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Firmware 9 in August will start rolling out full self-driving features!!!

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Average guy who loves autonomous vehicles
Aug 3, 2017
Not making it up!

Per Elon Musk:
That issue is better in latest Autopilot software rolling out now & fully fixed in August update as part of our long-awaited Tesla Version 9. To date, Autopilot resources have rightly focused entirely on safety. With V9, we will begin to enable full self-driving features.
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Elon Musk on Twitter
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‘Begin to enable’ is the same thing as January a year ago when we were supposed to start getting features in FSD that weren’t part of EAP. In other words, when Elon first said those immortal words: ‘Three months probably, six months definitely’. (I paraphrase, probably.)

Unless he promises level 5, it’s not ‘full self driving’.
‘Begin to enable’ is the same thing as January a year ago when we were supposed to start getting features in FSD that weren’t part of EAP. In other words, when Elon first said those immortal words: ‘Three months probably, six months definitely’. (I paraphrase, probably.)

Unless he promises level 5, it’s not ‘full self driving’.

"begin to enable" means that they will start releasing features that are part of FSD. No, it is not the entire FSD in August but it's a start. It means that we will start seeing the first pieces of FSD in August.
"begin to enable" means that they will start releasing features that are part of FSD. No, it is not the entire FSD in August but it's a start. It means that we will start seeing the first pieces of FSD in August.
Which is exactly what I said. :D Elon said exactly that in January 2017 and we have seen nothing.

What is wrong with what I said?
So 8.2 and 8.3 are supposed to have a bunch of cool features like dashcam right? I wonder when's the plan to release those. 8.2 in June and 8.3 in July? But we're already in June
Or they might fold all that into 9.0. Who knows. The versions seem to be fluid with how things end up being released. I would have thought the major improvement of 2018.10.4 would have perhaps been 8.2 but it was a point point release of a biweekly. Go figure! :D
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Or they might fold all that into 9.0. Who knows. The versions seem to be fluid with how things end up being released. I would have thought the major improvement of 2018.10.4 would have perhaps been 8.2 but it was a point point release of a biweekly. Go figure! :D
That's what I was thinking but wasn't the 8.2/8.3 tweet only a couple of weeks ago? Hard to believe that Tesla's timeline moved up in that little of time
Doesn’t make sense to start rolling out FSD features. FSD is binary. Either it’s “full” or it’s not. You can’t have a self driving car be “half full”. Or am I just being a pessimist

I think you misunderstand how Tesla is defining Full Self-Driving. If you look at the order page, there are two options, Enhanced Autopilot and Full Self-Driving. Tesla is using FSD as the name of the package that will contain self-driving features that are beyond Autopilot. Basically, any driving feature that is self-driving will go in the FSD package instead of the Autopilot package. Once Tesla finishes releasing all the self-driving features in the package, then FSD will allow full self-driving but at first, FSD will simply be like another Autopilot that can do more self-driving stuff.
Well certain road types/traffic conditions represent the low hanging fruit of FSD, (truck lust, on screen icons etc) so I would expect updates to begin here.

I just hope that some owners can overcome their urge to jam actual fruit into Tesla steering wheels.

Definitely the off-Broadway of Beta testing. Especially when the orange could probably give better feedback.
Which is exactly what I said. :D Elon said exactly that in January 2017 and we have seen nothing.

What is wrong with what I said?

You are referring to when Musk promised in Feb 17 that FSD would begin rolling out in 3-6 months, right? August is just a couple months after the 6 month mark so he was not that far off the mark.

Wondering if this means a differentiation in features based on whether folks paid for fsd or not?

Probably. Per Musk's tweet, V9 will shift focus to FSD.
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