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EV Myths From ‘Our Side’

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EV myths abound. Most of them spread by EV detractors have been covered in these forums in great detail – some, perhaps, in too much detail.

Just for a change of pace, I’d like to open a little discussion on some EV myths that I often hear uttered by EV advocates. I’ll suck some of the fun out of it right off the bat by saying that most of these might not really be best described as “myths.” Perhaps a more accurate description would be “mis-applied principles, technical misunderstandings, unwarranted assumptions and inadvertent exaggerations,” but I think you can see why I didn’t use that in the title.

I care less about what they are called, and more about accuracy – no matter which “side” you are on, and regardless of your intentions. When talking about EVs, I think we all want to make sure that we are clarifying agents. There is already too much mud in the waters.

MYTH: EV owners and supporters are left-wing environmentalists

This is not often stated outright; but is often a clear implication of another statement. For example, posting an article about possible future leaks from a proposed oil pipeline in an EV forum with a comment like “I know everybody here wants to see this dirty thing stopped.” I see a statement like this several times a week.

Yes, EVs are far better for the environment than gas cars, and this is one of the great social benefits of their general adoption. Many buyers and supporters are environmentalists; in the early days, it is likely that most were.

But it was never all of them; and things have changed. Numbers differ widely in surveys based on wording, but it is pretty clearly not true that most current buyers are primarily purchasing for environmental reasons. Nor is it likely true of others in the space, such as industry, government and NGO employees and volunteers. As we advocates have been saying for a long time, there are many good reasons to support EVs; so it is not helpful to assume that all of us have the same motivations or place the same weight on all of the benefits.

This is a complicated topic so I’ll just barely skim here, but the blanket assumption that EV owners and supporters are all environmentalists is not just incorrect – it is slowing down EV adoption. Some people really don’t like being associated with environmentalists, or in seeing environmentalist causes succeed. Even those that largely root for them don’t generally make their car purchases based on it, as a quick look at the market share of various types of ICE vehicles will tell you. The blanket, unexamined assumption that EVs are “for the environment” is behind a lot of the pushback from both the far right and the far left. And it is likely the main driver behind the following myth.

MYTH: EV detractors are right-wing shills for Big Oil

This is the most common dismissal I see EV advocates use when somebody mentions a downside to EVs (even when the downside happens to be a real one; though that is not often).

The most annoying part of this is that many conservatives are EV owners and fans – and why not, as there is much to appreciate including performance, convenience, TCO savings, national security implications, savings from air and water mitigation efforts and health effects, and local economic benefits. The idea that only liberals like EVs is absurd (as noted with the previous myth).

But it is also plain incorrect to state that most detractors are big oil fans, paid or not. Yes, oil companies have been caught paying think tanks for friendly white-papers and op-ed placements, and some oil executives have made statements about EVs that display a startling lack of understanding (or a disappointing disingenuousness). But the quantity of this pales in comparison to the efforts of some of the other detractors: TSLA shorts, executives of alternative companies (power-dense batteries, H2, CNG, etc), liberals afraid that EVs might slow progress towards bicycles and buses, gearheads that are unaware of electric performance implications, free-market purists or economic justice advocates that are unaware that petroleum has huge subsidies, auto dealers trying to avoid a tectonic shift that may not include them, auto manufacturers trying to slow down a risky transition, etc. Or, regular consumers that have seen some of these arguments but have not examined them in detail.

Incorrectly assuming the motivations of detractors derails the conversation, and muddles the opportunity for education about EV benefits. I find it more effective to focus on the message than on possible motivations of the messenger.

MYTH: Most trips are under 40 miles, so there is no reason for anybody to not buy an EV now

Yes, it is true that most trips are under 40 miles. And in fact, UCS and CR did a study that determined that 42% of car buyers could buy a short-range battery electric vehicle and not change ANY of their driving habits or require public charging – there are that many people in the new car market that have electricity where they park, and NEVER carry more or go farther than a LEAF is capable of. It is definitely true that more of the existing plug-in electric vehicles could be sold.

That said, there is still a majority of new car buyers (plus all the people that typically don’t buy new cars) that are not well-served by the current offerings. Some people really need a pickup truck, or a minivan, or something with a lot of clearance. Most can’t afford Tesla’s current offerings but may still need six seats or AWD. There are plenty of good reasons to not buy one of the existing EVs.

Just as important, people don’t buy cars based on statistical averages, especially averages that are not their own. Many people DO regularly take trips well over 40 miles (I take a 100-mile trip almost every week; a LEAF won’t work for me). Or even if it’s not regular – say they only take it once every three months – that is still four times per year. If a car sharing service parks vehicles on your block, no problem – but such services only cover small parts of the country. Renting a car four times a year is a considerable burden for many buyers.

The biggest issue I have with this, really, is that I have never seen it be effective as an argument. So why use it? I think a far more useful argument is that any ICE driver can switch to a PHEV with no change in driving habits. That can be good enough to switch most of their driving to electricity so the discussion could end there. But note that once a PHEV is accepted, it is usually easier to argue for the merits of BEVs, or explain how a two-car household with a BEV and an ICE can be similar to a PHEV.

MYTH: It takes 6kWh of electricity to refine a gallon of gas

It does take an enormous amount of energy to refine petroleum, and 6kWh seems to be a reasonable guess. That is not even counting energy used to locate, extract, transport (at least twice), and pump it. Refineries are the second-largest electricity consumers in California. Petroleum is FAR less efficient than electricity for transportation.

But “6kWh of electricity” is simply not correct – the energy is indeed needed, but much of it (exact amounts are elusive) is not grid electricity, but rather a byproduct of the refining process. Also, petroleum refining typically produces multiple products (i.e. diesel and gasoline) that muddles the amount of energy per gallon.

I understand the desire to use this number – it sounds like you can take the petroleum middleman out of the equation and just power the car directly on that electricity, which would render all further arguments about cost and emissions moot. But while electricity is far superior to petroleum on both counts, I am afraid that this shortcut to explain the difference doesn’t really work.

MYTH: An EV is cleaner than any gas car even when the electricity is generated from 100% coal

This is kind of close. EVs are way cleaner than gas cars on the current U.S. grid. The grid is getting cleaner, enabling EV owners to choose cleaner sources of electricity.

It is true to say that the average EV is better than the average ICE even with 100% coal, or that an EV is better than a comparable ICE with 100% coal. But the average EV is not as good as the best hybrid with 100% coal.

According to UCS, the US-sales weighted-average EV consumption can be as low as 35mpg (based on 2012 data; it is probably better now, but still likely less than a Prius).

MYTH: The $7,500 federal tax credit is to make EVs more affordable

Many people seem to think that the $7,500 federal tax credit is in place to help poor people afford an electric car. Or at least to get middle-class people that might be stretching to be able to finally make it.

The government has no particular interest in selling EVs to people with little money; and the poor don’t buy new cars. New cars – especially expensive cars with new technology – are almost always purchased by people with lots of money, and the government is fine with leveraging their dollars. The tax credit is a buying incentive, designed to help shift the balance so that somebody thinking about buying an ICE might decide on an EV instead.

The public benefits of EVs – better national security, lower trade deficit, a cash injection to the economy, less fouling of air and water, fewer carbon emissions – don’t depend on who buys the cars. In any event, poor people are rarely able to take advantage of a large tax credit, or float the cash until tax refund time even if they could. Sure, there are some buyers on the edge that are enabled by the tax credit, but the objective is to alter buying behavior, not subsidize the poor. That is why it is a tax credit, and not subject to income or vehicle price limitations. Having rich people buy new technology is the best way to increase volumes, reduce prices, and create a used market – those are how the poor will eventually afford EVs.

Electric vehicles are new technology that was starting off in small quantities, and in the auto market that means higher prices. In 2008 the Bush administration asked the DOE how much to subsidize EVs to help drive buying decisions. The US Government Accountability Office estimated that petroleum subsidies (payments and tax credits to petroleum companies only; this did not include pollution mitigation, health effects, patrolling Hormuz, etc) benefited the average gas car by about $12,000 over its lifetime. The $7,500 was calculated to be the net present value of that amount, and that’s how EVs got their tax credit.

MYTH: Other automakers can’t build a competitive car because they can’t duplicate Tesla’s technology

I am confident that engineers at any major automaker could make a great competitor to the Model S and X. Tesla has great engineers, and they do have some technical advantages that other automakers are not yet using, but engineering skill and technology are not why the Model S and X are in a class by themselves. Especially not since Tesla has said other automakers will not be sued for copying their technology.

Until Model 3 demand was demonstrated, many automakers didn’t really think there was demand for EVs. Perhaps they had convinced themselves of this, since they kept arguing so to keep governments from forcing them to make EVs. Even if they thought consumers wanted them, they are legally required to sell through dealers, and dealers have generally been happier selling gas cars (although this is changing). Plus, EVs have that refueling problem that all of their current cars don’t have – who wants to think through all that when they already have a solution? And once you have a solution, there’s the whole marketing problem about how to sell your new product as superior when you are still mostly moving the old product.

It might be short-sighted thinking. It might be waiting until the technology is ready. It might be misunderstanding how to apply the technology to best attract consumers. It might be waiting until somebody else proves the market and then following quickly to reduce the risk. But it’s not that they aren’t capable of building the cars.

TMC Member Chad Schwitters is a retired mobile software executive. He has been an EV driver since 2008 and a Tesla driver since 2009. Additionally, he served as Event Coordinator for the Seattle Electric Vehicle Association and as a board member for Plug In America.

Photo: Flickr
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I don't see how you can escape from the conclusion that Elon was "exactly" endorsing Chris Paine's very clear claim that refining a gallon of gasoline uses 4-6 kWh of electricity. Okay, Elon averaged that to 5 kWh but he was still talking about electricity. If he meant energy, instead of electricity, he would have accounted for needing to run it through a generator at 40-55% efficiency.

Elon's comment (and Chris' comment) was just plain wrong and based on misinformation that was being widely flogged at the time which was nearly 6 years ago. For example, Nissan was using this marketing sign at their early LEAF ride&drive public education events:
View attachment 235582

Let's remind ourselves of what Chris Paine said right before Elon said "Exactly.":

I doubt that Elon would repeat his comment today.
I really hate Nissan for turning something valid into a steaming pile of horse hockey. But they've built a lot of EVs, so they're still up in my book.

The ~4-6 kWh figure is from California natural gas and electricity use by the extraction and refining industries. The lower bound only looks at nat gas/electricity per gallon of petroleum, while the upper bound includes the energy lost during refining and I believe gasoline's larger energy requirements during refining compared to distillates.

Of course, that's only extraction and refining. All the other steps from discovering the oil to pumping it into a gas tank require energy, and as we use more heavy sour crude/tar sands, the energy required is only going to increase.
I think there's an apples-apples component there that's understood. A Tesla S is cheaper compared to a comparable BMW 7 series. Not a Jetta TDI.

True, but right now with so few EVs on the market, people are often comparing apples and oranges because they are making a jump to get into an EV or there isn't a price comparable one. I owned a IS250 then a Volt and now a Model S. For me, the Model S is not cheaper to operate than either of those cars so I never use that as a talking point when my coworkers and friends ask about it. They aren't buying 7-series cars either, so the Model S would not be cheaper for them.

Probably going to be similar with a Bolt. If I am in the market for a compact CUV, the Bolt is going to be way more expensive than my other options, and the lower operating costs probably don't offset that difference over the life of the car.

But, in a few years, there should be a BEV in every category, so we can start making apples to apples comparisons more easily.
I think you get about the right result but that's not quite the right way to look at what is happening. About half of the energy used in refining comes from outside the refinery in the form of natural gas. For example, refineries in California use about 11% of the natural gas supplied by utilities.

Elon's scenario is that we stop refining and use the electricity that was previously used in refining to instead drive our electric cars. Since refineries only get about 5% of their refining energy overhead from purchased electricity that only provides us with 5% of 5-6 kWh or 250 to 300 Wh which is good for about a mile of driving...,However, we could take the ~3 kWh of natural gas energy that would have been used in refining and run that through a combined cycle generator at 55% efficiency to get another 1.5 kWh so now we have a bit less than 2 kWh or maybe 7 miles of driving. If you include the purchased electricity used in oil extraction you might get another 1.0-1.5 kwh of electricity since you don't need that oil anymore. Now we're up to 10-12 miles. Maybe.

That's what you should compare to a 54 mpg Prius. So, no, in a future where we stop refining crude oil we cannot drive the same number of miles on the electricity saved from no longer refining gasoline.
I think it's a lot closer than that. Per my first post in this thread, the electricity/natural gas used for extraction and refining per gallon of petroleum could also be used to deliver about 4kWh of electricity to an EV in California. Using the energy efficiency of refining (~90%) and relative energy use of gasoline versus all other products (1.28x) in your anl pdf suggests we could get ~5.6kWh of electricity for an EV from the energy inputs to make a gallon of gasoline.


That's enough juice to take a Model S 90D about 18 miles over the EPA combined cycle. And, we still haven't included any of the energy used to move the petroleum to the refinery, move the gasoline to the gas station, get the car to the gas station, and whatever other parts of the process I left out.

We can also compare a Prius to a S 90D, but my feeling is a 3 would be a better comparison, and really, we should be comparing other luxo-barges that are as fast and as large to see where we're at.

Compare Side-by-Side

The 450h would likely use less electricity/nat gas than the 90D, but it's kind of a slow poke. The CTS-V can almost keep up, but the 90D is ahead on range using just the electricity/nat gas for extraction and refining. All told, in an apples to apples comparison, things are pretty close.

If a manufacturer made an EV that focused on efficiency as much as the Prius does, my guess is that things would surprisingly close.
Could the "electricity needed to refine gas" argument be perhaps summarized to make it more correct? How about: Since it takes a bunch of externally-supplied natural gas (i.e. natural gas that didn't come from the oil you're trying to refine), as well as electricity, to refine crude oil into gasoline and diesel fuel, you would be better off taking that natural gas and feeding it into a modern electric power plant, taking the resulting electricity (plus the electricity saved) to run your BEV. I.e., with the combined natural gas and electricity saved, you could substantially (though not totally) power the BEV that replaced the ICE which would have used the gas/diesel that was being refined.

Am I close?
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It's probably better to drop electricity on the petroleum side altogether, since it's a small fraction of the overall energy use, and focus on how much natural gas is used.

If we don't use X amount of natural gas to make a gallon of gasoline, we can instead burn it in a power plant and charge an EV, which will go however many miles on the energy from that natural gas. It's not as simple as "refineries use an unbelievable amount of electricity", because it's an accurate statement, not a buzzy one-liner, but it might help people understand things.
It's probably better to drop electricity on the petroleum side altogether, since it's a small fraction of the overall energy use, and focus on how much natural gas is used.

If we don't use X amount of natural gas to make a gallon of gasoline, we can instead burn it in a power plant and charge an EV, which will go however many miles on the energy from that natural gas. It's not as simple as "refineries use an unbelievable amount of electricity", because it's an accurate statement, not a buzzy one-liner, but it might help people understand things.
How much of the natural gas used was retrieved as part of the oil extraction process ?

I live in an area that has an active fossil fuel extraction industry and I routinely see operations burning NG into the air as an unwanted by-product. I've often wondered if they are simply wasteful and could do otherwise. If so then the overall context changes because the NG would not be available in isolation.
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Most of the external energy needed for fuel production comes from natural gas, not from any byproducts of refining. Refining byproducts are used, but those aren't external sources of energy, and as far as I know don't contribute nearly as much energy as natural gas.
It's typically a pretty close split. The 2008 ANL study by Wang that SageBrush and I referenced earlier says 38% NG, 40% refinery still gas, and 13% petroleum coke.

Recent figures from the CEC show natural gas is typically about 53% of the energy used to refine crude oil in California.

Running the numbers shows that extraction and refining (E&R) require roughly .5kWh of electricity per gallon of petroleum, which is fairly small.
Yep (~2000 California numbers you referenced).

Natural gas use on the other hand is substantial at 7+kWh/gallon.
No, I think that is too high. How did you get 7 kWh of NG energy?

This is not necessarily typical of US averages which is what I was writing about earlier in the thread. The California extraction numbers show atypically high use of natural gas because almost all of the oil fields are decades old and have been nearly sucked dry. So, they use lots of NG to make steam to inject underground to loosen up the earth's bowels...

All told, not E&Ring a gallon of petroleum frees up enough energy to provide an EV with at least 4+kWh of electricity in California.
I'm guessing less. Can you show your math?

Your old CEC doc from ~15 years ago shows about half of state's oil is produced in-state or just offshore and the other half is imported from Alaska and unnamed foreign sources. You can't assume all of that oil has the same very high extraction NG use back then. Today, California only produces a little over a third of its own crude.

I'm busy right now but I did some quick "back of the envelope" calculations. I think that CEC doc implies that about 3.3 kWh of NG is used during extraction and another (surprisingly low) 1.2 kWh of NG is used during refining. Even for only the California-sourced crude that implies about 4.5 kWh of NG plus ~500-600 Wh of electricity for E&R so less than 3 kWh of generatable electricity?

The ~4-6 kWh figure is from California natural gas and electricity use by the extraction and refining industries. The lower bound only looks at nat gas/electricity per gallon of petroleum, while the upper bound includes the energy lost during refining and I believe gasoline's larger energy requirements during refining compared to distillates.
I was thinking of the 4-6 kWh number as a national US figure for just refining.

Of course, that's only extraction and refining. All the other steps from discovering the oil to pumping it into a gas tank require energy, and as we use more heavy sour crude/tar sands, the energy required is only going to increase.
But sour plus tar sands are currently a modest fraction of crude I think (not sure of precise recent numbers offhand).

Using the energy efficiency of refining (~90%) and relative energy use of gasoline versus all other products (1.28x) in your anl pdf suggests we could get ~5.6kWh of electricity for an EV from the energy inputs to make a gallon of gasoline.
No, I don't think so, not on a US average.
Probably closer to half that amount.
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Thank goodness I only almost perpetrated a myth
Sorry, you were not even close ;-)

Oil addiction IS a national security concern. You can read the past writings of a director of CIA for his reasoning.
I see it in these terms:
1. Oil is a fungible commodity. Our use affects the supply/demand pricing. When an American pays x dollars per barrel, terrorists and bad actors selling oil are paid the same amount.
2. The US military is deployed the world over to protect oil shipping routes
3. US misadventures in meddling in other countries to "bring democracy" is a thinly veiled attempt to protect or install governments that protect an uninterrupted oil supply. See: Iraq for a recent example
4. Terrorism directed against the US from muslim countries is typically a side-effect of terrorists striking out at the hand that props up the local regime they are fighting.
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Sorry, you were not even close ;-)

Oil addiction IS a national security concern. You can read the past writings of a director of CIA for his reasoning.
I see it in these terms:
1. Oil is a fungible commodity. Our use affects the supply/demand pricing. When an American pays x dollars per barrel, terrorists and bad actors selling oil are paid the same amount.
2. The US military is deployed the world over to protect oil shipping routes
3. US misadventures in meddling in other countries to "bring democracy" is a thinly veiled attempt to protect or install governments that protect an uninterrupted oil supply. See: Iraq for a recent example
4. Terrorism directed against the US from muslim countries is typically a side-effect of terrorists striking out at the hand that props up the local regime they are fighting.

TL;DR: the world would be a much better place if Middle East politics were solely an humanitarian issue.
The humanitarian crisis is a symptom of our dependence on oil for fuel. Treat the disease. Not the symptom...
I'm not really sure what you mean, but this I can say: where the US gets involved out of 'national interest,' the local situation is probably going to get a lot worse. The US did not create the religious rivalry between the Sunni and Shiite denominations, but flooding the area with arms from the Iraq mis-adventure has made a very bad situation a lot worse. And AGW related drought is its own driver of violence.

So in that sense American oil addiction has extended its long arm of misery to that region as well.
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It's typically a pretty close split. The 2008 ANL study by Wang that SageBrush and I referenced earlier says 38% NG, 40% refinery still gas, and 13% petroleum coke.

Recent figures from the CEC show natural gas is typically about 53% of the energy used to refine crude oil in California.

Yep (~2000 California numbers you referenced).

No, I think that is too high. How did you get 7 kWh of NG energy?

This is not necessarily typical of US averages which is what I was writing about earlier in the thread. The California extraction numbers show atypically high use of natural gas because almost all of the oil fields are decades old and have been nearly sucked dry. So, they use lots of NG to make steam to inject underground to loosen up the earth's bowels...

I'm guessing less. Can you show your math?

Your old CEC doc from ~15 years ago shows about half of state's oil is produced in-state or just offshore and the other half is imported from Alaska and unnamed foreign sources. You can't assume all of that oil has the same very high extraction NG use back then. Today, California only produces a little over a third of its own crude.

I'm busy right now but I did some quick "back of the envelope" calculations. I think that CEC doc implies that about 3.3 kWh of NG is used during extraction and another (surprisingly low) 1.2 kWh of NG is used during refining. Even for only the California-sourced crude that implies about 4.5 kWh of NG plus ~500-600 Wh of electricity for E&R so less than 3 kWh of generatable electricity?

I was thinking of the 4-6 kWh number as a national US figure for just refining.

But sour plus tar sands are currently a modest fraction of crude I think (not sure of precise recent numbers offhand).

No, I don't think so, not on a US average.
Probably closer to half that amount.
Assuming that ANL study is accurate, doesn't all the still gas/petroleum coke being used put gasoline further in the hole? Not as external energy inputs, but as a reduction in the percent of petroleum that goes into gasoline.

The 7+kWh of energy comes from the CEC web page in my first post and another CEC page. Roughly speaking...

The oil extraction industry uses 3,846 million KWh of electricity 2,910 million Therms of gas. From the same page, CA extracted about 340 million bbls (1997 340,362,443).

Petroleum refining is the number one consumer of energy in California's manufacturing sector. In 1997, the industry consumed 7,266 million KWh of electricity and 1,061 therms of natural gas. In 1997, California refineries processed about 644,700,000 barrels of oil.

Oil Supply Sources To California Refineries

I uploaded a pdf with formatted figures/units. Are you using the CA oil refinery production numbers with the extraction energy usage figures? That would throw things off because CA only extracts half of the oil it refines.

In terms of extraction, you can cut the natual gas used in extraction in CA by half, and end up with about 2.5kWh per gallon of petroleum. The thing is, by the time it's refined into gasoline, it'll be back up to ~4kWh because of how much energy is lost during refining and the greater energy requirements of gasoline compared to other products. That's still not including transportation and so on.

I think my assumptions about the energy requirements for oil extraction increasing are likely. Most of the increase in US production is coming from tight oil/shale oil (eg Bakken), which has higher energy requirements for extraction. It's not as bad as the oil sands in Canada/Venezuela, but it's still worse than conventional oil based on what I've read.

The Challenges of Unconventional Oil - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
What is Tight Oil?
Tight oil expected to make up most of U.S. oil production increase through 2040 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Here's a great image. Apparently half of all the oil we extract is now tight oil, which is more than I expected. :(


I wouldn't be surprised if tight oil extraction requires more energy than what the oil that was extracted in CA twenty years ago. When all is said and done, I think 4-6kWh of usable electricity per gallon of gasoline is a conservative estimate given how much tight oil we're producing, which could be as or more energy intensive than the heavy oil produced from older wells in California, and because it's only looking at extraction and refining. Everything else in the supply chain will only require more energy.


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Assuming that ANL study is accurate, doesn't all the still gas/petroleum coke being used put gasoline further in the hole? Not as external energy inputs, but as a reduction in the percent of petroleum that goes into gasoline.
Yep. I imagine that is how the EPA comes up with 17% losses from well to car_tank
But that plays into pollution and ROI calcs only since those internal inputs would not be available for EVs unless the oil was extracted in the first place.
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How much of the natural gas used was retrieved as part of the oil extraction process ?

I live in an area that has an active fossil fuel extraction industry and I routinely see operations burning NG into the air as an unwanted by-product. I've often wondered if they are simply wasteful and could do otherwise. If so then the overall context changes because the NG would not be available in isolation.
I think many mature wells are grid tied so they can profit from exporting electricity on-peak and purchase more electricity off-peak, so it wouldn't be an issue for them.

How far could an EV go on the energy used to produce a gallon of gas?

Tight oil would be the opposite, especially if they're trucking the petroleum out. I'm guessing it wouldn't be an issue with many large/mature wells, it would be an issue for new tight oil plays, and something of an issue for everything in between, depending on the specifics.
Yep. I imagine that is how the EPA comes up with 17% losses from well to car_tank
But that plays into pollution and ROI calcs only since those internal inputs would not be available for EVs unless the oil was extracted in the first place.
It wouldn't increase the energy use (numerator), but it would reduce the end product (divisor) that's being used in the comparison. Instead of however much electricity + natural gas over 42 gallons of petroleum, it's the same amount of electricity + natural gas over the equivalent of 42-X gallons of gasoline, where X represents the lost energy from refining and the higher energy requirements of refining gasoline versus other petroleum products.
It wouldn't increase the energy use (numerator), but it would reduce the end product (divisor) that's being used in the comparison. Instead of however much electricity + natural gas over 42 gallons of petroleum, it's the same amount of electricity + natural gas over the equivalent of 42-X gallons of gasoline, where X represents the lost energy from refining and the higher energy requirements of refining gasoline versus other petroleum products.
The myth being discussed is how much external energy input goes into extraction and refining petroleum.
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The myth being discussed is how much external energy input goes into extraction and refining petroleum.
Into gasoline! Well, really I would say that it's all the energy required to turn petroleum into gasoline, but it's harder to find figures for transportation/etc...

Because most cars can't drive around on a gallon of petroleum, the energy required for petroleum is a required starting point. If we got 42 gallons of gasoline from 42 gallons of petroleum, we could compare the the two as is, but we don't.
I think at a minimum for this we need to include all transportation fuels; gasoline, diesel and avaition fuel. And I do think it fair to use energy used weather it be natural gas, electricity or even part of the oil.
That road leads to nonsense like the following:

It takes 4 kWh of energy to make 1 kWh of electricity, even using some of the best PV panels around.
That road leads to nonsense like the following:

It takes 4 kWh of energy to make 1 kWh of electricity, even using some of the best PV panels around.
But the panels will produce over 10,000 KWh over their respective life so very positive overall.

My old company purchased relatively little power from the grid. But we had three power plants and used about 70 rail cars of coal a day to produce power internally. So while true we were VERY efficient using just purchased power in reality used a LOT of power.