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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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What if I think that all humans are inferior scum that deserve to be rounded up by my species' destructor fleet and forced to work in our offworld spice mines?
What if I think that plants clearly are the superior beings, since plants can live directly off of absorption of sunlight, rather than in the immoral fashion of animals by attacking and consuming other living creatures?:D
Isn't it a bit odd that they still haven't announced a reporting date for Q3 financials?
Not really -- they usually don't. The financial reporting dates have come out with random delays after the end of the quarter -- varying quite a lot, actually, anywhere from 3 to 7 weeks IIRC -- and they usually don't tell us significantly in advance when they'll come out. *shrug*

Other companies are more orderly about this, but this *is* Tesla we're talking about, and this is how they roll.
What if I think that plants clearly are the superior beings, since plants can live directly off of absorption of sunlight, rather than in the immoral fashion of animals by attacking and consuming other living creatures?:D

*ahem* there are plants that survive by killing animals(and some that feed off other plants). And the rest mostly survive as scavengers feasting on the decaying remains of other organisms.
Well, I for one am really touched by your concern, and how your ilk usually seem to wander in here when the chips are down for us longs. It's just a beautiful exhibition of altruism for our financial well being if you ask me!
No, it's ok, you can go now. Really.

That is a good point... I was hoping to open some minds, but that seems pretty well shutdown...
Hopefully all you guys won't ride it all the way to $0, but some seem determined to...
Time to take a break...
BMW car catches fire in Seoul even after recall

“A BMW vehicle that had its exhaust gas recirculation system replaced through recall has caught fire, adding to the suspicion that a defective EGR, which the German automaker singled out as the cause of successive fires, might not be the actual cause.”

In other words, the geniuses at BMW aren’t even sure of the root cause of the sporadic fires.

Fire broke out in the safety checked BMW, 5th accident

So common that fires are breaking out during saftey checks!
Depends how many credits all other auto co's need. They wont need double the value of credits unless they greatly increase sales or greatly reduce their own internal credits from compliance cars.
According to that report, hybrids are no longer eligible for ZEV credits starting 2018. Also, carry-over from prior year ZEV credit on hybrids gets a haircut. Toyota must be pissed.
That seems unreasonably high. I think the most they've ever sold was around $120-130m in a quarter.
It's definitely on the high side, but it's possible. They sold $179 million in Q4 of last year.


Tesla's generating more ZEV credits than every other manufacturer combined in CA. While other manufacturers could snub Tesla and instead discount their ZEV offerings to generate more credits, my guess is buying from Tesla is likely the least expensive option, especially since the ZEV credit requirements are set to increase every year for the next 5+ years.

ZEV/Other Credits Q3
OK, Lycanthrope here's mine......I love his engagement with 22MM people - its like no other CEO and I want him visibly tweeting, communicating, interacting and providing access to the top dog. But, I also want his tweets (during interim reporting periods) to be curtailed to the technical, innovative, inquisitive, contemplative, philosophical, provocative, musical, humorous and on and on and on. Nothing correlated to potential financial performance. Strategic and tactical darkness will reek utter havoc among the resistance. Every 90 days, he can strike like lightening with his numbers. Then back to creating, designing, engineering and producing for 89 days.

He is brilliant, fascinating & accessible to 22MM which combined is the mother of all moats for driving massive transformation. Active engagement can crush archaic thinking, oil-fed undercurents, advertising budgets and FUDsters. I vote to #PromotetheMoat. :D

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

This is a reasonable point of view, I was more addressing the rabid bunch calling for him to delete his Twitter account.
The story right now is the Saudi investment.
WSJ, which is NOT a reliable source (lied way too often), spread rumors in August that the Saudis were considering increasing their stake above the current 4.5%. (I found several sources which thought it was 4.5% or 4.6% right now.)

So assume, for the sake of argument that the Saudis won't. We have confirmation that they've hung on to their existing stake.

4.5%-4.6% * 170.59 million shares means Saudis have 7.68 to 7.85 million shares TSLA.
Tencent has 8.35 million shares.
Musk has 33.7 million shares.
Bailie Gifford has 13.17 million shares (and James Anderson's a fundamentals investor, he won't sell)
Vanguard has 6.98 million shares (and they're all index funds, so they just have to hold them unless there's general outflow from index funds)

Here's where it gets interesting.
Total shares outstanding are about 170.59 million shares.
Shares fabricated by short sellers are about 33.45 million shares.
Institutional holdings amount to 106.81 million shares.
This means *non-institutional* holdings amount to 97.23 million.

I believe non-institutional holders are nearly all "long-termers", unless they've gone heavily on margin and can be forced out by margin calls. The non-institutional holders would include Tencent and the Saudi PIF and Musk, due to the way my dataset works. (Subtracting Musk/Tencent/Saudis gets us 47.33 million shares held by "small" non-institutional holders.)

I am assuming that individuals are not, on the whole, short-term traders. But this calculation doesn't include Bailie Gifford or Vanguard, so add 13.17 million and 6.98 million to that to have 117.38 million in long-term holders.

This leaves at most 86.66 million shares for the "short-term trading institutions" -- there could be some other long-termers in that, as I just assumed that all of Fidelity were short-term traders, which is not correct. Of this, 39% were fabricated by short-sellers, which is *high*.

Now, the short-sellers probably are borrowing from Vanguard and Bailie Gifford and even Musk, so there is that. But the true "fast trading float" of the stock is pretty low.

Considering that 10.3 million shares is the average daily volume, this is a pretty high percentage of the "short term trading shares" which are actually being *day-traded*. On a day when 33 million shares trade, that's nearly half of the "short term trading shares".

If long-term holders keep accumulating, eventually it gets to the point where all the shares being traded short-term are the ones fabricated by short-sellers. That's when you can get an honest-to-goodness short squeeze. This would require long-termer purchases of about 53.2 million shares... sounds unlikely since it would be a doubling of small-investor purchases, but for all we know, some of those are already held by long-term institutions. My actual *wild guess* was that 50 million of the "institutional" shares were long-term holdings, but that's a wild guess. If it's right, it would only take 23.4 million more shares in long-termer purchases to trigger a squeeze. Basically, three Tencent-like investments. This isn't actually implausible; Tencent said they wanted to get ahead of other big investors. Saudis could double their investment. So could Tencent. Particularly if the stock price drops near where they last invested.

This information is not suitable for short-term market action, so it shouldn't have been in this thread, but I'm too lazy to move it. Sorry.
I don't know about $5/gal, but I'll hazard a guess when gas will hit $1/gal: when EVs reach 50% of the annual mileage of ICE cars.

And yes, that could be done with 20% of the fleet running 4x the mileage each.
Actually, I believe essentially none of the current oil fields are profitable below $50/bbl oil (maybe a few at $30/bbl), and refinery-transportation costs will *increase* as diseconomies of scale kick in, so using a standard gasoline-to-oil-price regression, I think it never goes below $2/gal, certainly not below $1.60/gal.
Actually, I believe essentially none of the current oil fields are profitable below $50/bbl oil (maybe a few at $30/bbl), and refinery-transportation costs will *increase* as diseconomies of scale kick in, so using a standard gasoline-to-oil-price regression, I think it never goes below $2/gal, certainly not below $1.60/gal.

Highest prices here in 4 years:
-gasoline: 5.974$/gal
-diesel: 5.892$/gal
Yeah I'm assuming a MMD. It seems to have been lasting a bit longer than before lately. Macros / trade war fears are scaring me a bit right now too though so we'll see.

If the MMD pushes it below 248 tomorrow/soon then I really don't know what to say.
If so, I think it would really depend on the stock response to that intraday. Rapid jump up would be positive, stalling or dropping from there not so much.
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