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Seriously OT: Lets talk Coffee (not cars and coffee, just coffee)

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EVer Hopeful

Active Member
Jul 7, 2021
(moderator note)

Due to the way the forum software handles posts moved (which is by date / time stamp) this post became the first post in this thread. The actual first post in the thread is post #3,


I would love to hear what type of coffee you are into, perhaps in a PM or something.

I know you said PM, but ... I have a (original capsule) Nespresso machine at home (The Latisima+, but I don't use the milk part) and a Nespresso Vertuoline that we haven't used for a while, plus two at work (Pixie I think, but the original capsules) though I only use one of them obviously. Thery;re all from Goodwill or craigslist too, and if you choose the right one, you can get capsules with them - and they last WAY beyond the expiry date

But to answer your question, Kroger's had a two for one sale on their own brand and we bought about two year's worth - Lungo (red) and Espresso (yellow). $7.00 for TWO boxes of 10 and now they're $5.49 a box I think. The stuff is really good


What's really funny though is that we go to the Goodwill Outets a lot and we see quite a few Keurig machines, but only a few Nesrpresso machines. I'm not sure if this is a reflection of the sales figures, or of the durability
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( proceeds to write an in-depth paragraph about own coffee maker, coffee purveyor and coffee preparation preferences)

Just kidding, I don't mind at all but I found it amusing.
If you want to send that to me in a PM, im totally down, lol.

I do get the amusement actually. if I didnt feel obligated to look in on this thread from time to time due to being a moderator here, this is one I would not click on, read, etc.

@EVer Hopeful I actually enjoy talking about coffee, but I said PM so I wouldnt feel like I was taking advantage by not moving the obviously OT discussion, just because I enjoyed that more than the actual thread topic. Appreciate your feedback btw.

Perhaps Ill create a coffee thread in off topic or something. I really dont want to run afoul of feeling like Im taking advantage or anything. If I do I may pull that post of yours into it (that is a bit of taking advantage but 2 birds 1 stone, lol).

EDIT: I did create a thread in OT, actually.
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So, first, yes, this is seriously OT, but thats why I am posting it in the OT subforum. I also dont post a lot of threads myself, even though I obviously reply to a "fair number" (heh).

So, I cant be the only person who really enjoys coffee. I mean anything from "obligation coffee" like instant coffee or something you buy at "ye local mini mart / fast food joint" to get you going in the day, all the way to "Im buying my small batch light roast beans from a local roaster for freshness, grinding them in my grinder that cost $XXX (or X,XXX) and pulling espresso shots of X/Y grams / doing pour over, and have james hoffman videos on repeat in the background"

Since this is ment to be welcoming, no shaming please, all coffee drinkers or anyone who wants to chat about coffee in any form welcome in this thread.

I will start, I guess, since I am creating the thread.

My coffee background
I know pretty much exactly when I started drinking coffee regularly. My daughter was born October of 1993 and my wife and I started drinking coffee about 2 weeks later, since she would only sleep about 4 hours a night and we were like "we need something to stay awake!" lol....

I had drank instant coffee before, because thats what my grandparents drank (both folgers and tasters choice) when I spent the summers with them, but I never finished a cup as I thought it was horrible. I loved feeling grown up as a kid sitting there with my grandfather though, so I always got a cup, got throug about 1/3 of it, and then when he got done with his and went out into the yard, dumped it out and followed him out there.

2 weeks after my daughter was born was when I started drinking coffee as a married adult, out of desperation. Instant again at first, after figuring out I could put enough milk and sugar in it to get it down, then quickly moved onto going to starbucks, finding I really liked the starbucks coffee at that time , to buying an espresso machine from starbucks and going all in on tampers, beans, etc.. all within about 6 weeks of my daughter being born.

Did the "grind your own" with my starbucks machine for a few years, the process went from "fun!" to "this is fine" to "eh" to "ugg I really want a cup of coffee but dont want to deal with the effort of making ittttt....."

Some time later, had the Tassimo single serve machine, which was cool for its time, definitely not as good as making it yourself, but better than making a pot of coffee (pots of coffee always end up tasting burnt to me, almost anything is better to me, even instant coffee).

Have had almost every keurig, and when we had them we always had a various selection of pods as we saw that as being one of the perks. The coffee was "ok to decent" but I have never really been into "going to a coffee house" except the few times I go on vacation, or travel for work.

Had a nespresso only for a short time, and really didnt enjoy it. I couldnt find pods I liked, and the pods I bought always tasted.. old or something.

Went back to keurig with the last keurig I had being their smart brewer, that i turned off all the "smart" features like it trying to order coffee for me automatically. These are all ok but anything with milk never tasted great.. but I drank it anyway as someone who "needs a couple cups of coffee a day to function".

When "covid" happened and we all bunkered down at home, one of the things I decided to treat my wife and I to was a "super automatic espresso maker", something that could do all the stuff I used to do way back when (grind beans, pull a shot) but do it automatically and at the best level I could find. This is an entire category, and after digging around I ended up with a Jura Z10.

Love this thing, its amazing, its customizable enough to pull a decent shot with just about any coffee (except super oily beans) and can make milk drinks like flat whites or cafe late's or whatever else almost as good as a trained barista (which I am not, even though I know how to pull an ok shot im seriously out of practice). It even makes "cold brew" beverages that dont taste like "hot coffee brewed over ice" which is not the same thing as a cold brew.

This thing was as expensive as some people pay for a used car, (not used teslas though, but a used beater? sure, lol). I would only recommend this model if you are a "want the best" type and love coffee, but it really lived up to the hype.

Beans I'm into:

I tend to like the more "vanilla / caramel" (lower acidity) coffees, vs higher acidity coffee that has tends to have fruit words in the description. Doubly so if the fruit words in the description are tropical fruits (mango, papaya, etc etc) it usually means the coffee is way to funky for me, too acidic. To each his own on this. I also like a nice crema on my espresso or americano that I daily drink.

I have been into these beans, bought from an online seller:

Crema wave ( a house blend from this online specialty coffee seller) Whole Latte Love Crema Wave Whole Bean Espresso

Filicori Zecchini Delecato ( Filicori Zecchini Delicato Whole Bean)

Maromas Orphea (Maromas Orphea Whole Bean Espresso)

Note that none of these are referral links or anything, they are just the whole bean coffee I am into. All three have really smooth undertones of vanilla / caramel or chocolate, but they are not sweet per se, just undertones of those flavors).

So, anyone else? Interested to hear anyone elses coffee stories, choices, preferences etc , whatever they are.
If you want to send that to me in a PM, im totally down, lol.

@EVer Hopeful I actually enjoy talking about coffee, but I said PM so I wouldnt feel like I was taking advantage by not moving the obviously OT discussion, just because I enjoyed that more than the actual thread topic. Appreciate your feedback btw.

Perhaps Ill create a coffee thread in off topic or something. I really dont want to run afoul of feeling like Im taking advantage or anything. If I do I may pull that post of yours into it (that is a bit of taking advantage but 2 birds 1 stone, lol)
At the risk of having some mod move my post I’ll continue the off topic divergence… 😜

I’ve been getting coffee from Duluth Coffee Company - their Columbian Huila is a good medium roast with floral notes and is not very acidic.

I use this Bunn for my drip coffee at home, have the filtered water supply plumbed in.

WAVE Combo - Iced Tea - BUNN Commercial Site

For espresso I use this, also plumbed in with a different filter system.

GS3 - La Marzocco Home

For espresso I usually use a local roaster, his beans give a nice, dark, rich crema. For variety I use Stumptown Hairbender, Intelligentsia Black Cat, Ceremony Coffee's Mass Appeal and Destroyer, among others.

My wife and I drink a LOT of coffee. One year the local roaster called us and said they were going through their books for end of year and noticed that I bought more beans from him than some of his coffee shop customers.
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Enjoyed reading your response!

Does your local roaster sell online where I could get some to try? Where do you buy those others you mentioned? I only ask as one of the reasons I created this thread (other than to hopefully enjoy reading others coffee journeys whatever they are) was to see if I could try some beans others were into.
We were non-aficionado Keurig users for years. Kirkland Medium Roast k-cups from Costco. Recently I took the plunge and purchased a superautomatic espresso machine from a company called Terra Kaffe - the TK-02:

My impression so far is a bit mixed, although some of this is due to the machine itself having several quirks (it wastes a lot of water during its daily startup/sleep cycles). It's kinda cool to hit a button and watch it make just about anything you want..

Have tried a few different beans starting with Lavazza medium roast espresso. The "Drip" mode coffee was a bit bitter. Subsequently tried some pricier beans sourced from local coffee shops/roasters. About the same. Now I'm using Kauai Coffee 100% Hawaiian medium roast (we've got a soft spot for the Hawaiian islands). I kinda like these. Will keep on experimenting...
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Enjoyed reading your response!

Does your local roaster sell online where I could get some to try? Where do you buy those others you mentioned? I only ask as one of the reasons I created this thread (other than to hopefully enjoy reading others coffee journeys whatever they are) was to see if I could try some beans others were into.
Unfortunately, he does not. My sources for the others are:

Black Cat Project Espresso | Our Signature Espresso Collection | Intelligentsia Coffee

Hair Bender


Can't believe I forgot George Howell coffee, I like it better than either Black Cat or Hairbender. My particular favorites are Alchemy Espresso and Daterra Espresso. Their other espressos are also excellent, but tend to be seasonal and sometimes available, sometimes not. I've never had bad espresso from George Howell.


If I were limited to just one of the above I'd pick George Howell every single time. I don't like the dark, burnt roasts so I didn't like Black Rifle or Death Wish. I get the beans just after they were roasted so I can start using them after they have had a couple of days for the CO2 to outgas, and I use them up before they are two weeks past roasting (roasted beans lose a lot after the first two weeks). I've wanted to try Tim Wendelboe espresso but they are in Oslo and it would take eight days to get to me in the US, cutting the two weeks in half, but his coffee is well regarded. I'll probably give it a try, anyway.

Our local grocery store carries Black Cat and Hairbender but they are either many months past roasting or have no roast date at all.

Two others worth trying are Vita and Dolce from Espresso Vivace. Excellent.

Espresso Vivace
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We were non-aficionado Keurig users for years. Kirkland Medium Roast k-cups from Costco. Recently I took the plunge and purchased a superautomatic espresso machine from a company called Terra Kaffe - the TK-02:

My impression so far is a bit mixed, although some of this is due to the machine itself having several quirks (it wastes a lot of water during its daily startup/sleep cycles). It's kinda cool to hit a button and watch it make just about anything you want..

Have tried a few different beans starting with Lavazza medium roast espresso. The "Drip" mode coffee was a bit bitter. Subsequently tried some pricier beans sourced from local coffee shops/roasters. About the same. Now I'm using Kauai Coffee 100% Hawaiian medium roast (we've got a soft spot for the Hawaiian islands). I kinda like these. Will keep on experimenting...

It can be kind of a pain trying to dial in these "super automatic" machines. Grind size matters, for not having either bitter or sour results, and it sometimes feels like you need a bunch of expertise in order to set the grinder like it needs to be set to get the results you want.

I think I have had the Lavazza both in a keurig pod, and as whole beans. I do really enjoy hawaiian coffee myself, even though I have never been.

Thanks for sharing!
Unfortunately, he does not. My sources for the others are:

Black Cat Project Espresso | Our Signature Espresso Collection | Intelligentsia Coffee

Hair Bender


Can't believe I forgot George Howell coffee, I like it better than either Black Cat or Hairbender. My particular favorites are Alchemy Espresso and Daterra Espresso. Their other espressos are also excellent, but tend to be seasonal and sometimes available, sometimes not. I've never had bad espresso from George Howell.


If I were limited to just one of the above I'd pick George Howell every single time. I don't like the dark, burnt roasts so I didn't like Black Rifle or Death Wish. I get the beans just after they were roasted so I can start using them after they have had a couple of days for the CO2 to outgas, and I use them up before they are two weeks past roasting (roasted beans lose a lot after the first two weeks). I've wanted to try Tim Wendelboe espresso but they are in Oslo and it would take eight days to get to me in the US, cutting the two weeks in half, but his coffee is well regarded. I'll probably give it a try, anyway.

Our local grocery store carries Black Cat and Hairbender but they are either many months past roasting or have no roast date at all.

Two others worth trying are Vita and Dolce from Espresso Vivace. Excellent.

Espresso Vivace
I just went to the george howell website and bought 3 different ones to try, appreciate the pointers!

I got two of them from your recommendations above, and one that showed up in the same flavor profile that sounded good. I got 12 oz bags of each:

Dota Espresso - Costa Rica
Daterra Espresso - Brazil
Alchemy Espresso

Im looking forward to trying them!
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At the risk of having some mod move my post I’ll continue the off topic divergence… 😜

I’ve been getting coffee from Duluth Coffee Company - their Columbian Huila is a good medium roast with floral notes and is not very acidic.
Appreciate the response here. Will give consider giving it a try! I usually dont love the floral notes in coffee, but all the ones I have had that have floral notes in them also normally have a fair amount of acidity (to me) so I find it interesting you mention it isnt very acidic.

Thanks for sharing!
(moderator note)

Due to the way the forum software handles posts moved (which is by date / time stamp) this post became the first post in this thread. The actual first post in the thread is post #3,


I know you said PM, but ... I have a (original capsule) Nespresso machine at home (The Latisima+, but I don't use the milk part) and a Nespresso Vertuoline that we haven't used for a while, plus two at work (Pixie I think, but the original capsules) though I only use one of them obviously. Thery;re all from Goodwill or craigslist too, and if you choose the right one, you can get capsules with them - and they last WAY beyond the expiry date

But to answer your question, Kroger's had a two for one sale on their own brand and we bought about two year's worth - Lungo (red) and Espresso (yellow). $7.00 for TWO boxes of 10 and now they're $5.49 a box I think. The stuff is really good

View attachment 1032121

What's really funny though is that we go to the Goodwill Outets a lot and we see quite a few Keurig machines, but only a few Nesrpresso machines. I'm not sure if this is a reflection of the sales figures, or of the durability

Appreciate you sharing, @EVer Hopeful

Unfortunately, I dont have the nespresso any longer so I cant try any pod based coffees. I do appreciate you sharing though.

For me, Coffee is sort of like wine, in that I have a VERY strong belief that "if you like it, its good!" regardless of what it cost, where it was purchased etc.
Curious if either of you have used an Aeropress and if so what your impressions are

I have not. I have heard of it though, but havent really looked into it. Its a type of pour over coffee brewing method, right?

I havent tried any of the pour over methods. Once I got over the entire "routine" of espresso that I described earlier, I settled on convenience and "good enough" with pods, until I got this Jura Z10 I mentioned.
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I have not. I have heard of it though, but havent really looked into it. Its a type of pour over coffee brewing method, right?

I havent tried any of the pour over methods. Once I got over the entire "routine" of espresso that I described earlier, I settled on convenience and "good enough" with pods, until I got this Jura Z10 I mentioned.
My brother in law has a Jura and it's a really nice machine. I just can't justify the price.
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I just went to the george howell website and bought 3 different ones to try, appreciate the pointers!

I got two of them from your recommendations above, and one that showed up in the same flavor profile that sounded good. I got 12 oz bags of each:

Dota Espresso - Costa Rica
Daterra Espresso - Brazil
Alchemy Espresso

Im looking forward to trying them!
Let me know how you like it. The Ceremony Coffee ones are worth trying, too. And Espresso Vivace was one of the first, I bought their book. :) Some nice coffee out there, some skunky stuff, too.

I have a small collection of espresso cups, limited editions, it's an addiction for sure.
Let me know how you like it. The Ceremony Coffee ones are worth trying, too. And Espresso Vivace was one of the first, I bought their book. :) Some nice coffee out there, some skunky stuff, too.

I have a small collection of espresso cups, limited editions, it's an addiction for sure.

I just received the coffee late last week but due to various issues am just now getting around to trying one. I just opened the Alchemy Espresso, and its really really good! I got a 12 oz bag of whole beans. I had a cafe americano last night, and a flat white this morning. I also had a shot of espresso by itself, just for tasting purposes.

I really like it. It has a really nice "chocolate" undertone, its not bitter, but its strong enough to hold its own in something like a flat white. I see why you like it.

My Jura Z10 only has one bean hopper, and while I have a grinder (a decent one), along with the ability to use a bypass tray on my jura, I usually dont bother with all those gyrations. Not doing all that is one of the reasons one buys a super automatic espresso machine in the first place, lol.

So, my wife and I will finish this bag of alchemy espresso before we move onto one of the other ones.

Thanks for the recommendation, I definitely will order this again.
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My coffee habit needs and wants. 2 cups a day, max. Quick, 2 minutes or less. Little to no maintenance. Philips Senseo single cup brewer which uses discs which are compostable, no plastic waste. I use Coffee House Express and order Baronet Sumatra Coffee Pods - 18ct. I have no financial interest in them. I love the taste of this dark roasted sumatran blend and it puts a layer of foam on top. Works for me, YMMV.
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Just wanted to thank you a gain for your feedback. All 3 of the GeorgeHowell coffee's were amazing. Of the three I bought, which were:

Dota Espresso - Costa Rica
Daterra Espresso - Brazil
Alchemy Espresso

Both the Alchemy Espresso and the Dota Espresso are AMAZING! They are both the exact flavor profile I like in coffee, which is the rich, "chocolate" undertones without much acidity. They both hold up well with milk drinks, yet are also smooth enough to drink as straight espresso, or as cafe americana (my preferred cup of regular coffee in the morning is cafe americana). I will absolutely be ordering these again, and they likely will become my daily cup.

The Daterra is also quite good but not quite as good to me, as it has a touch more acidity (its more "bright" or has more "fruit" undertones. Its good, but I am not sure I will order it again, unlike the other two above which I already am sad are gone from my pantry (lol).

Thanks again for your suggestion(s), I have really enjoyed them.
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