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WTB: Roadster 1.5 or above, <$50k

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Hey all,

I know they're few and far between but every now and then someone puts their roadster up for sale at a price point around or below 50k. If you're considering doing so please pm me first. Serious cash buyer.

In the past year, I've seen ONE priced that low, and I'm not convinced it was legitimate. It was on ebay for that price, but listed elsewhere at ~$70k.

I've seen 3 cars priced between $50k and $60k. And those went fast. I missed one, but but snagged the other. And, since it has the majority of the 37/37 CPO warranty left, I still feel like I stole it.

But, good luck with your search.
Thanks for your input! If yours had any of the CPO warranty left and you got it in between 50-60k you stole it. Congrats. I'm just hopeful that I'll be that lucky. I would be proud to own a roadster.