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  1. TresLA


    I have no noticed nor heard of any increased AP/FSDb jails. Can you tell whether it’s due to (perceived) steering wheel torque unresponsiveness or eye tracking?
  2. TresLA

    Autopark parking forward instead of backward?

    That’s an existing feature called “(smart) summon”. 🤣 In any case, I don’t think front camera has much to do with it, even though some of us still have USS and it can “dumb summon” just fine forward into a parking space, I think it’s just a matter of priorities that they haven’t implemented...
  3. TresLA

    FSD 12.3.4 Highway exits still terrifying

    I haven’t noticed any of these issues myself, but if you are uncomfortable with anything it’s doing you should disengage right away and use the voice control button to record a bug report. You can also use voice control at anytime to submit a bug report, but from what I understand those are not...
  4. TresLA

    March of 9s: The Beginning of the End

    Crossing/riding the left line isn’t usually a problem, but when there’s a wall and no shoulder it can be very uncomfortably close. Sadly, I’ve recently gotten a flat tire because of this. I’m responsible still and should have disengaged, but something flashed under the car too quickly and I...
  5. TresLA

    Does FSD disable USS?

    No, it’s not disabled. I’d guess USS doesn’t apply much to FSDS/b yet since it’s such short range. Maybe when we get ASS or reverse summon for parking lots.
  6. TresLA

    FSD and speed limit

    I’ve found that v12 doesn’t necessarily ignore my max speed offset (I use +14%), but is just sometimes slower about getting there. When I’m impatient I will push the accelerator for a bit to hurry it up there but still without disengaging FSDb. It’ll then stick to the higher speed.
  7. TresLA

    Tesla is Unstoppable -- The Hidden Competitive Edge

    I can imagine the cost of this FSD Resuscitation package. I may have to wait until the subscription pricing is cut in half.
  8. TresLA

    Funniest FSD Testing Video?

    When a sentence starts with "you'd think...", that means they really don't understand the difficulty of the circumstances and have unreasonable expectations.
  9. TresLA

    FSDb acceleration / deceleration rate... hmm.

    It doesn’t sound like you’re familiar with what is easy to teach an AI.
  10. TresLA

    FSD (Supervised) 1 month demo is free to Canadians when in the USA

    Meaning you can only use it while located in USA or as long as you’re in USA you get it pushed to your car and then you can go back to Canada and use it up there too?
  11. TresLA

    2024.3.10 (FSD 12.3.3) Broke my 22MY

    Perhaps you already tried, but are you able to turn off all sentry mode and other activities that would wake the car (don’t check your Tesla app) so that it goes into deep sleep after 20 mins or so? If it doesn’t reboot in you while trying, you can also try the “change tire size and then change...
  12. TresLA

    FSD 12.3 Left turn signal ALWAYS ON

    Strange sounding behavior. We have had FSDb on our 2018 LR RWD Model 3 since the first public release (Oct 11th, 2021). Even running v12.3 now I’ve never had nor heard of others with a left turn signal issue. Other than the usual 2 button reboot and 20 min deep sleep resets, I don’t know other...
  13. TresLA

    Why does Tesla Say AutoPilot Suspension Will be “approximately” 1 well.

    Probably because lawyers are too popular in the USA
  14. TresLA

    Poll: When will we have Level 3 or Level 4 on highways?

    From what we’ve seen, Tesla hasn’t ever expressed interest in L3 nor L4, so they’ll never “achieve it” since they’re not trying for it. There’s no need and it’s not like autonomy follows these SAE levels, hence why so many have tried forming other standards/categories. To put it simply, Tesla...
  15. TresLA

    FSD Trial ended, car updated to 2024.2.3 - what would happen if I subscribe to FSD today?

    Do you mean FSD beta or just FSD Capability package (including Navigate on Autopilot for highways, Summon, auto lane change, etc.)? If the latter, then yes, you'd be able to enable right away upon subscribing. If the former, then that's a question of whether FSDb is included in this version or...
  16. TresLA

    Phantom Braking misunderstanding

    They’re confusing the phantom braking issue (although much less of an issue than before) with the intentional safety feature of slowing down when driving much faster than traffic in adjacent lanes as indicated by the chevrons on the display. For reference from the “Tesla Model Y manual”:
  17. TresLA

    phantom Braking

    I’m not saying I don’t get phantom braking (although it’s nothing like the crazy slamming on the brakes I remember it used to be like), but I think it’s just something I instinctively react to now without thinking much about it so it doesn’t bother me much, or I can’t even really remember how...
  18. TresLA

    phantom Braking

    Interesting. I suppose everyone is different. Intervening then re-engaging FSDb has become second nature to me, and I don’t feel particularly bothered by the frequency (doesn’t seem that bad to me). But, I also understand I’m probably not the norm. I’m also all for Tesla throwing resources at...
  19. TresLA

    Really incoming FSD 12.1 ?

    I don’t think he misspoke. Tesla has long been working on reducing how many kilometers of wiring is used in vehicle production: https://insideevs.com/news/363422/tesla-wiring-architecture-details/ The Cybertruck took that efficiency effort even further.
  20. TresLA

    phantom Braking

    Can’t say I’m fond of this American tradition.
  21. TresLA

    Tesla’s largest recall won’t fix Autopilot safety issues, experts say — more TESLA bashing by the Washington Post

    I wonder if the frequency and degree of “recalls” will decrease next year with Ann Carlson finally stepping down as acting NHTSA admin. She has had NHTSA on a Tesla warpath for a number of years now (as general counsel and more recently as acting admin/director)
  22. TresLA

    Tesla navigation map region change question

    To clarify, do you mean changing which continent a car is used in? Not just east coast vs west coast of the USA?
  23. TresLA

    Tesla’s largest recall won’t fix Autopilot safety issues, experts say — more TESLA bashing by the Washington Post

    Local, state, and federal speed limits still haven’t fixed the fundamental flaw of allowing drivers to speed, which leads to maybe a few accidents each year. /s
  24. TresLA

    WaPo: Tesla recalls 2 million cars with ‘insufficient’ Autopilot safety controls

    This “recall” was almost as silly as the “Performance Model 3 doesn’t show MPH or KPH units of measure when in track mode” one.
  25. TresLA

    I’m feeling dumb. How do you resume cruise after cancelling it?

    As others have said, there is no "resume" for TACC (nor AP for that matter), but there are a couple shortcuts to set the max speed again: 1) tapping the speed limit sign visual (if available) sets your max speed to the speed limit or offset you made in settings 2) if you've held the accelerator...
  26. TresLA

    FSD took wrong exit

    I've long held the belief that fully autonomous driving is still far off because so much of the driving task is (sub-consciously) social. AGI (however one defines this) is needed to read/predict other human drivers' intent, let along getting path-planning to follow a navigation's route... and...
  27. TresLA

    Disable FSD

    Do you mean like these white Teslas that aren't Performance trim even though the sticker says so and FSD Capability package was only $10k? Movie site: https://www.netflix.com/title/81314956
  28. TresLA

    FSD took wrong exit

    Which product/feature are you referring to? NoA (Navigate on Autopilot) or the more advanced FSD beta (Navigate on City Streets)? Regardless, this sort of thing happens with both still. That’s why Tesla doesn’t call either product FSD yet and warns drivers that FSDb “may do the wrong thing at...
  29. TresLA

    How do we know what HW version is in our 2023 Model Y and why doesn't it explicitly say it has EAP, which we bought?

    A few notes: • By “pillar cameras”, I’m guessing you mean “fender cameras”? We don’t have access to pillar camera footage/recordings. • Charging curves have always slowed significantly after 80% SoC. That’s why manufacturers advertisement of fast charging times use 80% at the top end of that...
  30. TresLA

    Car slowing unnecessarily for slower cars in adjacent lane on EAP for anyone else?

    To double check, do you have HOV lanes switched off in the Autopilot menu (or settings listed under bottom left navigation panel when routed)? I’m curious if that setting is turned off and somehow affecting EAP (a bug), meaning it’s trying to get out of that lane, wanting to change lanes to the...
  31. TresLA

    Tires for those who drive on FSD beta a lot.

    FSD beta is not known for its comfort, easy driving style, so for me the better performing tires are worth the rougher ride for those more fun driving segments. I am also mostly engaging FSD beta.
  32. TresLA

    Blue TACC maximum speed setting number

    When you say “FSD” do you mean FSD beta? AP (Autosteer)? TACC (doesn't steer for you)? When using Autosteer, that middle number with the word “Max” is the max speed the car will use when either TACC or Autosteer are engaged (it’s not just TACC Max)
  33. TresLA

    Highland led lightstrip as fsd indicator

    This doesn’t make sense to me as the display is indicator enough for me, but to each their own. I would like to see that whole strip flash to indicate a blind spot warning though.
  34. TresLA

    Get new versions sooner if frequently report problems?

    I don’t think it’s related, but who knows. We have two cars on FSD beta. I mainly drive one of them, but often report no matter which car I’m driving. Sometimes one car gets updates earlier than the other, and sometimes it’s the other way around. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Even now, one car has been on 11.4.7 for a...
  35. TresLA

    FSD disabled after using summon

    This sounds really strange and I've never heard of such behavior. Maybe post a video of what exactly is happening? But will probably end in needing to create a service appointment through the phone app.
  36. TresLA

    FSD V12 Elon Demo

    Musk has mentioned HW4 lagging behind HW3:
  37. TresLA

    Do any HW4 Vehicles have FSD Beta activated ?

    As noted in the video above, @fasteddie7 has HW4 & FSDb. It appears it’s just a matter of waiting for the versioning (of FSDb 11.4.x, not just 11.3.x) to catch up, just like buying any new Tesla regardless of whether HW3 or HW4.
  38. TresLA

    FSD+Nag+Sunglasses, 11.3.X Relief

    Less bags with sunglasses I’m guessing because it can’t tell as easily that I’m looking at the screen
  39. TresLA

    Does location matter for FSD performance?

    This is an old post, but yes it probably still matters due to how much data is gathered from FSDb engaged drives:
  40. TresLA

    FSD 11.4.4 Runs Red Light

    Yes, "human edge cases". I've often seen non-local drivers confused by poorly designed intersections/merges/traffic controls. AVs aren't the only ones challenged by driving in the real world!
  41. TresLA

    FSD 11.4.4 Runs Red Light

    I know FSDb has examples of bad behavior worse than human drivers, but it is funny that this video shows a human driver running the red light. The Tesla gets dinged by society, blasted on forums, dragged through the media, but the human driver AFTER gets essentially excused.
  42. TresLA

    Another Tesla With Full Self-Driving Beta Blasts Through A Red Light

    From his former job title, it sounds like he was a test driver for AP. Why does he seem so clueless about how to properly operate FSDb: Are there still edge cases? Yes. Does Tesla warn you to be ready to take over? Yes. Did this driver have enough time to recognize a coming mistake and...
  43. TresLA

    Tesla unable to transfer FSD due to firmware compatibility?

    Understood. I was just nit picking at the statement that in 2018 it was only possible to get FSD Capability package after delivery (vs at time of order/build).
  44. TresLA

    How did certain people get in the “alpha” group?

    Or just someone that helps push development by providing useful feedback. They also did provide a button to report for us general public for awhile. It was taken away supposedly when the testing group was expanded. Then they gave us the voice feedback option. Also, you didn’t pay for FSDb. You...
  45. TresLA

    FSD 11.4.4 Runs Red Light

    Yikes. Good watching out. Another edge case (of seemingly infinite) that Tesla needs to address before FSD reaches production level 5.
  46. TresLA

    Tesla unable to transfer FSD due to firmware compatibility?

    Not a big deal, but just to nit pick: we did include FSD Capability package in our original 2018 Model 3 order placed in March 2018. We didn't purchase after delivery.
  47. TresLA

    EAP with HW 3, real world benefit FSD in Europe / Netherlands?

    I believe that 2018 Model X would have come w AP HW2.5. If a previous owner had purchased FSD Capability, then they would have had the option to upgrade to HW3 starting in early 2020 or so. If in English the specs/details of the AP computer says “Full Self-Driving computer”, then that sounds...
  48. TresLA

    How to ensure “FSD license” transferred to new HW4 Model Y?

    As I keep preaching elsewhere, we really should stick to the terms and verbiage that Tesla uses. There’s no such thing as “standard FSD”. It’ll prevent at least some of the confusion: Tesla (now) includes or sells for purchase and/or subscription: • AP • EAP • FSD Capability (what some mean...
  49. TresLA

    How to ensure “FSD license” transferred to new HW4 Model Y?

    Look under upgrades section in Tesla app if they added the car there already. Or on the website account section, click “manage” for the new vehicle and check specs in the details. Or check the ”Motor Vehicle Order Agreement” if they’ve added that to your account documents section for the new...
  50. TresLA

    Please explain how Automatic Emergency Braking is invoked

    We’ve responded to your scenario(s) and questions, but you aren’t satisfied with the current state of the industry’s AEB (not just Tesla). AEB doesn’t apply to AP or FSDb (which you weren’t using), because… the car controls the brakes in those modes. If you hit the brake pedal, then you’re no...