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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Would that they quit for good…

Ironically, without all the ill-conceived hedgie plots against Tesla, TSLA would probably only have a Market Cap of about $60B right now, and be just another emerging EV automaker.

And I don't just just mean the effect of all the diabolical shorting (Short Interest was up by 2.2M shares on Sep 30). Elon is remarkably non-plussed by big swings in TSLA (he has the long view of the company).

I'm talking about all the lies and trash talk by the shortzes and financial media. They called Elon out, defied him to succeed, barred the gate. And so, he laid his body on the line: It's Victory or Death. Come home with your shield, or on it. Fore or Against. No prisoners.


His is the creed of the King of the Spartans. Soon to be Elon of Mars.

Godspeed, Brother.
I can't recall -- is this guy an anestethiologist? Maybe passed too much gas? Just a thought.

I concur: Pass him silently. You will still be remembered though.
Haha, you have a good memory. My anesthesiologist friend is currently in the process of moving out in a condo while renovating his house plowing all the money he is making from work into his residence. It seems to really stress him out so I told him to never invest in TSLA seeing the level of stress he gets from renovating his house. But they are not the same person, unfortunately.

I'm curious, do you know WHY he believes Tesla will peak and collapse? What are his reasons?
He only see Tesla as an automotive company and doesn’t justify Tesla being worth more than all the automakers combine. He says they will lose market to a Chinese EVs since Tesla doesn’t have enough proprietary patents and he think others will catch up. Then he said Samsung had 500 patents, 5 times more than Tesla and Tesla should be valued less and his prediction is a collapse like Nortel. People made fun of him when he sold Nortel for a profit before it collapsed and he think history will repeat itself with Tesla.
And what a trade! He's deleted his Twitter account right before making this public. How courageous. Poor guy was going full alt-right crazy these past days. /r/burryology was just becoming interesting... Hope he'll recover soon!
He'll probably be back, eventually, angry and determined to show everyone how he was always right about TSLA. And then he'll step on that rake again.
Edit: $50 more to go to ATH boyz and girlz.
View attachment 722072

pfffff, all time high, who cares, I want it to move ahead of Facebook on the leader board. ;)


then I'll still be waiting on it moving up past these other 5 after that


if the All Time High isn't helping us move up the leader board it's a snooze for me.
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The "competition is coming" argument can be refuted with one sentence:

No competitor can match Tesla's rate of innovation in hardware AND software, products/services AND manufacturing, and vertical integration.

If your listener asks for examples, you can choose from the following or add your own:
  • Hardware: 18650 cell skateboard, 2170 cells, 4680 cells, structural battery pack, gigacastings, proprietary alloys for castings and Cybertruck exoskeleton, octovalve, carbon-fiber-wrapped motor, bioweapon defense mode, falcon wing doors, Supercharger versions 1-3, Autopilot, FSD Hardware 2-4, Dojo, Solar Roof, Powerwall, Megapack, medical ventilators, RNA vaccine printers, Bot
  • Software: Autopilot, FSD, OTA updates, Sentry Mode, Dog Mode, Caraoke, in-car video games, Tesla app, Autobidder, Warp (Enterprise Resource Planning system), Tesla Network (forthcoming)
  • Products/Services: cars, trucks, global charging network, FSD subscriptions, robotaxi service (forthcoming), auto insurance, home energy generation/storage, utility energy storage, virtual power-plants, electricity sales, Dojo as a service and humanoid robots (forthcoming)
  • Manufacturing: gigacasting, Dry Battery Electrode, in-house automation team (Tesla Grohmann), Model 3 built 3 times faster than ID.3 (according to VW CEO Herbert Diess)
  • Vertical Integration: in-house software design, chip design, materials engineering, glass engineering, control/power electronics design, battery engineering, battery recycling, seat manufacturing, charging infrastructure, sales/service infrastructure, auto insurance
If your listener asks why competitors can't catch up to Tesla, that too has a short answer:

Elon attracts and nurtures the smartest, most innovative engineers in the world with his corporate missions and culture (unique in the auto industry, according to Sandy Munro).

In any race, there can be only one leader.

Ahaha, no. Your 200-word debunking of a 3-word lie ignores the "B.S. Asymmetry Priniciple" (part of Rhetoric 101 here at H.K. University). The correct reply is:

"Competition ISN'T coming"

To date, the 20th largest closing price for TSLA is $826.16.
The 10th largest is $850.45.
The 5th largest is $864.16.
The 1st largest is $883.09.

Optimal campout price $870!!!

TSLA All-time High Closing Price - Rank Order (as of Fri, Oct 15, 2021)​


So that's:
  • 3 in the 880s
  • 1 in the 870s
  • 2 in the 860s
  • 4 in the 850s
  • 8 in the 840s
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Warning: Consumer Reports video, don’t click unless you have to.
Consumer Reports had a video up discussing GM “ultra cruise”(and some other things) nothing interesting related to Tesla, but they spent fair amount of time talking about autonomous driving and sensors. Or put it another way, spent enough time to show they have no clue about autonomous driving or sensors. “Driver monitoring is necessary”, “new technology like LIDAR”, “we will not see autonomy in our lifetime”….They are car reviewers, they really don’t have any idea about AI/ML or anything about how autonomy could be solved.

Now I get why they hate Tesla, they’re like a bunch of old gentleman reviewing landline telephones for a living. They have been THE authority to tell you which phone has the best key pads and which recorder works the best. All of a sudden, they were given an iPhone, and were told no one uses landlines anymore. Then, they struggle to grasp what this smartphone thing is all about. They have been living a perfect life without computers and internet, why would anyone need that in their palms? And they found out no one is reading their reviews anymore, people just want to buy the new iPhone every year.

It’s just sad, TopGear made a good move to introduce Roy to review computer on wheels, and future of car review is going to belong to tech reviewers like MKBHD etc. CR is still living in the past, and will struggle on the way to irrelevance.

I just hope they stop using their influence to push BS into public’s minds. Steering customers away from the safest cars on the road is the same as pushing people off a bridge and telling them swimming across the river is better, hope they realize that someday.
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19 mins in Chamath predicting a hit to tech stocks following inflation / interest rate rises due to ports being blocked etc. Even if this were to happen presumably TSLA will escape the worst of it as an auto stock.

Sacks makes the point that the Fed has a dilemma - control inflation by putting up interest rates which would massively increase government borrowing repayments.
Or he rolled them over a few times when it was down 200 or more points and he made huge profits and let the position end. Again, I've never been aware of him having negative returns. Not in stocks, not shorting, not in water, not in Fangs he bought 4-5 years ago. So....I believe it likely he could have gotten in and out quickly with a decent return. He's also not an idiot ..he is looking at what is happening in Austin, Berlin, Freemont, etc. He sees the backlog and the growth and would have been able to compare to Ford, VW, GM, etc. The thing with MB is that you don't know what his plan or thesis is...he's not advertising, he's not public, he's not asking others for money.

Also, he told EM to raise money shortly thereafter EM raised money despite having said he would not.
Why on Earth would you ever be aware of his results? Even if you were ever given some information, why would you believe it was truthful and accurate?