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  1. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I never have. My FSD had the same issues that are common to all.
  2. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    That's to be expected. It's 2 to 3 days on planet Musk, but that is light years away so it's much longer here. ;)
  3. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    We can do the math on this one. Option 1: NHTSA wants both people and computers to obey all laws all of the time. They can't (yet) force people to comply but they can with computers. It complicates Tesla's FSD at a tactical level creating more work for them. Option 2: Drive as humans drive...
  4. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Wish we could hold them accountable. Were there accidents due to this? Probably. But so dangerous we need the government to protect us from ourselves? Sounds like a stretch.
  5. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Doesn't really matter. A bug by any other name smells just as sweet.
  6. KArnold


    I've had that 3 times in the last 2 years, the latest on 2024.3.25. Perhaps coincidentally all 3 were when the cruise speed was set to 80+ MPH with fairly complex situations. I've also had a few immediate audible alerts (no toaster popup, no flashy lights) that I've been able to quickly...
  7. KArnold

    Vendor Official Tessie app talk

    Both are Tesla questions, not really Tessie questions. Yes, turning in cabin HVAC will pre-heat both the cabin and battery. Tessie can schedule. HVAC remains on for 30 minutes unattended.
  8. KArnold

    Does FSD learn?

    This. Followed my son to a restaurant, both cars on FSD. Both chose the same wrong lanes and same false turn signals.
  9. KArnold

    AP/FSD related crashes

    Personally if I were being an idiot (which is too frequent anyway), I would not want it on social media even if it got millions of views.
  10. KArnold

    FSD needs to learn how to read signs

    I doubt the LEO would mail the speeding ticket to Tesla. It's needed until Tesla takes responsibility for their actions, perhaps longer. I'm looking for the day when Tesla puts their wallet up instead of simply tweeting how good it is.
  11. KArnold

    Lockout Curiosity

    I had 2 of 3 strikes my my '17 MS with no interior camera. I planned on intentionally getting my 3rd strike today to prepare for an upcoming trip. Three strikes gave me the message "you have 3 strikes, one more and you will be suspended ". OK, strange. -After stopping for a while I thought...
  12. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    It does.
  13. KArnold

    Elon take that strike back.

    Also, a strike happens very quickly on occasion especially when the CPU is busy and your style is hands off. For the 2nd time in 2 years (latest this week) was on FSD at 84 MPH on wide open interstate, going through a well marked lane shift for construction, when it went immediately to the...
  14. KArnold

    Elon take that strike back.

    Likely not due to time. On rare occasion a software update will erase them, typically when a bigger release comes out. Three times as I recall in the last 8 years. Don't count on a time-based erasure, at least not yet.
  15. KArnold

    Calipers Replaced at Service Centre -- Should the new ones have rock chips?

    Ask for your old calipers back. Bet they don't have them.
  16. KArnold

    FSDs is dangerous

    Just like Boston. Cool!
  17. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    All of the frigging time. Hopefully. This bug is fixed soon.
  18. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Was the camera blocked? CAN defeat device? You know, if you drive off a cliff it will fall too - surely a ban-able offense. :rolleyes: I would think that if it can calibrate itself it's not much of a stretch to think they could keep themselves in place.
  19. KArnold

    Rebooting does not work

    You have to hold the 2 buttons simultaneously for a couole of seconds to reboot. Basically just hold them in until the MCU goes completely off. Then it takes several minutes to come back. What does the owners manual say about the light? Is it all audio sources?
  20. KArnold

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Interesting. Another data point- I can go from a 35 MPH zone, through a major intersection, to a road divided with a median. 100 feet down the road is the first 50 MPH speed limit sign. Legally the 50 MPH zone starts at the intersection, not the sign another 100' down the road. I assume this...
  21. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Practically every flight I'm on the FA says "I'd like to welcome you to ....", and I wait. They would LIKE TO, but never actually do. 🤔 Think we need a new software release. V12.4?
  22. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Came across an interesting situation on 12.3.6. Forgive my amateur graphics. I'm on FSD northbound (green car) at the below on a 35 MPH road approaching a line of stopped cars at a stoplight. The red car in the business parking lot is signaling to turn left in front of me southbound but is...
  23. KArnold

    FSD transfer question. 2018 Model 3 with FSD totaled.

    Can you buy it back, park it somewhere, and wait for a new transfer offer? I'd bet there will be one not far down the road. Maybe even part it out in the meantime. I'd guess end of 2q or 3q. Although I have no idea what a buyback would cost. And how you might get around in the meantime.
  24. KArnold

    FSD v12.4

    It's already doing this. No?
  25. KArnold

    I've always wanted a Model S.

    I have a '17 MS100 that I believe falls into a sweet spot. I can't speak for Norway but in the USA I'd suggest a '17/'18 MS with good battery history if money restricts. Not a lot of issues on the 100kwh packs, plus with the expected degradation you still get good range. I am just over 300 real...
  26. KArnold

    Vendor Teslaunch Model X/S Gear Shift Stalk Switch Turn Signal Lever Kit🚀GIVEAWAY!

    My neighbors would be used to that as well.
  27. KArnold

    FSD free trial

    I hope so. Although 2024.14.3 currently being deployed likely isn't it - on TeslaFi it's mostly non-USA vehicles and interestingly CT's.
  28. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Doubt it. 8/8 is an announcement of something coming, not a release of anything.
  29. KArnold

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    It would be more impressive to move back to the slow lane when able instead of waiting for someone to come up behind you.
  30. KArnold

    Anyone with pre-refresh Model S have FSD 12?

    Ah, there you go. "Released slowly" for MCU1...well, maybe. I've seen literally a small sample of such folks here and those were December 2022 if I recall correctly. No updates in a while. I'd say there is a 99 99% chance MCU1 will never see FSD in any serious functionality. Having said that...
  31. KArnold

    Anyone with pre-refresh Model S have FSD 12?

    Does your screen say FSD is licensed? Cameras upgraded? Have you ever had FSD?
  32. KArnold

    Thread for the most minor of suggestions

    Make her name "Bubba" in the phone book. Just don't ever put yourself in a position of having your texts subpoenad if you do though - might be hard to explain.
  33. KArnold

    Following Distance Change for FSD.

    My '17 MS obviously has USS. I get the yellow/red squiggly lines while driving on 12.3.4. In fact they stand out more as FSD likes to hug the right side regularly. Is Vision more accurate (or as accurate) than USS in tight spots? I do use summon while carefully watching to back out of a tight...
  34. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Although I've never tried but taking 8 camera feeds (independent of navigation/control feeds) and turning into a real-time animation does not sound like a resouce-heavy app. Maybe it is. Plus I'd expect the animation to be 100% separated from navigation (except direction) and controls. So what...
  35. KArnold

    FSDS 12.2.3/4 Safety Interventions

    Personally I'm finding my safety-related intervention rates are almost non-existent with this release. I'm defining "saety-related" as interventions that would have likely caused an accident. So it excludes nav data, lane choice, too fast/slow, etc. Specifically hoping to ask those on release...
  36. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Why didn't AEB fire? I'm guessing it's because FSD could have stopped. But I'd react the same way. We'll, probably not WTF, but yea.
  37. KArnold

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    Sounds like a road trip to me. I'd like to know. But I'd bet that it would not take the turn due to road markings, but continue to work.
  38. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    ASSO enabled? Try turning that off. I like it knowing to drive 17 MPH in a twisty subdivision but 40+ in an open, well marked, no traffic but with posted 25 MPH signs is a waiting ticket around here. For others that's likely normal.
  39. KArnold

    March of 9s: The Beginning of the End

    Elon is so incredibly out of touch with reality. The lane change head fake is very much alive and well in 12.4. You just can't take this guy seriously on anything. I'm surprised people quote him.
  40. KArnold

    NTSB update for Autopilot has me looking for an anti-nag device

    True. I've seen this twice about a year apart. Three in one trip is impressive though.
  41. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

  42. KArnold

    New AutoPark with USS

    It's confusing why my USS hardware prevents Vision (which I also gave) from working. Sounds more like another developer resource shortage issue instead
  43. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Could be. Then again, not many effectively communicated what AI would look like just 3 years ago either. Sure, there were spots of good guesses but few with real vision describing what we have today. I'm no military or AI expert but I try to keep up at a 50k level. But to see apparently...
  44. KArnold

    Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

    I would have loved to hear the discussions when they changed the wheel nag conditions (v11, I believe) to include a nag at every traffic light. "Let's nag and distract the driver at the time we most want them to pay attention to the road. ". What could go wrong? ;) As far as not responding to...
  45. KArnold

    FSD experience

    Isn't that backwards? If the OP wants to be closer to the lead car. He would want assertive. No?
  46. KArnold

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I'd guess the 8/8 thing is a a new model reveal like the original CT reveal song & dance - no steering wheel, etc. How long after the CT reveal until they became real? Could be easily a couple of years. FSD could come a long way in a couple years - maybe even a non-issue for whatever this 8/8...
  47. KArnold

    FSD free trial

    The one where he said "this week"? ;)
  48. KArnold

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Two of the three enhancements are while parked. Smells like a serious developer resource issue to me, just like v12.
  49. KArnold

    Model S 75 Phone as a key

    You could always glue your key fob to the back of your phone. ;)