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WTB - Model S Carbon Fiber Spoiler

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After much angst I've just finalized on a non-performance 85Kwh Model S, but I do like the CF spoiler. Is anyone out there buying a P85, but not wanting the spoiler, able to add it to their spec? I understand from some threads you're able to specify it's not attached at delivery.

I've no idea what a fair price would be, but I'd be happy to agree a price before you finalize your order. Please PM me if this is of interest.
I thought there was some discussion that the spoiler could negatively impact range. If it does, is it still something you want?
Even if that doesn't bother you, I'd still wait to see the car before you buy the spoiler. I don't miss the spoiler on my non-perf at all...in fact I think I prefer the smother streamlined design. The whole car has soft edges everywhere and adding that one sharp edge of the spoiler would ruin that for me.
I thought there was some discussion that the spoiler could negatively impact range. If it does, is it still something you want?

Doesn't bother me. I've got the 19" wheels coming on mine, so I suspect the range benefit of those over the 21's offset's the spoiler, and even if it didn't, I'd still sacrifice a few miles of range for the looks of the spoiler.
I just had my spoiler installed last week after having the car for about a month. The car is red so the spoiler's look is a little more subdued than on a white or silver car. I figure I can have it taken off if I decide I don't like it, but at this point I think it improves the look.
I recently purchased one from a member who did not put it on his S. For comparison, we compared it to the performance spoiler in CF that BMW offers for the 1 series. Being very open to everyone, I paid $500 for mine, which was in line with the final price that I could pick up the BMW Performance CF spoiler with discounts.
I was just told by a tesla agent that the retail on the piece is 699.
Since it's brand new and never installed AND it's not even available from Tesla (backordered), I'm going to offer it up for exactly retail plus shipping.
I'll be posting up a new forsale thread if any of you aren't interested.

spoiler market price

My S didn't come with the spoiler installed... it's coming in next week or soon... I may be up for selling it (new and uninstalled)... what's tesla charging for it? Market price?

I spoke to Tesla service yesterday (they seem to know the most) and they are doing research for me. I can ask him to give me a price. I will be glad coming up with a price that you think is fair also.