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  1. R

    Supercharger - Abbotsford, BC

    Genuinely surprised this is V3 instead of urban
  2. R

    SB 6586 - Do NOT let this happen!

    that’s the kind of simplistic attitude that got us into ST3 aka $1200 tabs....
  3. R

    2019 Model X Raven Long Range 7 Seater - NY - 10,200 miles

    Interesting to see how trying to make a little money off YouTube views bites you in the butt later :D
  4. R

    Montreal store privacy screw up royale!

    Quite sure nobody cares about your email address
  5. R

    Initiative 976

    I’ve heard that somewhere before ;) Perhaps not, but his chances just increased.
  6. R

    Initiative 976

    Well looks like the chances of Governor Eyman in 2020 have increased. The judge had “concerns that the I976 title was misleading”. The whole ST3 proposal was misleading! Welcome to the corruption of WA state..... I mean King County. Like I said in the beginning of this thread, those with deeper...
  7. R

    Who has ordered?

    I did. While laughing. What’s a $100 for some quality entertainment?
  8. R

    Official Thread: Cybertruck (Cybrtrk) Event - Nov 21, 2019

    I’m just laughing my ass off :D:D
  9. R

    Initiative 976

    Sounds like my folks’ place. I do have to burn some dinos or electrons to get me some fresh peas though.
  10. R

    Initiative 976

    I wonder if @nwdiver mumbles about fools fuel as he tries to source locally grown carrots at Whole Foods o_O
  11. R

    Initiative 976

    oh believe me I’m waiting. Although I’m not holding my breath to be honest.
  12. R

    Initiative 976

    Like I said, exploiting. But hey let’s tax our way out of it.
  13. R

    Initiative 976

    Yet nothing has changed. Miami still has a beach and we get rained on in Seattle. What did change was the media exploiting every natural disaster and man-caused accidents as climate change indicators.
  14. R

    Initiative 976

    Please show me what has changed in terms of global impact the last 50 years that could have been prevented by man. The planet cools and warms up beyond our control over many centuries. It happened before and will keep happening.
  15. R

    Initiative 976

    Yes I agree that the manufacturers choose not develop EVs, simply judging by the looks of Prius Prime or Bolt, however the tide is turning. And that’s where the organic adoption will occur. I don’t buy into the man-made climate hysteria of the last coupe decades, because absolutely nothing...
  16. R

    Initiative 976

    When the time comes where battery technology is cheaper and more advanced, EVs will naturally start overselling ICE. Money for subsiding them goes so far, when the current EV offerings are laughable at best (again, besides Tesla to some degree) and don’t fit everyone’s lifestyle due to range or...
  17. R

    Initiative 976

    I agree that electric trucks are coming and I look forward to that. Not because they’ll magically fix all our problems, but when the technology matures enough, they’ll be more superior than ICE. But I don’t see that happening in the next decade. At least not where they’ll make more sense then...
  18. R

    Initiative 976

    There would be a lot more people against raising gas tax than EV fees. And the implications of higher gas tax have bigger ripple effects than EV fees. It’s flawed thinking that squeezing out gas vehicles with rising taxes is a good idea. That will simply transfer to higher cost of other products...
  19. R

    Initiative 976

    Actually it’s the citizens of the whole state in ALL counties that voted yes, some by huge margins. Only King County voted NO by about 10%
  20. R

    Initiative 976

    Headline: Big Bad Eyman harassing staffers :D <iframe width='640' height='360' src='http://sinclairstoryline.com/resources/embeds/jw8-embed.html?client=googima&file=https://content.uplynk.com/5a5dff54b8f540649562ba2c4da896c1.m3u8&autostart=false' /></iframe>
  21. R

    Initiative 976

    Well it didn’t take long for Dow Constantine to jump on overturning the will of the people. King County to file lawsuit over passage of $30 car tabs initiative
  22. R

    Initiative 976

    Sometimes endorsements backfire. And no matter how the opponents tried to make the initiative about Eyman personally, it still didn’t work :rolleyes:
  23. R

    Initiative 976

    Ah yes. I suppose I gave them more credit then was due.
  24. R

    Initiative 976

    No, are you? People are fed up with this state government’s greedy tactics and plain dishonesty and despite the millions spent by the NO-976 side, the people are making their voices heard. A bigger indication of this is the overwhelming rejection on most of the advisory votes that were on the...
  25. R

    Initiative 976

    Just went to “NO on I-976” Facebook a page. Most comments say they voted YES :D
  26. R

    Supercharger - Auburn, WA

    I doubt enumclaw is very high on the list especially with this Auburn location now open. It’s only 15-20 miles apart and not a heavily traveled route
  27. R

    Initiative 976

    Gonna leave this here. Courtesy of the same people who bash Eyeman for being sleazy: PDC looking into I-976 mailers sent by city of Olympia and this one just for fun: https://q13fox.com/2019/10/07/fact-check-ads-against-30-car-tabs-raise-eyebrows/
  28. R

    We need an Autopilot Passcode Lock

    I read the OPs post like a poem :D
  29. R

    Initiative 976

    Yup. Yet it was all talk and no action from any of our elected officials. Heck its taking a class action lawsuit to get anything done.
  30. R

    Initiative 976

    A lot of people in U-District, Cap Hill, and other immediate DT areas don’t even own cars so yes lightrail is convenient for them. Hence why it was approved overwhelmingly in Seattle but barely in Snohomish county and rejected in Pierce. Ridership will be lower the further it gets built out...
  31. R

    Initiative 976

    I agree about the light rail being a very crappy ROI. Just makes it easier for the bums and drug addicts to move their stolen merchandise around to meet buyers off OfferUp :D
  32. R

    Initiative 976

    A lot of people disagree (and sometimes straight out hate) Tim but they’re will still vote yes because they’re tired of the scam. My prediction is this initiative will pass, regardless of what happens afterwards. And that should be a sign that even in our very left leaning state, people are...
  33. R

    Initiative 976

    Hell yes from me and not because I’m some anti tax crusader: Sleazy/misleading working on ST3 initiative Unfair/outdated vehicle valuation system Will never use the dumb light-rail system
  34. R

    Initiative 976

    I’ll be voting That’s laughable but I won’t debate that here. I guess we should just bend over and pay the yearly tax on our inflated car values and accept the deceiving wording of that ST3 fiasco.
  35. R

    Initiative 976

    Interesting how our state operates. Don’t like something? Have the court overturn it in the favor of whoever has deeper pockets.
  36. R

    Supercharger - Seattle, WA - Union Street

    Model 3 owners....:rolleyes:
  37. R

    I cannot believe Detroit (Chevy Bolt)

    First paragraph on point. You need to tone down the rhetoric in the second one.
  38. R

    Supercharger - North Bend, WA

    Great.... now the snoqualmie ridge folks will hog this location as well....
  39. R

    EVs banned from Texas Motor Speedway

    Here is a wild idea. Perhaps their insurance has something to do with that. Battery fires ARE harder to put out and profits are thin. So relax Tesla owners, no one is out to get you ;)
  40. R


    Whatever dude. GLWS
  41. R


    That still doesn’t answer my question.
  42. R


    So, is that HPWC included? Not sure if that was a swipe at someone or for real..... pretty major thing to forget about as it’s worth more than anything else in the package.
  43. R

    EAP to FSD upgrade now $3,000

    But but but haven’t you heard? the price will be exponentially higher! :eek: Too bad I’ll be on my 5th Tesla by then :D
  44. R

    EAP to FSD upgrade now $3,000

    I’m astounded at the amount of people wasting their $$$. Hope I’m proven wrong soon.
  45. R

    Tesla Model S 21" Arachnid Wheels/Tires FOR SALE

    Judging by your username you signed up just to sell the wheels :rolleyes: PS: the asking price is a few hundred more than the going rate. GLWS
  46. R

    For Sale: Gorgeous, Fully Loaded Model X 100D

    Funny thing is I was somewhat interested pending the price was realistic but you are so off base I wanted to test the waters. Looking for a deal on a 100D with AP2 and a 2yr old Xs are down in price so yours fit the criteria. Good luck, your best bet is to ask the mod to delete this thread and...
  47. R

    $47,500 Tesla MX 90d

    Damn it. Thought this is a for sale thread.....
  48. R

    2016.5 P100DL/P90DL with Full Carbon Fiber Body Kit Over $35K Invested

    I see someone is expecting a 12 decade life :D