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Currently living in Canada, I want to buy a US Model 3 because I’m going to live in the US

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Hello everyone,
I’m currently living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and I’m currently looking forward in buying a Tesla Model 3. That said, I am going to work in the United States next July and since a Tesla can’t be imported from country to country I want to get my hand on a US Model 3 so I can keep it when I’m going to work there.

Finance wise, I have no problem in paying the car since I worked in Washington a couple of week ago and I have the necessary paystub to get approved. I also have an officier Identification Card for Washington State that could be used to prouve residency.

I’m wondering if it would be possible to buy my Model 3 in the US, be financially responsible and get a license plate from, let say, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, etc for a year. Like I said, I do have a proof of residency from Washington State, but would I need a proof from the State I want the license plate from?

Again, I’ve been told that some workaround existed but I’m just not to sure what’s the best way to buy a US Model 3 and drive it in Canada for less than a year, knowing that I’m moving back in the US in less than a year!

Thank you!
Hello everyone,
I’m currently living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and I’m currently looking forward in buying a Tesla Model 3. That said, I am going to work in the United States next July and since a Tesla can’t be imported from country to country I want to get my hand on a US Model 3 so I can keep it when I’m going to work there.

Finance wise, I have no problem in paying the car since I worked in Washington a couple of week ago and I have the necessary paystub to get approved. I also have an officier Identification Card for Washington State that could be used to prouve residency.

I’m wondering if it would be possible to buy my Model 3 in the US, be financially responsible and get a license plate from, let say, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, etc for a year. Like I said, I do have a proof of residency from Washington State, but would I need a proof from the State I want the license plate from?

Again, I’ve been told that some workaround existed but I’m just not to sure what’s the best way to buy a US Model 3 and drive it in Canada for less than a year, knowing that I’m moving back in the US in less than a year!

Thank you!

Most states won’t allow you to register a car in that state without being a resident with a state ID. So you could potentially buy the car and register it in WA.

However, many banks require you to have a state driver’s license to finance a car.

The easiest method might be to start an LLC (company) in a state you can easily travel to. Buy the Tesla in the LLC’s name. This will make registering it very easy, but it will make financing and insurance difficult.

If you can pay cash, then buying it and registering it will be easy. Buy you will still need a business or commercial insurance policy and you will need to make sure it will cover use in Canada. Pretty much every personal insurance policy covers use in Canada.

Good luck!
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Hello everyone,
I’m currently living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and I’m currently looking forward in buying a Tesla Model 3. That said, I am going to work in the United States next July and since a Tesla can’t be imported from country to country I want to get my hand on a US Model 3 so I can keep it when I’m going to work there.

Finance wise, I have no problem in paying the car since I worked in Washington a couple of week ago and I have the necessary paystub to get approved. I also have an officier Identification Card for Washington State that could be used to prouve residency.

I’m wondering if it would be possible to buy my Model 3 in the US, be financially responsible and get a license plate from, let say, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, etc for a year. Like I said, I do have a proof of residency from Washington State, but would I need a proof from the State I want the license plate from?

Again, I’ve been told that some workaround existed but I’m just not to sure what’s the best way to buy a US Model 3 and drive it in Canada for less than a year, knowing that I’m moving back in the US in less than a year!

Thank you!
You can't currently import your US version Tesla to Canada. However, you can import your Canadian version Tesla to the US (and then back again).

Buying a used model S from canada and bringing it to the US, any issues?
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