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  1. Autonerds

    Would you Purchase a model Y Again?

    I absolutely would. My MYP has been virtually flawless since delivery. It even still has all the Freemont air in the tires after almost two years. There has been zero battery degradation. My only gripe is the stupid auto wipers. They were fixed for a year and then a later update broke them...
  2. Autonerds

    FSD free trial

    Just a follow up. Yesterday was my last day of the trial. Got an FSD update in the morning and took that same 80 mile round trip using FSD. It seemed much smarter thinking ahead for smoother lane changes on the freeway. And... It didn't try to kill me this time by stopping broadside in the...
  3. Autonerds

    FSD free trial

    Had a chance to put FSD trial to the test recently. Eighty miles of city, freeway, and two lane blacktop. I tried to leave it alone to do its thing. It made many rather 'interesting' decisions. To keep a long story short, I will mention only two. You know those people that do not know how...
  4. Autonerds

    Which Model Y AWD would you get? (Factory/Engine/Options/Etc)

    I love my MYP. The suspension is firm. It should be on a road wrinkling supercar. Combined with the front to rear balance and low center of gravity it makes handling superb. I don't like cars that feel like boats anyway. We are near the top of the list here for the worst roads in the nation...
  5. Autonerds

    Can "trail mode" be latched

    This thingy makes the car think a trailer is attached. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001GN1L8U/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  6. Autonerds

    Auto Wipers

    We have dozens of names for rain here so wipers get plenty of use. Recent update made auto wipers useless for me too. Was working very well previously after an older update fixed them. Now I leave them off, activate with turn stalk button and then use left scroll click left or right to adjust...
  7. Autonerds

    Pulled over because of no front license plate

    Front plates are required here too. Drove around for over a year with no front plate. Most Teslas and many other cars have no front plate. Never was tagged for that. Got a Quick Bandit and a custom plate. Now I want the front plate on. It's perfect for this car.
  8. Autonerds

    Wiper Issues on both my 2022 & 2023 Model Y

    Yes. Initially and for some time after taking delivery, the auto wipers were just stupid. So stupid as to be a hazard. Then, after an update, the issues went away and auto wipers worked perfectly for over a year. Now they are stupid again even worse than ever. They often don't even come on...
  9. Autonerds

    Rearview mirror housing rattle/vibrations

    I would not describe mine that way. Bumps or acceleration were not related. Certain rough road surfaces and the right speed set up a sympathetic frequency vibration in the mirror housing. BTW, the screen spline fix is still working.
  10. Autonerds

    Help! Windshield wiper problems

    What works for me: Take a microfiber cloth and soak a corner with WD40. Wipe the blades thoroughly until clean. Lasts for some time before another treatment is needed. We have fifty different names for rain here. There is a reason for that.
  11. Autonerds

    Adaptive Speed Limiter

    For me, TACC has never adapted to posted speeds on a divided highway. If you have it set for 5 over posted, for example, and posted limit has been 60 but then changes to 50, the change in speed limit is ignored and 65 is maintained, traffic allowing. In order for TACC to slow to posted, you...
  12. Autonerds

    Car cover recommendations?

    I have the Tesla outdoor cover. Really high quality and well thought out. Often park in the woods under trees that rain down debris and pitch and in all kinds of weather. It's holding up very well over the last year of use and I will buy another when it eventually wears out but seems it will...
  13. Autonerds

    I want “iconic sounds”

    I love the quiet too but I miss the sound of my GT500. I think it would be fun to have as an optional toy for the interior speakers to play a similar sound keyed to the APP and speed including shift points. I like the fart sounds. Farts are always funny.
  14. Autonerds

    Battery Range after year

    22 MYP. I drive watching percentage rather than miles. After just over a year, it still takes the exact same percentage to travel the same distance under similar conditions as when new. I interpret this as zero discernible degradation. Customarily run 30 to 90 percent with occasional deeper...
  15. Autonerds

    Y Performance Model- Looking for Insights

    Yeah, I thought that was going to be a problem too but I really like it now. Took no time to get comfortable with it and now think that is the best place for it.
  16. Autonerds

    Y Performance Model- Looking for Insights

    MYP was my first EV. Just wow. No regrets. Nothing else like it. A practical car with loads of cargo space and also a road wrinkling supercar. One year in now and no issues of significance. Zero battery degradation. A year later, same trips under same weather and conditions use the same...
  17. Autonerds

    Rearview mirror housing rattle/vibrations

    Yup. Intermittent based on road surface and speed not consistent and a little push on the housing usually silenced it temporarily. Been just tolerating it but then I saw this genius screen spline fix. I used a sturdy plastic spoon from an MRE and gently pried the front of the housing away...
  18. Autonerds

    Tesla's reason for not adding spare tires, doesn't make sense.

    True. And of those even less get damage resulting in a fast leak or serious damage. I check the TPMS regularly to see if a tire is low and then investigate to prevent road issues. I carry a good pump and a plug kit. Most road hazards, like a nail, result in a slow leak. I figure I can just...
  19. Autonerds

    When you bought your first Tesla?

    1. Zero 2. No 3 No "So do you make it a point to let friends and family experience the car?" Yes. At the time I purchased, I could have immediately resold it at a handsome profit, if we didn't like it, so it was a no brainer.
  20. Autonerds

    Sometimes it’s possessed! [auto wipers without rain / side camera blocked message]

    Just a follow up on this issue. This 'seems' to have been corrected in 2023.6.11. Awesome. :cool:
  21. Autonerds

    Best way to repair uberturbines?

    It's not if but when the wheels get curbed. I have done it a couple of times on the passenger blind side. I like this bit of kit: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09YB3WYYK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The paint is a perfect match and you can get it looking OK again so...
  22. Autonerds

    Constant "camera is blocked" message?

    Do they stop when you engage AP? I get cameras blocked or blinded message all the time now but engaging AP cancels them immediately and they do not reappear until AP is disengaged. I am convinced these are false alerts.
  23. Autonerds

    Sometimes it’s possessed! [auto wipers without rain / side camera blocked message]

    Correction after more observation. Messages appear often under any conditions except when using AP. Then they don't appear. In fact, if there is an active blocked or blinded message it is instantly canceled when AP is engaged. This makes me think these are false alerts due to some software...
  24. Autonerds

    Shadow on windshield activities sometimes wipers

    I find that auto wipers work pretty well when it's cloudy and sometimes raining at various intensity. However, when it is sunny without a cloud in sight wipers sometimes activate for no reason even when windshield is spotless. Most times you just look stupid but it can be a safety hazard if...
  25. Autonerds

    Sometimes it’s possessed! [auto wipers without rain / side camera blocked message]

    For a while now I have been getting the side cameras blocked or blinded message or multiple cameras blocked or blinded. Not constantly, but consistently under all conditions. I understand it when the sun is bearing down on that side but it does it when it's a cloudy day too. Just the messages...
  26. Autonerds

    Model Y Concealed Radar

    I have an older Escort 9500ix Passport. Saved me too many times to count. While it gives plenty of warning, even coming up to a corner, gotta watch coming up over a hill because it will not see that until you crest the hill. One thing not mentioned here is the proliferation of vehicles...
  27. Autonerds

    weird, just noticed my MYP was delivered with Michelin Pilot All Seasons instead of Pirelli Pzero summers

    Lucky you. Those tires performance is amazing under all conditions I have encountered. Everything from oily wet asphalt, to ice, snow, and nearly 100 degree summer heat, gravel, mud and more.
  28. Autonerds

    2023 Model Y - Retrieve Dashcam videos to view on PC

    My point made. An unloaded test is useless, unless it's so bad as to be obvious. My routine was to road test first. Then, when you rack it, you can focus more attention on what you noticed during the road test. You are right about driving hard. Often a road test involves some aggressive...
  29. Autonerds

    2023 Model Y - Retrieve Dashcam videos to view on PC

    Then I would submit that they have no business calling themselves pros. There are so many issues that can only be noticed on a test drive. For example, a rough wheel bearing. Need to have the weight on ground and rolling and maybe only audible on turns. Is the steering wheel straight? Does...
  30. Autonerds

    2023 Model Y - Retrieve Dashcam videos to view on PC

    A road test is an integral part of any professional safety inspection.
  31. Autonerds

    Is this too much guys 😂 [using a car cover]

    Indeed. And that is what the Tesla outdoor cover is. I ceramic coated my MYP but the Tesla cover has a soft inside touching the car so I can't imagine it damaging anything. I use my cover a lot in the summer. Have a spot we often go and it has to park outside and under trees. The pitch from...
  32. Autonerds

    USB-C keep charging on locked car?

    Damn you. You made me spit coffee all over my screen. The second one: Cabin Noise during Acceleration with Ludicrous Enabled
  33. Autonerds

    Pucks. Is there a "Buy This One" consensus or are they all about the same?

    If you put it under your nose, yeah. Rubber smell. Like a tire shop filled with new tires. Not bad and it dissipates. Plus, they have a case so don't stink up the car. I keep them in the frunk. I have a two post Rotary rack. That's one heavy car. The pucks deform a bit under the pressure...
  34. Autonerds

    Pucks. Is there a "Buy This One" consensus or are they all about the same?

    I got these. They work just fine: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z78VVV6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  35. Autonerds

    Questions about delivery

    I brought a cashier's check and gave it to them after inspecting inside and out. Dude helped us setup our fobs and was very helpful. Smooth and pleasant experience. Was one of the first deliveries at that brand new SC.
  36. Autonerds

    Questions about delivery

    This was my concern as well even though I know folks tend to talk more when there is something to gripe about then when there is not. I have had my MYP for months now and still can find nothing to gripe about. I still don't know what taking it in for something is even like since I have had no...
  37. Autonerds

    Buying parts/accessories before car delivery?

    Oh yeah. I'm that guy. Stuff sat around for like five months. All weather mats, fobs, and more. Some of it I was glad to get ahead of time as much was out of stock but eventually was able to ship before the car was delivered. Some stuff I never used. Had the mud flaps but got those with...
  38. Autonerds

    Upset that Tesla screwed customers who took delivery in the last few months

    I get it. It sucks but it is what it is. I don't play the stock market but I imagine that sucks too when your timing is off because you can't predict the future and have no insider trading buds. Even your Aussie friend won't send you tomorrow's winning lottery numbers. Some friend eh? I...
  39. Autonerds

    SiriusXM on Model Y

    I was very pleased there was no SiriusXM in my Y. I recently got another vehicle which was equipped. After that, I was harassed for over a year with calls from Sirius. Blocked dozens of numbers. I've used Sirius before on a trial basis with another car and it was most unreliable, even on I5...
  40. Autonerds

    Charging my laptop

    Yeah. It works but... It's a modified sine wave. My Lenovo laptop charger doesn't like it and will not charge.
  41. Autonerds

    Charging my laptop

    Q&A indicate no. But this one is supposed to work. 14V +- 2V. Think I will try it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B56TZCWG/ref=emc_b_5_i
  42. Autonerds

    Charging my laptop

    Have you used this one with the Li-ion 16v? Noticed in the Q&A the seller stating: "The inverter only works with DC12V car outlet, the input voltage should be DC11-15V, if the car outlet is 16V, it won't work."
  43. Autonerds

    Gen 3 Wall Connector Delayed Charging?

    Same here just lately as the weather got cold. This is the first really cold weather I have experienced since delivery. I just assumed that the car was getting ready to charge and maybe taking a few minutes to condition the battery for charging. The first time I got in and checked the...
  44. Autonerds

    Wipers stutter?

    Had this wiper stutter on many cars. My MYP was smooth as could be driving it home from picking it up. Then the rain stopped. For months (very unusual). When rain returned wipers had a horrible stuttering and jerking. Did what I do to other cars I have had. Take a clean microfiber cloth...
  45. Autonerds

    Trailer mode automatically activated when connect lights, but doesn't automatically exit when I unplug

    Normal operation according to the manual: Trailer Mode must always be active when towing a trailer. When you connect a trailer’s electrical connection while the vehicle is in Park, Model Y automatically engages Trailer Mode. When you disconnect the trailer’s electrical connection, Trailer Mode...
  46. Autonerds

    Windows and trunk randomly open on their own while I’m away from my car.

    Funny you should mention this. Mine started doing such weirdness just recently. It has only happened at home so far. I have it set to not auto lock at home and it locked itself. Then, the other day I noticed that the rear hatch was open parked in the garage while on the wall charger...
  47. Autonerds

    Automatic emergency braking is disable

    Just had this happen today for the first time. Active alert for the rest of my short drive. Then it cleared for the return trip.
  48. Autonerds

    Windshield woes

    After getting hit last week with a large rock, I was thinking this is one tough windshield. It was a big one. I actually saw it coming at me and the impact noise was substantial. But, instead of the expected starburst,, just four tiny microchips. Just lucky I guess.... It did get a ceramic...