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Have Software/Firmware Updates Improved Your Experience?

Have Software/Firmware upgrades improved your user experience with your car?

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Look forward to features being added
And others being refined.

have major respect for safety and security bugs actually being addressed rather than passed over to a next model year purchase solution.
For me AP is worth every penny. In a few months, once they roll out AP on street level, you may change your mind. But then its gonna be more expensive to upgrade at that time when the have rolled out the software

I'll stop after this one as to not take over the thread with AP debates (though I guess that's what people are most excited about for updates, so not that bad of a topic?).

There has been absolutely no indication that AP on city streets will be available in "a few months". Even then, it's a vastly complicated locally varying problem. Will it be California-only first? US-only? North America only? Have you seen UK streets? They're nothing like North America and require a lot more cooperation with other drivers. And what will local laws say about this? It's not full autonomy but the accident rate is much higher than highways, so the laws will certainly be tested.

I think Canada just got Smart Summon two days ago. Even then, at the provincial level, it doesn't always sound like Summon is exactly legal.

I personally like driving, including in Winter. Yes, I know I'm a bit nutters. But partly because of this, I will never pay for FSD no matter how autonomous and great it gets. All current FSD features, including some potential future of city driving is worth perhaps a maximum of $1000 to me over the lifetime of the car. The Model 3 is a fantastic car to drive, it's a waste of potential if it's fully autonomous. That said, give me active safety features that don't trigger falsely and I'm all for those (e.g. pedestrian warning, traffic light warning, rear cross traffic warning for parking lots, etc.)

And last but not least, others have pointed out that the Model 3 is entirely lacking for sensor redundancy when it comes to AP/FSD. A precisely ejected bird dropping could render your vehicle suddenly unable to see because the field of view comes from such a small surface area. This happens, it's just currently not critical since we're actively driving the vehicles. Perhaps more importantly, in Winter with all the muck around, a daily driver would have to be daily washed to maintain all functionality. Expensive, time consuming, and not very environmentally friendly.

So much for simple yes or no...



Hah, I did it again.

I'll defend myself by something I just read on here. Forums are for discussion and lots of information, not really brevity :)
Appreciate the question. For me, the Dashcam and SentryCam finally worked this weekend after the update this Friday. Although the SentryClips folder remains empty - I guess another update? But overall yes, the software does appear to improve some things.