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  1. scaesare

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    Tim Dodd's recap of changes for IFT-4:
  2. scaesare

    Wiki Super Heavy/Starship - General Development Discussion

    Yeah... I'm not a materials science expert by any means. Just that if there were a way to combine the advantages of a single "surface" like the ablative heat shields (for these purposes, I understand they are individually filled "cells"), along with the multi-use capability of a tile, that would...
  3. scaesare

    Wiki Super Heavy/Starship - General Development Discussion

    I was thinking of the heatshield itself to be applied in an epoxy-like fashion, in essence taking @Ben W 's idea of attaching the edges a step further and avoiding them all together (the best edge is no edge!). The honeycomb structure it's applied over would be the mechanical fastening to the...
  4. scaesare

    SpaceX vs. Everyone - ULA, NG, Boeing, Lockheed, etc.

    The head of ABL's take on this (have to scroll up in the X posting) and Elon's response:
  5. scaesare

    Wiki Super Heavy/Starship - General Development Discussion

    It would be interesting if they could develop something with the consistency of epoxy they could apply directly to a honey-comb like structure attached mechanically to the skin...
  6. scaesare

    Wiki Super Heavy/Starship - General Development Discussion

    Didn't Elon also say that it the liquid could (somewhat counter-intuitively) get "shock frozen" in the pores when the ship slams in to the atmosphere?
  7. scaesare

    Wiki Super Heavy/Starship - General Development Discussion

    I don't understand "relative speed" here. Isn't temperature tied to absolute speed (along with air density & duration)?
  8. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    His stance here is in line with my other post... Taking a balanced stance towards it is likely to cause less knee-jerk reaction by folks, and likely allows for greater adoption long term. Let's face it, folks willing to sacrifice money, convenience, or lifestyle for the environment are probably...
  9. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Acceleration can be gradual, right? And non-linear... ramping over time often makes sense.
  10. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Agreed. This is one of the things Elon has recognized about EV's early on: relying solely on climate activism for sales and motivation for folks at large won't move the needle enough. You need to appeal the average Joe... and the Leaf ain't it. Hence: - He made EV's that are stellar performers...
  11. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I'm catching up ... @DarkandStormy , you posted this in the evening... do you enjoy coffee then too, or is it another beverage?
  12. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    Apologies for the misattribution. I guess when @SO16 took up the mantle of arguing for that, I fudged that up on a reply. It would seem that a miltary (like the Ukraine) would have at least "rudimentary electronic communication" even if supplied by allied nations. Not sure that's evidence that...
  13. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    IIRC this was the judge that in her ruling the judge called Musk's compensation an 'unfathomable sum.'. What bearing does the amount have on if it's a legal agreement or not? Seems a bit that feelings may have influenced the ruling to some degree.
  14. scaesare

    Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) SpaceX and Boeing Developments

    Latest... it appears they found another unlikely failure mode, but apparently have a work around and are still targeting 6/1.... https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/05/nasa-and-boeing-are-getting-comfortable-launching-starliner-with-a-known-leak/
  15. scaesare

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    They need to level their camera... the ship and tower look like they are tilting over... lol.
  16. scaesare

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    I wonder if the antennas on IFT-3 melted due to the re-entry plasma...
  17. scaesare

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Sure thing, apologies for the diversion... wasn't interested in the politics, actually, but rather if there was any "official" opinion of Starlinks criticality for these types of events... Nonetheless, I'll bow out.
  18. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    Lot of things are important. Starlink undoubtedly is as well. You simply asserted the Ukraine would have already lost without it, long ago no less. I did not know if you had seen a statement by someone with firsthand knowledge to the effevce it prevented the Russians from winning some time...
  19. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    Just like to see evidence for categorical assertions. While folks may hold strong opinions, that's not the same as stating something as fact.
  20. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Why couldn't it have been 1.21 GWh??
  21. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    Paywalled. Does it have something to support your assertion, or are you just avoiding answering directly?
  22. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    Again, not trying to be argumentative, but what evidence do you have for asserting that the Ukrainians would have lost without Starlink (and "long ago", implying it's not only critical but overwhelmingly so)?: There are other communications/data dissemination methods.... radio being a...
  23. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    Because it was the best solution for a useful capability? I'm questioning what evidence there is that it's the critical capability that has prevented the Russians from winning? Wars have been fought and won without it in the past... in some cases by armies less technically sophisticated.
  24. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    Obviously Starlink is a useful resource, but do you have anything that describes it as being THE critical capability in the war that has prevented the Russians from winning?
  25. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    The NYT article is paywalled, but the excerpts posted here don't seem to imply that to me. What gives you that impression?
  26. scaesare

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    I had wondered if this hot-stage ring jettison is just temporary during this testing phase, just to increase the chances of getting the booster back in one piece...
  27. scaesare

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    Interestingly, SpaceX also says there was blockage that prevented the roll control thrusters from operating correctly on Starship: Are those RCS thruster using ullage gas as Elon mentioned (to Tim Dodd)? If they are gas, the valves aren't flowing liquid... so I wonder what got clogged in them...
  28. scaesare

    Door Handle Extended Problem

    Huh, interesting. Nope, not in Service+ and I don't know how to do that. Mine is a 2013 with MCU upgrade (Intel based). It's also prior to FSD hardware (computer, cams, sensors, etc...) but I wouldn't have expected that to change basic stuff like chassis equipment status...
  29. scaesare

    Raptor Engine - General Development Discussion and News

    Ooooh.... ahhhh.... pretty: Longer with sync'd sound:
  30. scaesare

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    Looks like road closures a day on each side of that:
  31. scaesare

    Wiki Super Heavy/Starship - General Development Discussion

    Zombie post alert... but this was funny:
  32. scaesare

    Door Handle Extended Problem

    You don't have this?:
  33. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    The epic 11 page multi-quote replies would surely ensue...
  34. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I tend to agree. nVidia is certainly well known amongst gamers and folks who know how to build a PC. That population, however, is a minority of folks in general, I suspect, which is probably a much more representative of investors. While more investors may be aware of NVDA now, that's likely...
  35. scaesare

    ULA's New Rocket - Vulcan Centaur

    Yeah, that's a good point about volume production being necessary because they single-use only... I'll point out that you described as ramping up to production, whereas that pic calls them in production... 😜 I'd probably also think it was funny if somebody sends a pic of their house build...
  36. scaesare

    Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) SpaceX and Boeing Developments

    June 1st, anyone? https://blogs.nasa.gov/boeing-crew-flight-test/2024/05/22/nasa-mission-partners-assessing-launch-opportunities-for-crew-flight-test/
  37. scaesare

    ULA's New Rocket - Vulcan Centaur

    Yeah, calling a stack of metal sheets 3 rockets in production is kinda chukle-riffic... 😂
  38. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Don't make him spit out his coffee.
  39. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Well, that's not who it appeared you were talking about when you said: That's more along the lines of Iger when they threatened to pull ad $$$ from a commercial entity, which is what was addressing. But he's certainly said his share of things he may have had second thoughts about...I know I...
  40. scaesare

    ULA's New Rocket - Vulcan Centaur

    Berger eXclaimed about Bruno's tweet: Then I saw this posted...
  41. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    So you make a vague assertion you are unwilling to support. Gotcha.
  42. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    So give us an example where he's "cozying up" to climate change deniers in order to support such endeavors, as opposed to attempting to build a bridge that might allow inroads to change their stance. Or at least they are the lesser of two (17?) evils...
  43. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    So, @DarkandStormy , we know from your trying to hand-wave the Pepsi truck thing away that's it was hard to admit you were wrong, Here's your chance to try again!
  44. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    You'd rather CEO's kow-tow to profit over principle? I, for one, find standing up to folks based on something other than the bottom line a bit refreshing. There's enough potential customers that you don't need to pander to those not acting in goof faith. Short term profit take a hit...
  45. scaesare

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    A quick note: LLM's are the software that needs GPU-type compute to train/run. So, competition amongst LLM's means more demand for compute such as from Nvidia.
  46. scaesare

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-4 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    Like when I gotta record the football game... personal media blackout.
  47. scaesare

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    I was thinking about what they could do for the areas near the front where geo-locations could change rapidly... I was thinking of some method of 2FA, which your chain of command essentially is... but it would seem that it would have to be very quick, or risk comms dropouts. Perhaps a variable...