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  1. B

    Is it over? YouTube video says EVs are DONE.

    I think what you have to understand is that the very premise of “EVs are DONE” is just silly to the average poster here. Most of us like our Teslas and bought them for that reason, not because we hoped that everyone else would love them, so some YouTuber saying “they’re done” is kind of...
  2. B

    Any way to make Active Alerts Visible Onscreen?

    Hey All, Not asking about seeing them under the crontrols menu, that seems to work fine. I’m asking if there is a persistent icon or something telling you that you have an active alert. The last alert in the image below (USB device malfunction) never showed as a “pop-up” as far as I know and...
  3. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    You’ll get different opinions on how exactly the smell comes about, but the one factor I think everyone agrees on is moisture. Regardless of how it’s getting in and what exactly stinks, that’s the one commonality. If you’re looking for it, I think your best bet is checking in conditions where...
  4. B

    Autopilot vs FSD

    I think what he’s trying to say is that when you’re on the interstate, you’re not using the “driving on city streets” part of FSD, you’re using Navigate on Autopilot and Auto Lane Change. Not sure why that poster is making this point since you’d obviously have to pay for FSD or EAP to get...
  5. B

    The anti-Tesla EV lovers

    Fair enough. I can see how people I’ll choose to act against the most visible object, low hanging fruit I guess.
  6. B

    The anti-Tesla EV lovers

    I don’t think that’s what authoritarian means. From google: adjective favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom. "the transition from an authoritarian to a democratic regime" He might be a “my way or the...
  7. B

    The anti-Tesla EV lovers

    I might be in over my skis a little bit here (I don’t follow everything he says), but I haven’t seen anything that indicates that his politics lean authoritarian. I do know he’s very pro-free speech, which is definitely not an authoritarian trait. But, for the sake of discussion, even if he...
  8. B

    The anti-Tesla EV lovers

    To each their own. I get why people say they’re doing these types of things, I just don’t see the point if they can’t apply those principles consistently, and they can’t. If someone doesn’t want to buy a Tesla because of Musk’s stance on LGBTQ, that’s perfectly fine. But a lot of those people...
  9. B

    The anti-Tesla EV lovers

    I guess in my mind, the two (his leadership and his social/political opinions) aren’t really related. Concerns about his leadership seem valid to me since we’re relying on Tesla for software updates, service and parts. I just don’t see why Musk’s opinion on birth control or transgender rights...
  10. B

    The anti-Tesla EV lovers

    You are 1000% correct, but there are people that actually cite Musk’s rhetoric as a reason they wouldn’t buy a Tesla. You’ve illustrated perfectly why this is a ridiculous thing to do, but people are doing it.
  11. B

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    If you replace “Rebecca” with “Robert”, your critique of the post is still logical, but it’s no longer misogyny, correct? Thats my point. As far as I can tell, that poster’s critique of Rebecca (valid or not) had nothing to do with her sex. Unless you believe any critique of any woman is...
  12. B

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    How? That poster didn’t say anything about her sex/gender (other than using the “her” pronoun). If it was the exact same post about a man, the worst you’d be able to say is that it’s an uninformed opinion. Are you saying it’s misogyny simply because it’s criticism of a woman?
  13. B

    Elon Musk Discussion - Tesla Brand Damage

    I think whether one agrees with his rhetoric or not, or even what he ends up being right about isn’t very important. What’s relevant is that he is polarizing. The more he runs his mouth (or twitter thumbs), the more he will alienate paying customers. Disney (as an example) holds completely...
  14. B

    Cabin Overheat Protection - Necessary?

    I can’t speak for everyone but I live somewhere with a lot of sun and heat and it makes a difference in terms of comfort. Even if I pre-cool the car down to the 70s a couple of minutes before I get in, there will still be surfaces in the car that are nearly twice as hot. So as I’m driving, I...
  15. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    One alternative to the clip (if you don’t have access to a 3D printer) is to line the bottom of the first filter with duct tape. I did this in January and so far it’s been working great.
  16. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    You seem pretty angry at people who are trying to help you and have no obligation to do so. I say just sell the car. Life’s too short to be like this my friend.
  17. B

    Making hands free calls??

    I think it doesn’t always recognize certain names. I can easily call my son (for example) but it never recognizes my wife’s contact name. I’ve always had to tell it to dial her number when I want the car to call her. Doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason. I’ve just decided to direct the...
  18. B

    Things That Tesla Has Fixed

    This was a couple years ago, but Bluetooth audio won’t automatically connect and start playing until you were sitting in the seat. It was cringy whenever my phone calls would begin broadcasting to the world as soon as I opened the car door. Small thing but Tesla fixes a lot of small things...
  19. B

    HVAC smell after/during rain

    From what I can tell, the order in which air passes through each of the components (air duct, fan, filter, condenser) is the same isn’t it? The smell and the way in which it occurs are the same as the model 3. Admittedly, I’ve never put hands on a model S, but I’m not seeing how the filter...
  20. B

    HVAC smell after/during rain

    If your car smells like gym socks immediately after it rains, the filters are not the cause. Over the past 2 years I’ve gotten this smell in my M3 with brand new filters. I even drove with no filter at all for over a month and still got the smell after rain. Not saying that the filters won’t...
  21. B

    White Interior vs Black

    Well, yes. But it hurts so good! 😂
  22. B

    White Interior vs Black

    Not sure how helpful this would be but the white seats in my 2021 M3SR are fantastic looking and in hindsight, I definitely would have waited an additional 2-3 months for them. Still look great after 3 years and two kids who are occasionally smelly and dirty. I had a M3 with black seats prior to...
  23. B

    Factory Model 3 Screen Protector?

    Agreed. That thin film is not going to do anything for you if something hits the screen. If you want a screen protector, get an aftermarket one made from tempered glass.
  24. B

    Auto vs manual AC efficiency

    Guess it depends the temp outside and your desired cabin temp. If there’s a big difference, you would be toggling the climate on/off full blast every few minutes. I doubt that’s more efficient than auto and it’s definitely more work for you.
  25. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    I’ll add another datapoint to this fun topic. About a month ago, I pulled the filters out, did a microban blast into the intake and onto the coils, trashed the cabin filters and rolled with just an intake filter (shown below). Everything was wonderful for nearly a month. No smell whatsoever...
  26. B

    New iOS Shortcuts support - How to use if you have more than one Tesla?

    Open close both work, but i had to edit the shortcut command. From the shortcut app, if you search by app, the command is “Open/Close Rear Trunk”. I added this twice and edited the first to open the trunk and the second to close the trunk.
  27. B

    New iOS Shortcuts support - How to use if you have more than one Tesla?

    Yup works with my Apple Watch. I *think* you have to run the command once in the shortcut app on your phone first, but after that I raise my watch, tell it to open the trunk and it works.
  28. B

    New iOS Shortcuts support - How to use if you have more than one Tesla?

    Tesla pushed an update to the app a day or two ago and now it’s working for me, hopefully this works for everyone now!
  29. B

    New iOS Shortcuts support - How to use if you have more than one Tesla?

    Speaking of working, has anyone figured out how to get open/close trunk to work? Siri says it works when I say the command but the trunk doesn’t actually do anything.
  30. B

    New iOS Shortcuts support - How to use if you have more than one Tesla?

    Huh. Interesting. That’s cool that it has always worked for you.
  31. B

    myQ improved?

    I thought it was great when it first came out. My issue was the price/pricing. Too expensive for what it is and I don’t care for the all subscription model.
  32. B

    New iOS Shortcuts support - How to use if you have more than one Tesla?

    Dumb question, but are you using an iPhone or something else? As far as I know, this had never been native functionality in iOS until now ( I have definitely tried)…maybe it has always been on phones running android?
  33. B

    Anyone have a good experience buying stuff from Tesla.com?

    I got my floor mats and a 14-50 Nema adapter from Tesla.com with no issues about a year and a half ago…maybe things have changed.
  34. B

    Air conditioning system strength (in general)

    Also add one more thing about recirculate…I just leave it on auto-recirc (when the icon is “greyed out”). The car is really good at knowing when it should be on and when it shouldn’t.
  35. B

    Air conditioning system strength (in general)

    Parroting others, but yeah, the AC isn’t as great as older cars (our 2005 Toyota Sienna has amazing AC compared to the M3). But, you can mitigate it with the following: -Cabin Overheat Protection: Runs either the fan or AC (your choice) once cabin temp is 105F -Use the app to turn the AC on 5...
  36. B

    Tinting the Windshield in Florida

    I just did: Windshield: Llumar IRX 70% All Windows: Llumar CTX 30% Nothing on the back or roof 70% is the lightest they had for the windshield, I would have gone lighter if possible (I wanted IRX on the front for heat rejection and in GA, tinting the whole windscreen is illegal so trying to...
  37. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    That’s what I’m thinking, either on top of the aero shield or maybe in that hole where the liquid drips out of. I just have a hard time believing it’s 100% the filter, or 100% the coils. If it were, I’d expect it to be more persistent and not just go away seconds after turning the AC on. I...
  38. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    Thanks! And to be completely transparent, a lot of what I’ve tried and learned was from comments on this message board so it’s been a community effort. 😀 One small thing I’d change after re-reading…I didn’t mention in the second paragraph that you need to pop the vent cover off before you see...
  39. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    Gotcha, yeah I can see how that that could cause moisture build up and odor in the cabin itself, but this smell is coming from within the HVAC system…it’s a consequence of condensation from the cold evaporator coils. Running the AC removes some of it, but it’s only going to make more as it runs...
  40. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    I almost always drive in auto. Occasionally I increase the fan speed for more air flow (particularly when I’m hauling smelly kids after practice) but I always put it back in auto. I’ve had AC odors in two different Model 3s. I have never driven the car with the climate controls off, but I’m...
  41. B

    Smelly stinky socks / mold in Model 3 AC

    I’ll share my experience with two M3s that have had the smell on and off, just so you have a better idea of what’s going on. Under the frunk, there is a large opening on the left side close to the windshield. This is the air intake for your AC. If you stick your hand in as far as it will go...
  42. B

    Stinky A/C in hot, humid climate? I might have found a solution that I'm currently testing with positive results.

    Absolutely, here you go. It seems logical to me that making sure no organic growth happens between the filter and coils. Advanced Carbon Activated Filters
  43. B

    Stinky A/C in hot, humid climate? I might have found a solution that I'm currently testing with positive results.

    I think you might be on to something. I bought a filter from Abstract Ocean four months ago that has an anti microbial coating on the side facing the evaporator and it seems to be keeping the smell under control.
  44. B

    Do you want Tesla to offer Solar Roof option on their cars?

    I enjoy the fact that the kids can see the stars when we drive rural roads way more than I’d enjoy the couple miles of added range.
  45. B

    MASTER THREAD: Removing marks from white seats

    Once a year. I just re-did mine with another coat. One bottle should get you about 3-4 coats.
  46. B

    MASTER THREAD: Removing marks from white seats

    Did you ever get the stain out OP? I’d recommend ceramic coaching your seats. I used Gyeon Q2 Leathershield a year ago (takes 20 minutes to apply) and have had no stains (I wear jeans everyday and haul around small, often dirty kids).
  47. B

    MASTER THREAD: Powering house or other things with Model 3

    Ah that’s right. I did not think that through. That’s what I get for solutioning without caffeine. I have left the heat on HI for an hour and that left the garage nice and toasty….but nope, won’t work the other way around.
  48. B

    MASTER THREAD: Powering house or other things with Model 3

    It would have been really cool if all Teslas had a 120V outlet installed somewhere…I’ve always wondered what the argument against would be. To answer the question though, if you have a closed in garage, you could crank up the AC and hang out in the space for a few hours.
  49. B

    Picked up my Tesla in early December, worst car I've ever owned.

    If I was the OP and the SC folks wouldn’t address this, I’d tweet those pics to Elon. I’m dead serious. My 2021 M3 SR+ is better on Wh/mi in the winter than in the summer. Granted, I live in GA but the heat pump makes them crazy efficient. These are by far the worst numbers I’ve ever seen, no...
  50. B

    Georgia Power Rebates and discounted rates

    Hey! Sorry so late replying. Yes, they sent me a check a couple of days later. I just had to talk to customer service to explain everything. And yup, I use the 14-50 mobile adapter and it works perfectly. No issues. I’d recommend getting a hook or holder for it just to keep everything off the...