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  1. A

    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    You can buy new rear light clusters with this facility from auction sites and online vendors. Don't know what this may do to your warranty though.
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    [UK] 2024.20 Software Update

    This is already present, a warning sound is all that is required by the new regulations.
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    [UK] 2024.14.x

    It will only notify you if alarm is triggered (as previously), but now will also send you a video clip, but you need premium connectivity.
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    2024.14.x Preview Sentry Recordings. Disabled in UK?

    I understood it was only if the alarm had been triggered which will send a message to the app. Normal sentry mode recordings do not send a notification to the app.
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    [UK] 2024.14.x

    The figures on Teslafi are only for subscribed vehicles which I would guess is a small proportion of the total.
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    [UK] 2024.14.x

    I realise that but to give advanced warning it has to know that you will still be on the same road when you arrive at the camera. There may be numerous cameras on nearby roads that you could turn on to and should you be given warnings for these also.
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    [UK] 2024.14.x

    How could you expect to get advanced speed camera warning if the car didn't know where you would be traveling?
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    [UK] Spring Software Update

    In Spain shouldn't it tell you to keep left, keeping right would be exit.
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    [UK] Spring Software Update

    There are no "front facing pillar" cameras, never have been.
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    Supercharger team sacked?

    I would love to know where all these chargers are that have supposedly been installed in the North East. I live in North Yorkshire and there is little evidence of charging facilities throughout North Yorkshire.
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    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Why not just use voice command "save dashcam" It works flawlessly.
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    Security of Phone/Card/Key?

    Bluetooth relay attack has only been demonstrated by having one thief within a few cm of your phone and the other within a few cm of the vehicle. This is virtually impossible to achieve in the wild.
  13. A

    Changes to Supercharging?

    Tesla owners have always paid a lower price ever since non Tesla drivers were allowed access.
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    Luton V4 "button" on plug does not work

    I would hope you have to stop charge first, otherwise anyone else could stop your charge and remove connector.
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    UK FSD Discussion

    There are two large bus queues of school children on both sides of the road, an steroid is about to hit the road in front of you. Do you kill the children or yourself and family. Anyone better this?
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    UK FSD Discussion

    I thought we were past April fools day, surely this discussion is not seriously considering increasingly unlikely scenarios. Humans make horrendous mistakes sometimes when faced with panic situations, perhaps we should worry more about the human idiots with driving licences.
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    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Slower than average? Doesn't average rely on some results less and some more.
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    Where's solar charging gone?

    That works but it then disappears again later!
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    New Highland UK - stalks

    I'll look forward to that, but I doubt it will happen.
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    UK FSD Discussion

    Some signs in US may also be difficult to interpret
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    MY vs M3 WiFi placement

    Since when did model 3 have roof bars. Antenna have always been in the wing mirrors.
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    New Highland UK - stalks

    Please explain which essential driving functions have been put on touch screen. This is new to me and every review I have read.
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    Run-away I-PACE, really?

    Personally I have a very strong nut allergy.
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    [UK] 2024.2

    That sounds like map update, which occurs with no notifications.
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    Tesla Alternative?

    Do you realise that Volvo is owned by Volvo Cars Parent organizations Geely Volvo is currently owned by the Zhejiang Geely Holding Group
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    TeslaFi move to new official Tesla API

    Just done it and it's quick and easy. At least is officially recognised by Tesla now.
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    Sainsbury's Launch Own-Brand Charging Network

    For some charging is a nessesity, expensive coffee is a choice for everyone.
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    2024 Insurance Costs

    Many people have to drive to the nearest station and do not have a regular bus service. Do you cunning plan only works for those who could do without a vehicle in the first place.
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    2024 Insurance Costs

    Not forgetting that your car will be seized and only released if you pay and turn up with valid insurance. Failing this the car will be crushed.
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    Powerwall behaviour during grid outage

    I think you need to find another installer as this one obviously doesn't know what he is talking about.
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    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    Car is woken by a text message over cellular irrespective to WiFi being on or off.
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    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    They will always quote that, but if the work is under warranty it will not be to pay.
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    Why is Model Y useless at demisting windscreen?

    Do you have air conditioning on as this would help.
  34. A

    UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News - 2023 Archive

    Depressing list for those of us how travel in the North East, especially south of the Tees.
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    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    What makes you think the car connects to O2?
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    V12 UK update. Tesla 3 performance.

    You could change the location if you took it to china as Tesla obviously know where your car is.
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    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    Openreach do have plenty of rival five networks, Virgin, City Fibre etc.
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    M3 LR 22 model (windscreen wipers)

    You could use voice controls for wipers, heating, lights etc, or press stalk end for single wipe.
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    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    Phones use multiple bands so phone connection is no indication of car connectivity. Tesla use band 20 800mHz only, but this is also the best band for use in built up areas.
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    [UK] 2023.44

    It was in the latest app notes.
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    Premium connectivity got much worse signal

    That's not what Tesla told me yesterday on the phone, but maybe you have better information?
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    Premium connectivity got much worse signal

    The eSIM is inside the car and buildings, hills etc all interfere with signals.
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    Premium connectivity got much worse signal

    From what I understand Tesla recently moved to EE.
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    2023 Holiday Update

    Use web browser and login to Disney+. The app will then reappear.
  45. A

    Premium connectivity got much worse signal

    Nothing to do with premium connectivity. The problem is with EE mast connectivity when moving to another mast band 20 which Tesla uses does not reconnect with the new mast. Tesla and EE are trying to sort this, but band 20 is by far the best band for distance and penetration of structures.
  46. A

    2023 Holiday Update

    Yes we do, many roads trucks have differing national speed limits. https://www.gov.uk/speed-limits
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    Ticket for not charging at a non-functional charger

    So you would find it acceptable to occupy the charger all day whe someone else could use for half a day. U You should only use for the time needed and then allow another driver to have access.
  48. A

    2023 Holiday Update

    If you block the camera you will get even more warnings.
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    Ticket for not charging at a non-functional charger

    If the notice states "parking only for electric vehicle charging" Then if your are not charging for any reason you are in breach. Using any other argument means you could park an ice vehicle and use the excuse that you couldn't charge it because it had no socket.
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    2023 Holiday Update

    Now that's a suprise! Who would have thought that.