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Recent content by power.saver

  1. power.saver

    Vehicle not charging even when below 'any source' threshold?

    It will only start charging at 12:00am as it appears you have a schedule set. It won't charge from any source if it's not at the schedule start time.
  2. power.saver

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    Some of the non-bypassable charges are included in the minimum charge (fixed charge). From the proposed decision:
  3. power.saver

    NEM-PS Annual True-Up Calculation [PG&E example]

    This is what the proposed decision said about the minimum bill.
  4. power.saver

    Charge On Solar Australia

    Yeah, it's annoying. I reported on it last August here.
  5. power.saver

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    That's just not acceptable. Do they think your batteries are going to last 7-10 days? I would call back and demand to speak to a supervisor/manager about this! What PW/Gateway do you have?
  6. power.saver

    Power quality issue: possible causes?

    For this problem, you probably only need a voltage recorder so you can see the change and any spikes or dips. Those are less expensive than a full fledged power line monitor. Some come with a standard wall plug adapter so you don't need to tap into your service panel.
  7. power.saver

    Power quality issue: possible causes?

    I had a similar problem years ago, right after getting solar in 2006. SCE didn't believe me when I first reported the problem, but after their techs came out and I showed them the data from my Fluke power line monitor they believed it. The street had a 12kV primary distribution and it was...
  8. power.saver

    Charge on Solar enabled... how to override and charge from grid when needed without disabling Charge on Solar first?

    This is a problem with COS. Easiest way to do it without disabling is to move the left slider up to the charge level you want, and then start charging.
  9. power.saver

    How To Setup Charge on Solar

    I've never had it start charging before the Powerwall was full. But is often waits after the Powerwall is full to begin, usually until the next 30 minute mark (e.g. on the hour or half-hour) unless I wake up the car before then. And it always stops when my peak period starts, regardless if it...
  10. power.saver

    How To Setup Charge on Solar

    Try setting a schedule in the vehicle that schedules charging after your peak period ends (e.g. 9pm or whenever it is on your rate plan). This will prevent it from grid charging unless the SOC is below your setting (40%) and it is after 9pm. Then it should be able to start COS once you have...
  11. power.saver

    Charge On Solar Australia

    The car will only report in whole kW (x.0 kW) so the fractional part is lost, and it's rounded down. If you're charging at 3.8kW actual, it will show 3.0kW, and then this affects the house kW display.
  12. power.saver

    Auto pilot / Cruise control / sentry not working

    See this thread and ask Service to clear the system and reload everything from scratch with latest firmware before replacing the computer. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/8108528/
  13. power.saver

    Solar stopped charging are

    Happens to me too. Powerwall full, solar generating, and Charge on Solar just stops for no apparent reason with that message. Sometimes it starts up again later (30-60 minutes). Seems to have a lot of bugs.
  14. power.saver

    Run-around with charge on solar

    Doesn't sound right, but Tier 1 support is known for making stuff up. No reason why it shouldn't work with your setup. That said, Charge on Solar isn't very good. You can't prioritize vehicle over battery, it constantly wakes up the vehicle even when excess solar isn't available, it delays...
  15. power.saver

    Netzero App

    Sometimes the app doesn't show the Vehicle usage on the Solar graph properly, even though the usage is there (shown as Home instead). I'm using Charge on Solar. Screen captures taken just minutes apart, as it switches from showing Vehicle usage. Do you know why?