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Green New Deal

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It's not just Trump

The American left's 2020 mission: not just defeat Trump – but change the world

The American left's 2020 mission: not just defeat Trump – but change the world

Today, the Green New Deal, an ambitious plan to massively reduce carbon emissions and increase social spending and environmental protection through huge public investment, has been embraced by many of the 2020 candidates.

Similarly, plans to provide Medicare for everybody – effectively universal healthcare provision – or free college tuition for public universities, once considered hopelessly idealistic, have broad support among the contenders.

There is an acute sentiment that getting rid of Trump is insufficient: that a series of deeper more enduring dysfunctions in American political culture – money, race, nativism and beyond – have brought the country to this place and need to be fundamentally addressed. Defeating Trump remains the overwhelming priority among virtually everyone that I spoke to. But there is a common, if not quite consensus, view that an electoral victory needs to be underpinned by thoroughgoing political change: a feeling that there is no going back to the way it was before 2016, and nor should there be.
Warren climate plan 2.0: the details for clean energy

Among the Democratic presidential candidates, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has developed a reputation for consistently articulating the most detailed policy proposals. The possible exception has been in climate, where Washington Governor Jay Inslee has developed a plan that has been called a gold standard.

But Warren has also shown that she can learn from the best. With Inslee having withdrawn from the race, Warren announced yesterday that she is adopting the energy portion of his plan. This includes several key proposals:

A federal mandate that utilities move to 100% carbon-neutral power by 2030, and 100% clean, renewable, and zero-carbon electricity by 2035.
100% zero-carbon buildings by 2028
100% zero emissions for all passenger vehicles, medium-duty trucks and buses.
Warren climate plan 2.0: the details for clean energy

Among the Democratic presidential candidates, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has developed a reputation for consistently articulating the most detailed policy proposals. The possible exception has been in climate, where Washington Governor Jay Inslee has developed a plan that has been called a gold standard.
Too bad the DNC is pushing Biden, who's just another corporate shill.
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Hopefully Warren and Sanders can overcome the DNC establishment. Didn't happen last time and Biden is "Clinton v2" (probably with the same sad result). DNC seems to be stuck on the "electability" meme.
They won't win if they can't get younger folks' votes, and that will only happen with a Progressive candidate. So if Biden wins, we can look forward to another Trump victory. We can hope that the Senate will be different to put a stop to turning America into a toxic waste dump.
Mayor Pete and Beto seemed pretty legit tonight on CNN. I missed Biden and Bernie. Warren was kinda meh.
Seems like most still do not get it: Anderson Cooper ask Bernie, how do you get people to relinquish their cars for an "Electric Car slower or less powerful"? Bernie does not challenge the question with the facts about EV's "today". How clueless are these people. However, Yang did answer the question (from another moderator) that "you will love" driving your Electric Car. He made it very clear that you will not need to force people to switch because electric cars are so much better.

I also, do not understand the lack of focus on Solar. I.E. If they really want to move from Coal and Oil for all energy I would think Solar would be an ideal option unless you want to go with Nuclear Power (which most of them do not). But, the push for Solar is simply not there in a strong way. Example, I am putting in Solar and getting a 30% Tax Credit. Instead of increasing the Tax Credit they are going away. Maybe they could have said we are not only going to keep the Tax Credit's but we are going to increase them because we believe Solar should be on every roof possible. And, we are currently discouraged or not allowed to put on more Solar then we need for our own personal needs. Seems to me that we should be encouraged to put as much Solar on our roofs as we can and send back to the Grid as much as we can produce. Of course the Grid may need to be upgraded (with battery storage etc) but if we want to go away from Coal Power Plants aren't we going to need more Solar and Batteries anyway? Seems to me the roofs are pretty inexpensive real estate to do it. And, maybe even pay more for the energy produced than just wholesale to get more people to use their roofs. The more Solar on Roofs the less Solar need at the generation station. Maybe they need to simply talk to Elon Musk to get a better understanding of what needs to be done. Of course Yang said Elon was supporting him (not sure exactly what he meant).
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Unfortunately you have the gas and oil companies keeping this from happening, it is all about the money. None of the old fossil’s want to go to green energy because they made all their money from fossil fuel and are to old to want to change.
Yes. This is true. I was just hoping the Democratic Contenders that were part of the CNN Forum on Climate Change were not already bought off like the rest in Congress and the oval office. So, all this discussion does not matter because it is all about getting elected and re-elected which requires money.
So, all this discussion does not matter because it is all about getting elected and re-elected which requires money.
But the vast amounts of money usually needed to be elected is due to electorate apathy and ignorance. The more informed the electorate, the less influential expensive TV adverts and expensive subversive propaganda become.
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Yes. This is true. I was just hoping the Democratic Contenders that were part of the CNN Forum on Climate Change were not already bought off like the rest in Congress and the oval office. So, all this discussion does not matter because it is all about getting elected and re-elected which requires money.
Bernie Sanders managed to raise a lot of money from small donations
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Just mount solar panels on the 1250 mile border wall and call it a day. They face South right? Imagine the political impact that would have! Wonder how many panels it would take - we would call it the Bigly Border Green Deal. :D

Maybe if the wall generated electricity they wouldn't have to steal $60M from a Middle School for service members children to fund it.... this is beyond pathetic. As a veteran if anyone votes for this monster in 2020 don't EVER patronize me by 'Thanking me for my service' I don't deserve to be lied to......

The deplorables got a pass for being ignorant in 2016. Now you know.....

Pentagon takes back money for Fort Campbell middle school project to fund

What happened to Mexico paying?????????!?!?!??!
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