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  1. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    China has a national policy to move to renewable energy and there is no dissent. We have some good initiatives (thanks to IRA, etc.) but lots of dissent and no guarantee that programs will continue against this dissent. (We also have prison labor... just like China)
  2. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Could you rephrase this into a sentence or two that makes sense?
  3. mspohr

    Are very small EVs the future?

  4. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://newatlas.com/energy/modular-nuclear-reactors/ The rhetoric from small modular reactor (SMR) advocates is loud and persistent: This time will be different because the cost overruns and schedule delays that have plagued large reactor construction projects will not be repeated with the new...
  5. mspohr

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Your electricity bill pays his salary to spread this disinformation.
  6. mspohr

    California Utilities Plan All Out War On Solar, Please Read And Help

    https://calmatters.org/environment/2024/05/california-community-solar-incentives/?vgo_ee=UcX%2Bne%2FmSuUpm6d%2BgpTyRElzbC2at7%2BbGYg0AdLiRB4j%3AQMzu81dHc24QI3CM5zQGze63IWHrINi0 California’s utilities regulator today adopted new rules for community solar projects, despite warnings from clean...
  7. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/30/termination-shock-cut-in-ship-pollution-sparked-global-heating-spurt?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other The slashing of pollution from shipping in 2020 led to a big “termination shock” that is estimated have pushed the rate of global heating...
  8. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/30/no-need-for-countries-to-issue-new-oil-gas-or-coal-licences-study-finds?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other The world has enough fossil fuel projects planned to meet global energy demand forecasts to 2050 and governments should stop issuing new...
  9. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/30/corporate-carbon-offsets-credits Some of the world’s most profitable – and most polluting corporations – have invested in carbon offset projects that have fundamental failings and are “probably junk”, suggesting industry claims about...
  10. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/29/renewable-energy-us-financial-benefits?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other By increasing its use of renewable energy, the US has not only slashed its planet-warming emissions but also improved its air quality, yielding hundreds of billions of...
  11. mspohr

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/29/bird-flu-dairy-farm-workers?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other The probability of the virus accumulating the right combination of mutations to do this is low. But influenza is known for its ability to evolve, and a sluggish public health...
  12. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/29/wealthy-white-men-uk-biggest-transport-polluters?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other The richest 0.1% in Britain emit 22 times more from transport than low earners, and 12 times more than average. The data finds that income is directly linked to...
  13. mspohr

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    https://www.notebookcheck.net/All-Starlink-dish-locations-identified-via-AirTag-like-tracking-bug-as-Elon-Musk-says-significant-resources-go-to-prevent-jamming.841495.0.html Apple's tracking technology is in hot water again, as a bug that could be exploited by enterprising hackers has allowed...
  14. mspohr

    SpaceX vs. Everyone - ULA, NG, Boeing, Lockheed, etc.

    Elon Musk Dominates Space Launch. Rivals Are Calling Foul. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/28/us/politics/elon-musk-space-launch-competition.html?smid=nytcore-android-share But in one striking way, the former outsider has come to resemble the entrenched contractors he once fought to topple: He...
  15. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/28/poll-climate-change-lawsuit-oil-industry?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other As US communities take big oil to court for allegedly deceiving the public about the climate crisis, polling shared with the Guardian shows that a majority of voters...
  16. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

  17. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/27/humanity-survival-emissions-resilience-ecosystems-greenhouse-gases Reduce emissions, build resilience, repair ecosystems, remove greenhouse gases: these are the four Rs that can save us Yet despite mounting evidence and urgent...
  18. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    I think the point of the article is that the LMOP program is ineffective.
  19. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://newatlas.com/materials/concrete-steel-recycle-cambridge-zero-carbon-cement/ Concrete and steel production are major sources of CO2 emissions, but a new solution from Cambridge could recycle both at the same time. Throwing old concrete into steel-processing furnaces not only purifies iron...
  20. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/25/nearly-175-arrested-as-climate-protesters-target-frances-totalenergies-and-key-investor?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other The head of TotalEnergies has told shareholders that new oilfields have to be developed to meet global demand, as the...
  21. mspohr

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/24/health/bird-flu-beef.html Beef tissue from a sick dairy cow has tested positive for the bird flu virus, federal officials said on Friday. The cow had been condemned to be culled because it was sick, and the meat did not enter the food supply, according to the...
  22. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Disruptive protests work. https://www.socialchangelab.org/news/experts-disagree-with-the-public-on-disruptive-protest-tactics%2C-survey-reveals- In one question from the survey, 69% of experts thought that disruptive tactics were effective at progressing the cause for issues like climate...
  23. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Disruptive protests work. https://theconversation.com/why-protest-if-it-doesnt-make-a-difference-224174 While disruptive protest can be unpopular, there can be no doubt that it is effective. One of the most successful environmental campaigns of the 2010s was the anti-fracking movement, in...
  24. mspohr

    Solar PV News

    https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/solar-panel-supply-german-electricity-prices-negative-renewable-demand-green-2024-5 Unless new installations are spurred on by subsidies or power purchase agreements, oppressed profitability could eventually halt Germany's solar expansion...
  25. mspohr

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    I think the article points out that other options (texting, etc.) are not nearly as good as Starlink but also points out that Starlink is vulnerable.
  26. mspohr

    Starlink and Ukraine War discussion

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/24/technology/ukraine-russia-starlink.html?smid=nytcore-android-share As Russian troops made gains this month near Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, they deployed stronger electronic weapons and more sophisticated tools to degrade Starlink service...
  27. mspohr

    Energy Sector News

    Arizona has a loophole for projects smaller than 100 MW. Utilities are exploiting this by proposing projects less than that (and then expanding them later).
  28. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/23/alarm-as-german-climate-activists-charged-with-forming-a-criminal-organisation?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Five members of Letzte Generation, Germany’s equivalent to Just Stop Oil, have been charged with “forming a criminal...
  29. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/23/corporations-price-gouging-big-oil?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Three weeks ago, the Federal Trade Commission released information showing how naïve such statements really were. Sheffield, it turns out, allegedly helped engineer a...
  30. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/23/gas-peaker-plant-republicans-fort-mohave-arizona?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other However, in late November 2023, the McKeevers found out that the local government, the Mohave county board of supervisors, was about to vote on a zoning proposal...
  31. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    It may have something to do with contracts for NG plants requiring purchase of a minimum amount of power to keep them running.
  32. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    People would do anything to avoid burning stuff.
  33. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/22/alaska-youth-climate-change-lawsuit?CMP=usbriefing_email Eight young people are suing the government of Alaska – the nation’s fastest-warming state – claiming a major new fossil fuel project violates their state constitutional rights. The...
  34. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    The flip side of this is what they have in Texas where electricity prices spike to thousands of dollars per megawatt during "shortages". Lots of Californians have time of use plans which have predictable daily price changes which are fixed and not exorbitant.
  35. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Part... For 45 days straight and 69 of 75, California #WindWaterSolar supply has exceeded demand part of each day. On May 20, it was for 7.58 h, peaking at 135.4% of demand On average over 75 days, WWS>demand for 5.3 h/day Excess demand goes mostly to batteries & exports
  36. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/21/gas-company-habitat-for-humanity?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other US gas utilities are partnering with one of the nation’s most trusted non-profits as part of a “cynical PR stunt” to combat efforts to curb fossil fuel usage, a Guardian...
  37. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://electrek.co/2024/05/21/renewables-met-100-percent-california-energy-demand-30-days/ May 21 update: Stanford University professor of civil and environmental engineering Mark Z. Jacobson continues to track California’s renewables performance – and it’s still exciting. In an update today...
  38. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/19/brazil-floods-toll?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other These rains were typical of the climate crisis: very intense, with a large volume of water concentrated in a short period”, said Anderson Ruhoff, professor at the Institute of Hydraulic Research...
  39. mspohr

    Supercharger team sacked?

    You could have said the same thing about the 100 year old auto industry until Tesla revolutionized it with new designs and processes. Supercharger design, production and installation has undergone rapid improvement since the early days when they were stacking multiple chargers borrowed from...
  40. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/17/economic-damage-climate-change-report The economic damage wrought by climate change is six times worse than previously thought, with global heating set to shrink wealth at a rate consistent with the level of financial losses of a...
  41. mspohr

    Energy Sector News

    New high for stupidity
  42. mspohr

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    The article you posted is full of climate change denial talking points which have all been debunked in the Denial thread which is where it belongs.
  43. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    This bill seems to try to reduce profits so any oil company moves to raise prices would be self defeating. It should reduce prices.
  44. mspohr

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    Unlike cattle which destroy environments, rewilding bison improves environments https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/15/bison-romania-tarcu-2m-cars-carbon-dioxide-emissions-aoe?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Prof Oswald Schmitz of the Yale School of the Environment in...
  45. mspohr

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Trump explains American democracy.... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/16/donald-trump-big-oil-executives-alleged-deal-explained?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other A “deal” allegedly offered by Donald Trump to big-oil executives as he sought $1bn in campaign donations could save...
  46. mspohr

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    https://www.pv-magazine.com/2024/05/14/we-must-push-back-on-net-billing/ I think the executive director of the Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association, Autumn T. Johnson, was spot-on when she said, “It’s hard to argue that you should invest $30,000 or $40,000 or $50,000 into a solar system...
  47. mspohr

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Which shareholders were calling for dismantling of the entire Supercharger division?
  48. mspohr

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Probably uncomfortable information
  49. mspohr

    Solar PV News

    https://www.pv-magazine.com/2024/05/13/solar-wind-completely-replace-diesel-at-south-pole-station/ Not now but this is the plan.
  50. mspohr

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion
