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  1. R

    Windshield Wipers

    Only if you count a slight hesitation between the too fast swipes. Those settings still wipe faster than the "low continuous" setting on my other cars. Once or twice a minute is what's needed.
  2. R

    How much will a lifted spoiler ruin my range?

    How fast do you need to drive a car as heavy as a Tesla to need a spoiler to keep the rear end down? (I assume it's much faster than what you can legally do on a public road) Do you really need to be concerned with range while racing? (I don't know how electric car races work in terms of how far...
  3. R

    Windshield Wipers

    Still no option that provides intermittent wiping. Flap-flap-flap, full speed ahead!
  4. R

    Is it over? YouTube video says EVs are DONE.

    If some guy on youtube says it it must be true!
  5. R

    Car charging vs solar panels

    Power here is the same price no matter the time of day. And no, I am absolutely not charging my car for free! With reasonable assumptions the system should, however, pay about a 6% annual return on a pretty low risk investment over the first 10 years.
  6. R

    Car charging vs solar panels

    Happy to see that the newly added panels pretty much keep up with the draw from the car (the spike between noon and 3 PM).
  7. R

    Installer recommends an electric garage heater. Is it necessary? I’m in the Chicago land area

    Sort of defeats any environmental benefit of driving an electric car. In olden times it was said that a heated garage would cause your car to corrode from the road salt more quickly. Certainly that would be true in theory, no idea what practical difference it makes in modern cars.
  8. R

    Hard emergency brake for plate in the road

    No, I don't use autopilot. I agree with better safe than sorry, I was just surprised and unprepared for the action.
  9. R

    Hard emergency brake for plate in the road

    They were doing some gas line work on my street and when I drove around the site there was a steel plate covering the hole in the road. The car decided it was a problem and did a tire-screetching stop to avoid going over it. The cop and the construction workers looked at me as though I was...
  10. R

    Blue vs White Paint

    If "Baby Beluga" is your favorite song then definitely go for white.
  11. R

    Highland: position side mirrors further out to cover blindspot

    Taking your eyes off the road to look down and refocus on a much closer screen image while changing lanes just isn't safe. Properly adjusted side mirrors let you have awareness of what's behind and beside you with your peripheral vision all of the time and directly without having to move your...
  12. R

    Local Electric Company wants EV owners to pay for upgrading neighborhood infrastructure.

    Seems like a "don't ask, don't tell" situation. Most places retail customers are not asked to pay for upgrades that are upstream of the transformer, but it sounds like you need to discuss this with your state public utility commission and state rep-- such things are determined at that level, at...
  13. R

    Black and white seats... regrets?

    Why can't we have red seats? Black and white are both terminally boring. Dark gray car with red faux leather looks great. (even better with the real thing, oh well)
  14. R


    You have to have cell service for that to work. That's not a given in some parts of the country--unfortunately metro Boston is one of those places as lots of towns have effectively blocked construction of cell towers.
  15. R

    Model Y Performance - Incognito?

    The number of people who can identify a performance model by sight (or even know they exist, for that matter) is vanishingly small. (I can't) Not sure it's worth the bother.
  16. R

    Windshield wiper controls are the worst about a Tesla

    The scroll wheel does not enable any slower speed, it simply lets you pick among the options that are all too fast.
  17. R

    Trains displayed as trucks

    What bugs me about the display, which I agree could be dispensed with, is that it shows me a lot of what I can already see perfectly well out the front window and very little of what I care about, eg who is coming up from behind me or to the sides. that I often can't see well because the...
  18. R

    MASTER THREAD: Auto Wiper functionality, complaints, praise, etc.

    As I've said before the manual choices on mine are "too fast", "way too fast", and "are you kidding me" for most light/intermittent rain, mist, and road spray conditions we have here. (I only get three choices for speed) In heavy rain they are fine, but that's only rarely what I'm driving in.
  19. R

    MASTER THREAD: Auto Wiper functionality, complaints, praise, etc.

    All that verbiage and there’s still no way to adjust the wipers to a sensible wiping rate either using the sensor or manual settings. I suppose some like frenetic wiping, but giving me a choice would make me much happier with the car. Pushing the wiper button once every minute or two in a modern...
  20. R

    When to look in to lemon law

    A quick look at the Nebraska state web site on the subject suggests they don't make it easy for you. Not an administrative process as in other states, you need to either go to an arbitration process or sue in court. That probably takes a lawyer to do successfully. I'd try threats and bluster first.
  21. R

    When to look in to lemon law

    Telling them that you are initiating the lemon law process will often get your complaint escalated and perhaps resolved. You'll need to determine if this rises to the level of a "serious defect" in your state if you want to go ahead. The criteria vary dramatically from state to state.
  22. R

    How to get fair value for FSD on a trade in?

    Zero is pretty close to the fair market value of FSD. Very few people want to pay for the privilege of testing alpha software. You need to find a buyer who wants it.
  23. R

    How often do you need to reboot the computer?

    It's been 18 months, no manual reboot needed yet.
  24. R

    What are your home electricity rates?

    31.8 cents/kwh last month in the Boston burbs. We're supposed to have an add-on solar system installed by the beginning of March that will take us up to 100% coverage of our use and get our house within shouting distance of net zero. I'm ready! Just waiting for battery costs to come down to make...
  25. R

    Accelerating when braking?

    The pedant in me is forced to point out that braking is an acceleration.
  26. R

    New tesla driver. Can I use this plug in my garage and buy the mobile charger? It was not for a dryer since we have a laundry room in the house.

    I don't think this is true. There are lots of rules for situations that require dedicated breakers, most large fixed appliances in a residence do, but I'm not aware of a general prohibition on multiple 240V outlets on a circuit unless, I believe, any single load exceeds 80% of the circuit...
  27. R

    New tesla driver. Can I use this plug in my garage and buy the mobile charger? It was not for a dryer since we have a laundry room in the house.

    the draw fron the sprinkler wall wart is trivial, no worries there. It would be best to know if there is anything else on the circuit though. It might be wired as a "multiwire branch circuit" which can be used to feed both 240 and 120V outlets. Either check yourself for other outlets that go...
  28. R

    Tesla’s do last

    Yes, definitely not unique! My BMW problems began around 40K miles and went on from there. That's why BMWs are on my fun but unreliable list. I didn't buy another one. Being slow on the uptake I followed up with a Mini, it broke constantly, but I loved it anyway. Meanwhile DW just drove her...
  29. R

    Tesla’s do last

    I was in my mid-40's before I ever owned a car with that few miles on it; I'd regard any modern car of any sort that required significant mechanical repairs beyond routine maintenance (tires, brakes etc) before 100K miles as unreliable. So yes, I regard the sub-100K miles period as the...
  30. R

    Tesla’s do last

    Yes, and that gives me hope. I like keeping my cars a long time. If I can use it for 9-10 years and then swap the battery for another 5+ I'll be happy. (and probably done buying cars)
  31. R

    Tesla’s do last

    Some of us regard 87,000 miles as still being a new car. Let's talk after 15 years and 200k miles.
  32. R

    Charging cable overheats

    How does an outlet get a UL approval for a 50A label if it can't handle a 32A load?
  33. R

    New Model Y Color in US - Stealth Grey / Ultra red

    Looks like pretty subtle variation on the same old to me. How about British Racing green, bright yellow, sky blue, some two-tone combinations? I love reds (albeit not $2k worth), but the incredibly boring black/white/gray rut that the entire industry seems to have fallen into for the last couple...
  34. R

    Counting Teslas while you drive?

    Went to the Costco last week, counted cars as I walked in from the parking lot. 17 of 52 cars I walked past in that particular aisle were Teslas. This does not represent the overall percentage of Tesla's on the road here, just a statistical anomaly, and perhaps a datum on Costco shoppers. I do...
  35. R

    Easier way to use wipers

    Will S3XY buttons provide intermittent wiper capability? Say once a minute?
  36. R

    Easier way to use wipers

    Most of the time now I push the button on the end of the stalk each time I want them to wipe. 95% of the time they go way too fast whether on auto or any of the settings. One would have hoped that intermittent wipers were a solved problem by now, but they, apparently, are not.
  37. R

    PSA - State Property Tax Overcharging

    Property or excise taxes are typically based on a published MSRP, not on what you paid for a vehicle or the vehicle's market value. In MA that value is set by the state, not a local assessor, and is, AFAIK, non-negotiable. Good luck with your discussion, but be prepared for disappointment.
  38. R

    The charging connector wear and health

    Plating seems really unlikely on a connector of that sort. Anything I've seen for serious current is solid metal.
  39. R

    Series of unexplained credit card charges from Tesla?

    Amex, for example, manages this automatically for you. Hassle free and no need for an extra account.
  40. R

    Series of unexplained credit card charges from Tesla?

    Disputing the charges with your credit card company is the fastest ad easiest way to resolve this. Amex at least will overnight you a new card and continue to process recurring charges set up with the old number. It's completely painless.
  41. R

    WTF - 8000 miles and two tire blowouts

    I wonder if the very high weight of the cars makes them more prone to picking up nails and such. I recently had my first puncture (a screw) in many decades that have included a lot of driving around construction sites. I sense that people report a really unnatural number of tire punctures in...
  42. R

    Windshield Wipers

    Except that the only available manual speeds are too fast, way too fast, and "are you kidding me". Other than pushing the button once a minute there's no way to get reasonable behavior in light mist or road spray. How hard would it be to have an adjustable intermittent wiper setting?
  43. R

    Can't see out of Y rear window. Changing lanes.

    Side mirrors are your primary and best asset for seeing what is important behind you. Lots of vehicles don't even have rearview mirrors because whatever is immediately behind you isn't usually going to get you into trouble. There's only a very small area you can't see from the side mirrors. It's...
  44. R

    About to schedule delivery but getting cold feet...

    For what it's worth, the USS doesn't work well enough to rely on to not hit things or navigate small spaces. I get the warning bongs and large "STOP!" graphic about six times every time I pull in or out of my garage despite plenty of clearance, along with measurements that bear little...
  45. R

    I've been wondering what it looks like to drivers behind me...

    I don't see that happen on mine, is it a setting?
  46. R

    Windshield Wipers

    That's because the wipers on the Y are pre-alpha. Worst wipers since my 1950 Chevy truck with the rope that ran through the cab so you could pull them back and forth in the rain. Absence of any way to get intermittent wiping for mist/road spray other than pushing the stalk button once every...
  47. R

    How do I tell if I have HW3 of HW4?

    If you can't tell, does it matter?
  48. R

    FSD and Windshield wipers, My unpopular experience

    The odd blue-sky wipe is an minor annoyance, how do you stop the maniacally fast wiping in light mist or road spray conditions? Does FSD affect this? No amount of windshield cleaning makes a difference. My problem is just using the "auto" setting without FSD or autopilot enabled. The slowest...
  49. R

    Small amount of condensation in all taillights today. 2023 LR

    As far as I know it's normal. I've never seen a car where it didn't happen, especially as the temps drop in the fall. Lamp assemblies are sealed to prevent rain water from penetrating from the outside, but not from the inside of the car. Most I've taken apart have been vented, either purposely...
  50. R

    Proper time to check PSI.

    Recommended tire pressures are based on the reading when cold.