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The next big milestone for FSD is 11. It is a significant upgrade and fundamental changes to several parts of the FSD stack including totally new way to train the perception NN.

From AI day and Lex Fridman interview we have a good sense of what might be included.

- Object permanence both temporal and spatial
- Moving from “bag of points” to objects in NN
- Creating a 3D vector representation of the environment all in NN
- Planner optimization using NN / Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
- Change from processed images to “photon count” / raw image
- Change from single image perception to surround video
- Merging of city, highway and parking lot stacks a.k.a. Single Stack

Lex Fridman Interview of Elon. Starting with FSD related topics.

Here is a detailed explanation of Beta 11 in "layman's language" by James Douma, interview done after Lex Podcast.

Here is the AI Day explanation by in 4 parts.


Here is a useful blog post asking a few questions to Tesla about AI day. The useful part comes in comparison of Tesla's methods with Waymo and others (detailed papers linked).

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Is “slams on the brakes” an exaggeration of decelerates to make your story more exciting? As it only falls back a few car lengths (which it should) doesn’t sound like a Slam on the brakes kind of action. Unfortunately your exaggeration of words and product name child play devalue your input participation.
I don’t remember asking for your opinion of my opinion. You’re welcome to keep providing it though. Anything that makes my back come off the seat and my body move towards the steering yoke by me is considered as aggressive braking. You can throw in the synonyms of slam on the brakes.

It is important to remember that one can slam on the brakes WITHOUT holding down the pedal until complete stop, or wheel lock, or skid. Stomping the brakes even for a second is still stomping the brakes. I can see you be the guy who argues the semantics of how many seconds it would have to be to be considered as slamming on the brakes, so just don’t bother if that was going to be your next move. Normal people do not do that while driving in normal conditions and nor should the junk.
How do you disengage FSD Beta once it prompts you to "Take Over Immediately"?

Intended a 400 mile trip on FSD Beta over Memorial day and encountered a "Take Over Immediately" event early on the first 150 mile leg and was suspended from FSD Beta for the rest of the leg. I had my hands on the wheel and there was no nag preceding the alert.
I tried to disengage FSD Beta by moving the drive stalk upwards. The car ignored the cancel request. After a second or two I made another stalk upward move which was also ignored. FSD Beta stayed engaged and kept beeping and flashing "Take Over Immediately", until it after a few more seconds self cancelled and suspended me for not taking over.

I know that you can cancel by steering manually, but that creates a sideways jerk and doesn't feel safe when you have cars close to the sides. Braking is another bad option when you have cars right behind you. This is what the manual says:

View attachment 942694
This has happened to me before with the same result.

Have others found a way to disengage when this happens?
I have learned that the only sure way is to heavy double tap on the brake to disengage when warnings (any warnings) comes up. This would give brake light flash warning to the car behind, your car stay on course with foot on accelerator. This would also hopefully avoid a penalty jail.
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I don’t remember asking for your opinion of my opinion. You’re welcome to keep providing it though. Anything that makes my back come off the seat and my body move towards the steering yoke by me is considered as aggressive braking. You can throw in the synonyms of slam on the brakes.

It is important to remember that one can slam on the brakes WITHOUT holding down the pedal until complete stop, or wheel lock, or skid. Stomping the brakes even for a second is still stomping the brakes. I can see you be the guy who argues the semantics of how many seconds it would have to be to be considered as slamming on the brakes, so just don’t bother if that was going to be your next move. Normal people do not do that while driving in normal conditions and nor should the junk.
Aggressive brake check. Happens so much my wife refuses to let me use it when she’s in the car. “Well that was unnecessary, why did you do that??” “wasn’t me honey”. “Well stop it”
Aggressive brake check. Happens so much my wife refuses to let me use it when she’s in the car. “Well that was unnecessary, why did you do that??” “wasn’t me honey”. “Well stop it”
Yea mine also complains about it all the time and asks me nicely to turn off the junk. Mother hates it as well and thinks it’s me not paying attention to driving lol, she doesn’t understand the junk that well.
I don’t remember asking for your opinion of my opinion. You’re welcome to keep providing it though. Anything that makes my back come off the seat and my body move towards the steering yoke by me is considered as aggressive braking. You can throw in the synonyms of slam on the brakes.

It is important to remember that one can slam on the brakes WITHOUT holding down the pedal until complete stop, or wheel lock, or skid. Stomping the brakes even for a second is still stomping the brakes. I can see you be the guy who argues the semantics of how many seconds it would have to be to be considered as slamming on the brakes, so just don’t bother if that was going to be your next move. Normal people do not do that while driving in normal conditions and nor should the junk.
It was actually My opinion. As noted those on Youtube that Exaggerate how perfect it is are similar in value to those that exaggerate how dangerous and bad it is. We All know the system needs refinement, hence the reason there are so many here sharing trouble spots and edge cases. To say something is junk is similar to saying someone is stupid. It’s a reactive judgement that adds no value and is untrue in both cases unless your only input is to be the funny guy to feel involved. (not really).
It was actually My opinion. As noted those on Youtube that Exaggerate how perfect it is are similar in value to those that exaggerate how dangerous and bad it is. We All know the system needs refinement, hence the reason there are so many here sharing trouble spots and edge cases. To say something is junk is similar to saying someone is stupid. It’s a reactive judgement that adds no value and is untrue in both cases unless your only input is to be the funny guy to feel involved. (not really).
I’m free to call it whatever I think about it. If you don’t agree, that’s completely okay. If your experiences are better than mine - that’s awesome and I’m happy for you, wish mine were better too. After-all, I did pay a ton of money for this junk so I ACTUALLY want it to get better, but it unfortunately isn’t getting better fast enough for me to experience it before upgrading to a newer model car, in which I will NOT drop $15k on the junk. Even if they refunded the $10k I spent on it with this car, I would not add another $5k to buy it again, not in its current state.
Everyone has their problem spot with FSD and mine is the simple 4 way stop then left turn into our housing development. Previous FSD versions would stop at the stop sign then proceed normally then get very confused about the left turn, then start to go straight then stop then make a sharper left turn. Pretty horrible. With 11.4.2 it is the worst it ever has been. Now it seems to be too stupid to realize there is a 4 way stop so now slowly creeps ahead, apparently looking for oncoming traffic? Then after that it proceeds to screw up the turn as I described above. So 11.4.2 is tossed into the garbage pile and once again I am waiting for the next best super duper upgrade. Actually after 6 months with FSD and my Model Y I don't get that excited about FSD upgrades anymore.
So wait, because it fails in a specific place, the whole thing is garbage?? Why??
So wait, because it fails in a specific place, the whole thing is garbage?? Why??
Well. If it fails in a “specific place” then is it a mapping issue or the FSDj issue? Where are the “NNs”? Is this software just all a map based gimmick or does the car actually make decisions as it’s evaluating the environment? How many intersections does the car have to go full retard at before it’s written off as junk?
Well. If it fails in a “specific place” then is it a mapping issue or the FSDj issue? Where are the “NNs”? Is this software just all a map based gimmick or does the car actually make decisions as it’s evaluating the environment? How many intersections does the car have to go full retard at before it’s written off as junk?
At this point it’s a question of whether you can benefit from FSD or not. If you can use it to have an easy drive, as an ADAS tool - it’s great. Otherwise you are the one missing out.

I’m free to call it whatever I think about it. If you don’t agree, that’s completely okay. If your experiences are better than mine - that’s awesome and I’m happy for you, wish mine were better too. After-all, I did pay a ton of money for this junk so I ACTUALLY want it to get better, but it unfortunately isn’t getting better fast enough for me to experience it before upgrading to a newer model car, in which I will NOT drop $15k on the junk. Even if they refunded the $10k I spent on it with this car, I would not add another $5k to buy it again, not in its current state.
What about FOMO ?
Aggressive brake check. Happens so much my wife refuses to let me use it when she’s in the car. “Well that was unnecessary, why did you do that??” “wasn’t me honey”. “Well stop it”
That is exactly what mine says except depending on the aggressiveness of the braking, I get a few more expletives with the words "turn it off now", lol
That is exactly what mine says except depending on the aggressiveness of the braking, I get a few more expletives with the words "turn it off now", lol
That’s the funny thing - apparently FSD braking is uncomfortable to passengers. BUT, CYBRLFT customers rarely notice he is using FSD and apparently not bothered by any jerky braking.

Is it better in the backseat ?
That’s the funny thing - apparently FSD braking is uncomfortable to passengers. BUT, CYBRLFT customers rarely notice he is using FSD and apparently not bothered by any jerky braking.

Is it better in the backseat ?
Doubt it. This isn’t like sitting in the rear vs mid cabin on a triple 7 during a cross wind landing lol. It’s probably once again area based and the fact that he’s in a 3/Y and not in a S/X.
Doubt it. This isn’t like sitting in the rear vs mid cabin on a triple 7 during a cross wind landing lol. It’s probably once again area based and the fact that he’s in a 3/Y and not in a S/X.
Yes 3/Y vs S/X is an unresolved question. That reminds me - @WilliamG are the stopping for oncoming traffic issues fixed or do you want @SeattleFSD to try it out in 3/Y ?
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Well, I installed 11.4.2 last week and finally got to try it today...

And forget about this FSD Junk, best model x update ever! I finally got venting windows from the app and autorollup windows on lock re-enabled in my X. Has my Y had that since I got it, yes. But my refreshed X has never had it! Missed the feature so much, love it for keeping the car cool on sunny days without having to abuse the AC system and coming back to find a giant puddle under my car. With how easy the Model X loses it's cool with the massive windows and the falcon wing doors creating massive holes for air to escape, it's needed.

as for FSDb... maybe it's a bit smoother than 11.3.6 but it has a lot of the same problems. Including lane changing to incorrect lanes while the minimal lane changed is toggled. I'm convinced I'm in some test group where the minimal lane change toggle functionality is actually disabled. Really frustrating, there's a spot in my drive where there's 3 lanes through a windy bendy road which always has stop and go traffic. You need to be in one lane, another lane ends in the middle of the bend, and the other lane will take you in a completely wrong direction. FSDb since 11.3.6 has constantly tried to move me out of this correct lane to either of the incorrect lanes. I miss 11.3.3

Some new problems however.... I experienced my first real phantom braking event since v11. In two places on an empty backstreet the car tried to come to a complete stop. Not a sudden stop like the phantom braking stories of old, but a complete, gradual stop. Like it were stopping for a imaginary stop sign or traffic light. Phantom stop signing? Phantom Stopping? I'm not sure. There was nothing on the display to indicate why it was trying to stop but there was a warning telling me to stop pressing on the accelerator. Not very scary, like you had plenty of time to force the car through with an accelerator press but definitely a new style of phantom braking.

Another interesting behavior, where I live, it's common to merge onto the interstate at the earliest clear moment even if the line is still solid and there's a bit of the wedge. AP used to respect the solid line, so when I was coming on the merge, I hit the turn signal to initiate an auto lane change once I confirmed it was clear. Old FSD would juts wait until the dotted lines started but 11.4.2 actually did the lane change while putting up a prompt saying autolane changing couldn't work right now. Pretty weird. So a bug which actually made FSD more usable for once.

Overall I think 11.4.2 may be smoother than 11.3.6... but it might also just be placebo. When I think of specific scenarios, both versions had the car driving very similarly minus those new bugs I brought up.... Actually, now that I think about it... with 11.4.2 I think the unable to engage autopilot on marked single lane backstreets bug is gone. So, another typical x steps forward y steps back update.... I'd say 2 steps forward (i like the merging bug and they fixed the engagement bug + maybe a bit smoother) and 1 step back (new weird phantom stopping behavior?). Iterative update, as is the norm for Tesla.
Yes 3/Y vs S/X is an unresolved question. That reminds me - @WilliamG are the stopping for oncoming traffic issues fixed or do you want @SeattleFSD to try it out in 3/Y ?
Not fixed for me, but I've been a little busy and only got to test once. Need to test again, and then @SeattleFSD can enter the fray if they'd still like to.
(moderator edit) Here’s a video example from Master Shill’s channel:

Yea, I did NOT get that sort of performance from FSD until the current version. As I’ve mentioned before, from many cases it appears as the junk has always performed better on 3/Y than S/X. So unless you have experience with it in Florida in a refresh Model S then you DON’T know anything about the experience I’ve had.

Let’s also not forget the ultimate leg pull by Tesla video:
I think I had your experience with the junk here in Seattle, as has @WilliamG. You’re “not alone… you have never been alone…” 🤣🤌