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  1. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I get all that, it's just the M3 performance is still very new and hardly any have been delivered in the UK, at least I'm not aware of any yet, and now there are already 7 by the looks of things on inventory (which isn;t massess admitedly but does mean 7 not matched to buyers) and with not even...
  2. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I was wondering about cornering lights for those with adaptive and of course you can turn off high beam and maybe keep cornering. Having owned Teslas for many years I kind of doubt it’s going to be some incredibly cunning plan like using the headlight unit adjustment mechanism, for a start I...
  3. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Just had a daily email on Tesla inventory and loads of New 2024 M3Ps have been listed.. so seemingly even the latest, greatest model has gone straight to instant availability.
  4. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Musk didn’t mention adaptive only cornering so I suspect they heard a rumour about cornering and made up the rest, I kind of read his post now I’ve seen it again as the first is NA only and the second part is for others
  5. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I’m sure there’s plenty they could do, I was just musing over whether there was a supply issue and there might be on some specific combos but there seems to be plenty around if people wanted them, M3P aside.
  6. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    There could be reasons - I only state the facts as they are. I’ve seen quite a few new M3s around so I’d have thought other than the M3P there’s no great issue getting hold of one, there’s also around 80 in inventory. One month, or even one quarter could be temporary, time will tell
  7. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    SMMT data is out and for the first time in a long time Tesla aren’t in the top 10 for the month or year to date Tesla sales are down 8% on last May and 12.5% down YTD compared to last year. In comparison BEV overall is up 6% for the month and 10% YTD . Tesla’s market share has fallen by...
  8. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Hasn’t musk said cornering is only for North American markets, probably because we have adaptive which is better. And for cars without matrix I doubt they’ll get cornering. As much as Musk sometimes talks rubbish, he rarely under sells something. I certainly wouldn’t believe the websites that...
  9. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Doesn’t really compute.. if they’re all on unless there’s a good cause for that bit not to be illuminated due to traffic ahead then they should not turn on “cornering lights” anyway in that direction. If it’s ambient lighting is bright enough you don’t need it, and Tesla don’t seem to dip...
  10. G

    Model Y Roof rack

    It’s more like a paint protection film and I imagine once stuck on would be a bit like the film just in front of the rear wheels on the door. They don’t look removable once installed but equally I don’t think they’d cause a real issue left in place. I’d have thought the purpose was solely to...
  11. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I blame my hayfever medication..
  12. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    I thought Hertz had dumped all their Teslas? In fairness they seem to be selling all EVs and hybrids but some of the many reasons stated is Tesla’s were in more accidents and harder/longer/more expensive to repair I tend to think there’s a natural limit to market share with cars, people like a...
  13. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Q1 2024 they sold 386k, Q4 2023 they sold 484k, Q1 2023 they sold 422k (taken from Tesla documents) So sales were down 20% on the previous quarter, and 9% on the same quarter last year depending what you want to take as your reference point Looking at other metrics., gross profit is down 18%...
  14. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    Mod comment: please avoid the personal stuff and if you’re making an argument then evidence points always help, both for and against
  15. G

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    There did seem to be a update seen (albeit for China) which seemed to disappear but started the initial riumours. But I'd agree, and I think a slow down in production could be attributed to over supply as much as Juniper coming, It depends if you're an eternal optomist on all matters Tesla or...
  16. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    I've a vague recollection they did use cornering lights on the original Model S, a quick google and my memory appears right.. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/fog-cornering-lights.46024/ I imagine in the new implementation its more a directed beam so if the car is going around a gentle...
  17. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Tesla are now tweeting what’s in the upcoming/imminent release which is a welcome change rather than the speculation a lot of the others pump out. We should be getting cornering lights although I imagine when on adaptive full beam we kind of get that anyway as it will just dip where it needs to...
  18. G

    Model 3 Highland Performance

    The "in quarter" thing is becoming less of a thing for a couple of reasons, Tesla are trying to break away from the quarterly crazy season, there's ghenerally more inventory around that gets carried over from one quarter and with the problems in the middle east, the boats have a longer shipping...
  19. G

    Timed charging....

    Nope, not directly in the car. There are a couple of options/workarounds You can schedule the start in the car and set up a simple iOS shortcut (Androd probably has the same) and schedule the stop time. You could do it the other way too (iOS to start the charge, car to stop it) but thats more...
  20. G

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Impressive... but you kind of have to ask... whats the point? Maybe to give confidence in what the car can see, but the "value" will come if its reducing phantom braking and less spooked by lorries etc so things actually work better, otherwise its verging on being a distraction. Let's hope it...
  21. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I’ve signed up and the schedule changes even after it’s initially set. So you might see something at 8pm, but by 11:30 it might have changed, it doesn’t (shouldn’t ) matter to you, you asked it to be at a % by a time, how it gets there is up to them, I imagine making the most of the wholesale...
  22. G

    When Driving Assistance Systems go wrong

    Tesla are well known for phantom braking, they’re far from immune, although I’m not sure if you’re talking about a passive system or something that occurs when AP or the equivalent is active. Ours throws the anchors on under AP if it sees a car on a side road waiting to pull out. I can’t talk...
  23. G

    2024.14.x Preview Sentry Recordings. Disabled in UK?

    It’s a funny mix of countries that have had it in their release notes, but not many in Europe and I wonder what determines the country shown, where the car physically is or the country the car was first sold in as I don’t think Tesla sell into some of those places directly AE AT AU BR BY CA CN...
  24. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    There’s been 2 bug fix releases in recent days, a .9 and a .11, but as those and .8 are all rolling out it looks like they’re for specific models/regions. As a guess that’s caused them to slow down a bit while they worked it out.
  25. G

    UK: Tesla after-sale experience reviews in UK. What’s your experience?

    You don’t need easy controls to cycle threw intermittent slow, intermittent fast, slow, fast, auto to wipe the odd bug from the windscreen
  26. G

    UK: Tesla after-sale experience reviews in UK. What’s your experience?

    You can, and its probably telling that in the latest software update they've made it easier to cycle through the various manually selected speeds
  27. G

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Teslafi seems way behind nowadays - it’s still not showing any news of 2024.14.9 despite a few other sources reporting it. That said, I don’t really see the point of being hungry for news. 2024.20 is a week old according to the trackers and yet nobody seems to actually have it. Another week...
  28. G

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Yep, it was mentioned on the ‘spring update’ thread. Seems to be just a bug fix
  29. G

    After purchase when can I start using the Tesla charging network

    You might be surprised… I won’t say whether that’s ’pleasantly’ or not.. :)
  30. G

    After purchase when can I start using the Tesla charging network

    It's odd as some seem to be able to do it straight away without the V5c and some require it. The proof of ownership/invoice might need the VIN number rather than the reg as Tesla don't work on reg, or maybe the determining factor is whether the car has been released by the previous owner. It's...
  31. G

    After purchase when can I start using the Tesla charging network

    The previous owner may have relinquished ownership into the unknown It does seem to depend on who at Tesla looks at the request but proof of purchase is often all that’s required to take ownership onto your account, plus proof if your ID
  32. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I’m hearing 2024.14.9 has appeared.. only bug fixes but just as you thought you were finally up to date…
  33. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Agreed it shouldn't be needed but it is something I do just in case. That and rub my lucky beads
  34. G

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Certainly seems 14.8 is on a big push, and I’ve also seen it mentioned on Twitter with the comment effectively saying the spring update to be out for all in spring.. ie before June
  35. G

    Bank Transfer to Tesla refused by HSBC [UK}

    Things have probably changed, the thread is over a year old
  36. G

    Tesla Bank transfer request

    I woudn't nother sending the email, you can normally see the records in your Tesla account alongside the other actons you need to take (as and when they appear). You should see the amounts appear within a an hour during normal bank working hours. If you see them in your Tesla account, you also...
  37. G

    Few Model S/Tesla Questions...

    To add some additional info, its "Highway Autopilot" with your hardware, "Autopilot" is the term for Tesla hardware cars as the entry level offering, whereas with Mobileye hardware its more like EAP with parking, lane change etc included. You'd need to ask Tesla what the cost would be to...
  38. G

    Few Model S/Tesla Questions...

    You have the original Mobileye autopilot hardware but the activation wasn’t paid for. If you want it you need to talk to Tesla as there’s no in app purchase option. Its not a bad system.
  39. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Thanks - the monthly charge makes sense. Last question for today.. with the energy cap changing at the end of next month, are the current rates likely to drop, are you locked in or are they already reflected, or I guess maybe nobody knows? I’m aware these types of tariffs aren’t obliged to...
  40. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    Is this the type of thing you're seeing? Taken from this where they mention it ,although personally I don't notice it on my car much, but maybe thats because of the lighter evenings
  41. G

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I’ve been looking at octopus and these issue make me feel it’s all a bit too complicated. I got the impression irrespective of charging whenever octopus sees it as a good idea, you get 6 hours of cheap rate over night. Is it possible to get your car to charge then (using a simple start charge...
  42. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    There’s a much simpler explanation - they don’t do them all in one go
  43. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    I’ve seen it mentioned in a few places - Twitter, Reddit, etc and all with a different mix of what’s in it, no 2 places are the same. I don’t get the fascination with wanting to know weeks before it comes here and then typically not getting most of what they say is coming.
  44. G

    UK: Tesla after-sale experience reviews in UK. What’s your experience?

    There’s no smoke without fire, but you’ll also generally find negativity in reviews so you see the worst of it. Tesla insist that all service requests are done through the app which only really works if the fault is easy to determine. They do often expect you to confirm you’ll pay if no fault...
  45. G

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    They’re calling it an early preview . Typically that means they’ve just cut and pasted every rumour on X into their website, what actually makes it might be different.
  46. G

    Unlock Charge Port - Idea

    It’s trivial to set up an Apple short cut routine that stops charging and then unlocks the charge port without paying for any third party software. You can probably do it on android too. Once you've the shortcut you can either just ask Siri to do it, add it to an Apple Watch and do it via that...
  47. G

    Model Y tow bar electrics not working

    Manual covers Europe and it launched there about 6 months earlier than we got it before Ryzen and the Li Ion battery
  48. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I seem to recall the likely charges were based on volume of calls on particular cars (might by particular accounts) so I read that as a couple of calls per day was cheap but polling the car every minute or so for streaming data would get expensive. Octopus might be ok or their costs very...
  49. G

    Model Y tow bar electrics not working

    I’ve an early MY in the UK with Ryzen/Li Ion low volt battery. It really doesn’t help I’m afraid but ‘Tesla working on…’ is a common feature of the brand
  50. G

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Each to their own on the topic, but many of the things they offer Tesla are now offering natively or easy to set up (like shortcuts), Apple Watch support rumoured to be on its way, data logging is the one area Tesla doesn’t really do but could wipe the floor with everyone if they did, and of...