't install enough solar-panels to deal with the 30-50% reduction in production -- including cloudy/smoggy air, heat, dust -- hose them off.
  19. NuShrike

    Does Sense energy monitor work with Powerwall?

    The existing PW monitoring is good enough for total solar, and total consumption. For individual TED Pro (maybe), or this other device suggested off Amazon inside the Sensor Monitor reviews: Home - Brand Boils down to nothing is more accurate than individual plug monitoring. I use TP-Link...
  20. NuShrike

    Cloudy day impact on solar production & sizing

    From what I've seen here in SoCal, you lose 80% of your rated production on a cloudy day, so size it that at least the 20% covers your most minimal baseline. So summary: -5% for dirt/dust -10% for DC to AC -33% for winter season (roughly) -75% for clouds (roughly)
  21. NuShrike

    Powerwall 1.41

    Not exactly sure when, but now 1.41.2 here in SoCal.
  22. NuShrike

    Does Sense energy monitor work with Powerwall?

    Sense monitoring and Powerwall with Solar?
  23. NuShrike

    Storm Watch in CA 9/22/19?

    That better be a really thick cable, as micro-grid to neighbor by extension cable has to be near utility-grid grade, depending on loads.
  24. NuShrike

    Storm Watch in CA 9/22/19?

    With climate-change now starting to hurt, I'm sure infrastructure will start to taking it seriously, if only in CA because of politics.
  25. NuShrike

    SoCal SCE power outages

    Storm Watch should keep your PWs charged as if you're in backup mode. I have to keep turning off SW here in order to drain/charge my PWs off solar.
  26. NuShrike

    Storm Watch in CA 9/22/19?

    Same. SCE but not in any of the announced cut-off counties. This is first email, or 2nd email, that Storm Watch is on.
  27. NuShrike

    SunPower monitoring with Powerwall 2

    My SunPower installer refused to put in consumption CTs in my install, so I'm surprised you have it. I also have a micro-inverter system. I suggest putting your SunPower consumption CTs in the main-panel just after the main breaker into the panel (from the meter), or on the lines that feed the...
  28. NuShrike

    Generac bought Neurio?

    It's kinda awful. Generac also broke IFTTT <-> Neurio integration 2 days ago. No timeline when it's ever coming back. So much for the recent survey Neurio put out and version 2 of their app with more crowd-sourced features. Just get a reskinned app with the same functionality, except history...
  29. NuShrike

    Update 1.40.1

    I have to confirm this. Would be extremely exciting if so!
  30. NuShrike

    Update 1.40.1

    That looks like its usual behavior to discharge-to-reserve when there's enough unused charge-level before the sun comes up. Especially if it's predicting it'll be a sunny-enough day to get it back.
  31. NuShrike

    Update 1.40.1

    A new sub-device firmware upgrade screen in 1.40.1. Broken (for Vivaldi/Chromium based browser), the animation for the glowing dots in the power-flow screen.
  32. NuShrike

    Is my Powerwall an energy vampire?

    Yes, they're in the garage where the temperature averages 80F due to various other computing devices dumping heat ambiently. I do have some minor venting, but that doesn't drop the temperature much even late at night.
  33. NuShrike

    Is my Powerwall an energy vampire?

    Thanks, some really good points there. I haven't been specifically tracking to/from PW although now the app will let me go back and get the numbers. I do go from 100% to reserve every day (midnight reserve is 65%, before dawn reserve is 55%). However, it would be very difficult for me to...
  34. NuShrike

    Powerwall with solar = no grid charging

    It's a mysterious Tesla-only limitation. You could move CTs around to make Tesla think Grid = Solar, at your own responsibility.
  35. NuShrike

    Is my Powerwall an energy vampire?

    From my daily discrepancies between a RainForest Eagle-200, my utility, and the Tesla app numbers, my 2 PWs only drain ~647 Wh (together) a day. This is drain that isn't accounted for in the app's To/From grid. That's ~19 kWh a 30-day month.
  36. NuShrike

    Update 1.40.1

    Search the threads in this forum for API and TBC. I'll follow-up with links if you have a hard time.
  37. NuShrike

    Update 1.40.1

    I'm seeing 1.40.1 here. It was 1.37.1-Neurio-1.4.6 about last week. Don't see any difference yet. It hasn't broken my custom-automation, so that's good for now.
  38. NuShrike

    Sense monitoring and Powerwall with Solar?

    As Support says, don't do it. I have Sense + 2 PWs, and it's just another pile of disappointment on the Sense fire. If you clamp your Solar and PWs together, you loose all ability to track your solar production via Sense. It's also a question of how to clamp them together as PWs can be spread...
  39. NuShrike

    Anatomy of a Balanced Time-Based Control Setup

    Well, since you wrote your own monitor and graphing, why not just advance it a little more and talk to the PW API for more control?
  40. NuShrike

    Powerwall in Self Powered mode

    I use it daytime because self-consumption matches solar (balances utility-draw to +/- 30W) more closely and better than TBC. I set about 65% lower-bound.
  41. NuShrike

    Powerwalls Intervening without a grid outage?

    Could be because of the heat, your neighbor's A/Cs have lowered the utility voltage enough for the PW to kick in. My monitoring shows voltage in my area dropped to its lowest value around 6:15PM on SCE. To 229V from the usual 245V, so it happens.
  42. NuShrike

    TBC with Two Peak TOU periods

    Powerwall 2 Gateway API Documentation TOU api It is via json-rpc, but you can simulate it via scripting, as a few others from this forum have done. Somebody also rigged himself IFTTT integration.
  43. NuShrike

    TBC with Two Peak TOU periods

    My app supplements using the local API, so there's no delay except for my polling period of 5 minutes. Technically, one can have numerous periods just by automatically pushing a changed TBC schedule as needed. This could be scheduled via the owner-API as a phone-app for maximum flexibility...
  44. NuShrike

    Anyone regret having a Powerwall installed?

    I regret: not getting into Step 1 of the SGIP being able to install only 2 instead of 3+, due to rebate restrictions it runs Tesla's inferior TBC software which shows little of Tesla's automobile's software prowess -- this really is the red-headed stepchild division of the company only 1 peak...
  45. NuShrike

    Can you buy too much Solar?

    Annually, the estimates are pretty much on the mark. I also look at daily as that actually matters, vs yearly which is very squishy. For a baseline, a 10 kW system will produce ~60 kWh on an average summer day in SoCal, ~40 kWh on an average winter day, and about 15-30 kWh on an average cloudy...
  46. NuShrike

    Can you buy too much Solar?

    No, Jevon's Paradox. Also, you're not factoring in cloudy days which cuts 2/3rds of your production. 200%+ or live under range-anxiety.
  47. NuShrike

    New "Download My Data" Option in Tesla App

    Yes, that is definitely horrible UI, and there's no quick reset to TODAY either! I'm sure this tiny part will get more polished as time goes by with the base-functionality there. The export is much like Ecobee's, not that exciting. I keep getting slightly tempted to write a better app and...
  48. NuShrike

    New "Download My Data" Option in Tesla App

    I appreciate that I can go to a specific day to read numbers. I used to have 1 day before I lost "yesterday's" numbers. No more! Now if there's just an API description to read out the data, I can automate more of my daily reporting.
  49. NuShrike

    New Cal fire code for Powerwalls?

    Looks like they have to be put on pedestals in the backyard now, like the telephone boxes on the sidewalk. I'm glad they're not making it retroactive.