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WTB: extra set of wheels for a Roadster

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Hi all,

I'm looking for an extra set of wheels for my new-to-me Roadster. If anyone has a set they are willing to get rid of, please let me know. They need not be in pristine condition as I want to have them refinished.

Thanks in advance
Richard (in CA)

Not wheels but have you seen the "must have" new Roadster owner list? Lots of things to make life easier and more fun.

Are you N or South?
I have not seen the "must have" list....where can I find it? I am in SoCal (but the Roadster came from up North!)

Here are some threads that cover new owner info.

Hello From... Santa Cruz (Surf City), California

What would you tell a new Roadster owner?
new owner questions (Roadster))

We owners in SoCal have a club. SoCalgreenspeed.com PM me and i'll put you on the mailing list if you are interested.

Our next meet with Roadsters and Model S is LA's Famous Motor4toys.com