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  1. K

    Blog Boring Company Opens Vegas Loop

    I've ridden on the loop it sucks. I wanted to like it and was excited to go on it and was let down. Cars suck for mass transport. They need platforms with the ability to walk/roll onto the transport pods. You will not get enough throughput using cars with 3 passengers to make it worth the...
  2. K

    Tesla CCS Type 1 Adapter from Tesla Korea

    May have to contact card provider. I know I have had issues with other orders when charged in other currencies. They assume it is fraud and decline it.
  3. K

    15 Tesla Semi electric trucks are expected to be delivered to PepsiCo this year

    In the US It is common for tractor to haul multiple trailers however in other countries is is common for the tractor to tow the same trailer all the time. Even in the US there are a lot of places that the tractor is always mated to the same trailer. Car haulers for example don't switch...
  4. K

    Auto-steer does not slow down at curves

    I don't have the FSD beta but I hate how much autosteer slows down for corners. I'm always using the go pedal to maintain speed in corners. Then again the reason I don't have FSD beta is it complains I corner too fast. The way I look at it is anything in the cabin should be secured and not...
  5. K

    Blog Boring Company Opens Vegas Loop

    You know the system is bad when a local thinks the monofail is a better system. Of course one of the big issues with the monorail here is it wasn't allowed to go to the airport. I really wanted to like the system but it is horrible. They need to get rid of the cars. If they had pods you...
  6. K

    Blog Boring Company Opens Vegas Loop

    That can be a long run with hoses, they will come in from the fresh air side of the tunnel so it may be a long ways to run hose and lug equipment in and injured out. Then again maybe I have spent too much time underground. From what I saw the emergency exits are the ends of the tunnels.
  7. K

    Poll: current safety score

    I'm at 76 overall so far. If I stay off the freeways I normally get in the 90s but I always get dinged for aggressive turning. There is also an intersection I go through often that it just freaks out. It normally freaks out about lane departure and collision warning. It is a 5 way...
  8. K

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Plus it is much easier to game the system to be the worst driver than the best driver. I think it should be more based on attentiveness with current FSD. Not great as I know there are a lot of people that have issues with it not detecting their hands on the wheel even when they do. It would...
  9. K


    I drive mine like my grandma. Granted my grandma didn't get her license until she was in her 50's and was trying to make up for not driving in her teens. The last car she bought was because it had a turbo.
  10. K


    Or they As long as your grandma doesn't drive like my grandma did. I don't think she would qualify for beta, but she would be using launch mode at ever stop light :) Her last car had a turbo and she made sure it got used.
  11. K


    Wait if 10.1 has the button then only those that already part of the program will get it.
  12. K

    Autopilot doesn’t require hands-on at 45 MPH

    I've had the warning sitting at a stop light.
  13. K

    Since we are posting crash stories…Plaid S Idiot

    Can you actually run a Plaid at a drag strip or is it too fast and requires a roll bar? It has been a while since I did anything with drag racing and don't remember the speed that requires a roll cage. I do remember one truck that got kicked out after his first run and was told not to come...
  14. K

    Blog Tesla May License Self-Driving Software to Other Automakers

    The only car companies that I could see wanting to license FSD in its current form would be the other upstart BEV companies. Any of the major auto companies are going to want a more reliable system even if it has less abilities. For those major auto companies that don't have internal R&D...
  15. K

    Blog Boring Company Opens Vegas Loop

    Did you make it by the loop?
  16. K

    Model 2 Branding

    Getting around town is where I want FSD the most. Out away from town where there is no traffic driving isn't nearly as stressful. Although I still like lane assist to help with the strong cross winds. Also you can have RWD with a single motor and have a better car than a FWD :) I'm a bit old...
  17. K

    Model 2 Branding

    Looking at this website I would say no Cadillac will not qualify for it as GM has already sold 200k EV and have passed the phase out period. Unless they change the rules which I have heard is being talked about. https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/taxevb.shtml I am still not sure how they are...
  18. K

    Blog Boring Company Opens Vegas Loop

    They wanted to see my convention badge, I had it around my neck already. Not sure what they would do if I said I am heading to registration to get my badge. There was no cost. The convention center normally does charge for parking though. I would only expect the cars to be running if there is...
  19. K

    Model 2 Branding

    I wouldn't count on that. GM/Chevy/Cadillac all seem to fall under 1 company likewise Mercedes and Smart, BMW and Mini, Fiat and Chrysler are considered single companies. Then again Porsche, VW and Audi are considered 3 different from what I can tell. Unless Tesla stands up a complete...
  20. K

    It's happening....FSD v9 to be released (to current beta testers)

    They can take lessons from Xray machines used for security screening. On them they will randomly insert an image of a threat to make sure the operator catches it, if the operator catches it it comes up and says that it was a test and that the bag needs to be rescreened just in case the inserted...
  21. K

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I just rode it yesterday, the driver I had did not use lane keep it was manual drive the entire time.
  22. K

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Tesla doesn't even use FSD on their loop transport system. This is a closed track design specifically for Tesla cars to drive through and they still have humans doing 100% of the driving no FSD features are being used at all. There are no other vehicles no pedestrians on a short enclosed track...
  23. K

    Blog Boring Company Opens Vegas Loop

    I rode on the loop today. I am very disappointed. They have drivers that are in manual control the entire time no FSD being used at all. I mean really it is a closed loop designed just for Tesla cars if they can't get it to work there then I don't see it working on streets with other cars...
  24. K

    What do you wish FSD could do (now or in the future)?

    Drive through a tunnel that is limited to just Tesla cars. I mean if they can't even get FSD working in tunnels made just for them with no other traffic and no pedestrians I don't have much hope for it working on the streets with other cars. Very disappointed in the Boring tunnel transport system.
  25. K

    What would you have done if the FSD subscription option had been available?

    I hate monthly subscriptions. Given the option I would rather pay upfront for lifetime vs monthly. I tend to keep things long enough it pays for itself.
  26. K


    I have worked at a place that was safety first. I spent 4 hours in a meeting talking about how to plug a cable back in and what safety precautions they were going to take. I left after they started talking about if work had to provide underwear as in the safety document it stated that it must...
  27. K

    It's happening....FSD v9 to be released (to current beta testers)

    There was no oncoming traffic, that is how most people would have done that. You must have really pissed off a cop if you get a ticket for that.
  28. K


    No I wasn't aware of the recall. I'm also not claiming Tesla is better than other companies in that regard just that they really aren't any worse than other companies either. Is it ethical to delay R&D until you can reduce risk if it means 400k more people will die due to the delay? To me...
  29. K


    How many times have auto companies gotten in trouble for hiding major defects and refusing to issue recalls? How many times have they decided it is cheaper to payout when there is a fatality vs the cost of repairing the defect? Ford finally agreeing to do something about the fuel tanks in the...
  30. K


    Yet lots of companies do just that on a frequent basis.
  31. K

    Will Cybertruck be the first car to use Starlink for connectivity?

    It moves as it tracks the satellite across the sky and then there is a 20 to 30 second delay when it has to change satellites as it moves to the new one. Yes the satellites are traveling fast but they have a lot of distance to cover horizon to horizon. I can look at the dish out of my window...
  32. K

    Will Cybertruck be the first car to use Starlink for connectivity?

    For those that don't know the Starlink dish moves while tracking the satellite. Maybe when they have the full constellation up it won't need to move anymore and can just use the phases array electronic steering to change satellites as there will be less angle between them.
  33. K

    Just got my 14-50 plug installed

    RV spots commonly have a 14-50 outlet, will be slower than a SC but if you are miles from a SC it can add help. The other thing is if staying at house somewhere they may have a 14-50 in their garage. Those that planned for an EV or have hobbies that require lots of power will install them...
  34. K

    Starship for earth to earth cargo missions

    The military has other issues to contend with that this would help. There are times the military needs to get people/equipment somewhere but can't get clearance to use the airspace to get there. While most countries allow commercial air traffic to fly over, if it is military especially if it...
  35. K

    New S: Yoke or Nope?

    I think it looks great but will suck to use on the street. Maybe if it is a track only car it might work assuming you don't need to turn the wheel more than 90º.
  36. K

    What does your timeline look like for driverless vehicles?

    2035 due to wide adoption of self driving car and reduced accident rates emergency response and ER budgets get cut. 2040 Due to reduced emergency response services and fewer ER facilities, deaths due to other medical issues increase due to delayed response times.
  37. K

    New S: Yoke or Nope?

    I think the yoke will work as well as this poll. :) The yoke looks cool but I wouldn't want to drive using it.
  38. K

    Will the Cybertruck Be able to tow a 5th Wheel?

    This won't get counted as a trailer. If you look almost all double and triple trailer setups use larger versions of these. GCVWR and total length limits will still apply but it wont be considered an extra trailer. What kind of license you need depends on what state you live in. Not all...
  39. K

    Tesla has allegedly activated a selfie cam Driver Monitoring System

    The problem comes with having to test all of the different variations. Where I work you either stay with the software of when the item shipped or you update all items on the board to a different verified release package if you want support. We don't support updating just 1 part. There have...
  40. K

    Tesla.com - "Transitioning to Tesla Vision"

    I have radar and that is one of my bigger complaints with the car is that cruise control can't maintain speed. Normally it is related to corners or traffic cones but there have been a few times I can't figure out why the car wants to slow down in an area.
  41. K

    Model 3 12v battery dead

    The first time it happened after I had used my phone to install a software update. I got up the next morning and the doors wouldn't open. I thought something went wrong with the software update used another car to go to work. When I got home I figured out it was just the battery so I used...
  42. K

    If pressing "the button" means you lose Smart Summon (and are limited to 75mph Autosteer) do you do it?

    The problem is it is 1 or 2 Tesla weeks. Who knows how long that will actually be.
  43. K

    If pressing "the button" means you lose Smart Summon (and are limited to 75mph Autosteer) do you do it?

    I only use smart summon as a party trick. For the most part I only drive inside city limits so 75mph is fast enough for freeway traffic here. I only go on a road with a higher speed limit once a year now. Now a few years ago when I had a 170 mile daily commute and had faster speed limits then...
  44. K

    Poll: Which will come first: Person landing on Mars or U.S. wide level 4 FSD?

    How about the option of FSD being available on Mars before Earth? Oh wait it already is, all of the rovers up there are Autonomous. Not sure if level 4 or level 5 though. They seem to be geofenced to off Earth so level 4?
  45. K

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Ok I thought maybe I missed something in the press release. I don't think Starlink is large enough to force Google into an exclusivity clause with them. Now I could see Google trying to get Starlink to be exclusive to them but I hope they didn't. I wonder how long before the Google data...
  46. K

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Where did you see that Google will only allow Starlink to co-locate? There isn't an issue having multiple satellite links from the same facility.
  47. K

    What should Waymo do next?

    To me unless I can buy a car with it I'm not that interested. Ride hailing is a nice way to show it off but is too expensive for me to use all the time. Depending on what the limits are with L4 I may not be interested in it either. If it is limited to Phoenix area it isn't going to do me any...
  48. K

    any updates on the official dimension of cybertruck?

    So the truck will be parked inside in the garage at night when the sun isn't out and it is cooler yet be parked outside when you are at work during the day. This is going to protect it from the heat and sun how?
  49. K

    V2H solution

    Thanks for posting that. If I had the schematic I could likely go through it and figure out what was going on, I don't have the skill to reverse engineer a board like that. The issue I see with trying to back-feed the charge port with AC is it would only allow for V2G operation, it would not...
  50. K

    V2H solution

    The question is did Tesla actually make the charge port 1 way. There are a few ways that Tesla could do it one would be diodes but diodes that can handle those power levels are large an expensive. The other would be current sense if current is flowing the wrong direction it turns off the...