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  1. P

    Stalk or no stalk argument [not] settled

    Depends on where you are? I’ve always gotten one, usually old model 3s though.
  2. P

    Model 3 Highland (Canada) Waiting room

    Happy to see that Canadian Model 3s are Chinese. While my Y only has minor imperfections, I did have a lot of service visits for various sensor issues and similar, and I also have one weird vibration from the dash. Hopefully build quality at the US plants can continue to improve.
  3. P

    Quick 4-month new MY report

    +1. I feel I’ve become a much more chill driver even when not using one of the assists. I have it in sport but even then, it’s so easy to modulate the car, where with most gas cars if it’s an automatic it’s a chore to brake, and if it’s a manual then it kind of wants you to race it a little. It...
  4. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    interestingly enough, I’ve been using autosteer and tacc again, and I had zero nags — not even flashing blue, when driving normally. However, when I looked at my phone, it nagged me with a “boop” after a second. I guess that’s a good balance. It seems Tesla has already been moving toward this...
  5. P

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    As an aside, I always preferred European aesthetics and road design. We have nice landscapes here in North America, but we don’t have the same focus on aesthetics. Those trees would be clear cut here for sure, and with wide ditches and shoulders too. Probably some car dealerships and crazy LEDs...
  6. P

    Kia EV6 GT Line AWD compared to my Tesla Model Y LR

    I feel the difference is that Autosteer takes over steering entirely, while lane assist in the Korean cars steers the wheel with you. It’s a different experience and in some ways superior, such as being able to steer around obstacles without disengaging and being able to set whatever speed you want.
  7. P

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    Is it known why the overrides aren't allowed? Is a regulator forcing Tesla and only Tesla to do this? Other manufacturers let you set whatever speed you want even with their equivalent of Autosteer active.
  8. P

    Robotaxi : The business of competing with human drivers

    As an N=1 viewpoint, I personally would pay more for Robotaxi than for Uber, even if due to economics the pricing is likely to be less. Some reasons why: * Standardization of quality and maintenance. No more getting picked up by beater Toyotas or Hondas. * No bull*sugar* about the driver rating...
  9. P

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    After taking a lot of Uber rides during a vacation, I'm more bullish about the future of Robotaxi and honestly can't wait for it to be deployed in more cities. I'm also rooting for Waymo as healthy competition is always good. There are just so many potential advantages, and too many...
  10. P

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    It’s embarrassing if accurate. Some open source thing that you have to wire in shouldn’t be working better than the car’s own software. Hopefully Tesla steps it up.
  11. P

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Seems to me like this kind of thing should really be covered by map data instead of having to rely on OCR reading of signs. Map data can't cover temporary changes (well, actually it could if it was planned and coordinated) but it should be able to capture the regular situation. Why isn't Tesla...
  12. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Robotaxi is going to have a hard time competing with Uber for speed. Had to use it, and both drivers today were rolling through stops at 15, though the second was really good about driving exactly the limit around schools. FSD plus regen in general have “trained” me to slow down more at stops...
  13. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Now that my trial has ended, here’s what I’m hoping for in a future FSD: 1) Not knowing when the thing is going to change lanes is very stressful. Most of the other FSD behaviors don’t bother me that much as I can always just take over, but I find this alone is reason enough to just drive...
  14. P

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    there are still a lot of dead zones in Canada so hopefully not slowing down too much. It’s nearly 2025, it should be possible to go just about anywhere by EV at this point.
  15. P

    Why can’t GPS be used to calibrate the speedometer?

    Coming from a previous car that was off by nearly 10%, I was impressed when the Y said I was going 120 and gps indicated 119. That’s close enough for me!
  16. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    A couple of notes from the morning drive today. 1) FSD does not GAF about obstructed visibility. The roads around here are in a grid with lots of parked cars. There are also a lot of a-holes that gun it across the road without checking for oncoming traffic. When I honk at them, they'll either...
  17. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Mine also biases too far to the right. I especially don't like it during right turns but also when there’s parked cars. Zero chance if someone opens their door or pops out. I don’t mind the accelerator overrides so much but it’s annoying that I can’t move the car so much as an inch with the...
  18. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I don’t think they would necessarily do this either. Maybe for regions but not for every toggle. There should be other ways to control it. Something like how you would prompt a LLM: « please keep the Gs down and try very hard not to change lanes, ok? ». There’d still be an increased test burden...
  19. P

    Cybertruck is a scam.

    It’s funny but Tesla says the same thing for the Model Y and probably the other models too.
  20. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    No books or screens but he is just susceptible… I once had to travel internationally with toddler puke all over myself and no change of clothes (I had for him, but I was the one that needed new clothes! 😵‍💫). He’s also puked in every car but never in the Tesla. It’s getting better as he gets...
  21. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Another interesting note, is that fsd does seem to depend on lead cars for better or worse. On a 4 lane one way road where left and right are turn only, going into a two lane one way across an intersection, first it was going to use the right turn only lane but I cancelled that, then it followed...
  22. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Tried it without that setting and same experience — going into leftmost lane when we need to exit soon. I would normally just disengage but wanted to see what it would do. Also probably annoyed a van as I was mildly tailgated going back to the right lane. About motion sickness, it’s interesting...
  23. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    They really need to do away with that “beep beep beep” as it’s very stressful. Save that for serious safety issues instead of beeping every 10 seconds because there’s clouds in the sky. All the more reason it should be possible to choose between tacc, autopilot and fsd without the driver profile...
  24. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    This one is really context dependent. Sometimes fsd will drop the limit 30+ or more, either on the highway due to nearby exits, or just after getting off, and these are places I really don’t want it to be hitting the brakes.
  25. P

    FSD beta 1-month trial in Canada

    It's interesting because most Americans complain that auto-max is too slow, but the US in general seems to have high suburban speed limits. I switched back to manual offset because auto max goes way too fast in 30 km/h residential zones.
  26. P

    Tesla FSD Subscription Now $99/Month | TMC Podcast #62

    In my morning route, the navigation never takes the route that I want to take, and FSD locks down the steering wheel so we can't easily steer around potholes or position the car. I would like: * More two-way communication with the feature. Right now the only way we can communicate is via the...
  27. P

    Make your robotaxi predictions for the 8/8 reveal

    I’ve had FSD do a couple low speed rolls myself, but specifically for this one, the stop sign apparently doesn’t apply to continuing right, which it seems is what the car was doing before it pulled over to the left. The car still almost failed to follow nav but it seems like a bad setup tbh. Of...
  28. P

    To FSD or not, that is the question…

    Agreed with this feedback. I like to keep a lot more space to parked cars than FSD does. Apparently creating two driver profiles is the way to change to tacc while driving…
  29. P

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    There’s also currently no referral or loyalty credits for purchasing a 3.
  30. P

    The post annoying pedestrian warning sustems

    In your opinion, which brand of EVs / hybrid have the most annoying pedestrian warning systems? In my view, it’s gotta be Toyota without a doubt. Those things are insanely loud and annoying. I can hear a Toyota hybrid from more than 200 feet away. Also, for some reason they often have...
  31. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Two obnoxious behaviours I hope they fix in 12.4: 1) When the "FSD degraded" message comes on, it has to come with an annoying "boop boop boop". Sometimes all it takes is for there to be a few clouds for it to say it's degraded. As soon as the message goes away, it comes back with another "boop...
  32. P

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I would definitely not purchase at $16,000 CAD or subscribe at $200+, but at $99 CAD, I think it's worth it just to continue playing around it with and see how it improves. I'm not sure why people think that the price is going to go to the moon. Price != value and what matters is total revenue...
  33. P

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I can see it training on negative output. I.e. where people are disengaging or sending feedback. More training data from FSD does help with that.
  34. P

    3D Printed Rear Headrest Tablet Holder That Uses Headrest Poles

    Interesting setup. I like this better than where Tesla put the rear centre screen on the Highland. That thing is too small & too low, and also, kids can't reach it without getting out of their seats (which means complaining to the parents). Also seems like a good way to get motion sick and puke...
  35. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Interesting. Still not available here in Canada, but if it's $139 CAD, that's almost 10 years of self driving at the current $16,000 price.
  36. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I think this is very difficult to solve unless the car somehow develops a memory OR our reports actually go and update a DB somewhere. Sometimes it's not a super-obvious pothole, but a big dip in the road or crappy road engineering that you can't see from further away, or a sunken sewer plate...
  37. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I find this behavior ridiculous. Why doesn't it just turn off when you exceed 85 instead of freaking out and locking you out for the rest of the drive?
  38. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    There’s already places like this today 😁:
  39. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That’s a strange road to be sure. Seems like a recent road diet? Just fill it in with some grass or something already.
  40. P

    Refer and Earn menu: What is the difference between "Get started" on the Home tab, and the "Earn" tab?

    On the referral screen, there’s a “loyalty” tab where I could purchase a new Y, X, or S but not a 3, for the 7,500 credits. It’s somewhat confusing given the other option that says 10,000 credits but just takes you to a general shop screen.
  41. P

    Refer and Earn menu: What is the difference between "Get started" on the Home tab, and the "Earn" tab?

    In the Tesla app, if you tap on "Refer and Earn", it brings you to a new screen with a big "Get Started" button, and 4 tabs along the bottom: Home, Earn, Redeem, and History. If I tap on "Get Started", the second option there says "Order a New Tesla Product", "Get 10,000 credits", and there I...
  42. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Depends really, procedural code can be very fast especially if there aren’t 300,000 lines of it. Simple guardrails like “don’t turn the wheel 90°” or “don’t floor the accelerator” wouldn’t add any latency at all. Possibly they can run it in parallel. Would be interesting to learn more about the...
  43. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Without being an AI expert myself, the way I envision it is that they would have a supervisor that implements rules-based logic and limits the outputs of the NNs. If the NN is asking for acceleration > some threshold, then the rules based can examine the outputs and see if it's doing it for some...
  44. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    There's a couple double-left turns around here where there are zero or very faded lane markings through the intersection. It does the same behavior like you noticed and doesn't take a good line. I let FSD try it but I usually end up disengaging and sending my feedback.
  45. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Interesting short drive today. I drove on a 2-lane per side stroad where the right lane also has parked cars. It's quite narrow so I don't usually like driving in that lane, since you only have about 1-2 feet of clearance to the parked cars. If there's a big pickup or a truck, you have to cut...
  46. P

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Depends on the vehicle. With separate compartments, they would have a physical barrier and wouldn’t have to sit side by side. Pooling is more important during the peak hours and you could have several compartments in a van-type vehicle.
  47. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Shouldn’t be cutting but it’s also poor road design imo. I get shoved into the parking lane by bad drivers in places like that too. Maybe FSD was trained on those drivers?
  48. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Because of the lack of communication from the system on what it wants to do, I always keep my foot over the brake anytime there’s people walking near the car or I’m waiting on an unprotected turn. When it commits, it sometimes accelerates like we’re escaping out of prison, when we’re just...
  49. P

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I’ve experienced all of these as well, so it seems to not be uncommon. Now I just disengage the moment the car starts misbehaving in an inappropriate way. It’s better for safety with the other traffic and that way we can also send a voice report back to TSLA which will hopefully improve the...
  50. P

    Cybertruck is a scam.

    It seems odd that they have the bed extender when they could offer a “max range” option for more $$$ and not take up additional bed space.