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EMF (radiation) emissions from Tesla batteries

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This will do the trick.
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That understanding is incorrect, the levels have not been shown to be harmful. The electromagnetic field you are referring to in Teslas (and all EVs) is called extremely low-frequency radiation (ELF). The radiation levels from these ELFs are not high enough to harm humans. There should probably be steps taken to limit these even further especially as these become more and more prevalent in society. But the need to protect against these is similar to the need to protect people from ICE car batteries, cell phones, etc.
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To the OP... you're not crazy. Sorry that some folks here are a bit rude/ignorant as a result. The truth is, I don't think anyone here would rest their head up against their microwave oven while it's cooking something at high power. But little do they know, the iPhone in their pocket is giving off just as much radiation, or more.

All they have to do is go buy a decent EMF reader and do the test themselves to find out. Here's the one that I have (and recommend to anyone that's worried about these types of radiations): Trifield® EMF Meter Model TF2 - TriField

There's plenty of videos on Youtube demonstrating the dangers with this very EMF reader for anyone interested in learning more about it. It's shocking learning about what's really dangerous in your home. The computer you're sitting in front of... your Wifi router. It's scary. But there's ways to mitigate it if you're smart and do the research.

For reference, my background involves working with some the best neurosurgeons in the world. I organize their lectures at major conferences here and across the pond. They've studied the huge uptick in head and upper body cancers in the last 15 years or so and attribute that to the advent of the smartphone. There's also been a huge rise in lower extremity cancers, especially in men, while the upper extremity cancers (breast and brain cancers) seem to affect women more. They put 2+2 together and determined men typically keep their cell phones in their pockets, hence the uptick in things like colon and prostate cancers. Women (no offense), speak on their phones for long periods of time more often than men. Some keep their phone in their bra when not in use (uptick in head and breast cancers in women).

You won't catch any of these neurosurgeons wearing a smartwatch or using AirPods, either. Although some will use the smartwatches for tracking workouts in airplane mode (which cuts off the bluetooth and wifi). They say AirPods are as bad for one's brain as cigarettes are for the lungs.

But I digress. Evidence can fall out of the sky, land on someone's face and start to wiggle... but they'll still blow it off and tell you to put on a tinfoil cap.

Just ignore them.

Something you might be able to do is get EMF blocking fabric to put under the floor mat on that side of the car if that's where you've isolated the dangerous levels of EMF. Here's a good guide on where to find that type of fabric:

When someone cites that a government agency, like the FDA or CDC for example, says something is safe, they don't know what they're talking about. The neurosurgeons laugh at the 'food pyramid'. Bought and paid for by lobbyists in the processed food industry. You better believe Apple, Google and the rest of big tech plays a big role ($$$) in what the FDA or CDC recommends for electronics.

Nobody should get too worked up over this, either. The conveniences technology offers us makes it impossible to rid your environment of the potential dangerous side effects. Potential being the key word there. But everyone can minimize the impacts on their health if they do the research.

Thank you to the OP for bringing this to my attention. I'm going to bring this up with the neurosurgeons at the next conference. I don't think electric vehicles were even on their radar. But it's on mine now and I'll be doing my own EMF tests in that regard. If you get an EMF blocking fabric and you have good results with it, please let me know! I'd be curious as to how that works out.
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This is exactly how nutjob conspiracy theories gain traction. Watch, next there will be some batshite crazy House GOP rep demanding we investigate and ban EV's. Oh wait..Wyoming is already going that route. Nevermind. I've been directly under a power transformer station for 17 years. Other than an extra appendage or two, and some bony growths like horns, all that electromagnetic energy has had no affect whatsoever on me. And besides, listening to my microwave work with my ear up to the door is soothing and calming.
In all seriousness, here is what the OP, and the Neurotic Surgeon should do to ease their worries....simply go trade in your model Y for say, oh, a GMC Yukon. I'm absolutely sure there's nothing wrong with sucking in CO2 particles with every breath, and breathing gas fumes at every fill up.
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This is exactly how nutjob conspiracy theories gain traction.
Next up in the youtube "research" queue: The earth is flat, the moon landings never happened, and 9/11 was an inside job.

I'm sure the peer-reviewed paper with all damning evidence will be released by the "neurosurgeons" will be released any day now. Any, day, now.
My parents always told me not to sit too close to the cathode tube on both our old RCA black and white TV and the later color TV.
That was because it will make you go blind...

...oh wait, that was caused by something else I wasn't supposed to do. 😆
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The remote control to your TV puts out more RF (RF being the harmful radiation according to that link to the "EMF mat") than the battery in your Tesla. You'll get more RF from the wi-fi in the car, or ANY car, than from the battery. More RF from your cell phone. Funny, though, I haven't read any reports of higher incidences of "hand cancers" because of massive remote control usage in society.
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and believes that while being inundated with all this EMF through layers of metal, one can simply put down a mat and magically eliminate it. I remember installing amplifiers in cars that put out so much EMF you could no longer tune in radio stations in your car. Jeez...all I had to do was cover them with a mat. Who knew?
Well in that case, the next time any of my kids need to get an X-ray, I’ll tell the tech they don’t have to cover their privates with their bogus fabric.😂
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Your model Y is not emitting X-Rays. X-Ray radiation and RF radiation are two completely different things. But as someone who works all day long with Neurosurgeons, one would think that you'd know that already
The problem with the conspiracy people is that for every line of nonsense/absurdity you debunk there are 10 more waiting to be trotted out.

Just wait for it.
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