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  1. E

    "No Reseller" clause for Cybertruck

    That's not what the policy says. Even if Tesla chooses not to buy the car back, you still can only sell to a private party if Tesla gives you permission to do so. There is nothing that obligates Tesla to give you permission to sell to a private party.
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    "No Reseller" clause for Cybertruck

    The problem is having to get Tesla's permission. If you don't like your Cybertruck, do you really want Tesla to have absolute discretion as to whether to let you sell it at all? Why would anyone give that sort of control to a company. This provision gives Tesla an unfettered right to...
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    "No Reseller" clause for Cybertruck

    Hmmm... So if you buy a Cybertruck and then decide that you don't like it, you can only get rid of the thing and get a more normal car if you can convince Tesla to give you permission to sell the Cybertruck? Given all we know about the, er, unique features and design of the vehicle, along with...
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    Elon & Twitter

    Even to the extent that's true (and in my view Bill Gates has far more self-control and common sense than Elon), would you want Bill Gates controlling Twitter?
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    Elon & Twitter

    Because he thinks the purpose of government is to subsidize and enable his every thought and let him do whatever he wants. Democracy gets in the way of that, so he prefers a corrupt government that isn't accountable to the people. Also, destabilizing the US helps him with his business dealings...
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    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This is just tactless:
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    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    SpaceX is using a $4,500 monthly rate for service for nodes that had a $500 plan. And the normal rate for basic consumer service from SpaceX in Ukraine is $60. This is a telecommunication service, so rates aren't based on marginal costs of service, but on what the markets will bear. Musk is...
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    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Seems like SpaceX is using big pharma level pricing games to get DoD to bail out Starlink. CNN: Exclusive: Musk's SpaceX says it can no longer pay for critical satellite services in Ukraine, asks Pentagon to pick up the tab. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/13/politics/elon-musk-spacex-starlink-ukraine
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    How many believe that the FTC will find Tesla did use deceptive marketing practices?

    Frankly, a refund seems like the more likely relief. I can't see an arbitrator ordering Tesla to give you a buggy update that so far has basically just been distributed to Tesla employees (and a small handful of others) for what amounts to internal testing. (Though Musk deserves to be...
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    U.S. opens formal safety probe for Autopilot - 2021 Aug 16

    Or it could be hesitant just cause the FSD Beta version doesn't work in a remotely safe way (which is pretty much what all the posted videos show).
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    Smart Summon Drove My Model Y Into A Tree - July 2021

    My question for Elon would be why the hell is he releasing "party trick" features that involve unreliable software moving a multi-ton self-propelled object. If it's merely a party trick and it's not useful or reliable, why put it out in the wild? Software that controls the movement of the car...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    Apologies... I thought you were being sarcastic...
  13. E

    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    The police don't look at what caused what damage. They look at which car was responsible for the collision happening. In a rear-ending like this, the car in back is nearly always responsible. Also, the police finding is done quickly, and has almost nothing to do with what liability will be...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    That is an eight year-old piece of research that didn't look at any crash data or any of the modern systems that are actually in cars on the road today. It surveyed a bunch of published, even older, articles that either (i) surveyed users of these systems about how the systems made them feel or...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    This was not some weird "edge case". This was a normal sort of situation (lanes on both sides have slower traffic, car in the left lane signals for a lane change and makes the lane change) that happens constantly when one is driving. And passive aggressiveness ("you are great at being wrong...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    Regular cruise control behaves in a completely predictable manner. If you set regular cruise control to 65 MPH and you rear end a car, the manufacturer should have no liability to anyone as long as your car was going 65. I did read both halves of the post I responded to. Almost by definition...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    Which should be their incentive until they are comfortable standing behind their product.
  18. E

    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    I disagree that AP (or, really, the advanced cruise control with lane keeping that is the part of AP were talking about) is a safety feature. It's a convenience feature. AEB is a safety feature. And you shouldn't rely on it. But it also is truly a back-up that jumps in after it is too late...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    So, by your logic, any car manufacturer can put any "driver assist" logic into a car; and as long as the manual says "it's the driver's responsibility to override the logic if the logic is about to get into an accident" the manufacturer should never be liable to third parties who get killed by...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    Doesn't matter what the manual says. If the product has the effect of causing Tesla drivers to pay less attention or delay their reactions to things that happen on the road, and the product makes silly mistakes like this, it likely meets the criteria for being defective. Also, the difference...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    Tesla should be held liable because it does have an defective product. AP doesn't seem to take into account things like lane-change signals or the speed is cars in neighboring lanes. Yet Tesla encourages drivers to report on it to essentially drive the car, with the driver merely overriding AP...
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    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    This... Also, no one is arguing that the driver of the Tesla isn't responsible. What I'm suggesting is that both the Tesla driver and Tesla (the company) should be liable to the third party (pickup truck fatality) who was killed in this incident. If Tesla wants to sue the Tesla driver for the...
  23. E

    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    Nonsense... The pickup driver signaled for his lane change plenty of time before he made the movement. The Tesla, which was going way faster than traffic in the lanes to either of its sides, didn't react at all to the signal or to the fact that the pickup was partially in the Tesla's lane...
  24. E

    How is your insurance handling "autonomy"?

    At this point, the Tesla Network is little more than a couple sentences that Elon put in a web marketing effort. It doesn't exist; and who knows how much effort Tesla has even put into it. In any case, just because Tesla might want to start something like the Tesla Network doesn't mean that...
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    CNBC Tour of the Vegas Loop System

    Well, to be fair, a sewer tunnel with lots of cool lighting and wit Teslas driving 30mph through it. Even though this is a transit system and not a theme park ride, Musk seems to really feel like the lighting is important. Maybe because without the colorful lighting it would look too much like...
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    CNBC Tour of the Vegas Loop System

    Also... In this post-COVID world, its going to be pretty tough to get people who don't know each other to crowd into a small sedan like the model three. And Tesla has implied that trips will be charged by the vehicle, rather than by the seat. And, the more station pairs you have the less...
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    CNBC Tour of the Vegas Loop System

    I understand that that's the plan. But until I see it actually happen I'm not going to give the system credit for having autonomous vehicles or more efficient pods. Musk's companies have a tendency to try to get credit in the present for things that don't actually yet exist, may not exist for...
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    CNBC Tour of the Vegas Loop System

    Also, a pretty expensive system to operate, so long as they have a safety driver in each model 3 (ie one operater for every three passengers even at peak load) Seems like they're trying to use fancy lighting to make a silly system look futuristic.
  29. E

    In Car Camera

    The potential availability of a defamation claim against Tesla is really small comfort to someone who Musk and Tesla choose to publicly badmouth. Remember the weird extrapolations Tesla made from its records of Broder's test drives, or the things it has said about whistleblowers. Tesla plays...
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    In Car Camera

    XD Sure... You can supena it once you sue Tesla, but unless/until you sue them, you won't have the video and they'll potentially make all sorts of public claims about what it shows. And if Tesla (like other manufacturers) were merely using camera data in real time in the cars computer rather...
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    In Car Camera

    It's bad if (I) Tesla isn't explicitly explaining to customers--when they opt into the camera-- that Tesla will be using the video to defend itself and the extent to which Tesla is receiving, storing, and potentially accessing video, (ii) if Tesla doesn't provide drivers with the same access to...
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    In Car Camera

    Opt-in vs opt-out isn't really the issue, it's how Tesla uses the information for folks who are opted-in: "Tesla currently allows drivers to opt out of sharing in-car video footage, but even drivers who opt in may not be aware of just how much information they are sharing. Although Tesla says...
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    In Car Camera

    Consumer Reports came up with some interesting criticism of Tesla's announcement that Tesla kicked some folks off of the FSD Beta because the inside camera showed that the drivers were misusing the system. Specifically, they ask (i) if the car can use the camera in real time to determine that a...
  34. E

    Would broad FSD beta affect insurance premium?

    "Would broad FSD beta effect insurance premium?" No... You'll still have to buy insurance. FSD wont take care of getting it for you. But widespread distribution of the FSD Beta probably will *affect* insurance premiums, and not in a positive way.
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    Tesla and Defamation

    This article is interesting: Former Tesla engineer stands up to Elon Musk with lawsuit - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)
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    Slate Op-Ed

    Slate has a new article up demanding that the Biden Administration impose more regulatory discipline on FSD and AP. The Biden administration should crack down on Tesla. (slate.com)
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    Elon Musk

    Hmmm... I don't think Elon is my moral or intellectual inferior. I do think he is impulsive and refuses to take into account expert advice that is inconvenient for him. On the other hand I do wonder about someone who, in a thread titled "Elon Musk", decides to imply that my posting about Elon...
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    Elon Musk

    I'd argue that he believes whatever works best for his immediate interests, refuses to believe anything experts say that is contrary to his beliefs, and then acts surprised when it turns out that what the experts said was right. Kind of like a certain President.
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    He's basically trying to cast doubt on the accuracy of the test because he wants to participate in the SpaceX launch and NASA won't let him. Elon Musk’s positive and negative covid tests create a quandary for SpaceX By Christian Davenport...
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    Elon Musk

    Folks... He was talking the test because NASA makes him take it for the SpaceX launch. Now that he tested positive, he's desperate to convince the world that the test sucks and his result must be a false positive. He wants to participate in the launch and can't; so he's encouraging his...
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    Video: Vandalism by Motorcylist

    I'm not trying to defend the motorcyclist, but why is this being called "vandalism"? Did he harm the vehicle in some way? Smacking a car with one's hand and giving the driver the bird is rude, dumb, and probably a vehicle code violation, but absent some damage to the car it's not really vandalism.
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    Blog School Board Approves $68 Million in Incentives to Bring Tesla Factory to Texas

    If, because he doesn't want Tesla to have to pay its property taxes in the US, Elon prefers operate in a country where people have few civil rights, where the government acts arbitrarily, where there is little respect by those in authority for the rule of law, and where members of ethnic...
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    Blog School Board Approves $68 Million in Incentives to Bring Tesla Factory to Texas

    Especially, perhaps, in Denver, where some people were never educated in good manners. How rude.
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    Blog School Board Approves $68 Million in Incentives to Bring Tesla Factory to Texas

    1. Taxes are levied against every piece of property, so that each property owner pays its fair share. 2. Tesla doesn't want to pay. 3. Tesla says that if the school district makes it pay its share, it will locate somewhere else. 4. Because the school district wants tax revenue from other...
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    Blog School Board Approves $68 Million in Incentives to Bring Tesla Factory to Texas

    Ultimately, what's important to running public services is the total amount of taxes. Of course if a jurisdiction had no sales taxes it will have higher property taxes than states with a sales tax.
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    Blog School Board Approves $68 Million in Incentives to Bring Tesla Factory to Texas

    Gee... So Tesla really must not care much about education, since it doesn't want to pay its fair share of the cost of schools. This is absurd. School districts are there for the kids, not to subsidize industry. Tesla should be ashamed. So should Texans. Maybe rather than pay Elon huge salary...
  47. E

    Fremont Factory To Reopen Today, May 8th

    And... So much for the promise that employees fearing COVID could take unpaid leave without consequences to their employment: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/25/tesla-plant-firings/
  48. E

    Are Elon's COVID rants affecting how you think about your Tesla?

    Fine to enjoy these things you attribute to Musk. But are they worthy of allowing him to pick and choose the law he hill bother to follow and of using tax dollars to subsidize his businesses and the purchase of their products?
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    Are Elon's COVID rants affecting how you think about your Tesla?

    So do you think that everyone should (without consequences) be able to violate (or at least game) any laws, securities regulations, social norms and health orders that they find inconvenient, or is that right reserved for Elon (or for people as rich and litigious and economically influential as...
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    Are Elon's COVID rants affecting how you think about your Tesla?

    Except he's not really much of a libertarian. He demands massive subsidies from state and local governments where he locates his plants, SpaceX is basically a government contractor, Solar City had a business plan that was largely dependant on its customers getting incentives from the government...