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Free Destination Charging: 50x L2 80A Stations @ Caltech, Pasadena, CA

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@Cosmacelf: There's a Raspberry Pi in each station that communicates via serial RAPI to the OpenEVSE. We have centralized management system and big data clusters running scheduling algorithms. Stations revert to a safe level of current if the network is lost. We can optimize at the transformer, garage, building, and/or campus levels.

@Vger: Yes, I think the scale for station deployment has been too small. In the bay area, there are many <10 station locations that are mobbed with 50+ EVs. Send an email when done, musical chairs style. I believe we can change all of that without major electrical upgrades...that's coming in our next project! =)

@Cottonwood: Demand charges is one area of optimization. Depending on the location...corporate offices, supermarkets, airports, campuses, there are different arrival/departure profiles that play into this. Fortunately for Caltech, we have our own mini powerplant and quite a bit of solar, so we can have access to relatively cheap electricity during the day. Unfortunately, this is a unique setup in terms of demand charges, so we have to keep that in mind when we deploy to other organizations. We are hoping through these projects our algorithms can suggest how much stationary storage is required to keep demand charges at a minimum...

I'm not sure why the campus prefers 3 phase 208v over single phase 240v. Could be just standardization? Single phase does make a lot of sense especially if it saves on primary side conduct count/cost.

@Chris1howell: Sure! You are welcome anytime...Thanks for building the OpenEVSE, it's been great!

@Abasile: In most cases I have seen, parking rules are king. So as long as there's no parking violation(72+ hours or something, or you block 3 spots horizontally), that should be fine. In fact, we are not painting the spots EV only, there will be some sort of dynamic marking method to designate EV spaces if too many become ICEd. The 50 station can reach something like 90 spots, so I really don't think it will be an issue. It will be a good problem to have if it does! So no, it won't be frowned upon.

@Rush: Thanks for the offer, but we have already sourced all of the 80A J1772 cables...
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Distribution panels arrived...84 single pole spaces each, so up to 42x 100A breakers per panel....


integrated 500A main breaker for each 150kva transformer...


Big lugs...the transformer to panel is <10ft.


Big 90deg elbows since we mounted the transformers side ways...


Couplings and tons of braces to run the 480V about 200ft from the main electrical room.


Panels mounted...


More to come soon!
@Abasile: In most cases I have seen, parking rules are king. So as long as there's no parking violation(72+ hours or something, or you block 3 spots horizontally), that should be fine. In fact, we are not painting the spots EV only, there will be some sort of dynamic marking method to designate EV spaces if too many become ICEd. The 50 station can reach something like 90 spots, so I really don't think it will be an issue. It will be a good problem to have if it does! So no, it won't be frowned upon.
Thank you! I think your approach holds much promise for the future. Ultimately, at long-term (multi-hour) parking locations like this, it may make sense to have at least one EVSE accessible to any given parking space, and thus avoid the need for "special" EV spots. After all, the goal is to replace nearly all ICEs with EVs. This seems to be your thinking, and kudos to your team for actually doing something significant in this direction.
Sorry for the detailed networking questions, but that's an area I have some knowledge/interest in. If you are putting WAPs and using wifi then why would you use rapidio? Or are you using just as an abstraction layer in the wifi case, but will use it on the raw wires in the twisted pair or power line case?
@MITE46, I'm very impressed with your well engineered project leveraging OpenEVSE. You look like you have everything well in hand to complete a landmark project in the history of EVSE availability. It is nifty to also read that this may be the foundation for new things in the future for you.

I joined this forum today simply to say that if you need any technical support with details surrounding OpenEVSE I think you already know where to go to get answers. It helps that OpenEVSE is a truly open source hardware and software project.
If you do have any need for specific support of OpenEVSE I can be a resource. Simply I try to offload @Chris1howell as much as I can since he has many more chores to handle with OpenEVSE than anyone. Consider me a resource to tap with questions that may arise about RAPI or firmware and even debugging the EVSEs as you build them. It is something I enjoy doing as a volunteer contributor to OpenEVSE.

Craig K.
Ford Focus BEV, Ford Fusion PHEV, I fantasize about owning a Tesla some day

Contributor to OpenEVSE firmware
@Cosmacelf, RAPI is an acronym within OpenEVSE, Remote Application Programmatic Interface. It is a serial interface on the OpenEVSE controller that permits setting changes and queries of realtime values such as amperage to the EV. Most importantly for load balancing among 50 EVSE sharing the AC mains connection it is a way to pause charging entirely or to set the Pilot signal amperage advertised to the EV so the EV draws less amperage than it may be thirst to draw.

I hope that helps clarify things.
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@Cosmacelf: Sorry for the confusion, we are not using rapidio. We are using standard IP communications /w appropriate levels of encryption. Our research group has a fair amount of history with TCP/UDP loss recovery and link layer re-transmission technologies. The stations will have a bunch of different radios so we can test what works best. 3G/4G networks has serious deep fade issues in parking structures, something we have experienced first had with other network station providers. I am hoping to leverage our networking strengths in these EV charging stations...
Ok, that make more sense. Sounds like a good design. Nice to see heavy duty contactors. Would have been nice if Tesla had used something like that for the HPWC rather than the el cheapo DC coil contactor they used.
Mite46, this is great news, I've been traveling to Pasadena since Sept for a project and have been renting an ICE. Starting next week I'll be driving my MS, but was disappointed when I checked out the two chargers that Plugshare showed in the South Wilson parking structure and found Leafs plugged into both. Will the new stable of chargers be in the same structure? Would appreciate a heads up if they will be available before January

Quick tip: there is a third parking space to the right that is essentially never used. If 2 Leafs were sucking up juice then there is nothing you can do, but if they had finished charging then you can definitely unplug one and the connector is long enough to reach the third space.
Just a quick update...put in the primary side conduits...took a whole day just for 14 stations...mainly because the ceiling is quite high.


We are primarily using #4 THWN for the 80A circuits, as long as we keep it under 120ft or so, that should be fine. Traditionally, you would tell the electrician the distance and the amperage and they would tell you the required wiring size. Since we can just software limit each station depending on the actual wiring and distance, I believe this will give us much better flexibility. It's hard to nail down the actual distances before construction, because there's always obstacles in the way.

We're using a combination of conduits and gutters to feed each station...here's a quick sketch.


More to come soon!
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These Kali folk are quite progressive. Our local college has a petroleum engineering department and don't want to scare of the paying habibis with Panameras
and M5s, so many pleas for even a level 2 charger have fallen on deaf ears.
Are these latest pics coming up for anyone else? I can't seem to download these images from ev.caltech.edu. I've tried from home, work, and on the smartphone on Verizon. All clients return a connection failure message after about a minute.

@MITE46, I hope you can post more details (potentially source code) on how you're planning on integrating the Raspberry Pis with the OpenEVSE units. I'm collecting NFC/RFID gear to try and build up a badge access system for an EVSE deployment at work. This would likely be an opensource project to roll your own access control system using OpenEVSE units instead of buying ChargePoint systems and paying them a monthly service fee.