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  1. D

    Tesla infotainment system upgradeable from MCU1 to MCU2

    this is the stupidest thing I’ve read today. Do Apple and Microsoft SELL you stuff based on future software or hardware that they might make in 3 years? No. They charge you for what they already provide. When did Apple say “buy our phone with 3 cameras now because that means you will get super...
  2. D

    Why I recommend AGAINST buying a Tesla

    You are absolutely right, no one is going to change anyone's mind on this forum anyways. Posting things that go against the common opinion is literally just wasting time and I should really stop doing it. I will stop. I am pretty sure most of my experience IS the new norm with Tesla, but...
  3. D

    Why I recommend AGAINST buying a Tesla

    First of all, what kind of an ICE engine loses 20% of power after 30k miles? Have you ever owned a car before? Secondly, losing battery range means A LOT more than losing a few mpg. Refueling an ICE car still takes minutes, refueling an old battery will a) take longer and b) give you less range...
  4. D

    Why I recommend AGAINST buying a Tesla

    Low cost of ownership? I spent more money and time trying to fix all the problems my car had in a year than I would have spent on 5 years of fuel and oil changes. See my point about what is and isn’t under warranty. Looks great, yup. From the outside. I won’t say much about the interior. Nice...
  5. D

    Selling/Sold you car? What did you get?

    That is complete nonsense. The amount of delusion some people have is insane. I was there, too a while ago. To the op: Sold Model S, bought an Audi A5. Enjoying Apple car play, nicely designed virtual cockpit, quality interior with top notch materials, range. Like, just 2 weeks ago I got 720km...
  6. D

    2020 Porsche Taycan Turbo Gets EPA Range Rating Of Just 201 Miles

    This. Porsche made a beautiful car with top notch build quality (I am sure) and very, very good performance, but this is just embarrassing. Can’t be worth this much money, no way.
  7. D

    Why I recommend AGAINST buying a Tesla

    you’re posting on the wrong forum, sir. Way too many deluded fanbois, Tesla ass kissers, Elon worshippers and other similar people on this website. Any word against Tesla is instantly met with something along the lines of “But but but other manufacturers”, “but but big oil!!”, “but but THE...
  8. D

    2020 Porsche Taycan Turbo Gets EPA Range Rating Of Just 201 Miles

    What a disaster, Porsche. Crazy that all these companies with essentially unlimited resources can’t even come close to matching Tesla range and efficiency, let alone surpass it. This pretty much means e-tron GT will be an equal disappointment next year. I really wanted the Taycan, but this is...
  9. D

    Selling Model S accessories

    Bumpity bump, sun shades still available.
  10. D

    Selling Model S accessories

    Mcu protector is gone. Floormats and sunshades still available, but I would prefer someone in the Vancouver - Seattle area since shipping is an expensive hassle.
  11. D

    Selling Model S accessories

    Cubby and hoodie are gone.
  12. D

    DIY UV Treatment for Yellowed MCU Screen

    It’s hard to believe Tesla is taking so long to “create and produce a machine” when a $35 diy solution works just fine. Wtf are they doing?
  13. D

    Yellow screen? Force Tesla to Replace it!

    Is that what you’re getting? Awesome choice, it’s a brutal vehicle with insane build quality. I ended up buying an A5 to save/invest money and bridge the gap until e-tron GT arrives. Perfect enough for my needs. And well, if that ends up being garbage, I can wait for a few more years, too until...
  14. D

    Tesla's Photos from Used Inventory

    hey, it’s their money so they can do whatever they want. The thing that ticked me off was trying to ask for help here knowing full well that the process is garbage after they already started the process. Metaphorically speaking, jumping into a pool full of sharks and then yelling for help is a...
  15. D

    Boy Am I Pissed Now.

    meh, it’s all lies. Big oil paid them to sue Tesla and disparage Elon!! on a more serious note, my car had almost all the issues they are complaining about.
  16. D

    Selling Model S accessories

    Sold my 2015 Model S and now selling some accessories that I purchased for it: 1) A set of sunshades for all windows plus the sunroof from EVannex. Original price $300, bought in June. They are in perfect condition, I've used them twice this year when I left my car at the airport for a few...
  17. D

    I Want To Hire Someone to De-Noise my Model S Interior

    I recently drove two 2018 75Ds. They were both horrible. Rattles from glass roof, center console, seats, vents.
  18. D

    Tesla's Photos from Used Inventory

    to be honest, people like you ARE the problem. Why are you even trying to complain here? Why the hell are you buying a car that you have no idea what condition it’s in? Tell Tesla to f off and save that money for a smarter investment. Is the feeling of being cool/hip/planet saver/different...
  19. D

    Tesla infotainment system upgradeable from MCU1 to MCU2

    Luckily, we live in a world where even if lawyers won’t support you and won’t stand with consumers, you can still vote with your wallet and not buy junk, as well as tell others not to. At some point, these companies will start listening. Tesla, despite claiming otherwise and portraying...
  20. D

    Tesla infotainment system upgradeable from MCU1 to MCU2

    Isn't it a federal law that they must give you the original part if you request it? Tesla seems to break and bend laws at will without any repercussions. Absolutely terrible.
  21. D

    I Want To Hire Someone to De-Noise my Model S Interior

    You’re mostly right, but you know, it also depends. I did probably 10 test drives this year with different service center folks (twice with the foreman of my local SC, super cool and nice man, probably the only competent person in my local SC, but probably also way too busy to have time to fix...
  22. D

    I Want To Hire Someone to De-Noise my Model S Interior

    I wish I had willingness to debate with you, but I will say at least something: Tesla most certainly won’t be the one to save the planet with the way they are behaving. A company run by borderline unstable people, employing completely clueless individuals and with management that can’t figure...
  23. D


    Well, good luck. This car has so many potential points of rattling that after a while you might just give up. For me it was a futile battle, as soon as I would fix one, two more cropped up. I ended up ripping apart almost the whole interior and still couldn’t fix a few rattles so I gave up. A...
  24. D

    Tesla infotainment system upgradeable from MCU1 to MCU2

    A colleague from work was trying to convince me he can and will get his MCU1 upgraded to MCU2 and he said it so nonchalantly like it’s a given. I tried to tell him that errrm there has been no recorded instance of such a thing occurring, but he wouldn’t listen. Shrug, such is the power of Elon’s...
  25. D

    Tesla added your Model S to my account!

    I wish this were the biggest problem with Tesla.
  26. D

    It's too late, my MCU1 Died....

    I don’t need a car right now. If I do end up needing one in the future, it’s certainly not going to be a Tesla.
  27. D

    It's too late, my MCU1 Died....

    I got rid of my MCU1 car yesterday and I am super relieved because having to go through this nonsense would send me into a mental institution.
  28. D

    Vendor X-Care EV Extended Warranty - The "Why" to our "What".

    I still don’t see how you are competitive at all. Tesla sells the cars with warranty for basically the same (and often lower) price compared with dealer cars that don’t come with warranty, so one has to spend extra $4k to get your warranty on top of that. It just doesn’t make sense.
  29. D

    Supercharger - Richmond, BC

    why is that such a big problem? It’s not particularly expensive, especially given the location and convenience.
  30. D

    Possibility of a 500 mile range Plaid Model S?

    Rated is not realistic. If temperature goes below 10 degrees Celsius, there is almost no chance to hit rated range. Or if there is any kind of a hill. Or if you drive like every other car on the highway and use AC etc.
  31. D

    Possibility of a 500 mile range Plaid Model S?

    500 mile rated range doesn’t mean 500 mile real range. If you hit 370 miles with 500 rated range, that’s excellent. So still less than most/all gas cars.
  32. D

    Smart air suspension vs regular on buying used S?

    how many miles and how old is the Q5? Your 14 year old car certainly isn’t a good comparison with a 4 year old Model S that I have.
  33. D

    V10 on MCU1

    Because when driving a car in a regular position your eyes, arms and feet are pointed forwards and you can see, hear, process, anticipate and react better/faster to whatever situation is happening in front of you, as compared to backing in when everything is located behind you and your...
  34. D

    Tesla Service Centers

    Stop, you’re destroying this forum with rationality. How dare you! My local SC sucks so bad.
  35. D

    Likely MCU Failure (MCU1 eMMC)

    You are assuming Tesla is a company lead by rational people. It isn’t.
  36. D

    Smart air suspension vs regular on buying used S?

    my pano has been a total rattling mess. I took the car in at least 5 times to get it fixed and every time they “realigned the sunroof” only for the issue to not be fixed. No leaks, but rattles are driving me wild. I would avoid that pos.
  37. D

    Cyclones vs Slipstreams

    Cyclons are by far my favorite Tesla wheels. Slipstreams are so meh, totally basic. My 85D has cyclons and I love it. The fact that they were discontinued just makes me like them more.
  38. D

    Performance Waiting Room

    Totally randomly passing by this thread and I am sure to get a lot of flack for this, but since I saw your post, I had to ask why not A5? Other than crazy/smooth acceleration, what exactly does an M3 have over an Audi A5? Comfort? luxury? Build quality? None of these imo. Heck, the damn thing...
  39. D

    V10 on MCU1

    MCU1, 2019.32.12 if I am not mistaken. Didn't try the browser, I absolutely never use it.
  40. D

    Smart air suspension vs regular on buying used S?

    My 2015 85D has coil suspension and I do prefer it over standard air suspension because it just feels way better to drive (someone in the thread said SAS is too squishy, and I agree). I do miss the ability to occasionally lift the car up (I've had a few bad run ins with bumps where I scratched...
  41. D

    V10 on MCU1

    I was just playing with my MCU a bit and noticed that the map is considerably faster than before. Also, the overall UI is a lot more fluid somehow. I did get an update in the last few days, I wonder if I am dreaming or if Tesla finally did something right and improved performance? I am very...
  42. D

    Would you buy again MS with MCU1 or wait couple of yrs to get newer model?

    The only really useful thing from newer Model S cars is the sentry mode. I really wish I had it. Otherwise, almost everything else that MCU2 supports is a total (in my opinion pretty dumb) gimmick. Who gives a damn about beach buggy or netflix in a car? Wanna watch stuff? Bring a tablet with you!
  43. D

    V10 on MCU1

    Do you see how Tesla screws with you? Hardware too old to do video? I call bullshit on that. That’s a bunch of crap from Tesla side. Computers were able to play video just fine 20 years ago with single core CPUs that barely reached 1Ghz clock and graphics cards a la Geforce 2 from NVidia...
  44. D

    New Return Policy - No Exchanges

    A scratch on a $40k Model 3 can be considered a minor flaw. On a $100k Model S absolutely not. Or any other car that costs as much for that matter. If a brand new S550 or Taycan have a scratch, reject them. So based on that, most Tesla cars shouldn’t be for sale, right? Almost every single...
  45. D

    New Return Policy - No Exchanges

    I haven’t been active on this forum for a few months and now I am reading some new posts and a lot of them literally have my brain going “wtf”. Including yours. Entitled???? Really? Someone who cashed out $100k on a car and is complaining about poor panel alignment, paint issues, missed details...
  46. D

    Likely MCU Failure (MCU1 eMMC)

    that is complete nonsense. So are you saying that if someone had Takata airbags in their car, but then sold the car, there is no need to replace the airbags anymore? What kind of thinking is that?
  47. D

    V10 on MCU1

    That’s absolutely true, even though you twisted it and overgeneralized it so I’ll try to respond. When Tesla promised software updates, my expectations were that these updates would be high quality, well tested and beneficial to the ownership experience. In that case, what you said absolutely...
  48. D

    V10 on MCU1

    How is that a good thing? Personally, I don’t want any more shitty software updates. Ever. Tesla, leave me and my pathetic, slow, MCU1 car alone. Ideally, please revert it to V8 and leave it at that. I don’t care about arcades, chess, beach buggy, web browsing, netflix or any of the other...
  49. D

    Has Model S quality improved?

    That’s the whole point. It’s way too much hit or miss to be considered good. But explain that to a lot of people here. Anyway, I am a bit sick of trying to walk the nuanced path of supporting Tesla (remember, I own one, how the hell can I be a hater) while pointing out legitimate problems that...