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  1. GregBallantyne

    Slate style Tesla Roof?

    Solar Roof has several advantages, depending on your situation. Smaller roofs can acheive higher generation capacity by utilizing a greater percentage of available surface area, for example. Price is not one of them, although the tax credit helps, and more of the cost can be applied to the...
  2. GregBallantyne

    Wondering about generator use with Solar Roof and Powerwalls

    IF I had a CT..... I believe I could use the following approach with my current setup: I could isolate the building where I park and charge, by throwing the subpanel isolation switch by the main load center, and then charge that building's panel with the generator. My "prior to solar system"...
  3. GregBallantyne

    Wondering about generator use with Solar Roof and Powerwalls

    I've thought about that one already.... but well after reserving the CT. When I reserved the CT, I had no solar and no concrete plans to get it. All that came about during the CT production delays.... and I spent a likely top trim CT's price on it. Then Elon went on his brand destruction...
  4. GregBallantyne

    This is why I went solar...

    I should capture my useage prior to buying a Tesla vehicle in 2018. That would also tell part of the story. Of course your stage of life is significant in this - I retired in 2017, the pandemic charged our habits, and reduced driving has reduced car charging. Also moved to higher efficiency heat...
  5. GregBallantyne

    This is why I went solar...

    I've also seen another trend develop since beginning solar operation.... household power useage has decreased at a rate that is heading for an annual 25% reduction. Nothing like trying to fit into what you produce to help see what the OP is enjoying. As are we..... my minimum bill is $9.32 tho.
  6. GregBallantyne

    System down - production compensation

    I'd suggest saving your energy for things that might be helpful, like checking your system. If something looks a bit odd with mine, I'll know in a half an hour at most. I'm retired, so I don't have the time demands of working, but I can't imagine not knowing before half a day went by under any...
  7. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Pretty much sums up my view of the subject, and the motivations of my wife and I. Losing grid power here is fairly routine, happens a little more often than twice a month - 24 times in 10 months of operation. Except I've already retired, and our future plans don't involve moving.
  8. GregBallantyne

    Moving my router inside my house, I have Powerwall 3 outside on the side of the house, so my question is

    Mine is inside, PWs in the basement and directly below the Gateway outside about 45 ft away. The Gateway hooked right up at commissioning, and thru 4-5 interior walls and Hardie Board siding (which decreased my interior cellular signal significantly after installation).... router is slightly...
  9. GregBallantyne

    Thoughts on getting one powerwall?

    My neighbor just had a solar panel array installed, but decided not to get batteries. He got quotes for batteries, and his installer (Solar Energy World) quoted several, one of which was PW3. I don't know details at all.....
  10. GregBallantyne

    Annual (temporary) goodbye to grid power?

    Today will be the 28th consecutive day for me. But my delusion regarding the possibility of continuing that stretch until September may be in jeopardy already. I may end up drawing some grid power in a day more two, if the forecast is true. After 3 in the afternoon today, only generated 5.7 kwh...
  11. GregBallantyne

    Thoughts on getting one powerwall?

    Lots of reasons to get more than one PW..... if you just get one, best to get a PW3. Then you can configure it for whole house backup, and run things with higher start loads (like a heat pump) while running on battery. Whole house backup if you've got one load center that is. You can add more...
  12. GregBallantyne

    Powerwall 3 Partial Backup Metering

    I'm not a PW3 owner, but.... I am thinking that the PW3 is a significant improvement over PW2 in a couple of ways.... 1st, increased output capability allows whole house backup with a few batteries, a single PW 3 can open that possibility for most residences. 2nd, the availability of DC coupled...
  13. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Yes. There can never be too much solar, there can only be not enough storage.
  14. GregBallantyne

    Annual (temporary) goodbye to grid power?

    My top goal for going solar is energy security. Not drawing grid power demonstrates achievement of that goal. Of course, I don't mind seeing circumstances in which I know I could have self powered instead of drawing grid, but for a decision, but another goal is to operate in a manner that is...
  15. GregBallantyne

    Annual (temporary) goodbye to grid power?

    I'm looking at the date I stopped drawing grid power, with a perhaps aspirational expectation that I won't draw any for a self powering season that lasts until early October. In other words, no grid power thru the meter until October. I got on the good side of net draw for the month of March...
  16. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    I agree. I would really like to operate my system in a way that not only satisfies my own goals, but also helps the grid operator, other power customers, and accelerates the growth of renewable power generation. The past 3 weeks, I've moved solidly into the self powering season, sending nearly...
  17. GregBallantyne

    Annual (temporary) goodbye to grid power?

    In my (continuing) 20 day stretch, there were two low generation days the PWs did not fill - 20.9 and 14.9 kwh days. I didn't charge the car those days, since I've been charging on excess solar only. Didn't have charge on excess solar capability until late last summer, so this year will be...
  18. GregBallantyne

    Annual (temporary) goodbye to grid power?

    My solar system started operation on June 10 last year, so this is my first April with solar. March was great - I made as much as I used, but still drew grid power some days and sent power to the grid some days. April has been really good. On April 6, I drew 15.1 kwh from the grid. Since that...
  19. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Grid scale storage capacity needs to grow quickly. It actually is, but the required pace is slow compared to the pace that we need. Residential batteries can contribute to an over strategy ROI, as I've calculated. They never likely achieve it when considered as a separate expenditure and return...
  20. GregBallantyne

    Downsides to parallel strings with solar roof?

    What about your performance experience? Are you satisfied with it? Meeting your goals and/or expectations? Are you identifying a performance issue that you believe should be made right? Solar Roof is different from panels, and my understanding is that it is less impacted by shading. I was told...
  21. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    In my case, I considered the cost of the solar roof, the batteries, and the car as the number required to achieve ROI. I then used the avoided costs of the generated electricity at grid supply rates, the cost of avoided gasoline purchase, the cost of one avoided ICE vehicle purchase, and the...
  22. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    My number 2 goal being get rid of fossil fuels. I have a generator, but have avoided using it since getting my solar system (10 months in). But it requires some batteries, for when the sun lets you down for a few days. 26 grid outages here in those 10 months.... longest was 3 days, quite cloudy...
  23. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Nothing at all.... didn't get that granular. It's a bit of a delusional exercise. Perhaps undertaken in an attempt to come up with something when the subject comes up. I think the elements of the basis can be defended, but I certainly may not have captured everything. Probably the PWs don't...
  24. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    The yellow energy label on it says $103 annual operation cost estimate. My annual cost to date at my grid charge rate of $0.16 kwh would come to $150.72, so I'm not certain of the detailed estimate basis. It has 3 possible operating modes - it can be operated just the same as a water heater...
  25. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    But I should also add that the much larger factors in my perhaps semi-delusional ROI calc were the future avoided costs of purchasing gasoline, and future roof replacements. The second due to Solar Roof, panels wouldn't be able to claim this the same way. The PWs are enablers of the rest.
  26. GregBallantyne

    Post Installation / Pre-PTO System Intentionally Limited?

    In my case, there was no solar operation of any kind possible prior to PTO. The final connection was required for operation, and not made until after PTO followed by some inspections, then final connection, during meter swap. Grid operator does the meter swap. Had my config not been whole house...
  27. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    But it can avoid putting gas in a car. I no longer do that, for example. Another factor to consider.... my own ROI calc for my entire system moved into "maybe I'll live to see it" territory when I threw in the cost of the Tesla car, the PWs, and the Solar Roof. Without the PWs, the date moves on...
  28. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    An actual data point - my heat pump water heater has been in use 2 days short of 10 months. It has a decent app that tracks power consumption - During that time, it has used 784.5 kwh. Set on heat pump mode the entire time. Average is easy - about 78.5 kwh/month. No hard data on my previous...
  29. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    Grid is grid. Batteries are a very wise investment if your goal is energy reliability. ROI might not even make it onto the goal list for many people. It didn't appear on mine.
  30. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    Sorry to post a response even futher off topic, but.... While I was advocating an insulating water heater blanket above, with a heat pump water heater it's a little more complicated. The heat pump section sits atop the water tank, and most configs simply extend the diameter of the tank cladding...
  31. GregBallantyne

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    I just put together another take on ROI....batteries included. It makes me offer a critique - you did not apply an inflationary rate to your grid power rate. It won't be the same 10 years from now. My goals didn't put ROI at the top of the priority list, but I was looking at it recently anyway...
  32. GregBallantyne

    Three Consecutive Perfect Sunny Days - Variation in Output

    But those 3 almost perfect days are great. I just had 3 out of 4, with the 4th damn good, or nearly almost perfect. Last of those was today. Last day of my power billing period was today, and those 4 days put me on the good side of the self powering line for the billing period.
  33. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    I would be right there with you if I added another 2-3 PW. I'm really am now, but that 3 day outage in early August with low solar generation made me sweat a little.....
  34. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    I got an A. O. Smith 60 gal hybrid water heater. It connects to your existing 30A 240V circuit, and you can run it in 3 modes, resistance heater elements only, hybrid, or only heat pump. Hybrid runs heating elements some if you run the hot water out. It's got an app for IOT control. It's been...
  35. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    3 PW2 have gotten me thru a 3+ day grid outage with low generation (heavy clouds). But, I already am thinking adding more PW would be good. 2gets you over the threshold of whole house backup, 3 lets you get to the middle of that space, but 6 can actually get you real close to claiming off grid...
  36. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    Lots of things come into better focus from observing system operation vs energy useage habits. Since going into operation last June I've done several things to reduce household useage. Easily the biggest step was replacing a straight electric water heater with a heat pump water heater. I've also...
  37. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    I was a bit bothered by the "perhaps old and obsolete" thing last year when I had this discussion with my installer, but have been very well satisfied with my multiple PW2 installation operation. My goals going in are being met or exceeded. My config is whole house backup in which all power...
  38. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    Interesting. This is an advantage for a multiple PW2 installation, that supports my overall conclusion I reached last year. I concluded that there are real advantages for PW3 if your installation will be limited to one (and possibly 2 PW) but in a multiple PW installation with a whole home...
  39. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    In my case, it was that last grid operator dependent series of actions that stretched into 3 months. Seems like every step of the way you are waiting in another backlogged line.... but operation of a great system made the frustrations fade quickly.
  40. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Announces Powerwall 3 "DC Expansion"

    If the PW2's meet your goals, and the PW3 w/expansion units doesn't exceed those goals fairly significantly, then time's a wastin. This whole thing is gonna take longer than it should, and probably longer than you think, so get to it. I had the same (or similar, PW3 was just out) discussion a...
  41. GregBallantyne

    New to this, Tesla energy app a little confusing, need help on MY HOME screen.

    Interesting bullet about the switch over.... I had questions about that prior to going into operation, that the master electrician involved couldn't definitively answer. At this point, my system is about 10 months into operation. During that time there have been 24 grid outages. I've never...
  42. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Says I Can Only Get *ONE* Powerwall bc of my Utility's Rules

    My design docs included a roof layout that identified which tiles were MP1, MP2, etc.... While my installation was done by a Tesla Certified Installer, the design was from Tesla
  43. GregBallantyne

    Tesla Says I Can Only Get *ONE* Powerwall bc of my Utility's Rules

    Another wrinkle here..... I commented on the design regarding stringing, with earlier and later daily shading observation as my basis. The installation crew (regional certified Tesla installer, not Tesla) was run by a fellow with significant solar experience, and adjusted the design during...
  44. GregBallantyne

    Why am I not 100% self-powered? App doesn't take into account exports?

    I've noticed this as well. The upshot is that seeing see a reported 100% self powered day via the app is either non existent or very rare. The app can (and routinely does) show a 99% self powered day when the grid data shows 0.0 imported. It also consistently shows what you noticed, if you draw...
  45. GregBallantyne

    37 kw load on powerwalls

    Yes, I've seen this in action on more than a few occasions. A divergence of several days seems like it might be suspect - but probably was fairly momentary. I'm not knocking the Tesla app, I think it does very well in general.
  46. GregBallantyne

    37 kw load on powerwalls

    Gotta beIieve the app....? I guess I've seen that remaining backup give conflicting results before....
  47. GregBallantyne

    2 days ago had solar panels and Powerwall 3 installed and I thought it would provide solar right away

    I would suggest finding out exactly what steps are required to achieve operation with your grid operator, and which of those steps are yet to be completed. My actual operation waited months after installation was 99% complete with the exception of a few actions - PTO issuance, meter swap, and...
  48. GregBallantyne

    Run-around with charge on solar

    The PTO issue might depend on where you live. My installation was ready for operation for months prior to getting PTO, but could not be operated without a meter swap. The meter swap was finally done about 10 days after PTO, and only then could the grid supply be connected to the Gateway and the...
  49. GregBallantyne

    37 kw load on powerwalls

    First thought is even with 8 PW, doesn't that draw result in more like 3 hours of backup remaining?
  50. GregBallantyne

    Questions about Solar+Powerwall3+Two Model Ys

    I can't speak to all of your questions, but can perhaps provide a little perspective on some of them..... The small difference between inverter capacity in my system (2kw) has yet to result in any identifiable generation reduction due to clipping. The angles of my house roof have some...