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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Does this qualify as blood in the streets?

I have dry powder (at least for what I perceive to be a monumental buying opp. this is certainly getting there). But now everyone wants to see where the bottom is. I am curious my self. Looking to triple my position at the right price, but why should anyone be in a hurry? The dark forces aligned against TSLA are very well coordinated at the moment. Tesla should learn from them and emulate their psy ops in the future. FWIW, have been buying bits and pieces all the way down.

So, dominant BEV company in exploding BEV market does not seem to mean much right now. All I know is that it will at some point. And worst case TSLA has got two years of money left.

I think they are exiting 2020 at a million cars a year with the best autonomous available as well. What will stock be then?
Holding reduces the artificial volatility you folks are trying to induce. Volatility reduces the price a bit and may scare off the weak or ill-informed.

If you really cared about helping Tesla, as someone mentioned previously, buying Tesla’s products with your money would make a greater impact than buying and holding shares from another investor. Buying the product given the margins Tesla supposedly have puts more resources directly into the company’s efforts and, more importantly, their profits—> higher SP.

Individual investors aren’t going to make a noticeable difference with the small amount of shares we sporadically trade/invest.
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Anyone else laugh out loud, like I did, by the potentially obvious phallic symbol representation of Gigafactory 1 with these ridiculous stats for the Robotaxi? Wasn't the audience the institutional investors?

View attachment 410717

...it's dawned on me that I might still have the mind of a child, in my 30's, and Elon Musk isn't thinking like this. With that said, I'm really not sure anymore based on the current circumstances in the stock price.

Uhh.... yeah.... ok o_O

I suggest you not check what the products at Elon's other company look like then.
If huge brokerage houses are selling and replaced by the individual investor, is there a positive to that?

In my very unexpert opinion, I would think this would be a large positive.

I place the likelihood that institutional investors try to manipulate the stock price at 100%. I would feel much more comfortable with thousands of small investors deciding when and how many shares they want to buy or sell, than I do with a giant institutional investor who can move tons of shares all at once and impact the stock price significantly, and benefit themselves from that price move.
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Tesla gave the 90-100k guidance at the end of April, well into the quarter. So they must have had a good insight in deliveries and orders up to that moment, and had confidence in giving that guidance. Is it really that hard to reach 90k? They need to deliver 27k more cars than in Q1. That does not seem impossible given the spillover from Q1 to Q2, the horrible 12k S and X in Q1, and Model 3 production picking up steam (SR+). In Q1 they delivered half of the cars during the last 10 days. What if they do the same this time? (even if it not desirable, due to the stress it puts on employees and customers).

I could be wrong, I think Q2 will turn out to be tough, same for Q3 and Q4. Tesla needs high sales number to be profitable.

If production goes up, and demand goes up faster, then I wouldn't be worried. I always think EV demand will pick up quickly because it's so much better and TCO is pretty competitive, but outside this small circle, most people think EV demand will remain limited for years.

That's why I said Tesla should try to experiment with one city, see how much real demand they can get if the public is fully aware of the Model 3. The benefit of this experiment can be very significant.
If huge brokerage houses are selling and replaced by the individual investor, is there a positive to that?

In my very unexpert opinion, I would think this would be a large positive.

I place the likelihood that institutional investors try to manipulate the stock price at 100%. I would feel much more comfortable with thousands of small investors deciding when and how many shares they want to buy or sell, than I do with a giant institutional investor who can move tons of shares all at once and impact the stock price significantly, and benefit themselves from that price move.
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Does this qualify as blood in the streets?

I have dry powder (at least for what I perceive to be a monumental buying opp. this is certainly getting there). But now everyone wants to see where the bottom is. I am curious my self. Looking to triple my position at the right price, but why should anyone be in a hurry? The dark forces aligned against TSLA are very well coordinated at the moment. Tesla should learn from them and emulate their psy ops in the future. FWIW, have been buying bits and pieces all the way down.

So, dominant BEV company in exploding BEV market does not seem to mean much right now. All I know is that it will at some point. And worst case TSLA has got two years of money left.

I think they are exiting 2020 at a million cars a year with the best autonomous available as well. What will stock be then?

Because you guys forget that manipulation goes BOTH ways. Once the institutions see enough shorts, they will want to pump for the squeeze.

It's all about making that money. Fundamentals Strundamentals.
I'm making a joke poking fun at the situation the stock and this investment forum is in...

No fun allowed.
I wonder if the opposite is happening. I think the individual investor has been scared into selling, and the institutions are just waiting on the sidelines to see how cheap they can buy the shares. Then they will start buying like crazy and cause a mild squeeze all the way back to 360.

Institutional Investors and tesla insiders are exiting in droves. Mostly retail sellers buying now.
Where's all the dry powder talk? This is when we buy. Who cares it's a falling knife. When I was down 32% @ 9.5 with AMD, people said it was going down to 2 dollars. Morgan Stanley said 6 dollars. Everyone said it's a *sugar* stock. My peers said I should just take my loses. I doubled down and doubled my position.

One bad quarter and everyone is extrapolating Tesla as a doomed company? You know just a year ago people were trying to figure out if Tesla is even capable of making cars for mass production. Elon yelling at investors, admitting not knowing what he is doing, working 120hrs/week and the company sounds like a cluster F.

I like your spirit! In fairness, it is tough to hold and/or buy for many considering the steep SP decline, especially for those that have certain near term financial obligations and considerations.

I thought about buying AMD then, but didn't (should have taken your advice)!
Where's all the dry powder talk? This is when we buy. Who cares it's a falling knife. When I was down 32% @ 9.5 with AMD, people said it was going down to 2 dollars. Morgan Stanley said 6 dollars. Everyone said it's a *sugar* stock. My peers said I should just take my loses. I doubled down and doubled my position.

One bad quarter and everyone is extrapolating Tesla as a doomed company? You know just a year ago people were trying to figure out if Tesla is even capable of making cars for mass production. Elon yelling at investors, admitting not knowing what he is doing, working 120hrs/week and the company sounds like a cluster F.

Putting my money where my mouth is... share #1, meet your new friend: share #2.

Of course, I kid, but I did truly increase my holdings 10% at $193.

In actuality, I have more than 1 share, but less than Elon. :p
Tesla gave the 90-100k guidance at the end of April, well into the quarter. So they must have had a good insight in deliveries and orders up to that moment, and had confidence in giving that guidance. Is it really that hard to reach 90k? They need to deliver 27k more cars than in Q1. That does not seem impossible given the spillover from Q1 to Q2, the horrible 12k S and X in Q1, and Model 3 production picking up steam (SR+). In Q1 they delivered half of the cars during the last 10 days. What if they do the same this time? (even if it is not desirable, due to the stress it puts on employees and customers).

Sure its possible. Would be awesome if they did 100K cars. Maybe that's why we are getting the wink from Musk?
Institutional Investors and tesla insiders are exiting in droves. Mostly retail sellers buying now.

Lol insider selling huh? Certain institutes are selling and I think it's pretty apparent what why(here's a hint, has nothing to do with Tesla's actual business). New poster with 5 posts lies about insider selling. At least try and make it not so obvious.
$2000+. Solving autonomy first with a clear lead over rivals would make Tesla one of the most valuable companies in the world. BTW, no way in hell tat will happen in 2020.

Did not say they would solve FSD. Said they would have the best autonomy on the market. And you do not see a path to exiting 2020 at twenty thousand cars a week between China and US factories? OK, how about 16000 a week. Does that sound more plausible? Have not even mentioned the batteries....
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