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  1. skepticcyclist

    Battery Didn't Discharge During Peak Last Night

    But I didn’t update my TOU settings in the app. It still shows the same as it always did
  2. skepticcyclist

    Battery Didn't Discharge During Peak Last Night

    Interesting that for the first time ever my battery didn't power my home during peak time last night. Nothing in my settings have changed and I am still on the same rate schedule. I didn't notice it until after the peak period ended and saw my battery was still at 100%/. I temporarily switched...
  3. skepticcyclist

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Can’t tell you. It’s now gone. No longer have this option
  4. skepticcyclist

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    What I meant is that this has never been there before
  5. skepticcyclist

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    I just got virtual power plant option for my account even though I never applied for it
  6. skepticcyclist

    Netzero App

    I already asked that question. One or the other, but not both at the same time. ETA: When I asked him it was on Reddit, not here.
  7. skepticcyclist

    04.08.2024 - Solar output... Ooops, I forgot :)

    This was mine in SoCal
  8. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Utility plan configuration: Multiple Peaks, Buy/Sell Behavior, etc

    Been playing with the pricing a bit to see how I can get my charging and discharging behavior to act like the old balanced setting that used to be available. Here is what I discovered Non-peak time: Old Cost - Savings: Set both the buy and sell price the same - All solar will first go to the...
  9. skepticcyclist

    How to Use Tesla Pro App as End User?

    That was not an option. But, even if I am able to access, eventually it would no longer be an option. So how do we use the app as an alternative?
  10. skepticcyclist

    How to Use Tesla Pro App as End User?

    I am no longer able to access the gateway through my IP address. I get the message to download the pros app. I downloaded the app. How do we use it as a homeowner similarly to how we logged into the gateway through the IP?
  11. skepticcyclist

    Integrating wind turbine into PV/PW

    I've seen video of someone doing this with Enphase microinverters. They built a DC capacitor bank, connect to turbine to the capacitors, and the capacitor bank to the microinverter. This microinverter was then strung together with the others from the solar ETA to add video link
  12. skepticcyclist

    Netzero App

    The last update fixed both issues. And it’s also nice that we can now check diagnostics without having to enter the IP address. Excellent job and thank you.
  13. skepticcyclist

    Termite Heat Treatment with Powerwalls?

    I know this is outside the scope of this site, but what about an OLED TV. They said it is safe to leave TVs and electronics inside and unplugged, except for those with lithium ion batteries. I think an OLED TV screen won't be able to handle those temps for that long. And the thing is a heavy...
  14. skepticcyclist

    Termite Heat Treatment with Powerwalls?

    Just spoke with someone from the extermination company. They said they encounter a lot of powerwalls. They just don’t include it in the hearted portion so it won’t be a problem.
  15. skepticcyclist

    Termite Heat Treatment with Powerwalls?

    Can powerwalls withstand the whole home heat treatment for extermination? My powerwall is installed on an exterior wall
  16. skepticcyclist

    PowerWalls didn't kick in for power failure due to "grid out of compliance"?

    I still don't understand how grid impedance would prevent the PW from turning on when they are disconnected from the grid during an outage
  17. skepticcyclist

    Netzero App

    One thing I noticed is if you have your iPhone display set to large text the app won't fit the screen. The menu and some of the pages are zoomed in and you cannot zoom out. Alos, if you get a failed to connect to gateway error, you cannot leave the Gateway Diagnostics page
  18. skepticcyclist

    No storm watch events this year...

    Third Storm Watch here in the last week, all for flood. Currently in one right now.
  19. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    Downtown LA alone averages 14. West LA 20. Most of the areas on the the coastal side of the mountains get more than 12 inches. The mountains well over 40 inches. I’m in eastern LA County in light green area where LA, San Bernardino, and Orange County meet. My area does average 20 inches. The...
  20. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    Yeah. Average annual precipitation for my area is about 20 inches/year. This is almost half our annual rain. Some areas received over 12 inches. It is a diffident than many parts of the US where the standard deviation is much smaller and few years deviate much from the average. We get a lot of...
  21. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    Storm not quite over. There is another round of heavy scattered thunderstorms moving in. But so far over 9 inches. Waiting to see if this last round of showers can break the 10 inch mark at my house
  22. skepticcyclist

    Powerwall Widget Now Available for iOS

    This. I never get the app update notification from Tesla for some reason. I always have to select the app in the app store itself to see "update", or do the pulldown in the store to have a list of apps that don't show updates
  23. skepticcyclist

    Powerwall Widget Now Available for iOS

    Do you have the latest tesla app on your phone? The other two widget options are only available after you update the app on your phone. Then you have to restart your phone for the widgets to appear as an option
  24. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    While in my room making the bed, the lights went out due to an outage. I was wondering why the powerwall didn't kick in. Then I walked into the hall and saw all the other lights still on and thought it just took a few seconds to kick in. Then I realized the light in the room is on the ceiling...
  25. skepticcyclist

    Powerwall Widget Now Available for iOS

    One last bump
  26. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    This is mine. And it is nowhere near done. Expecting another 2-5 inches through tomorrow morning.
  27. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    5 inches of rain at my house overnight and supposed to continue non stop through tomorrow. Another 2-5 inches expected. We could get 10 inches (half our annual precipitation) from one storm.
  28. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    Storm watch just kicked in for me for a flash flood warning.
  29. skepticcyclist

    Powerwall Widget Now Available for iOS

    Just responding so those who may not be aware but are interested can see this.
  30. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    And the probability of excessive rainfall has moved further south. It is now eastern LA County into Orange County is the bullseye. It was Ventura County to western LA County
  31. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    The National Weather Service from LA. As well as their twitter (I refuse to call it X) page They actually increased the amount of time for the extreme rainfall as well as the totals.
  32. skepticcyclist

    Powerwall Widget Now Available for iOS

    Tesla now has a powerwall specific widget for iOS and MacOS. You have to update the app first and then after you restart your phone you should be able to see the new widget options
  33. skepticcyclist

    Netzero App

    Yes. It is on the same wall as my office right next to the window. It is about 10 feet away. Sometimes. Most of the time, no Gateway is fine. Shows up to date data by the second. Production data matches exactly that of the live view of my enphase envoy gateway. Interestingly, I can access...
  34. skepticcyclist

    Netzero App

    Yes Sometimes. Just as I can connect sometimes on this app. I will be able to connect about once a month. Most of the time I get this error. I only get this error on the diagnostic tab. I am still able to access everything else on the app. The IP address doesn't change. I have it pinned...
  35. skepticcyclist

    Netzero App

    I keep getting the failed to connect to IP address error, even though it is the correct IP address. I do not use a VPN.
  36. skepticcyclist

    SoCal & Central CA - Keep Your PW Full (Record Storm Possible Next Week)

    Some areas could see over 10 inches of rain
  37. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Zoomed in When You First Open

    Have they updated the android app?
  38. skepticcyclist

    Optimizers... what are they good for?

    Why can't you replace an IQ7 with an IQ8? The plugs and wiring are exactly the same in my IQ7 system as they would be in an IQ8 system. There are only 2 wires, not 4. Solar panel plugs directly into the micro and their is a seperate plug to parallel multiple micros together
  39. skepticcyclist

    Optimizers... what are they good for?

    That is just a one item and much less expensive than an inverter and gateway Don't they already have interconnection cables? Aren't Tesla batteries are also AC coupled?
  40. skepticcyclist

    Optimizers... what are they good for?

    Yes. Most. This is true. Particularly since the ones that do are in the most populated areas, which are the only regions that will have an affect from mass exodus
  41. skepticcyclist

    Optimizers... what are they good for?

    What did I say that was false? Most municipalities do require grid connection.
  42. skepticcyclist

    Optimizers... what are they good for?

    Grid defection will not be done in mass as most municipalities require grid connection (you cannot go off grid), and NET 3.0 makes it less feasible.
  43. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Zoomed in When You First Open

    Sometimes it will say open instead of update when you just browse in the app store. Then when you click on the actual app in the store, it will then say update
  44. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Zoomed in When You First Open

    Yep. It is now fixed. It appears that they just removed the animation feature because the app just opens right up with the house in full display, even after I clear the app out of the cache and reopen it.
  45. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Zoomed in When You First Open

    I've done most of that. Haven't uninstalled and reinstalled the app though. All other apps work fine. I may do that in the future after the next update if the issue isn't resolved.
  46. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Zoomed in When You First Open

    No VPN. And it does this regardless if I'm on WiFi or 5G
  47. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Zoomed in When You First Open

    I guess if it is as fast as updating to the current info, then it won't be that bad. Considering I have the iPhone 14 pro with more than enough storage and processing power, it should not take 2 minutes for the display to fully appear (which is how long it does take.)
  48. skepticcyclist

    Tesla App Zoomed in When You First Open

    The fact that they actually did this design on purpose is more concerning than if it was a software issue. If it was an issue, you know they will eventually fix it. Since they did this intentionally, means we are stuck with this awful UI gimmick. Seriously, why would they think this is a good...