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WTB : 40 kWh Model S

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Does inventory cars apply for $7.500 tax incentive? If not, why buy an inventory car for $60.000 is a brand costs the same and apply for incentive?

They do, unless the inventory car is a trade in that was previously titled. If it is a trade in, the tax credit is already taken into account when they determine the price of the vehicle. From what I understand, Tesla has taken a few trade ins, and expects to take significantly more trade ins when Model X deliveries start.

I have a 40 and it was one of the last one's made (per the VIN thread on the 40's). Somedays I feel I made the perfect choice and then there are some days when I wish I went for the P85 (although the price difference is very difficult to think about!). It is white and has the tech package, Black Nappa leather, Pano Roof and an extended warranty (8 years). Does anyone know what I might get for it on the used market? It is in MINT condition and has about 4,500 miles on it.

I have a 40 and it was one of the last one's made (per the VIN thread on the 40's). Somedays I feel I made the perfect choice and then there are some days when I wish I went for the P85 (although the price difference is very difficult to think about!). It is white and has the tech package, Black Nappa leather, Pano Roof and an extended warranty (8 years). Does anyone know what I might get for it on the used market? It is in MINT condition and has about 4,500 miles on it.

I dont know what you could get for it, but if you are willing to sell in in the low 50's, I would love to talk to you :)

- - - Updated - - -

There is a red 40kw limited battery that can be software upgraded to 60 kW in first page today for sale. It has 10k miles and the guy is asking 62k for it.

ian B

Thanks, I saw this, and while the car is perfect in just about every way, at a firm 62 it is simply a little bit out of the price range of what I can pay at this time.