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$5 to create for sale post?

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We have actually received far less complaints about the marketplace since the new system launched, as we have resolved issues that users were rightfully complaining about for years.

I guess we'll see how long it lasts. ;) The users can see engagement down across the forums anyway. So it actually makes more sense now.
We actually have the real numbers on this, where as you are just speculating, and I think you are somewhat biased given the negative and entitled attitude you seem to have towards us. I don't know what your issue is with us, as it seems to be more than just simple disagreement, but if we have ever hurt your feelings, you have my apologies.
small fee definitely helps with scammer/feeler posts but i'm noticing much less for sale posts...
i think same thing happened when Craigslist started $5 fee for car sales..
most ppl moved on to facebook n offer up...
free sites are full of scammers/idiots but i've purchased few good items on fb with no issues
just my observations.
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small fee definitely helps with scammer/feeler posts but i'm noticing much less for sale posts...
i think same thing happened when Craigslist started $5 fee for car sales..
most ppl moved on to facebook n offer up...
free sites are full of scammers/idiots but i've purchased few good items on fb with no issues
just my observations.
I appreciate this feedback, as it is actually constructive and thoughtful.

We have been monitoring the rate of listing creation, and they are only marginally down. We also see the listings that users create and then decide not to pay for. Some of those we approve anyway if they are a cheap item, a WTB, or in some cases if we are familiar with the user. A lot of the ones we don't approve are somewhat sketchy, so honestly we feel the quality of the MP has gone up significantly.

As we implement more anti-spam/scam measures, we are allowing more users to post some listings without the fee. At this point it's mainly newer users who have less of a track record who still need to go through the fee.
Our "ilk"? LOL, again, don't know what has got you so salty about this.

I was hesitating to reply, but my guess is because I deleted an attempted advertisement in the regular subforums from this member per our standard processes. Processes that, as you pointed out, have been in place here since way before I myself became a volunteer moderator in 2019, so have nothing at all to do with the recent marketplace changes.
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I guess we'll see how long it lasts. ;) The users can see engagement down across the forums anyway. So it actually makes more sense now.
You do this for free?

Now that the site is charging a 5 dollar fee (in some cases) to list a car for sale, I think you need to request your share of the millions of dollars that are pouring in!
I wish there were a mechanism to only charge on actual sale. Getting charged for a Wanted To Buy ad that likely will never be filled is a bit off-putting.
@RDoc if you look, you will see that your account doesn't actually have to pay as you have been around a long time and have a lot of posts.

We are considering developing a way to skip payment if it is a "Wanted" listing, however in the meantime, those who want to post a WTB and don't want to pay, can go ahead and do so, and we will probably approve it manually.

Please note that there is still the risk of scammers with WTB listings, that is why we were hoping that most people on this site would understand the benefit the fee brings and would understand that it is a pretty trivial amount in this context.
I wish there were a mechanism to only charge on actual sale. Getting charged for a Wanted To Buy ad that likely will never be filled is a bit off-putting.
And regarding the "mechanism" by which we would charge only on actual sale, the only way to do this would be for us to handle the payment on TMC itself, which would require us having PayPal/Stripe get you to agree to give us permission to bill you.

The worst part about this is that TMC would be required by law as a marketplace to collect sales tax on all sales that we are involved in processing in any way, so many casual sellers would end up paying significantly more in tax than they would to us as a listing fee. And we would also be potentially taking on substantial liability by being involved in the transaction, so we would need to justify that by charging a higher listing fee for vehicles (which generally don't actually sell online) and a percentage commission fee for other listings (which would end up being significantly higher than $5.

In theory this would at least still to some degree discourage scammers because they would need at least to have a valid PayPal or Stripe account, but it would also create more hassle for the end user who would have to create such accounts.

We really aren't here scheming on how to make an extra $5 here and there. We really have thought this through and looked at all the possibilities and chose what we thought would make everyone's lives easier, not at all what would make us the most money.
I don’t browse through every for sale listing, but I do occasionally look through them. I say this to point out that I am sure I miss a higher number of bad posts.

Two recent posts with miss advertised items that could have led to the buyers purchasing items not correctly listed by new members with no track records. I’m assuming both posts were paid for with the $5 listing fee? Is there no one from the website admin checking or authenticating these posts before they go live? It’s just a $5 fee and you can still post a false or misleading item?

A $5 listing fee that doesn’t provide buyer and seller protection is not helping in anyway. A simple ‘are you a robot’ feature would work better. Or implement a ‘can’t list a for sale posting until you have 25 messages’ would help. Charging $5 fee is pointless. Especially on a format (website forum) that is losing popularity due to changing times and better alternatives.

For the person who made the comment about selling or buying a car on here and being happy about only paying $5 for the listing as a good ROI; for such a big purchase I’d recommend buying or selling on a format that has buyer/seller protection.
Two recent posts with miss advertised items that could have led to the buyers purchasing items not correctly listed by new members with no track records.

Dude.. if you're going to post accusations like this, then post the actual links. Otherwise it's just hyperbole. Let us be the judge if they are bad listings. Frankly, I don't trust your assertions.

A simple ‘are you a robot’ feature would work better.

Wait, what now? TMC isn't fighting actual robots, but rather unscrupulous people who are posting fraudulent listings for free. If you're going to try and make arguments against the $5 fee, at least make them logical ones.

A $5 listing fee that doesn’t provide buyer and seller protection is not helping in anyway.

Danny already explained several times how and why it's helping, try re-reading this thread. You just won't quit with your invalid assertions and baseless assumptions. We get it, YOU don't like it. If it's working for Danny and Doug, that's all that matters. It's not going to change, and complaining about about it like this is just making you look more and more foolish/trollish.
I’m interested in which these are please. Not so much as an alternative to TMC which I like but in addition. Thanks.
Google, twitter, Facebook, instagram, reddit, YouTube, etc…

For sure there is still huge value in forums, but not like it used to be 10-20 years ago. I enjoy TMC as well, just making note of the changes as time goes on in regards to forums AND adding an expense to using the classified section.
Dude.. if you're going to post accusations like this, then post the actual links. Otherwise it's just hyperbole. Let us be the judge if they are bad listings. Frankly, I don't trust your assertions.

Wait, what now? TMC isn't fighting actual robots, but rather unscrupulous people who are posting fraudulent listings for free. If you're going to try and make arguments against the $5 fee, at least make them logical ones.

Danny already explained several times how and why it's helping, try re-reading this thread. You just won't quit with your invalid assertions and baseless assumptions. We get it, YOU don't like it. If it's working for Danny and Doug, that's all that matters. It's not going to change, and complaining about about it like this is just making you look more and more foolish/trollish.
Are you an admin or moderator?
Let us be the judge if they are bad listings.

Nope, but why does that matter?
You mentioned ‘let us be the judge if they are bad listings’, which led me to think you had some oversight over the listings.

I’d prefer to keep this conversation productive and not so harsh. It’s okay to have differing opinions; it’s not okay to disparage others comments because you don’t agree with them. I’ve made several valid comments and don’t need these to be distracted by disparaging comments
I’d prefer to keep this conversation productive and not so harsh. It’s okay to have differing opinions; it’s not okay to disparage others comments because you don’t agree with them. I’ve made several valid comments and don’t need these to be distracted by disparaging comments
I do actually appreciate the feedback and your thoughts. At the same time, while I certainly wouldn't want to invalidate your feelings, that doesn't mean that I believe your points to be valid, and some of the points you made have already been addressed earlier in this thread.

Two recent posts with miss advertised items that could have led to the buyers purchasing items not correctly listed by new members with no track records. I’m assuming both posts were paid for with the $5 listing fee? Is there no one from the website admin checking or authenticating these posts before they go live? It’s just a $5 fee and you can still post a false or misleading item?
It would be helpful if you actually made mention of such posts, or sent them to me via DM. Your comment is not very helpful without such references.

Yes, such posts were most likely paid for. And yes, I do for the most part monitor all new listings going up on TMC, but I do tend to focus my attention not on the validity of the listing itself, but on the legitimacy of the account of the creator. I am not an expert in terms of determining if the product description is correct or not, however many on here are and will gladly point out such issues in the comments when that happens. The whole point of a forum is that it is a community effort.

A $5 listing fee that doesn’t provide buyer and seller protection is not helping in anyway. A simple ‘are you a robot’ feature would work better. Or implement a ‘can’t list a for sale posting until you have 25 messages’ would help. Charging $5 fee is pointless. Especially on a format (website forum) that is losing popularity due to changing times and better alternatives.
As I have explained earlier in this thread, of course a $5 listing fee isn't going to provide buyer/seller protection, especially for items being sold for thousands of dollars in many cases. We would have to charge substantially more in order to do that, as we would have to bring in a 3rd party to help us with that. Would you prefer a $30 listing fee that comes with buyer/seller protection, over a $5 listing fee without? I'm guessing no. Also, we would need to charge everyone that fee in order to pay for such a service, and currently we don't charge most users posting in the marketplace, as our fees are primarily for users without a track record, or for users who are trying to post lots of listings and make a business out of it.

We could of developed our system to charge a post-sale commission percentage fee, but there are a few issues with that:
1. The lack of upfront fee would mean one less deterrent to spammers and scammers.​
2. You would end up paying much more to us than $5.​
3. We would have to collect sales tax for your sale as US law would consider us to be a marketplace due our involvement in the transaction itself.​
So if we did that, if for example you sold an item for $1,000, with 3% commission fee, 7.25% sales tax, and a 3% credit card processing fee, you would be losing $75 to tax, $30 to commission, and another $30 to credit card processing fees.

Unlike many of the social media sites which you seem so positive about, bots aren't really much of an issue on TMC. We already have plenty of bot protection measures in place, particularly around account creation, and when it comes to the marketplace, bots haven't been an issue.

Charging a $5 is not pointless. The vast majority of scammers and spammers on the internet use a shotgun approach, and a $5 fee makes that completely unfeasible for them. Of course a scammer could decide to invest the $5 hoping to later steal a lot more, but the point of the $5 is to increase the deterrents to such actions. Also, to pay the $5 fee, you have to use a Credit Card and a PayPal account, and that leaves a trail, which again acts as another deterrent.

Forums would be dead already if the alternatives were better. The alternatives are simply different. Forums are better for some things, and such alternatives are better for other things. What is a bigger threat to forums is not so much the format, but rather that the alternatives are owned by massive corporations which have the ability to use their power and influence to crush competitors via anti-competitive means.

For the person who made the comment about selling or buying a car on here and being happy about only paying $5 for the listing as a good ROI; for such a big purchase I’d recommend buying or selling on a format that has buyer/seller protection.
This is why we recommend using PayPal and other such services for making payments, as they come with buyer and seller protection. It would be completely redundant for us to offer buyer/seller protection, when most want to use PayPal and similar services for their payments in any case, which already offer that. Also, many purchases (especially for vehicles) happen offline, as such we couldn't provide such protection for a $60,000 vehicle purchase made via a cashiers check at the sellers local bank.

Google, twitter, Facebook, instagram, reddit, YouTube, etc…

For sure there is still huge value in forums, but not like it used to be 10-20 years ago. I enjoy TMC as well, just making note of the changes as time goes on in regards to forums AND adding an expense to using the classified section.
The only site that you mention which overlaps with TMC in a meaningful way is Reddit, but even Reddit is quite different in the type of content and interactions that it encourages due to the type of community that already exists on there, and the way its software works. The quality of the conversations happening on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram about Tesla, or really almost anything, is pretty low. YouTube would be an exception there, but YouTube is a video platform. I use Twitter, it's good for some things, like following news headlines, but it serves a different function than a forum.

Forums still exist because they do certain things better than the type of social media sites to which you have alluded. The reason forums were bigger in the past, isn't because they were better back then, but it was because they were fulfilling a purpose larger than what they excel at. Forums are not designed for ephemeral casual interactions like most social media website, rather forums are designed for community building and for long-form conversations that are well organized. On TMC, we are essentially documenting the history of Tesla and EVs, largely from a client perspective.