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  1. I

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Speaking of summon, whatever happened to Actually Smart Summon? Another vaporware feature that will never be released?
  2. I

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I’m really hoping 11.4.X that we end up getting fixes the massive nerf to the ability to actually engage FSD. On really nicely painted roads with wide lanes it refuses to engage constantly. Has anyone heard or seen any comments about that getting changed? I’m not sure if they did that due to...
  3. I

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yeah this is the one feature I don’t understand why they haven’t done it. The car generally knows from map data or even vision “hey there is a stop sign X hundred feet away”. With some basic math they should be able to calculate a smooth deceleration curve that uses full regen braking to stop...
  4. I

    FSD Beta v11.x

    No change that I’ve seen.
  5. I

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I’m set on “average” for the moment.
  6. I

    FSD Beta v11.x

    11.3.6 not very different for me versus 11.3.3. Drove it about 20 miles this morning and afternoon in a mix of city streets and highway. Worked well for the most part but still slowed down rapidly on an on ramp for what I can only assume was because of shadows from the trees on the road? I...
  7. I

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Also got 11.3.6 last night, will test shortly. 11.3.3 had lots of annoyances but a good bit of improvements on things like giving distance when passing semis, turning into my neighborhood at a reasonable speed instead of slamming the brakes and taking the turn at 30mph like it used to do...
  8. I

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Also seeing a huge drop off in ability to actually engage fsd now - even when lane lines are great it often says “temporarily unavailable”. Anyone else seeing that a ton now?
  9. I

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    We are all here forever lurking in the endless waiting room. Now that hw4 is coming out I’ll just need to order another X so I can rejoin the waiting room haha
  10. I

    2021 Refreshed Model S - steering wheel yolk material peeling off?

    Tesla said this one for my car they are bringing to install in March is still revision G so not sure when this rumored new H or whatever version is coming out?
  11. I

    2021 Refreshed Model S - steering wheel yolk material peeling off?

    So we are sure there is a better version coming in March? Mobile service moved my appt to March 1 for parts they had to order so I’m hoping to get the latest rev
  12. I

    2021 Refreshed Model S - steering wheel yolk material peeling off?

    Same issue here at 10,000 miles on my 2022 X. I too wish we just had regular leather as it’s likely a byproduct of beef production and is much more durable. The vegan leather feels cheap that they used. Hoping for a replacement that might have airbag horn at least!
  13. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Got the holiday update this morning!
  14. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    And then the people that don’t hold the yoke/wheel at all times complain when fsd drives them into a curb and there was no time to respond :).
  15. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    I was catching up on five pages from today so didn’t see the further response when I responded :).
  16. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    That should not be a strike - takes like three of those in one drive to disable for rest of drive = a strike. No clue why it gave you a full strike with no warning.
  17. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Just got 2022.36.20 pushed to me - existing fsd beta user! Installing it now.
  18. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Safety score goes away when you get into FSDb so maybe you were supposed to get the download and something glitched?
  19. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Anyone here who already had beta get 10.69.3.X? Seems like the wide rollout is only to people who didn’t have the beta yet. Half tempted to dump fsd to get the new features and then just wait to get back in given how slow they have been with updates lately.
  20. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    I’m just hoping to get months worth of the underlying features added to my car. It stinks being so far behind the base software stack due to being in FSDb.
  21. I

    FSD V11 Discussion - First Released 11/11/22 at 11:11PM - Maybe

    Yeah noa is terrible at deciding when to change. It will randomly get into the passing lane for no reason. Other times it will move to the right lane to “get out of the center lane”. Then it will stay in the passing lane far too long and annoy everyone.
  22. I

    FSD V11 Discussion - First Released 11/11/22 at 11:11PM - Maybe

    Ready for this to hit just so I can get three months worth of missing features for my refresh X. Wonder if anyone outside employees and influencers will see it before December?
  23. I

    random chitchat

    is there no moderator enforcement of keeping a thread on topic? Can someone point me to the fsd beta thread because I’m lost apparently across the last 20 pages of this thread.
  24. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Yes it was added in 2022.32 or 2022.36 one which we don’t have due to fsd stack being behind.
  25. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Man I make a joke about v11 and it then immediately comes out. I should joke about stuff here more often! Now to see how many more weeks we are all stuck on 2022.20.19. By the time we get onto 2022.40.X it’s gonna feel like a whole car upgrade with all the nice features we are missing. I was...
  26. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    And v11 is right around the corner! The totally legit blue check verified Tesla Twitter account told me so!
  27. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Except for this - Elon Musk has pulled more than 50 Tesla employees into his Twitter takeover He pulled 50 software engineers mostly from the autopilot team to go muck around at Twitter. This is how he plays a big role in fsd - he chooses the direction, the release cadence, and even who is...
  28. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Feels like fsd beta updates have now gotten de prioritized with elons Twitter distractions. He sold massive amounts of tesla stock the last three trading days to fund Twitter loans he had taken out. Wish he’d focus back on tesla!
  29. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Glad you posted the video - you have to understand why everyone was skeptical at the repeated claims with no evidence. As others have said NOA doesn’t come on automatically with fsd unless you set NOA that way explicitly. This surprised me as well the first time I got on the interstate and it...
  30. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    I doubt they’ve ever even used the beta. Weren’t they claiming 10 second stops at a stop sign with no traffic as well? Just absurd. Like others have said there are plenty of legitimate complaints no reason to make up fake ones. I’ve got one section of road that cracked at one point and they...
  31. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    You seem to have a different version than the rest of us or your cameras have serious issues and need to be replaced in your vehicle. Also there is no way I’m not intervening before my car drives into a curb and destroys my rims. You’re not paying attention properly if you can’t hit the brakes...
  32. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Yeah exits work super consistently. It’s the merging onto the freeway that sucks for NOA - can’t wait for FSD to take over with unified stack.
  33. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Have seen weird gps issues lately good to know that might be a bug in this fsd version. Did a drive today finally on and definitely noticed some changes. I do think they are playing with the sliders some to test things in some of these point releases. Of note: - more aggressive...
  34. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Is it just going to the software tab and letting it check or is there something else? Trying to remember from dozens of pages earlier in this thread.
  35. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    I see lots of complaints about auto high beams but they actually work really well on my 2022 X. The only thing they do that isn’t correct is they initially see street lamps from a distance as headlights and will turn off the high beams but they realize pretty quickly it’s not a car and turn...
  36. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Anyone else ready for 10.69.3 so we can talk about something other than roundabouts and that pedestrian median situation?
  37. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Boy I should have read this as prophesy - got pulled over today for doing a California roll at a stop sign (in Georgia) with clear sight lines (not on fsd). Cop was in a super well hidden spot and was nice enough to just give me a warning. Saw her pull over more people on my way back past -...
  38. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    My wife also was annoyed at four way stop behavior. I told her yeah the government made them actually follow the laws and won’t allow rolling stops even though every human being does it, especially when there are clear sight lines and you know nobody is coming.
  39. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Current stop sign behavior isn’t consistent - it almost seems like they’re testing different variables on stop signs with different people. In my model X refresh it slams on the brakes 300 feet back from the stop sign and then approaches from there at 15-20mph before slowing to a full stop. I...
  40. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Fsd is currently terrible at predicting a smooth usage of regen braking to slow to a stop at precisely the right spot using only regen. All of us are capable of doing that after a month with our cars. Hoping that’s just one of those minor things they’re not worried about yet but will fix later...
  41. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Go to autopilot setting and customize navigate on autopilot - tell it to start ever drive automatically and then you’ll have a more seamless FSD experience. NOA is worse at merging onto the interstate than fsd stack so it will feel dumber until they merge the fsd and NOA code into a fully FSD...
  42. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Yep noticed this - highway stack is still on NOA so you must have it on or it won’t take exits or change lanes. Highway feels behind fsd at this point so can’t wait for them to merge it all together.
  43. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Yeah I’d blame the truck for that one - illegally parked blocking visibility completely. It looks like the car stopped plenty fast and the pedestrian over reacted.
  44. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Slow down sooner for stop signs?! Mine abruptly goes from 45 down to 10 like 300-400 feet from the stop sign and then drives at like 10 mph toward it from a distance. It’s super bizarre and pisses off anyone behind me so I have to frequently disengage if anyone is behind me. Fsd needs to be...
  45. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    I think I accidentally did this to get it right after it came out because I went to see if it would claim I was up to date on that screen..wonder if this will work for future releases too?
  46. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Yeah I was impressed because the kid was making me nervous and I was poised to take over when FSD slowed down from 40 mph to about 15-20 in a few seconds as the car got closer to the kid. Forgot to mention this was on (2022.20.18). So far haven’t noticed a ton of improvements with...
  47. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Had fsd do something neat when letting it drive me back from picking up pizza. A kid was pacing in a parking lot near the road, walking toward the road and then back toward his mom sort of soldier like in a restaurant parking lot. He pivoted and was marching back to the road boldly but was...
  48. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    I experienced this myself last week - it even said in the UI that it was changing lanes to avoid debris.
  49. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    If it worked like the dashcam clip browser then it would be a useless feature too. That sucker never works for me in the car unless I’ve recently deleted almost all the clips from my ssd.
  50. I

    FSD Beta 10.69

    Most of my interventions over the weekend using FSDb were tied to the car just being weird and unpredictable for cars following close behind me. Stop signs are a big one - FSD starts slowing at an appropriate distance from a sign but it does so with a LOT of brakes and regen, so you drop from...