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phantom braking

  1. Valtor


    If you would like to help make the hashtag #FixPhantomBraking go viral. Please feel free ! ;) Here is an example: Thanks in advance to all !
  2. G

    Remove autopilot from car configuration

    Hi, Is it possible to remove autopilot from the cars software configuration so traffic aware cruise control is replaced with “ordinary” cruise control? The roads i drive on is not suitable for TACC and phantom braking is occurring so often that I can not use it. Therefore i want to permanently...
  3. M

    Is FSD refundable

    Hi all, My MYLR is a great car but I got the vision only models delivered in May and I am not impressed with FSD so far. Constant phantom breaking in both TACC and Autosteer mode is scaring me and making the rest of the family sick. My wife now forbids me to use any autopilot features when...
  4. T

    FSD Timeline Promises (summary)

    Here is a great summary of what Elon has communicated about the FSD timeline. https://motherfrunker.ca/fsd/ Full copy below for archival September 2014 They will be a factor of 10 safer than a person [at the wheel] in a six-year time frame Source December 2015 We're going to end up with...
  5. K

    Phantom Braking - 2021 MY

    I was driving on I49 last night maintaining a speed of 75mph. Car was on Autopilot. Car abruptly slowed down to 50 mph. It was around 1 AM. Road was clear. No rain, no bugs, no cars ahead of me. It was scary. If this phantom braking would have occurred during the day on heavy traffic I would...
  6. Trilodroid

    Phantom Braking vs TACC in Late 2020

    On the cusp of getting a new car, and there is so much about the Tesla Model 3 that I love. The one thing I'm worried about is phantom braking during TACC (not talking steering assist, nor FSD). I've been doing a little digging... OK a lot of digging, and it is clear that with each software...
  7. MrBadger

    [UK] 2020.44.x

    Just the one car so far. Oddly, no longer showing up on TeslaFi release list.
  8. Marius A

    Reduce/eliminate phantom braking (trigger warning)

    Some weeks ago I posted a poll on how often people experience phantom braking, and the results were around 50% for "Almost never" and the rest spread out over "seldom" to "almost always". That's a really high number so I decided to test out different strategies to improve it (I was one of the...
  9. H

    My 100D model S regularly brakes hard for no reason at all when in FSD. Have others noticed this?

    For the past few weeks I've noticed extremely erratic braking when in FSD. The car is going along just fine and it will all of a sudden, for no reason at all, slam the brakes and slow down roughly 15-20 mph. It is dangerous and has almost caused an accident twice
  10. Marius A

    How often do you experience phantom braking

    I think most people on this forum has experienced phantom braking. Some think it's no problem, others think it's a crime against humanity. Personally I think it's such an awful experience that I don't use TACC or AP any more. Every once in a while I use it while I open a bottle or put on my...
  11. Matias

    Increased AP1 phantom braking lately

    During few weeks lately i’ve noticed increased phantom braking in my 2015 AP1 Model S. Normally phantom braking is rare, but during last few weeks I’ve had many. Perhaps it is because of piles of snow on road shoulders. We have got a lot of snow during last few weeks. AP1 has whitelist of...