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WARNING: I rear-ended someone today while using Auto Pilot in my brand new P90D!

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TACC just doesn't work that way. TACC never assumes you are going to change lanes. In the video you are talking about TACC did not pick up the new target car that was stopped in the lane the Model S was travelling in, as the old target car was turning.
The car never assumes a lane change, but when a car changes lanes in front of you revealing a stopped car, it has no way of differentiating this from the case of a curve in the road with a fixed object ahead. As a result, the car often assumes you will continue to follow the moving car around the curve instead of drive in to the stopped car.
There's no good way to fix this without also having the car slam on the brakes every time you have a curve in the road with a fixed object (parked car, billboard, big rock, jersey barrier) on the outside of the curve.
[I wrote "tacc does sometimes see car in your lane and thimk you will drive around it. See th3 blue prius video. Where tracked car changes lanes to go into a turning lane revealing a stopped car in front of it. The tacc has to decide will the tesla follow the tracked car thus going around the stopped car? Or will it stay in this lane and thus need to stopbehind the stopped car?"]

TACC just doesn't work that way. TACC never assumes you are going to change lanes. In the video you are talking about TACC did not pick up the new target car that was stopped in the lane the Model S was travelling in, as the old target car was turning.

"TACC did not pick up the new target car that was stopped in the lane"

is ambiguous between:

1) TACC did not switch the target/following car to the car that was stopped in the lane (even though it may have sensed that something was there -- as it almost certainly did -- because it's right there!).

2) TACC did not sense (even as parked car or other fixed object of some kind) the car that was stopped in the lane.

I think what happened is Case 1 above. TACC *did* pick up the car that was stopped, just as it often picks up parked cars. But it didn't label it a target to be followed, and thus stopped, because it was projecting some other path, such as following an original tracked car which was driving around it.

This happens all the time when the Tesla doesn't screech to a halt when there are cars that are parked in a way just past two lanes merging into one where the merged lane is replaced with a lane of parked cars. TACC senses the stopped cars, but doesn't slam on the brakes each time because it predicts usually correctly, that parked cars shouldn't be followed but rather driven around.

This can cause problems when the driver is steering, and plots a different course than TACC (e.g., driver: I will stay in this lane and expect TACC to stop behind the new car in front of me vs. I will follow the currently tracked car and drive around that stopped/parked car directly in front of me and thus expect TACC to follow the other car (or even if there is no other car, simply know that I will be in the other lane) rather than stop behind a parked car).

But Autosteer replacing the driver steer should avoid this mismatch -- TACC and autosteer should agree on whether to stop behind a stopped/parked car, or plot a path around it and maintain speed.
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The car never assumes a lane change, but when a car changes lanes in front of you revealing a stopped car, it has no way of differentiating this from the case of a curve in the road with a fixed object ahead. As a result, the car often assumes you will continue to follow the moving car around the curve instead of drive in to the stopped car.
There's no good way to fix this without also having the car slam on the brakes every time you have a curve in the road with a fixed object (parked car, billboard, big rock, jersey barrier) on the outside of the curve.

yes exactly -- and more succinctly than I explained it.
yes exactly -- and more succinctly than I explained it.

I see this as one of the last remaining holes that needs to be closed and I'm not sure if the current combination of hardware is sufficient to close it. That being said, if your on a freeway that's going in a straight line I'd like to think the system should be able to discern that since you didn't change lanes or follow that car, what it's now seeing is your lane being stopped\obstructed and react accordingly.

I see this as one of the last remaining holes that needs to be closed and I'm not sure if the current combination of hardware is sufficient to close it. That being said, if your on a freeway that's going in a straight line I'd like to think the system should be able to discern that since you didn't change lanes or follow that car, what it's now seeing is your lane being stopped\obstructed and react accordingly.
It won't know that you didn't follow the car until it's too late. And it currently doesn't have the information to know that the freeway continues in a straight line instead of a curve. Even if it relied on the maps (horribly outdated by the way) it wouldn't be able to handle a situation where a road changes from the map data, which happens more often than you might like.
I'm not certain how much more sensors would help, this feels more like a really tough software problem than a "throw more hardware at it" problem.
It won't know that you didn't follow the car until it's too late. And it currently doesn't have the information to know that the freeway continues in a straight line instead of a curve. Even if it relied on the maps (horribly outdated by the way) it wouldn't be able to handle a situation where a road changes from the map data, which happens more often than you might like.
I'm not certain how much more sensors would help, this feels more like a really tough software problem than a "throw more hardware at it" problem.

I hear you completely. Although I'd argue the map data is accurate enough to be used, if it isn't already, in regards to how the system calculates actions and reactions.

I hear you completely. Although I'd argue the map data is accurate enough to be used, if it isn't already, in regards to how the system calculates actions and reactions.
I think the map data could help inform it's decisions, but I worry it will cause problems similar to people reporting oddball slowdowns on straight sections of highway where a curve may once have been on a previous roadway. I also am uncertain how small a curve could be in a road and still be placed accurately to help, keep in mind how slight a curve would be to match the amount of sideways movement of a simple lane change. one of those could be off by quite a distance on a map without anyone knowing.

This is likely where Elon's touted hyper-accurate mapping comes in. In places with that level of detail you could do this, without it I'd be much more suspicious.
So this forum has <10% of owners on it.
Of those only a tiny proportion are interested enough to contribute to this thread.

And I am actually very concerned at the lack of consistent knowledge (my own included) by this select group about how these critical assistance systems actually operate.

This, I think requires susbstantially more pro-active education by Tesla (emailing owners with links to videos for example) in order that owners can understand properly how they work, how to interact with them and their limitations.

If ppl here are arguing about it, you can bet that the typical owner knows a whole lot less.

Nobody is querying the fact they are assistance systems and the driver retains responsibility but (especially) as new technology owners should be educated as to their functionality and limitations.
And yes, I am talking about far more pro-active than rtfm, which at least 50% of the population wont do as a matter of pride, along with never asking for directions.
No one is going to kill themselves or anyone else by incorrectly operating an iPhone.

I would not use iphone whilst charging. Some people got zapped.

Also when my ipad is charging, I can feel tingling on the metal surface if I touch it. I only charge it when it is away from flammable stuff. Better safe than sorry.

All my chargers are original Apple chargers.
No one is going to kill themselves or anyone else by incorrectly operating an iPhone.

And what follows from that?

The Tesla UI needn't strive to be intuitive?

Handguns are used by people to kill themselves and used incorrectly.
What follows from that?

A large percentage of the people will not read the manual for a handgun or for a Telsa.

Well designed cars, guns, cell phones, and everything else operate as intuitively as possible.