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  1. M

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    wonder how much of this is due to Tinucci coming out way ahead of him (#2 vs #50) in Motor Trend's annual list of most influential auto execs: https://www.motortrend.com/news/2024-motortrend-power-list/
  2. M

    Supercharger Layoffs Affected Progress?

    My guess is he has a buyer for the charging network. ChargePoint or EVGo, etc. He sells them the network and they decide whether to hire any/all of the ex-employees to run it.
  3. M

    Low voltage battery

    Thanks for all the tips. Tesla replaced my battery a few days ago, and for some reason didn't charge me for it? My car has the extended warranty but I didn't think the LVB was covered by it. I didn't even pay the $100 copay.
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    Low voltage battery

    My LVB warning light came on Sunday, and Tesla mobile service can't get to me until next Monday (8 days). How long have people driven their car after the light came on? i just drove it today and didn't see any issues, but don't want to get stranded somewhere or damage something. i'm keeping...
  5. M

    FSD reflections after 3mo of use

    yes, in two locations in my neighborhood. First one is a left turn onto another street, where you can't go straight or turn right - basically it's just a road with a tight left turn but the two halves are called different names so FSD sees it as turning left from one street to the other. Full...
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    FSD reflections after 3mo of use

    So FSD seems to have improved a bit with the latest OS 45.15. Car drove me home from a lunch meeting in another town, about 25 minutes total without disengaging or needing input. mix of in-town, redlights, traffic, left turns, right turns, right turn lanes, 4 lane highway, rural twisty 2 lane...
  7. M

    Do tires wear out faster in the front or back of your model S??

    I've been getting pretty even wear on my AWD 100D (19"), and I'm on my 3rd set. Service center even advised not rotating on AWD cars as they see no uneven wear in general.
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    FSD reflections after 3mo of use

    I actually thought about sticking one of those "new driver - please be patient" magnets on my car when FSD is engaged, except it won't stick :) And yes I'm glad I only paid $3K for FSD. Though it's still not worth it over EAP (back then that included NoAP, autopark). But it's been fun...
  9. M

    FSD reflections after 3mo of use

    Good thread. I'm just playing with FSD, but find it can generally take me home from the grocery store / strip mall about 6 miles from edge of town to my rural home. In general it drives like my teen did the first few times - very cautiously and by-the-book. So I'm mainly just seeing what it...
  10. M

    just installed FSD - now my car has a new beep when in a parking spot or randomly on the road

    Finally got this fixed. Took my car in early Friday morning, and it didn't get resolved until Monday (today). Apparently the new FSD board needed a patch before the firmware would recognize it, and only one guy knew how to do it. I asked if this was a common issue with the FSD installs on...
  11. M

    just installed FSD - now my car has a new beep when in a parking spot or randomly on the road

    So I got the new FSD computer installed on Monday (2018, was on HW2.5, MCU2, 2022.16.1.2), and ever since i get this constant beeping (louder than the parking sensor one) from behind me when parked in my garage or in a parking spot with cars around. it also randomly happens on the road, even...
  12. M

    Help - paper slipped into crevice where center console cover slides

    No, I never did figure out a way, short of ripping out the center console. The paper stopped making the crinkling sound when i opened the cover, so i just left it there. Good luck with yours - if you do find a way, please post!
  13. M

    new feature? passenger temp control auto-enabled when passenger sensed

    maybe I'm late to the game, but ever since the UI rewrite it seemed my passenger temp control would randomly appear and disappear (I typically keep it synced). then I started noticing the passenger one was only there when my wife was in the passenger seat, and since she's always fiddling with...
  14. M

    how long do Model S shocks last?

    So my kids have been complaining of getting car sick recently when in my car (front or rear seat). They never have before. I'm coming up on 4 years / 45k miles. I have noticed more body movement (pitch and roll) on windy undulating roads. So I'm wondering if my shocks are already shot? My...
  15. M

    Yay climate controls back on launcher on 2022.12.1

    We got our climate controls back on the app launcher strip with 2022.12.1! Looks like we can't get passenger seat heater but at least get options for the driver and defrost. These are way more useful to me than all the other apps.
  16. M

    Seat Heater Selection

    Agreed - would be nice if the seat heaters could be added to the menu of items that can be put on the bottom bar. I really don't use anything else on the screen other than music, rear view, and occasionally the browser. So I have plenty of room to add the seat heaters back in, and the...
  17. M

    Lucid Releases Video Foreshadowing Air's Crazy 1/4-Mile Acceleration

    And then where will you recharge when you get to San Fran? I've been holding off driving to see my mom outside of Philly because there's nowhere to charge near her. But Tesla is building a supercharger station about 2 miles away from her retirement community, so I can finally stop flying...
  18. M

    Yoke Steering

    Yes, but we got a whole lot for giving up the buttons, like a huge screen that can be configured, watch movies on, see a map, etc. What are you getting in return for having to learn a whole new way of steering your car?
  19. M

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Maybe my cameras just need to be realigned then (the car is clean, so it's not dirt). Just this morning I was merging from 147S to I-40W, easy onramp, driving manually (not on AP), with nothing in the right lane and an 18 wheeler parallel to me in the center lane. As I merged into the right...
  20. M

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Then someone needs to tell my car that. EAP always fails at highway merging and disengages for me.
  21. M

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Right, so my question is whether HW3+FSD Beta can do highway merges now. That would help determine if the car is sensor-limited or SW/CPU limited. I'm scheduled to get the HW3 upgrade in a few weeks, but I have no idea when I'll get the FSD SW since I'm not a Beta customer.
  22. M

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    So how does the FSD beta and HW3 handle highway onramp/merging? This still sucks for me on HW2.5. My car never sees the one in the lane I'm trying to merge into, or sees a car two lanes over and thinks it's in the merge lane so doesn't merge. Either way it's a borked merge and I have to take...
  23. M

    No more new features on HW2.5 cars?

    Is it just me, or has it been a year+ since we have gotten any new car features (not counting games as car features)? I tripped across a glove box PIN control I've never seen before, but I don't know low long we've had it. Is all development now just for FSD?
  24. M

    Yoke Steering

    @omarsultan , after driving for several weeks, have you found any advantages of the yoke over the round wheel of your previous Teslas? We had to get used to several things on our Tesla's (one-pedal driving, touch screen everything), but they always have advantages that quickly outweigh the new...
  25. M

    Yoke Steering

    Maybe the yoke is limited to the sporty S, and the more practical X will have a wheel? I can see this impacting X sales more than S. I thought of another vehicle I've driven with a yoke - a go cart. And it had 1/2 turn lock-lock. Worked great. Like MT stated, they just need to amp up the...
  26. M

    Yoke Steering

    How is the yoke for driving in reverse, like backing into/out of a parking spot or parallel parking, when you are turned around looking behind you and not at the wheel? My state driver's manual states you're supposed to grab the top of the wheel when in reverse, so you can steer the car with...
  27. M

    Federal Tax Credit may be coming back for Tesla purchases

    I think it would be difficult to track whether individuals bought a car on or after date "X" in the middle of a year, though they could always ask for the sales contract (which the IRS didn't do the last time). More likely they will give the tax credit to anyone buying an EV in the year the law...
  28. M

    Federal Tax Credit may be coming back for Tesla purchases

    Now I'm wondering what this proposed law will do to Tesla's US sales. How many will wait to buy until it passes? We're considering a 3-row Y to replace my wife's Highlander, and we're definitely in the wait-and-see mode now.
  29. M

    Federal Tax Credit may be coming back for Tesla purchases

    So the used vehicle tax credit is refundable according to that link above. That means if you don't owe enough tax (or any tax), the feds send you a check. no mention of this for new vehicles, and from what I can find on the IRS site the original credit was not refundable. So this could really...
  30. M

    7 Seater Pics and Details

    Musk just has a thing about 3rd row seats. He put them in the S way back at the beginning. And he made sure the Plaid running around the 'Ring was a 3-row, just for bragging rights. Still, this fits the use case for many who buy a 3-row SUV, especially the smaller ones. Used just for...
  31. M

    7 Seater Pics and Details

    Same here, and these seats don't look much different than our Highlander 3rd row, except maybe headroom. Our 3rd kid generally sits sideways across the 3rd row, so legroom is moot.
  32. M

    Is anyone impressed with the overly-hyped "holiday update"?

    Maybe smaller fonts needed to make the left and right sides smaller so the middle part of the screen has more space for autopilot visuals. Seems to be why they rearranged the AP / speed limit icons at the top too. I do hate the smaller car graphic though - I can't see the clouds/stars...
  33. M

    Tesla's next Factory?

    Just reading the tea leaves: - Musk raising another $5B - Musk moving to Texas - Musk fighting the Alameda county COVID restrictions earlier this year - Several Valley companies moving out of CA - multiple CA pro-business propositions failed in the election Just a guess, but is Musk now...
  34. M

    Supercharger - Cary, NC

    With all the apartments nearby filled with young techies I would guess they put it there in part to allow folks without garages to be able to own a Tesla. It's not exactly convenient to a major throughway (540 doesn't count as it's tolled there and hardly ever has cars on it) like all the early...
  35. M

    Ahh Tesla Service...Well, it’s come to this

    I've come to the conclusion that a Tesla is a high tech car with poor quality and service. You're paying for the tech and performance (what other car can do 0-60 in 2.3s for ~100K?). If you want higher quality and service, pay 2x and get a Taycan Turbo S.
  36. M

    Electric Motor Efficiency vs. Increased Speeds

    Wind resistance increases by the square of speed. So wind resistance at 60 mph is 4x that of 30 mph. Friction and other factors dominate at low speeds, but wind resistance becomes dominant around highway speeds (varies by type of car, coefficient of drag, etc.).
  37. M

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    I think it's simpler than all this - Elon looked around and realized humans drive just fine just using vision. So he bet it all that a vision-based system will win in the end. I'm not convinced that the monocular cameras that are on the cars will achieve what he wants though. No sense of...
  38. M

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    So I'm wondering if this rewrite fixed the phantom braking that has appeared in recent builds? I've heard from numerous co-workers that have been experiencing it (me too), on both HW2.5 and 3.0 cars. So much for Tesla's regression test suites - if it's not catching this new bug in current...
  39. M

    Vinegar smell inside in the morning

    Hey at least I'm not driving a Prius or Subaru wagon...
  40. M

    Model S needs a major visual overhaul, and Plaid announcement means it's not happening [Speculation]

    I swear when I did the plant tour last year I saw X and S bodies intermixed on the same line...
  41. M

    Model S needs a major visual overhaul, and Plaid announcement means it's not happening [Speculation]

    Wow - hard to keep up with this thread. I had a hard time choosing between glass and pano roofs, but at least I had a choice. My kids preferred the pano just because of the support beam across the middle - they were freaked out about something falling through the all-glass roof! But I...
  42. M

    Model S needs a major visual overhaul, and Plaid announcement means it's not happening [Speculation]

    I think the original point with the 911 comparison is that no one other than a Porschefile can tell the difference between the past 3 generations - spanning what, 15 years? 997/991/992.
  43. M

    Vinegar smell inside in the morning

    OK I'll remove the hand sanitizer for a few days and see if the smell returns. Seems about right timing, as it started a few months ago. I just assumed it would smell more of alcohol than vinegar so didn't think of it. Also I haven't serviced the car at all yet - is the AC desiccant due at 2...
  44. M

    Vinegar smell inside in the morning

    so lately my car smells of vinegar when I get in after parking overnight in my garage. It quickly goes away as I start to drive, and I don't notice it again for a few days. My daughter noticed it too. I generally don't eat in my car, and don't have much stored in the center console other than...
  45. M

    Blog Lucid Motors to Debut Luxury EV Priced $169K

    My guess is most of their initial customers will be current Tesla owners looking for something different since the S hasn't changed much. I don't see much here to sway ICE owners that haven't been swayed by Tesla already (or even some of the other EV's now like Taycan, eTron, i-Pace, etc). The...
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    Blog Lucid Motors to Debut Luxury EV Priced $169K

    Actually we don't know what the base model has - likely not dual motor, likely smaller battery. Maybe equivalent to the old RWD S75. Seems the "touring" is closest to the current base S100D, and "Grand Touring" closest to the P100D in terms of performance. So like the Taycan, higher cost gets...
  47. M

    Cream Interior, Oak Paneling

    Agreed, the cream/oak interior has a simple Scandinavian feel to it. Understated luxury. I've had passengers run their hands over it to feel the grain, it's so unique compared to the gloss finish of typical wood trim.
  48. M

    Is Tesla's UI intuitive or not? It is for digital natives

    My son's Civic has Android auto, and it's so glitchy he doesn't use it - just does BT from his phone.
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    Lucid Releases Video Foreshadowing Air's Crazy 1/4-Mile Acceleration

    ...and by the time they are making / selling them in quantity, what will Tesla's range and 0-60 be? Why do they all keep skating to where the puck was?
  50. M

    Is Tesla's UI intuitive or not? It is for digital natives

    My 15 year old wanted to sit in my car to do her virtual class since our house AC was being worked on and her room was too hot. But she wanted to turn on the cabin lights so she wasn't in the dark in our garage, and I couldn't help as I was in my own Webex. Didn't take her long to figure out...