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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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Being a Ukrainian in WW II is a difficult place to be. Your choices are: support the Germans, support Stalin, or run and hide. There are no other options. If you want to take action, it's going to support one side or the other.

The true opinions of her grandfather are lost to time. Was he supporting the Germans from negative partisanship, ie he wasn't a fan of Nazism but hated the communists more, or was he pro-Nazi. The actions may be the same, but from 80 years on, the motivations are important for context and we don't have that.

The context is provided by his own son-in-law and Chrystia herself (since she assisted her uncle in the research AND is credited in Himka’s report).
Here’s just a tiny blurb from Wikipedia. Himka’s partial report is here

According to Himka, the anti-Jewish materials published in Krakiws'ki Visti contributed to the mass murder of Jews.


This is another example of canceling someone because they had an ancestor who did something questionable without knowing their true motivation. If we want to do that to everyone with questionable ancestors we need to cancel all 8 billion humans on Earth. All of us have ancestors that did something to be canceled for.
If you pretend that your grandpa is some sort of liberal hero/victim instead of a Nazi collaborator, of course, you are gonna get cancelled. 😂Ukrainian Jews may also have a problem with you screaming “Slava Ukraini” even though you know it’s the equivalent of the N word as contextualised by your own uncle! 😅
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I am a bit surprised that returning Ukrainian citizens and in particular children is not on this list.
Yes, it should be.

The other indirect bargaining chip Ukraine has is the removal of sanctions.

Sure sanctions could be removed regardless of Ukrainian opinion, but public opinion in the EU and US will mostly want Ukrainian citizens returned, some reparations and some agreement to ensure that it will not happen again.

The best chance for lasting peace is for war to be a disaster, If Ukraine takes back all of their territory, this war will be a disaster for Russia,
The context is provided by his own son-in-law and Chrystia herself (since she assisted her uncle in the research AND is credited in Himka’s report).
Here’s just a tiny blurb from Wikipedia. Himka’s partial report is here

According to Himka, the anti-Jewish materials published in Krakiws'ki Visti contributed to the mass murder of Jews.

View attachment 872788

If you pretend that your grandpa is some sort of liberal hero/victim instead of a Nazi collaborator, of course, you are gonna get cancelled. 😂Ukrainian Jews may also have a problem with you screaming “Slava Ukraini” even though you know it’s the equivalent of the N word as contextualised by your own uncle! 😅

It's not a good look. I didn't know they had researched his background and found that.

Personally if I found something heinous one of my ancestors did I would distance myself from them and their actions. I've dug around a little and haven't found anything terrible, but I'm sure there are some jerks in there somewhere. One branch traces back to the Morgan family which was a prominent early New England family in the colonial period and early in US history. JP Morgan came from that clan, but I'm from a different branch of the family.

That's interesting. The article you link to doesn't seem to give the actual terms. Do you know any more ?

I looked and didn't find anything that looked very high quality. I found one article stating that China would be obligated to attack Russia if Russia attacked Ukraine with a nuclear weapon, but looking at some of the sidebar articles it looked like the site was more sensationalist than factual.
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I seriously doubt they will get anything beyond 1, and perhaps not even that.

If they get their territory restored, they won't invade Russia itself to enforce the rest of the "requirements". So there really is no Item #2.

Even if Ukraine wanted to get reparations and some sort of guarantee of non-invasion in the future, it would be impossible to enforce and it's unlikely they would get support from their allies in the West for any efforts beyond their borders.

So "Conditions for Peace Negotiations with Russia" is just one. Restoring territorial integrity.

I am a bit surprised that returning Ukrainian citizens and in particular children is not on this list.
Wasn't holding your enemy's children an old way of assuring peace?
Seems to be the history of war weaponry.

Only way to be prevent other side from acquiring them from the battlefield is not to use them - most here would probably agree a worse option. In the mean time, the West will just need to remain ahead of the technology curve and maybe someday Iran and others democratize.
Heard about the levels of redundancy that the WWll bomb had to assure it would detonate and not be found intact - it was a concern
Russian retreat from Kherson in full force, all the bridges on the right bank are being blown.

I wonder if they left "civilians" back in Kherson that will cause issues for Ukr. I fully expect that parts of the city will be booby trapped.