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  1. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    I can add that, although I'd be surprised if configuration changes have any impact. VPP takes precedence over other settings and maintains its own backup reserve. For peace of mind, you can pause any automations during tonight's event. I'm also participating in the event and will in fact...
  2. offandonagain

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    Ah, I missed that part. Could be a different issue then, or it could be an issue with the disenrollment process. The reason I suspected double-enrollment is another report on Reddit that's somewhat similar (also on SCE, although the location of the duplicate VPP link is different): 2 Virtual...
  3. offandonagain

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    I suspect the issue is that you are registered in both programs (the old ELRP and the new DSGS program), and you're supposed to disenroll from the old one to be able to join the new one. Your app might have not enforced that and as a result got into a bad state. Here's the link to disenroll...
  4. offandonagain

    Tesla Gateway (V2) Breaker Tripped Last Night

    After getting solar/battery, I'm much more aware of my peak load and always try to keep it as low as possible. It avoids pulling from the grid during the day, plays nicer on Powerwalls at night, and plays nicer on the grid when you need it. In this case, staggering your two EVs to charge at...
  5. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    I'm all for improved security, but I think this is a generous interpretation of the changes that were made recently. For PW3, the system is effectively not accessible by the owner other than using the Tesla app -- the built-in wifi credentials are hidden behind a cover that the owner should not...
  6. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Glad you got it working! The reason the app wants you to go through that flow is that you don't have internet access on the TEG wifi. So if you connect to that wifi manually and then start the Netzero app, it might not be able to load. Once you successfully scan the QR code from the app, it...
  7. offandonagain

    is this low production?

    Not very precise, there's definitely some variation in voltage. So it's possible these numbers are off by one panel, but usually not more than that. Hence the squiggly line everywhere :) I believe for sizing strings you would take the most conservative voltage (STC Voc at 45.30V), multiply...
  8. offandonagain

    is this low production?

    T400H specs. The open circuit voltage (Voc) is when there is no load on the panel. You'll use this number when sizing the string to make sure you don't exceed the max voltage for the inverter. When the panel is producing, what you'll see is something closer to the max power voltage (Vmp): 35V...
  9. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Exactly, tedapi only works over the internal network and requires the TEG wifi (via the QR code). The wifi hopping makes it inconvenient and has some reliability issues, but should work.
  10. offandonagain

    is this low production?

    This seems to indicate some of your panels are either not wired or are wired incorrectly. For T400H panels, you'd expect the voltage on a string to be ~32V per panel. Your second PW+ screenshot looks good, with two strings of ~10 panels each (319V each). However your first PW+ screenshot is...
  11. offandonagain

    Powerwall 3 - Version 24.4.2-1 to 24.12.3.

    That wouldn't explain why it wasn't clipping before the firmware upgrade though. It's also a limitation that would've been mentioned in the specs I think. @gk0l is it possible you have a grid export limit that only now got applied? You don't seem to be charging your Powerwall, is it set to...
  12. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Yes, tedapi is supported. You have to connect to the built-in wifi however, using the Scan QR Code option in the app. You could try the Scan QR Code option, or use the Tesla One app to connect to your gateway or directly to your standalone inverters. But I believe string diagnostics require a...
  13. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    That should be possible with a Powerwall+ at least, but may require a direct wifi connection. Do you have a gateway and are able to connect to it directly? What do you currently see in diagnostics?
  14. offandonagain

    Powerwall 2 Off grid clarification

    No, tariffs alone will not curtail solar production. Tariffs control Time-Based Control operation, which optimizes for savings. Solar curtailment is not part of that process, you'd have to go off-grid for that. Another possibility (which I haven't tested): if you have the option, you can set...
  15. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Yes, that would likely follow as part of the Enphase integration. That integration is currently on hold because of some issues I found with their API. But once they resolve those issues, I'll return to it.
  16. offandonagain

    PowerWall 3 with optimizers or microinverters

    Agreed, the single point of failure is a big drawback for me and would make me consider microinverters in the future. I've had two issues in the three years of operation where incorrect string wiring or a failed MCI took out most or all of my production, in one case for months. String...
  17. offandonagain

    Possible Hardware Issue?

    Also Powerwall+ data (/solar_powerwall). Look at the pvac_alerts (inverter) and pvs_alerts (strings) fields for any alert that is marked as true. Also keep track of the state fields at the top. And you'll want to inspect these both during times of production and while the system is in failure...
  18. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Thanks for the suggestion! This is actually the next major feature on the roadmap. A lot of the work done so far--solar production estimates, string diagnostics, Powerwall degradation--have been building blocks for what I've wanted to build from the start: a system that alerts immediately when...
  19. offandonagain

    Possible Hardware Issue?

    Could be an inverter issue (e.g. overheating if coolant runs out), could also be a wiring or MCI issue. You'd have to get your installed to look at it. Have you tried reaching support through the app? You can also try calling 877-961-7652.
  20. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Interesting, is this the HECO Battery Bonus program? Looks like the program allows one to use or export the battery, so it seems that it should be enough to track the state of charge of the battery (as opposed to tracking grid export). You basically need to make sure the battery discharges...
  21. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Short answer: you should not sum the daily numbers manually, use the monthly sum from the app. Netzero does some smoothing at the daily level to account for historical weather variation, which skews the sum. Long answer: PVWatts uses hourly typical meteorological year (TMY) data, which is one...
  22. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Emporia is no longer available in the app, details in this post: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/netzero-app.315233/page-6#post-8187471
  23. offandonagain

    Tesla Virtual Power Plant in CA

    This looks to be a different program, daily peak discharge as opposed to limited VPP events. From 2023: https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/grid-edge/pg-e-is-testing-different-flavors-of-virtual-power-plant
  24. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Thanks for the report! It's unlikely that the same automation ran twice a few seconds apart, both because of a cool off period and how frequently automations are evaluated. Are you sure you don't have a separate automation that might have triggered the same action? The release that's coming...
  25. offandonagain

    24.4.0 Gateway crashes

    A few things to try if you haven't already: The steps above to see if these are unsuccessful attempts to upgrade to a newer firmware. Stop the local gateway API traffic, to see if that might be causing it. Power-cycle the gateway. In my case this requires turning the disconnect, Powerwall...
  26. offandonagain

    24.4.0 Gateway crashes

    I can't find any pattern, no. I can think of two reasons why one might be on an older version: a deliberate holdout by Tesla (either to keep a baseline for comparing metrics, or because of a particular circumstance of the system), or an issue updating to the new firmware. The Tesla One app...
  27. offandonagain

    24.4.0 Gateway crashes

    I figured this might be useful: https://www.netzeroapp.io/firmware_versions
  28. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Thanks, fixed in the next release. I couldn't reproduce this. Did you ever change the VPP reserve setting independent of the backup reserve in the Tesla app? I wonder if the VPP configuration tracks the backup reserve, until you manually change it.
  29. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    The feature is for dynamic tariffs (aka real-time or wholesale pricing). The supported plans are only available in the UK, parts of EU, and Australia for now. Sadly Californian utilities are still behind in this area.
  30. offandonagain

    Tesla Solar in Houston & Surrounding Area’s

    From the sound of it, your gateway configuration was completely wiped (that timezone is probably just a default, first one alphabetically). I've heard of cases where configuration gets wiped if the firmware update fails in a bad way. I suspect the solution for you would be to commission the...
  31. offandonagain

    24.4.0 Gateway crashes

    Mine restarted 2 days ago, but before that it was up for 30 days (on version 24.4.0 0fe780c9 throughout).
  32. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Thanks, I responded on GitHub.
  33. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    It should, yes.
  34. offandonagain

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    I agree, to clarify I think dynamic tariffs make sense for homes with solar/battery, not everyone. Maybe I'd also include homes with EVs, heat pumps and other large loads that could be smart about when they pull from the grid.
  35. offandonagain

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    One approach that should both help the grid and improve battery ROI is real-time/wholesale/dynamic pricing -- utility rates that change hourly or even more frequently, track wholesale prices more closely, and are generally announced 24h ahead. These plans are not common in the US yet, but I've...
  36. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    I would suggest turning off all of these while investigating this problem. Try accessing it via the TEG wifi network when it's not responsive (scan the QR code behind the door, then access If that works, it's likely a connectivity issue with your home wifi network. If...
  37. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    FleetAPI is a cloud API, it doesn't talk to the gateway API directly. Netzero can also talk to your gateway, but only while using Diagnostics in the mobile app. Powerwall-Dashboard will send frequent gateway API requests, but is pretty stable. Unless you have other gateway API use, I doubt...
  38. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Uptime comes from /api/status (which doesn't require authentication). For debugging the issue: You've probably done this already, but step 1 is to stop your API calls if you believe this to be the cause :) I've read about cases where gateways get into a bad state while trying to update the...
  39. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    You can likely accomplish this with scheduling. For example, if it takes 2h to charge your battery from the grid, turn off grid charging 1h after the start of free time and turn it back on 1h before the end of free time. Or, to keep it simpler and independent of your starting state-of-charge...
  40. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    Thanks for the suggestions! Agreed about manual control. You can accomplish this with the "Test Now" button when creating an automation (and then abandon the automation), but that's obviously not a great UI. For your storm example: I plan on adding weather alert integration, so you can have a...
  41. offandonagain

    Does a battery ever have a positive ROI with net metering

    The peak load is probably for backup heat / strip heat. That is a lot less efficient, but will only kick in if the geothermal system fails (or in case of air-source heat pumps, if the outdoor temperature is too low). You don't usually see backup heat installed in milder climates like CA.
  42. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    You can now create automations based on Powerwall state of charge, e.g. turn Export Everything on/off when SoC crosses predefined thresholds. Would that allow you to make use of the incentive program?
  43. offandonagain

    Post Installation / Pre-PTO System Intentionally Limited?

    With 4 Powerwalls you should be fine, as long as you can also discharge them to charge them up again the following day. Also, if you can charge your EVs during the day, that's a great way to use up excess solar that would have otherwise been curtailed. I don't think you'll be able to use...
  44. offandonagain

    Can't see other vehicle charging graphs in Tesla app

    Yes, this is a bug in the Tesla app. I have the same problem and I also looked at this in detail as part of my work on the Netzero app. Tesla has two sources of data for vehicle charging: the wall connector and the vehicle itself (both via Tesla's cloud). The wall connector is part of your...
  45. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    I'll think about that. The billing cycles for my utility (PG&E) range anywhere from 28 days to 33 days, without any clear pattern.
  46. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    It's common that there will be some fluctuation in the measured capacity. Powerwalls constantly estimate their "full pack energy", but that's not a precise measurement -- it relies on measuring voltage/current and is sensitive to temperature, charge/discharge rates, etc. I won't pretend to...
  47. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    I spent some more time in the rabbit hole that is vehicle charging data, so this should be more reliable now in Netzero. Let me know if you still run into issues. The rabbit hole is deep, even Tesla gets it wrong sometimes: in my case (wall connector present, Tesla car where I'm the driver but...
  48. offandonagain

    Powerwall panic button, what if it gets pushed?

    The big red button is a DC disconnect, it will disable solar output. Used by emergency responders or when power-cycling the system. To turn it back on, twist it clockwise a few times and it will pop back out. I'm not familiar with PW3, but later versions of PW2 had a little plastic cover like...
  49. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    That's quite a conundrum, thanks for sharing. I may add support for multiple accounts in the future, in the meantime I would suggest you look at something like Emporia Energy monitors to track the combined view.
  50. offandonagain

    Netzero App

    That may very well be the case, but I always try to learn about such requirements because it allows me to improve the app in the future (and multiple systems is not an uncommon scenario). You mentioned the Tesla gateway cannot measure your Enphase production, I'm curious why. With multiple...