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WTB : 40 kWh Model S

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Now owns 2 Model S's!!!
Nov 29, 2011
Harrison Ohio
My original plan was to wait for Gen III, but I may now actually be in a position to buy a Model S, if I can find one at a price point that fits into my budget. I am looking for a 40 kWh Model S without allot of options at a price point around $50,000 (give or take a little bit, depending on options). If you have a 40 that you are interested in selling, please message me and we can discus the vehicle. Thanks!
Tesla periodically has 60kwh Model Ss under $60,000 as inventory cars if that's still in your range. Would come with a full warranty. They don't advertise them, you'd have to call and ask.

I am actually planning on stopping by the Kenwood Tesla store this week to chat with them about this. 60k would be pushing my price range a bit, but I am not in a rush to buy, and can wait for the right car at the right price. If a 40 is available at the right price, I will jump on it, as I am still convinced that the 40 is an incredible value, and would meet my needs very well. Im still kicking my own butt for not hanging onto my reservation and buying one when I had the chance (in my defense, when I canceled my reservation, everyone thought the 40 would only have 34 kWh usable on a standard charge, and would have no option to upgrade to 60 or supercharging)
Hope you find one, too, Rifleman. I'm looking for a 60 in the range that PokerBroker described, but my contact at Easton told me it was unlikely; I asked him to let me know if he got one anyway. I did see someone trying to sell their 60 on here not too long ago with an ask of $65k. Good luck!
I am actually planning on stopping by the Kenwood Tesla store this week to chat with them about this. 60k would be pushing my price range a bit, but I am not in a rush to buy, and can wait for the right car at the right price. If a 40 is available at the right price, I will jump on it, as I am still convinced that the 40 is an incredible value, and would meet my needs very well. Im still kicking my own butt for not hanging onto my reservation and buying one when I had the chance (in my defense, when I canceled my reservation, everyone thought the 40 would only have 34 kWh usable on a standard charge, and would have no option to upgrade to 60 or supercharging)

Rifleman. You can see myself, Nick Sietz or John Van Cleave. I will be there tonight and tomorrow night. We can search to see whats available for you.
Well, after looking at the pricing on the 40's that are available on the market, and talking with the guy at the Kenwood Tesla store about buying an inventory car, I have decided to put down a deposit for a Model S with a deferred delivery of September 2015 (when my volt lease is up). This will allow me to snag any inventory car that pops up in my price range, and, if I am never able to find an inventory car, will put a brand new Tesla in my garage at the end of my Volt lease (if I buy now, my wife would take over the volt, and we would trade her car in for the Tesla) Either way, it is now official that my next car will be a Model S :)
Grats Rifleman!! Is it refundable if you're able to find a private deal on a used one?

It will be refundable for a short time, and then at some point will lock in and be a confirmed, non refundable reservation. After seeing the pricing on the 3-4 different 40's that are on the market right now, I think I will most likely be best served going for a demo 60. Hopefully our friends at Tesla can find one for me. Until Tesla catches up supply to match demand, I think most used Model S's will hold a premium over other similarly aged used vehicles. I will definitely keep everyone posted as my search progresses.
Price on a 40 might actually go up. Tesla service is now calling the 40kWh car a "limited Edition"... :)

I still have a gut feeling in a few years Tesla will simply decide it is not worth the cost to maintain the software differences for the 40 in new updates to the Model S, and will simply upgrade all 40 users to make the issue go away. Between owners who have already upgraded, and trade ins that Tesla upgraded, there cant be that many 40's left.