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  1. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    It's almost like there should be a land for and led by Jews where Jews can be safe from persecution from Christians and Muslims. Maybe that land should be in a location where the Jews came from? Oh, I'm just being crazy, I know.
  2. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Out of the gates with a real zinger... ^^^^^^^^^^ Ahem.
  3. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Never saw that coming...
  4. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    As far as I can tell from some quick searching, that's a video of kids in Jordan in 2020 protesting COVID lockdowns. Here's the same video, minus the lying captions, posted in 2020: That's the earliest posting I can find. Also that sounds like a police siren. I'm pretty damn sure Gazans...
  5. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    More tokenism from you.
  6. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    So the camp wasn't directly struck, at least not by Israel, according to reports: Airstrike shrapnel hitting fuel tank likely caused Rafah fire - US official https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-idf-suspects-hamas-artillery-caused-deadly-fire-in-rafah-investigation-ongoing Lots of...
  7. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    So much wrong here. 1. Who the heck is this Burton person? Never heard of them. 36k followers? Probably mostly bots. That's not a star. That's just another nobody, and apparently a terrible nobody criminal. 2. Apparently this Burton got arrested and convicted for committing abuse. Then...
  8. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Tokenization of Jews is disgusting. (moderator edit) This is not at all based in facts. The complaints have always been about double standards against Israel, not about actual criticism. Oh sure, if you dig deep in some far right reddit thread, you'll find support for this theory. However...
  9. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    There is no such thing as a rules based international order, just like there's no Easter Bunny and there's no Santa Clause. Anybody who thinks they're saying anything profound about this on Twitter is a moron. It's Realpolitik turtles all the way down. Anyone who says differently is selling...
  10. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The world has always been insane. Raisi was little more than a Nazi with a beard, one of the worst people in the world. I spit on his grave. The ICC is meant to prosecute when countries don't have rule of law, but Israel has rule of law. Meanwhile, China does not, and they're committing...
  11. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I was not expressing what I want or hope, just what I think will happen. Gantz has demanded that Netanyahu agree to specific goals that Gantz wants. I honestly don't know where this will lead, but Netanyahu and Gantz are pretty close on goals, methinks.
  12. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    As expected, Israel will occupy Gaza and then grind away at Hamas until Hamas are powerless or all dead. The border with Egypt will be blocked. The people of Gaza will remain defiant and fight back, because they hate the Jews more than they love their own children, and so they will choose to...
  13. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    My parents paid for my schooling, but I did two years of CC. As did my wife. As did my daughter. Not sure what my son will do. AP tests are over, so he has to decide soon if he's going to stick around for senior year or not. But we digress. The pier is complete. Hopefully the US will...
  14. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Interesting how low student debt is on the list.
  15. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I'm sure things were quite different 250 years ago. It's a call in vote. I don't read too much into it. A few thousand sim cards in Vietnam can make a huge difference. Then again, it's Eurovision, so it doesn't matter anyway. Those songs are all mediocre at best. It always feels like a...
  16. Jigglypuff

    Replacement Tires for 19" wheels

    I don't think you can run 18s with the MYP front brakes. Most people lifting are oversizing on 18s.
  17. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Among Israeli citizens, I believe that's a small minority. Most are pretty content from what I've seen. Police don't go around asking Arab Israelis for their papers. Lots of segregation in that society at night. Not as much during the day. It's an interesting country for sure. I don't...
  18. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    https://time.com/4558510/electoral-college-history-slavery/ That heritage foundation link would barely pass as a high school ap exam essay. A nation is made of people, not states. Few Americans identify with their states more than with the nation. This is different in other countries. A lot of...
  19. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    A lot of people do not want to vote for Trump. A lot of people do not want to vote for Biden. Neither of them are showing qualities that lessen that disgust so many feel. I know who the lesser of two evils is, but I don't like either of the choices. Worst election choices of the past 40+...
  20. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The far left and the far right struggle for the crown when it comes to evil. Hard to tell them apart. They both demand ideological purity. Demands for ideological purity are the fastest way to make me want to punch somebody in the face (not you). Muslims in Israel are unhappy with some parts...
  21. Jigglypuff

    Lifted Model Y Owners: Report!

    That's more about low COG and groundforce/lift than it is about drag. Drag is maybe the fifth or sixth reason to lower a car.
  22. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I think India has a rather large Hindu nationalism problem right now, but it's not nearly as bad as situation normal in the Middle East.
  23. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Every religion and non-religion has a problem with extremism and supremacists. At this time, one religion has a rather larger problem than everyone else. Cough. Agreed. The Saudis are a dictatorship that spreads radical and terrorist Islam and pollutes the world. Hamas did not blink. They...
  24. Jigglypuff

    Lifted Model Y Owners: Report!

    I'm not sure a cybertruck is going to handle offroading all that well, at least from the reports I've read.
  25. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    A rather huge audience. Maybe half the world.
  26. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The same students who demanded no police on UCLA's campus now demand an answer as to why it took police so long to reply. From Sunset to Le Conte, UCLA will be free of cops! Well, excusez-moi! Meanwhile, UCLA moved classes online. This could have been all stopped right away if the UCLAPD...
  27. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    True, but this is why, historically, we have had some trusted journalistic sources. Journalism is now in a sorry state, thanks to the internet's forced enshitification.
  28. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Oregon was founded to be whites only. That's covered? I'll check the book out. I'm not always patient with non-fiction political books. I tend to find that they make their point then just keep going and going. I am hesitant to take the word from somebody online about what's actually going on.
  29. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    All this is true. However, I don't call most of what's paid attention to "journalism". It's drinking from the fire hose. Thanks for the description. Have you been down to check it out yourself? I have not bothered to go into Berkeley. To stressful. A lot of these students are stooges of...
  30. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Deep antisemitic cuts. Going for the classics. How about blood matso?
  31. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Now the university knows who to fire. The Wave (1981 film) - Wikipedia is happening in real life without any adults to stop it.
  32. Jigglypuff

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    All these systems are so hacked together. Stop experimenting and just drive I car yourself when things get dicey.
  33. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The state of journalism is terrible. Our educational system is a mess. Brainwashed drones having struggle sessions on campuses.
  34. Jigglypuff

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    It'll probably get confused and make you take over, or just crash.
  35. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Hold on now. If the KKK members were decrying the Jews, they'd be allowed. Free speech and all. There has been a concerted effort on the far left, going back well before I was in school some 25 years ago, to brainwash students into radicalism. The far right doesn't spend their time at...
  36. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Boomers are pretty narcissistic as a generation too, and they didn't have Instagram and TikTok messing their brains up. The Guardian is rather left wing, I'd say. It's not fully communist. Just maybe 70%. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/nyregion/columbia-student-protest-zionism.html This...
  37. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Anybody who believes a word from Hamas deserves to live under Hamas rule.
  38. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Even Iran kills their jihadist neighbors. Lots of maps out there. I'd not take what the BBC says without a grain of salt. https://www.britishempire.co.uk/images2/palestinemap1901.jpg There's no way in hell Israel is going to go from this conflict to two-states. Hamas absolutely convinced...
  39. Jigglypuff

    Vendor Model 3 Öhlins DFV Coilovers - Engineered by Redwood Motorsports ™

    A softer spring allows for less damping. There are other impacts, of course.
  40. Jigglypuff

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    It's the same issue with lane keeping. Other brands do it better. Fsd is not disappointing as I had low expectations and the terrible system met them.
  41. Jigglypuff

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    If I could give steering input without the system jerking then I would be far more interested in fsd. It needs a lot of help. Since I cannot, the system is worthless to me.(moderator edit)
  42. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

  43. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-798185 A Fatah TV anchor reported that Hamas had attacked aid workers, stolen food and water and caused food prices to skyrocket in the Gaza Strip. ... footage from an Al-Jazeera interview was played which showed a woman in the enclave complaining...
  44. Jigglypuff

    Lifted Model Y Owners: Report!

    Unless something was done wrong, poly should be fine. Same with aluminum or steel.
  45. Jigglypuff

    Lifted Model Y Owners: Report!

    It depends on the lift method. The wheels. The tires. The way you drive. The roads you drive on. The temperature. Luck. This is why I did just a 10mm or so lift in suspension plus 1" from tires.
  46. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Bibi can't afford to alienate any of his insiders.
  47. Jigglypuff

    Replacement Tires for 19" wheels

    Tire wear is only partly based on which wheels are driven. There are many, many factors.
  48. Jigglypuff

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Iran and their ilk have been keeping Netanyahu in power for many years. The worst they behave, the longer Bibi stays.
  49. Jigglypuff

    Lifted Model Y Owners: Report!

    It's just a fact that a lift will strain CV joints. The less the lift, the less the strain.
  50. Jigglypuff

    Best EQ Setting

    I said to put the EQ dead flat, not that the output would be dead flat. Unless somebody is a trained listener, they're more likely to make things worse than better, and considering the lack of EQ resolution, I'm not sure anybody could make the car better. Just different. In general, people...