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Amazing that when someone else expresses their opinions they are "ramblings", but your words we are supposed to take on a higher level?
Dude, he speaks on the level of a verbally challenged 3rd grader.

I spoke to him very recently, and he’s also doing the rockets. He likes rockets. And-- he does good at rockets too, by the way. I never saw where the engines come down with no wings, no anything, and they’re landing. I said I’ve never seen that before.... You know, we have to protect Thomas Edison and we have to protect all of these people that-- came up with originally the light bulb and-- the wheel and all of these things

Are you really trying to pretend he doesn't sound like an idiot? Really? Is your partisanship so intense you can't see the emperor has no clothes?

And what does your off topic rant about a gun rights demonstration have to do with anything? Other than the fact that I guess we should all be surprised they didn't start shooting and you needed to point that out.
Amazing that when someone else expresses their opinions they are "ramblings", but your words we are supposed to take on a higher level?

This hyper-partisanship is simply amazing to watch, both here and in the mainstream media.

I don't think it's politically biased to describe the gibberish Trump talks as "ramblings", he's virtually entirely incoherent and appears to be of very low intelligence. This should be of great concern to all US citizens of any political persuasion. It's frankly terrifying to the rest of us foreigners to see who and what you've chosen as your leader!
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Dude, he speaks on the level of a verbally challenged 3rd grader.

Are you really trying to pretend he doesn't sound like an idiot? Really? Is your partisanship so intense you can't see the emperor has no clothes?

And what does your off topic rant about a gun rights demonstration have to do with anything? Other than the fact that I guess we should all be surprised they didn't start shooting and you needed to point that out.

I don't care about how he speaks, and I don't care about his "personal failings". I care about his actions. I care about enforcing the border, confronting China on unfair trade, and on keeping the economy chugging along by keeping jobs here. Where it matters, he's produced.

I don't care who he's slept with outside of wedlock, and I don't care if he cannot string sentences together eloquently. I care about policies and what he has done to advance America and keep our priorities on our country.

I don't believe he was in collusion with Russia (and a 30+ million dollar investigation bore that out). I don't believe he committed an impeachable crime, and the weaksauce articles of impeachment passed don't actually cite him as breaking any law (and even the legal scholars on the left have admitted as much).

The only substantial area I view him as failing on is the environment. But event that is not enough for me to vote against him in the coming election, because I believe there is sufficient momentum on the environment that he cannot stop the progress there (i.e. he removed restrictions on coal, and despite that move coal-burning power plants are still closing at the same or greater rate than they were under Obama).

I'm a registered independent, not a Republican, bear that in mind when you try to label me with "partisanship". I also find it ironic that if I had labeled you I know for fact there would be multiple members of this thread reporting me and asking for a ban (moderators have confirmed as much in the past). I'm not reciprocating that, because I believe in actual free speech, even if I completely and utterly don't agree with the message.

My "rant" about 20,000 law-abiding people with guns at a rally and not a single problem was brought up as an EXAMPLE to you and others of the bias in reporting (both in national media and here) that is obvious to those of us not solidly ingrained in left-think. The point was to make that despite left rhetoric that "all guns are bad" and "no one should need a firearm", law-abiding citizens exercising their rights in a peaceful manner is not a miracle. Unlike Antifa and other left-leaning groups that bring the hate and violence every time they assemble, law-abiding citizens can do it (and fully armed mind you), without loss of life or criminal activity.
You can be partisan without being a member of a specific party. You're obviously willing to overlook almost anything negative about Trump. I do care about the intelligence, or lack thereof, of our leaders. We obviously disagree about that point.

I saw plenty of reports about the gun demonstration so I don't see what "bias" was involved. I think it's telling that you think it's news worthy that gun people gathered without violence. That should be the default expectation.
You can be partisan without being a member of a specific party. You're obviously willing to overlook almost anything negative about Trump. I do care about the intelligence, or lack thereof, of our leaders. We obviously disagree about that point.

I saw plenty of reports about the gun demonstration so I don't see what "bias" was involved. I think it's telling that you think it's news worthy that gun people gathered without violence. That should be the default expectation.

Right . . . whatever you need to tell yourself.
Until there is further confirmation that Trump actually spoke to Elon, I will put his comment on that in the neutral category. And as for building a big factory in the USA, Trump's last couple of sentences could be construed more as a wish then a fact. And keep Trump away from Space X.
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In between deleting hyper-partisan comments about #45 in the main thread, I kept going back to re-read that stream of gibberish that passed for a Presidential interview, because where many in the forum have viewed it as positive for a good relationship between the White House and Mr Musk's enterprises, I saw the strong possibility of a not very veiled threat.

First, none of the specifics mentioned designated Tesla as the builder of some new US-sited factory.

Second, a lot of the words used referenced outer space. Now, with the creation of a Space Force as one of 45's accomplishments, and especially because of his consistent habit of trying to get listeners to focus on something tangential rather than what should be obvious lacunae, I am more than a little uncomfortable.

Third, and to reinforce that second point, his ultimate words were, to me, chilling: "He’s going to be building a very big plant in the United States. He has to, because we help him, so he has to help us". Those words from the bully pulpit are the words of a bully. And I know that some of you know this, but to Mr T.R. Roosevelt, the first use of the b- word did not, in any way, shape or form, mean that of the second.

Whether or not it is to Tesla or to SpaceX or to flame throwers that this purported - and possibly existential only in a certain person's addled brain - factory refers, those final words are not, in any way, positive ones.

Now I'm going to assume that Mr Musk did have some conversation recently with him. Were that to be the case, I absolutely cannot conceive of him revealing that Tesla were about to establish another factory in the US. That kind of inside information.....just: no. BUT - with regards to privately-held SpaceX an organization that is intimately tied to US government contracts - yes indeed, to that such a conversation is not just apposite but probably absolutely essential.

Edited for grammatical clarity
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I don't think it's politically biased to describe the gibberish Trump talks as "ramblings", he's virtually entirely incoherent and appears to be of very low intelligence. This should be of great concern to all US citizens of any political persuasion. It's frankly terrifying to the rest of us foreigners to see who and what you've chosen as your leader!
I don't know about that. I personally think Boris Johnson, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Jair Bolsonaro, Sebastian Kurz, etc. are worse than Trump could ever hope to be. Trump is not smart enough to do real damage, these other leaders are.
So much for an effing “investor’s roundtable” — in reality it is a very long rectangular table with the king at one end

Watch this get mysteriously disappeared in 3, 2, 1...

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Dude, he speaks on the level of a verbally challenged 3rd grader.

Kinda like Elon at times. I've know some very smart people that come off as down right retarded. Conversely I've seen people (some on these forums) that talk very eloquently but are completely clueless.

I wouldn't suggest that Trump is a genius but judging someone by the way words come out of their mouth is borderline bullying. Many people just aren't good at speaking publicly and it has nothing to do with their intellect.
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Judging a person by the way, ==>and by the kind<== of words that comes out of his mouth is just about the only way by which human beings are able to deal with, respond to or judge that person, and there is absolutely nothing 'borderline bullying' about it. Moreover, in the specific case about which we are discussing, we have a persona who for decades has been a public figure and has not hours but days upon days of public speaking - and now some astonishingly immense number of tweets.

That volume of material presents an unimpeachable assessment of his intellect.
Kinda like Elon at times.
Nothing like Elon, ever. Halting speech while describing thoughtful concepts is not the same thing as bumbling sentences describing simple thoughts. Also Trump's written words are as bad or worse than his speech.

I wouldn't suggest that Trump is a genius but judging someone by the way words come out of their mouth is borderline bullying.
No, it's not in the least unless the person is of severely reduced capacity. If you are suggesting the Trump is at a severely reduced capacity then he certainly isn't fit to lead the most powerful nation in the world.
Many people just aren't good at speaking publicly and it has nothing to do with their intellect.
If you run for President you better be good at speaking publicly since it's part of the job. Again I'll agree that Trump's inability to do so is another reason he's unfit for the position.
sorry for OT but this is worth telling:
Soviet union did collapse, but KGB was too big to disappear that easy.

Late 90s was fairly brutal time in large cities, every day one or two fancy cars would be blown up with explosives, in Moscow many young men were shot dead (most explosions and killings were members of organized crime killing each other in large numbers).

then old drunkard Yeltsin suddenly resigns right before 1999 ends and new president popped out of nowhere.
and guess what - just within two years - all these violent young men in black leather jackets just - puff! - disappeared with their black BMWs. Shootings almost stopped, street crime was almost gone too.

Everyone was so happy the new cool president did something that stopped the violence.
But despite criminals were forced out of very profitable niche but extortions and milking of businesses did not stop. Only difference was that instead of organized crime the collections were going to feed new mafia: calm, well-dressed and very polite folks you know as 'siloviki'

the beast what former KGB had mutated into is ruling the country for 2 decades now.

It's a game played by many would be dictators. The Nazis did the same sort of tactics during their rise to power.

Kinda like Elon at times. I've know some very smart people that come off as down right retarded. Conversely I've seen people (some on these forums) that talk very eloquently but are completely clueless.

I wouldn't suggest that Trump is a genius but judging someone by the way words come out of their mouth is borderline bullying. Many people just aren't good at speaking publicly and it has nothing to do with their intellect.

Many people who have been around him in private say he talks the same way in private. The people who are eloquent in private, but poor public speakers are that way because they overthink what they're saying publicly. They stumble because they are trying to self edit while they talk.

Trump is the opposite. He never thinks before he says anything. He also has the functional vocabulary of a 5 year old. He constantly stumbles trying to pronounce words of more than two syllables.

Nothing like Elon, ever. Halting speech while describing thoughtful concepts is not the same thing as bumbling sentences describing simple thoughts. Also Trump's written words are as bad or worse than his speech.

No, it's not in the least unless the person is of severely reduced capacity. If you are suggesting the Trump is at a severely reduced capacity then he certainly isn't fit to lead the most powerful nation in the world. If you run for President you better be good at speaking publicly since it's part of the job. Again I'll agree that Trump's inability to do so is another reason he's unfit for the position.

Elon frequently stumbles when he talks. Barack Obama does too when he saying anything that isn't a prepared speech. Both are very intelligent people who are constantly thinking about what they are saying. They also stumble because their brains are getting way ahead of their mouths. While conveying thought A in a chain, their brains are on thought J or later.

One day I self tortured and listened to a Trump speech twice. The first time through I listened to the words and it was complete gibberish. The next time through I didn't pay attention to the words, but paid attention to the cadence and the vibe projected. People like Elon and Obama have a lot of pauses when they talk as they convert their ideas into words. Trump never pauses, if he catches that he misspoke something, he immediately covers with some kind of BS. Like when he catches himself getting a name wrong, he corrects by saying they call the person the other name too.

As a consequence Trump comes across sounding very confident in everything he says. For people who don't listen to the words, but read the vibe, he seems to know what he's talking about. For those who actually listen to the words, he's a complete blithering idiot. An untreated schizophrenic living on street and having arguments with people who aren't there on a park bench sound sane by comparison.
Interesting discussion of Trump's speech. Sometimes he also seems quite transparent almost as though he knows and wants to confess he's guilty, Today or yesterday is classic. In a statement on global television at Davos he was asked what he thought of his defense (while the Democrats were screaming "STONEWALL! on the White House refusing to provide documents and witnesses." I know we have a strong defense. "We have all the material."
It's a game played by many would be dictators. The Nazis did the same sort of tactics during their rise to power.

Many people who have been around him in private say he talks the same way in private. The people who are eloquent in private, but poor public speakers are that way because they overthink what they're saying publicly. They stumble because they are trying to self edit while they talk.

Trump is the opposite. He never thinks before he says anything. He also has the functional vocabulary of a 5 year old. He constantly stumbles trying to pronounce words of more than two syllables.

Elon frequently stumbles when he talks. Barack Obama does too when he saying anything that isn't a prepared speech. Both are very intelligent people who are constantly thinking about what they are saying. They also stumble because their brains are getting way ahead of their mouths. While conveying thought A in a chain, their brains are on thought J or later.

One day I self tortured and listened to a Trump speech twice. The first time through I listened to the words and it was complete gibberish. The next time through I didn't pay attention to the words, but paid attention to the cadence and the vibe projected. People like Elon and Obama have a lot of pauses when they talk as they convert their ideas into words. Trump never pauses, if he catches that he misspoke something, he immediately covers with some kind of BS. Like when he catches himself getting a name wrong, he corrects by saying they call the person the other name too.

As a consequence Trump comes across sounding very confident in everything he says. For people who don't listen to the words, but read the vibe, he seems to know what he's talking about. For those who actually listen to the words, he's a complete blithering idiot. An untreated schizophrenic living on street and having arguments with people who aren't there on a park bench sound sane by comparison.

Not even close. Trump always come off as someone unprepared for the material and just word jumble some thoughts together from things seen on TV or common references. Every time anyone asks him anything specific, you can tell he is just filling air time with a whole lot of nothing. His go to is "I know this person very well, he/she is a tremendous individual, what he/she did has been incredible". If the question is negative about the individual, then his go is "this person is extremely horrible, can't mess with the U.S or else, we have more firepower than they do, I have contacts with my people very closely".

Most can tell he has zero clue who that individual is or may have just heard about him when he's dozing off during morning briefing. Never once have Trump really left me with the feeling that he knows the material inside and out, and can talk about the nuances of the topic.

And that's just how he governs, with gut feelings and personal biases. Other presidents are more conservative to their approach because they can appreciate all the nuance of any situation..not Trump.
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Interesting discussion of Trump's speech. Sometimes he also seems quite transparent almost as though he knows and wants to confess he's guilty, Today or yesterday is classic. In a statement on global television at Davos he was asked what he thought of his defense (while the Democrats were screaming "STONEWALL! on the White House refusing to provide documents and witnesses." I know we have a strong defense. "We have all the material."

His behavior is textbook malignant narcissist. He can't conceive of being responsible for anything wrong. He also has essentially no filters and isn't very bright, so he blabs away about whatever is in his head this second.

Not even close. Trump always come off as someone unprepared for the material and just word jumble some thoughts together from things seen on TV or common references. Every time anyone asks him anything specific, you can tell he is just filling air time with a whole lot of nothing. His go to is "I know this person very well, he/she is a tremendous individual, what he/she did has been incredible". If the question is negative about the individual, then his go is "this person is extremely horrible, can't mess with the U.S or else, we have more firepower than they do, I have contacts with my people very closely".

Most can tell he has zero clue who that individual is or may have just heard about him when he's dozing off during morning briefing. Never once have Trump really left me with the feeling that he knows the material inside and out, and can talk about the nuances of the topic.

And that's just how he governs, with gut feelings and personal biases. Other presidents are more conservative to their approach because they can appreciate all the nuance of any situation..not Trump.

People who actually listen to the words see he's an idiot who can't string a coherent idea together to save his life. But some people just go by the vibe. That's why the more interesting candidate tends to win the presidency. Trump comes across as supremely confident in what he's saying those who don't listen to the words and just listen to the vibe think he really is the genius he thinks he is.

I only saw a few episodes of the old TV Show Cheers, but there was a guy who was a regular to the bar who I think was a mailman. It was a trope of the show that he came across as the world expert on everything, but it always showed that he was really talking through his backside. He talked a good game, but was really an idiot. Those who knew him well knew he was an idiot, but he would fool new people for a while. Trump is a lot like him.
While mainstream media tries to push the narrative that Bernie is unpopular he keeps rising in the polls:
John Nichols on Twitter
John Nichols

This morning’s NH Democratic Primary poll from
is going to get a lot of attention. It shows
moving into a big lead: -Sanders 29% -Buttigieg 17% -Biden 14% -Warren 13% -Klobuchar 6% -Yang 5% -Gabbard 5% -Steyer 2% Sanders is +14 since December.

7:34 AM · Jan 23, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
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