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Energy Sector News

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Russian advances mostly stalled in North of Ukraine, continuing in South, amphibious landing on Black Sea coast looks imminent

This was the previous landing in Sea of Azov

Port closures to Russian shipping affecting gas shipments

US renewables now at 21%, growing

Transmission system operators (TSOs) face challenges, no kidding
Russian invasion of Ukraine, amphibious assault seems not to have started yet,

southern front unfortunately now engulfs nuclear plant

(there is in fact manoeuvre warfare seemingly ongoing on flanks of the Kiev column, probably to do with controlling rail junctions, so here is the Ukraine railroad system)

both Georgia and Moldiva now urgently seeking fastrack EU accession, formal applications submitted alongside Ukraine
and more info here

EU transmission system adds Moldova to fastrack integration list alongside Ukraine

EU gas planning, it is complicated

US build back better reinigorated by Ukraine ?

IEA plan to break Russian dependency

More floaters offshore [edit, duh] Korea

Everyone wants to tell the Germans how to do it

US energy growth to 2050 (per US EIA)

and don't forget Tesla Berlin permit status seems likely to be announced today

.... and on a personal level, this house commissioned its ASHP yesterday :) :) and the meter is currently showing 0kW import with the PV running the 14kW Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP so another personal milestone ....

.... oh, and one last thing, this is a fairly balanced piece that really explains how the Western liberal-democratic progress has been split by the likes of the Brexit-Johnson-Farage types (UK) and the Trumpian-TeaParty types (USA) and how the Russian and China have benefitted from this
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Brent at $125

Denmark to boost energy & defence spending

Denmark approves Norway-Poland gas pipeline

US-EU discuss banning Russian oil

US trying to get Venezuelan oil back in markets

US trying to get Iran through, Russian blocking

more floaters offshore Australia
General Russia/Ukrane energy briefing

Russia waves gas weapon

Europe proposes energy shield, and EU-defence

US may go alone agin Russian oil

How fast can we kick the Russian energy habit ?

Nickel trading suspended

Global recession risks rise (due to oil price)

Fixed or floating, that is the question

Overhead or underground, that is also the question

Russia may flee web (worth reading comments, even more than the article)

Adamas State Of Charge H2-2021 report
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Brent at $125, gas out of sight :(

Russian oil increasingly unwelcome, don't look to US shale for help

don't expect help from Saudi or UAE either

anyone for Venezuela ?

hold the nuclear shutdown

West verging on recession

LME nickel meltdown

progress on South Korea floaters

Columbia wants to go offshore

Rijkswaterstaat says be careful

Florida next in net metering punishment queue

LG solar exits US mfg

ITER assembly on hold in France
Brent crude $112

Sewden & Finland serious on NATO

Fertilisers production slows

US DoE report on renewables supply chain homeshoring

Bigwind modularisation for transport

UK hydrogen dreamers

Italians suspend Russian oil

is it OPEC or ROPEC ?
Brent $110/bbl

Fast grid synchronisation moving ahead

Resilient energy infrastructure needed

Keep banging the efficiency drum

Western sanctions choices

Nickel trading still suspended

Iran nuclear etc talks stalled

China still hooked on coal

Gdansk not Gdynia for wind port

Bonkers battery trimaran (I mean, if you are going to do this, at least pick a monohull)
EU defence, energy, etc

Russia MFN status revoked by G7

Brent $113/bbl

Finland nuclear reactor Olkiluoto 3 EPR goes live and onto grid

India takes advantage

KSA and UAE sniffy about USA

Shock, horror, Cons discover they were blocking UK onshore wind all this time

Prove no Russian interests offshore wind

Russian gas to China would require a pretty huge pipeline, built PDQ
Brent $105

Glencore still selling Russian oil (....boo) at $30 discount and nobody wants it ...

Big oil under scrutiny

Shell directors sued

VW & Ford do more electrics together

Orsted + Maersk on P2X for methanol

Power efforts for Chernobyl

Ukraine to switch nuclear fuel away from Russia

Big cranes for 13MW offshore wind

Baltic wind is clear

China covid strategy struggles

Europe takes Russia energy

LME nickel tries to restart

Fukuyama also tries to restart history

EU defence primer for oddball countries
Brent $99/bbl

that fool Johnson opens his mouth again
"And everybody’s always said, and we have made clear to Putin, there’s no way Ukraine is going to join Nato "

Johnson begs dictator for more

Keir Starmer has accused Boris Johnson of “going cap in hand from dictator to dictator,”

[US] grid scale storage ramps

Floating offshore wind ramps nicely

China offshores to circumvent US solar anti-dumping regime

More Shell wind offshore Korea

Taiwan goes for offshore wind

Tesla Berlin making lots of saleable goodies in Y form

Denmark subsidises P2X ( ... aka Denmark subsidises Maersk, see yesterday)

EU gas storage refill starts now

US shale dealmaking is on

Italy wants 3-years
Brent at $98

Ukraine grid syncs to EU, ditto Moldova

Big cranes go wrong

Johnson fails again

Gosh, a wave energy device in operation

Ukraine & carbon markets

Cobalt & nickel prices alarum
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Brent $106/bbl

Ukraine energy exchange keeps trading after cruise missile hit

More on the Ukraine/Moldova join of the EU grid

Fully recycle-able thermoplastic bigwind blade (these consortium people helped me on a thermoplastic blade once :) )

Portugal offshore wind

Orsted clash with BP in UK offshore

EU off gas plan unconvincing this year

Russian oil sales go dark

India EV charging push

IEA has a plan

Who will pay for energy transition ?
Brent $115/bbl

Replacing Russian oil

... but not yet

Gas crunch

Heavy trucks cheaper on electric by 2035

Offshore crash barriers

Coordination a must offshore

Big blades require big test rigs, these are tools also in national industrial strategy games
(Bit of a catch up after a week on the road)

Brent crude $115

Russian oil export capacity falls due to Caspian storm damage

The other Russian oil damage is self-inflicted

Can be paid for in roubles, maybe or shall be

EU figuring out how to get off Russia

centralised co-ordinated EU energy purchases may be part of the solution

It wsn't renewables that caused the problem

.... it was German anti-nuclear movement (and where that came from is a whole nother rabbit hole)

US shale is go

Getting off Russian nuclear no joke either

Nigeria wants on nuclear

Canada keeping up with the nuclear modular craze

Funnily enough Belgian nukes extended

UK offshore pipeline now 86GW

Shell for 17GW offshore Brazil

BP + Marubeni offshore Japan

Very big transmission investments required

Uncertainty on US long term solar pathway

LG goes cylindrical in US for batteries (after near-death experience in pouches)

Australian battery, yet another

European hydrogen for steel, again

Honda still in hydrogen gear

The other bit of the German nuclear policy that has changed recently (photo shows B61-12 nuclear weapon in F-35A internal weapons bay)
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