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Recent content by Magellan55

  1. M

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    wonder how much of this is due to Tinucci coming out way ahead of him (#2 vs #50) in Motor Trend's annual list of most influential auto execs: https://www.motortrend.com/news/2024-motortrend-power-list/
  2. M

    Supercharger Layoffs Affected Progress?

    My guess is he has a buyer for the charging network. ChargePoint or EVGo, etc. He sells them the network and they decide whether to hire any/all of the ex-employees to run it.
  3. M

    Low voltage battery

    Thanks for all the tips. Tesla replaced my battery a few days ago, and for some reason didn't charge me for it? My car has the extended warranty but I didn't think the LVB was covered by it. I didn't even pay the $100 copay.
  4. M

    Low voltage battery

    My LVB warning light came on Sunday, and Tesla mobile service can't get to me until next Monday (8 days). How long have people driven their car after the light came on? i just drove it today and didn't see any issues, but don't want to get stranded somewhere or damage something. i'm keeping...
  5. M

    FSD reflections after 3mo of use

    yes, in two locations in my neighborhood. First one is a left turn onto another street, where you can't go straight or turn right - basically it's just a road with a tight left turn but the two halves are called different names so FSD sees it as turning left from one street to the other. Full...
  6. M

    FSD reflections after 3mo of use

    So FSD seems to have improved a bit with the latest OS 45.15. Car drove me home from a lunch meeting in another town, about 25 minutes total without disengaging or needing input. mix of in-town, redlights, traffic, left turns, right turns, right turn lanes, 4 lane highway, rural twisty 2 lane...
  7. M

    Do tires wear out faster in the front or back of your model S??

    I've been getting pretty even wear on my AWD 100D (19"), and I'm on my 3rd set. Service center even advised not rotating on AWD cars as they see no uneven wear in general.
  8. M

    FSD reflections after 3mo of use

    I actually thought about sticking one of those "new driver - please be patient" magnets on my car when FSD is engaged, except it won't stick :) And yes I'm glad I only paid $3K for FSD. Though it's still not worth it over EAP (back then that included NoAP, autopark). But it's been fun...
  9. M

    FSD reflections after 3mo of use

    Good thread. I'm just playing with FSD, but find it can generally take me home from the grocery store / strip mall about 6 miles from edge of town to my rural home. In general it drives like my teen did the first few times - very cautiously and by-the-book. So I'm mainly just seeing what it...
  10. M

    just installed FSD - now my car has a new beep when in a parking spot or randomly on the road

    Finally got this fixed. Took my car in early Friday morning, and it didn't get resolved until Monday (today). Apparently the new FSD board needed a patch before the firmware would recognize it, and only one guy knew how to do it. I asked if this was a common issue with the FSD installs on...
  11. M

    just installed FSD - now my car has a new beep when in a parking spot or randomly on the road

    So I got the new FSD computer installed on Monday (2018, was on HW2.5, MCU2, 2022.16.1.2), and ever since i get this constant beeping (louder than the parking sensor one) from behind me when parked in my garage or in a parking spot with cars around. it also randomly happens on the road, even...
  12. M

    Help - paper slipped into crevice where center console cover slides

    No, I never did figure out a way, short of ripping out the center console. The paper stopped making the crinkling sound when i opened the cover, so i just left it there. Good luck with yours - if you do find a way, please post!
  13. M

    new feature? passenger temp control auto-enabled when passenger sensed

    maybe I'm late to the game, but ever since the UI rewrite it seemed my passenger temp control would randomly appear and disappear (I typically keep it synced). then I started noticing the passenger one was only there when my wife was in the passenger seat, and since she's always fiddling with...
  14. M

    how long do Model S shocks last?

    So my kids have been complaining of getting car sick recently when in my car (front or rear seat). They never have before. I'm coming up on 4 years / 45k miles. I have noticed more body movement (pitch and roll) on windy undulating roads. So I'm wondering if my shocks are already shot? My...
  15. M

    Yay climate controls back on launcher on 2022.12.1

    We got our climate controls back on the app launcher strip with 2022.12.1! Looks like we can't get passenger seat heater but at least get options for the driver and defrost. These are way more useful to me than all the other apps.