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  1. I

    Tesla Service Sucks?

    I read lots of reports about how Tesla service centres are terrible and the service sucks. I don't know the details about these reports but in my experience Tesla service is the best I have ever found and I cannot imagine how it could be made better, short of giving you the opportunity to...
  2. I

    Autopilot Speed Limit Anomaly

    Why does Autopilot want to break the speed limit all the time? When entering a section of road where the speed limit is lower than the one you have been driving down, autopilot will limit the speed but not to the actual speed limit or even the limit plus what you told the car you want it to...
  3. I

    Has anybody worked out the wall charger communication protocol yet?

    I charge my Model S entirely from Solar power in an off grid location. When the sun goes behind a cloud I need to adjust the charge rate down a bit so I don't flatten the house battery. To do this I need to talk to the wall charger to tell it how much it can have dynamically. I am 99.9% certain...