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  1. BitJam

    Dashcam Unavailable Check USB

    I imagine the service person was clueless about how the Linux operating system works, which is fine.* Linux auto-detects hardware such as usb controllers using their PCI ID. It then loads the correct software drivers for the hardware it has found. It is likely that Tesla gets its hubs from...
  2. BitJam

    Minor accident using autopilot

    I'm sorry for your rough introduction to Teslas and AP. Bummer! My 2021 MY LR has ultrasonic sensors. Autopilot hit an orange cone while driving on the highway. I figured that if the cones were showing up on the display then the car knew about them and would not hit them. I was wrong. I...
  3. BitJam

    FSD warning: huge hotspot data hog

    If you are only doing one month of FSD then you could consider getting premium connectivity for that month so you don't need to use your hotspot. Thanks for the heads up!
  4. BitJam

    Does FSD learn?

    Between firmware updates 2024.8.7 and 2024.14.6 my car finally figured out how to take me to the grocery store. I had long ago given up on this. I tried it again because some new roads showed up on a route I take once a week. I was very excited that FSD might finally take me to the grocery...
  5. BitJam

    The external surface of roof and back glass is so “sticky”

    I hope someone else can answer your question. FWIW: I wash the roof and back window when I wash the car using car soap. I dry them with a squeegee and then by dragging a large microfiber towel over them. No sticking.
  6. BitJam

    Cybertruck is a scam.

    Your leap from Nate saying "If I just needed a car and money didn't matter I would 100% buy the Cybertruck." to the CT being a half-assed product that is bad for owners eludes me. It is also amusing that one person complains the publicity is bad and therefore hurting Tesla while another...
  7. BitJam

    Cybertruck is a scam.

    I see mostly tons of great press about the CT and people very happy with it. Tesla is getting millions (tens of millions? hundreds of millions?) of dollars of free publicity. Clearly, they have created a free publicity flywheel. Whether this was dumb luck or part of a plan, it is obviously...
  8. BitJam

    Model Y Tool Kit Suggestions

    Would one of those Lithium Ion jump starters work just as well? If so, they have the added benefits of not needing a 2nd car (perhaps a moot point if you were towed), and possibly being helpful to others who need a jump.
  9. BitJam

    Charging Status in Tesla App

    Congrats on your new car! I leave the app running on my phone all the time so I can use the phone as a key. I doubt the app is updating any information in the background because there is always a significant lag in the information on the screen when I open the app. Then when information does...
  10. BitJam

    2020 MY - TeslaCam Dashcam - USB no longer recognized

    I'm on 2024.14.6 in a mid-year 2021 MY. TeslaCam in the glovebox works but I'm having problems with my music usb in the center console. I noticed the music usb was working on my way back from the store today. It wasn't working when I left the house and it wasn't working after I got home and...
  11. BitJam

    FSD discussion

    How do you earn a strike while you're on autopilot suspension?
  12. BitJam

    Cybertruck is a scam.

    No, Tesla Cybertruck Is *Not* Faster Than Porsche (While Towing)
  13. BitJam

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    I don't mean to be insulting but this is an extremely short-sighted view. Unlike most corporations, Tesla's goal is not to increase short-term shareholder value. Tesla's goal is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy [etc]. Elon seldom takes the short-term view. He wants...
  14. BitJam

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    It makes perfect sense to me but I've worked in software development for many years. It is similar to what many companies do including those making phones and chips. The technical term is leapfrogging. Even mountain climbers do something similar. Tesla is focused on developing their flagship...
  15. BitJam

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    My free trial started today with FSD 12.3.6. It forgot how to get to the grocery store which was a bummer. It's speed limit maps are still suicidally bad in some areas, like my home neighborhood. It wants to go 25+ mph where it should only be going 15 mph tops. There is a setting that lets...
  16. BitJam

    2020 MY - TeslaCam Dashcam - USB no longer recognized

    Same here. The usb worked fine right after the update but then soon stopped working, perhaps when I was setting up my audible account. The two button salute got the usb back but probably not for good.
  17. BitJam

    Texas heat

    They are marketed as electrostatic but the actual mechanism is surface tension like static cling stickers. IMO "electrostatic" conveys the main gist: there are no suction cups or clips needed for it to adhere. Also, due to heavy marketing of dryer sheets the term "static cling" has a lot of...
  18. BitJam

    Texas heat

    Can you tell us more about these? This may be the first time I head of them. Reusable? Easy for one person to install?
  19. BitJam

    Texas heat

    All or most other manufacturers have copied this. I don't think it would have copied if it was a bad idea engineering-wise. In a model 3 thread someone says they saved 14 lbs by replacing the glass roof with carbon fiber. OTOH, I agree with you, it's my least favorite feature too.
  20. BitJam

    When will the FSD trial start rolling out?

    I am installing 14.6 from 8.9. I was just notified.
  21. BitJam

    Texas heat

    Here in the high desert of New Mexico we don't have the humidity but the sun is brutal due to less atmosphere to block it. Roof shade, windshield shade, and tinting are all good but IMO, even combined, they do little to lower the final inside temperature when the car is sitting out in the sun...
  22. BitJam

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    I can over-ride it to any speed in areas considered to be out-of-town but in areas that are considered to be in-town I can only go 5 mph (8 kph) over what the car thinks is the posted speed. On one stretch of road I use frequently I know exactly where the in-town to out-of-town border is...
  23. BitJam

    Autopilot is useless on non-highway roads.

    That may be true where you live but where I live (rural New Mexico, USA) AP is still useful on many non-highway, two-lane roads. I admit there are some roads where I no longer bother with AP due to the new slow speeds but they are in the minority. Overall, I see this as a good thing...
  24. BitJam

    Roof Sun Shade - recommendations?

    I am using a product called EVglass from EVinsulate. I use it year-round. If I didn't need help installing it then I might swap it out for an opaque screen in the summer but the EVglass helps a lot in the summer too. One of the reasons to swap it out for an opaque screen is to make it easier...
  25. BitJam

    Roof Sun Shade - recommendations?

    Here's one: Magshade for Tesla Model Y.
  26. BitJam

    [idea for] Vision only+personal HD Maps, custom routes?

    My guess is they are focused on improving their AI FSD. I imagine the cars would be able to drive themselves without the benefit of this extra information. Getting to true autonomy is such a big watershed, they see improvements like these as distractions that won't get them to that crucial...
  27. BitJam

    [idea for] Vision only+personal HD Maps, custom routes?

    It has been shown many times here that the navigation maps are not downloaded all at once. People who don't plan ahead and drive long distances out of cell range end up with no navigation data for their current location. The solution is to browse the area you plan to travel to while you still...
  28. BitJam

    All US Cars capable of FSD will be enabled for one month trial this week

    The strong non-anecdotal evidence is the $1B Tesla spent in Q1 bringing their total training investment to $10B. Tesla spent $1bn on AI infrastructure in Q1, [...]...
  29. BitJam

    All US Cars capable of FSD will be enabled for one month trial this week

    Thanks for asking! The answer is simple. Tesla needs quality data. All the driving data from all the cars is probably way too much for them to process and is actually not very useful. If people are using one of the more recent versions of FSD then the data from when they disengage is an...
  30. BitJam

    Is HW 4.0 camera good enough for dashcam function or better use other dashcam?

    I'd imagine it takes more space. Do you have any evidence for how much space it takes? I would be amazed if it used anything close to 128G. The bandwidth limits of usb-2 will keep it from doing that. If you have a car with HW 4 and TeslaCam enabled, the size of the contents of...
  31. BitJam

    Is HW 4.0 camera good enough for dashcam function or better use other dashcam?

    TeslaCam on my 3.0 HW only uses about 7G of the drive to store the last hour of video. Everything else gets erased. Sure, HW 4.0 cameras will probably use more space but even a 128G drive will be more than ample. As for total write cycles, a single 256G Pro Endurance is rated to last you 11...
  32. BitJam

    Is HW 4.0 camera good enough for dashcam function or better use other dashcam?

    I live in the desert and my Samsung T5 SSD (kept in my glovebox) started to die after less than 2 years. I was surprised. It was one of my very few HD/SSD/flash drive failures. SSDs are designed for speed. They accomplish this by creating heat which is bad for longevity, especially in a hot...
  33. BitJam

    Is HW 4.0 camera good enough for dashcam function or better use other dashcam?

    Welcome! The YouTube channel Wham Baam Teslacam has many many many videos of TeslaCams recording accidents and other things. Wham Baam Teslacam is a YouTube channel dedicated to showcasing various incidents involving Tesla vehicles, captured through Tesla's built-in cameras. The channel...
  34. BitJam

    This Latest Attempt to Force FSD Upon Everyone is Hurting the FSD Cause More Than Helping

    My maps got updated so now FSD knows how to get me to the grocery store. Oddly, in the Software tab it says the navigation data is still 2023.* and I haven't had a recent firmware update. I first noticed the improved nav data because two more streets were added to the navigation directions...
  35. BitJam

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Good point. Thanks. I should have said I was too busy.
  36. BitJam

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Anders Puck Nielsen - Will Munitions being Shipped to Ukraine at Scale Help Turn the Tide of War? too many insights to quote or list.
  37. BitJam

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    This forum has been a platform for spreading these right-wing lies for months. The lies aren't deleted and AFAIK the liars aren't banned while we get chastised for or forbidden from trying to correct them. Allowing the lies to spread and forbidding rebuttal is a terrible look. It makes it...
  38. BitJam

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    One heck of a rumor on Capitol Hill: Let's talk about Ukraine, Johnson, and deterrence.... Paraphrased: I heard a rumor, if there is a motion to vacate to oust Speaker Johnson then some Republicans will immediate resign, thus handing control of the House to the Democrats. This may have been...
  39. BitJam

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    If Trump is no longer pro-Putin then his minions supporters in the House didn't get the memo. Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked by fellow lawmaker's extreme Ukraine aid bill amendments https://kyivindependent.com/marjorie-taylor-greene/ Marjorie Taylor Greene: Members Who Vote for Ukraine Aid Have...
  40. BitJam

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Beau of the Fifth Column suggested this is part of a well thought out master plan by Mike Johnson to take over the Republican party. I cannot come up with a better explanation. The timing makes sense since passing the FISA bill against Trump's orders indicates his power over the party may be...
  41. BitJam

    Dog Owners Back Seat Question

    Some hammocks, like this one, come with side panels to protect the doors. They are supposed to hang from the grab handles or the clothes hooks. I was able to rig bungee cords to hold up the side panels. Mine wasn't the one from Duluth but it was a similar idea. The hammocks didn't work out...
  42. BitJam

    This Latest Attempt to Force FSD Upon Everyone is Hurting the FSD Cause More Than Helping

    Sure, almost every person considers themselves to be a credible source. But that does not make them a credible source for others. If it did then everyone would be a credible source, which is ridiculous. The technical term for this sort of argument is "grasping at straws". Sure, there are...
  43. BitJam

    This Latest Attempt to Force FSD Upon Everyone is Hurting the FSD Cause More Than Helping

    Correct, but everything else you said is wrong. Every reliable source I have says v12 is by far the best version. You would have to provide a lot of reliable data to convince me otherwise. I've been around on this with other self-blinded haters. To anyone with even a smidgen of objectivity...
  44. BitJam

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Beau of the fifth Column has an interesting take on Mike Johnson's flip flop on Ukraine: Let's talk about Johnson, Ukraine, and what's next.... Beau thinks this might be 4D chess by Johnson to take over the Republican party. Beau had predicted something like this might happen a few days ago...
  45. BitJam

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    "We can't play politics with this". Mike Johnson has been helping Putin by playing politics with this for six long months. He also played politics by nuking the Ukraine/Israel/Gaza/Taiwan aid bill that had the US border security package included which he had demanded. Maybe he thought he was...
  46. BitJam

    All US Cars capable of FSD will be enabled for one month trial this week

    This is old news. Patel's tweet about v12 coming to the 2024.8 branch was reported in this thread several times last weekend.
  47. BitJam

    One key card stopped working

    https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_eu/GUID-E004FAB7-1C71-448F-9492-CACF301304D2.html Adding Keys from the Touchscreen If you have a key card or key fob that is already paired with your vehicle, you can pair a new key using the touchscreen. On the touchscreen, touch...
  48. BitJam

    Foam cannon/gun for "regular" garden hose?

    I got a Foam King Foam Gun. Works great! I imagine other brands are just as good. I often use a cheap car soap from Walmart but use twice as much. Still much less expensive than Meguiar's Gold Class Car Wash. You still need to wash the car with a mitt or cloth. I like the garden hose foam gun...
  49. BitJam

    HV Battery Died with 7 miles range left showing on Range display

    Total bummer to have that happen. Saying it is unforgivable seems extreme. It's a car. it is not uncommon for things to go wrong with a car. The Out of Spec channel has been reviewing EVs for many years. Their standard procedure for road tripping a Tesla is to pull into a supercharger...
  50. BitJam

    Picture of your Model Y - Right Now!

    Believe it or not, WD-40 works really well. Tesla recommended it for other exterior black trim.