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When Driving Assistance Systems go wrong

Interesting article in Autocar on this with an EV9 where it emergency braked out of the blue. This mirrors my experience on a Lotus Eletre and is a common known fault with their software also, not sure they've fixed this yet.

Basically in that car had it a couple of times but say you are driving around a town / city and some car comes up to the white lines on a side road. Nothing happens, all good. But if you are getting close to that junction and as they drive up their cars nose crosses the white line the car would emergency brake because it assumes they are coming out of the junction. This is what I felt was going on anyway based on the times it happened.

Tesla I'm sure has emergency braking but doesn't in my experience suffer from this issue. Just mention it as it was poor software that forced me to return the Eletre among a few other things. There's a big gap in quality of software and as it takes over safety features of cars, it's not just a quality of the Sat Nav and does it have Apple CarPlay / Android Auto to consider. It can be a fundamentally bad and dangerous car to drive also if the software is bad these days.

When automated driver assistance systems go badly wrong | Autocar
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Ordered a Used 2021 MY; will I regret not getting a 2022 or later?

I placed an order last week for a low mileage (25.2K) 2021 Tesla MY LR AWD from Tesla. It's the exact combination I want (White/White, 19" Gemini wheels) and is a late 2021 build (June 6, 2021). I paid $30,400, which seemed reasonable to me.

I am now concerned that I'm going to miss out on the AMD Ryzen change in 22, plus build quality improvements that came later in 2022. I'd really love to hear from people with that went from a 21 to 22 and know if I'm making a big deal out of nothing.

I'm trying to decide if I should cancel my order and hold out for a 2022 or later.

Thanks everyone

2 zelfsleutel vraagjes voor mijn X

Ik heb 2 probleempjes met mijn X momenteel.

1. Er komt water bij de bijrijders voordeur naar binnen als hij stilstaat en het regent. Meestal slaapt ie binnen maar als ik aan het werk ben niet en dan zie ik weleens water op de mat. Zover ik zie niet als ik in de regen rij.
Het lijkt onder tussen de binnen bekleding en het metaal naar beneden te komen maar helemaal zeker ben ik daar niet van. Heeft iemand tips waar ik moet beginnen te zoeken?

2. Mijn achteruitrij camera werkt goed alleen zie ik mijn trekhaak maar een klein stukje en de camera zit niet in het midden (de trekhaak volgens mij wel redelijk). Voor het aankoppelen van mijn aanhanger is het wel handig als ik de trekhaak wat beter in beeld heb. Is het mogelijk om de camera iets bij te stellen? Moet dan waarschijnlijk van binnen uit gedaan worden.

Iemand tips?

Alvast bedankt.

Major scam happening on YouTube live

I have just been on YouTube watching what appeared to be a live video from an official Tesla event. Elon talking and taking questions from the audience. All of a sudden he talks very scripted, a QR code shows in the corner of the screen and he is asking people to send in crypto currency claimng they will instantly get back twice the amount. It looks like Elon, it sounds like him but it clearly is a fake video. It is a clear scam. The channel looks like Tesla as well. I discovered there is at least one more channel also doing a live stream sunning the same fake video. I cannot believe YouTube is letting this happen.
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Tesla mistake on Purchase agreement - How long to get refund?

I took delivery of a Model Y on March 29, 2024. It seemed pretty straight forward untill about a week later when I got a request for an additional copy of the insurance ID card. This was followed by a request for the final payment, which had been made on the day of delivery. They insisted on a cashiers check of which I obliged. I went to the local Tesla store in Warwick RI. When I presented the check the lady there said she couldn't take it. I was to take it to the Providence store.
Also during the intervening week I found a mistake on the purchase/sale agreement of $200 (in their favor).
I have contacted them many, many times only to be told "There is an active case for the $200 refund. We will up date you when there is activity."
It has been 2 months waiting for resolution.
So the question is: Should I just give up? Does anyone here have a suggestion how to get Tesla to refund the $200.00?

New owner supercharging first day without app

Hello, so I am picking up a used 2017 Model S 75. It's 4 hours away from my home. My question is I am reading online that if I want supercharge on the way home which I will need to, I have to be linked as the owner in the Tesla app with the vehicle. However, everything I'm reading says it takes 3 to 5 business days for the ownership to actually be adjusted within the Tesla app after you provide proof of new ownership. Does anybody know if there's anything I can do with the seller as I'm picking up the car to make this happen immediately where I am connected as new owner with my payment method in the app? or if I can't use the Tesla superchargers on the way home are there other chargers you would recommend that I use that I can just pay with a normal debit card? I am brand new to this, so just wanna make sure I can charge on the way home after pick up the car because it is a 4 Hour Drive. I'm driving from Tampa Florida to Jacksonville, fl

Is this not deceptive?

OK, Tesla fanboys and fangirls... I'm prepared for your "no, you're an idiot" replies but this has been bothering me...

Is Tesla not being deceptive with the whole "after est gas savings" business?

For example, this is on the homepage of the Tesla website right now. And you KNOW people see "From $299/mo" and stop reading. No way in the WORLD you're getting a $299/month Model Y lease unless you put down something like $20K. And Tesla knows this.

This "estimated gas savings" just seems to dirty to me. Might be good marketing but for someone about to do a financial transaction this is meaningless.


Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 11.21.43.png

New versions detected: 2024.14.9 and 2024.14.100.1


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Anyone who subscribes to FSD generally won't be getting these updates, based on historical rollouts as they will be first in line for FSD 12.4 when it comes.

Damaged Model 3 - Advice for repair? (picture attached)

I wish I could tell you how it happened, I certainly never felt anything and only noticed it when I was walking back to the car. I understand it's going to be quite a costly repair so if I need to get it on insurance I suppose so be it. I was just wondering if anyone has any advice? I have taken it to several body shops but they won't touch it because it's a Tesla (Heaven forbid).

Thank you guys, this is my first post here and it sucks that it's under these circumstances, i've always just been more of a viewer than a participator here.

Powerwall 3 calibration in process, what is this?

I never heard of this before, but it says my powerwall will not provide power for 24 hours during a calibration. So I will be using the grid only for this 24 hours I guess or not grid only during the day but at night of course it will be grid only.

I wonder how often this is going to happen?

This was never mentioned to me ever by anyone during this process of getting this new system.

  • Question
Charging at Airbnb with Dryer Outlet During Colorado Road Trip

Hi Tesla Community,

I'm planning a road trip in Colorado and will be staying at a mountain cabin Airbnb. The nearest Supercharger is 2 hours away, and I need to figure out a way to charge at the Airbnb to avoid anxiety about charging.

1. Can I use a 240-volt dryer outlet for Level 2 charging of my Tesla?
2. What type of adapter will I need for this setup?
3. Any safety tips or considerations when using a dryer outlet for charging?
4. Has anyone had similar experiences and can share how it worked out?

The regular 120-volt outlet charges too slowly, and I don’t want to worry about running out of charge because we will be using the car throughout the day. Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

New to tesla

Hi everyone I just picked up a 24 M3P for my first Tesla (I love it I upgraded from a civic lol) and I just need some answers please? So I bought FSD and the cameras are calibrated and I used it one time so far but when I try using it again it defaults to autosteer instead of FSD beta even though it’s selected in the Autopilot tab. I also don’t know if smart summon or summon is available on the 24’s? I don’t have the option to enable it and if anyone could answer I’d appreciate it

Picking out the best car has enabled me to find common issues

I am buying a White Performance Y and our Tesla lot has over 10 that fit what I want. So I have spent some time going over the cars to try to pick out the best one. Yes, very OCD. Going over the cars I find the same issues pretty consistently. Here is what I have found

- The front lights not being flush with the car on the bottom. In some I can put my fingers in underneath. Most had this issue to varying degrees.

- The rear passenger light is loose. This is the light piece that is opposite the one where you charge the car. I have discovered that I can fix the issue and been fixing on all the cars on the lot. Basically it was never clipped into place. You can do yourself by pushing it in until clicks. I had graded all the cars before I realize you could fix. So had to re-grade afterwards. Before this problem meant a no go.

- The rear doors are not flush. This problems tends to be a lot worse on the passenger side than the driver. But found it on both. All 10+ of the cars I am grading had this issue to varying degrees. I measure how far my fingers go in on each car. I do wonder if this issue will go away over time and the foam or whatever breaks in. Because I have checked a few used Teslas and they do not seem to have the issue to the same degree.

- I watched a lot of YouTube videos and some of the problems in the videos were not present. So for example the rear hatch door was perfectly aligned on every one of the cars I checked.

- The problem that really bugged me and a few cars had is hard to describe. In the front around the lights there is a place where several pieces of metal come together. I have found on several of the cars the metal on one of the pieces that comes together is is bent up and not flush. I tried to push it down and it did not help. So these cars were all given an F by me. About 33% of the cars I looked at had this problem to a very noticeable degree.

- The best of the cars and the one I am going to purchase had a rough spot on the wheel. But I do not think it is from hitting a curb. It appears to be just a small defect in the wheel and I hope they will replace. I did not find this problem on a single other Tesla. Basically if you take your fingers and circle where the tire meets the rim I found the rough spot. It is very slight. I prefer the one I purchased did not have this issue but there was not another that was nearly in as good of shape. This one the front lights for example are nice and flush and there was not another that had the same. Plus the rear doors are NOT flush but they are the closes of all the cars but the demo one. The demo one the doors are perfect and why I suspect this issue probably goes away over time as the rubber piece breaks in.

BTW, I am old and purchased many cars in my life and never done anything like this before buying a car. But when I go outside and do the same inspection with our existing cars there is not one that has anything like these issues. I look at the cars and the pieces fit a lot better than the Tesla. The lights are flush. The doors are flush. Pieces are very well aligned. It makes me curious why is the Tesla so much worse than other cars in this aspect?

Latest update

The latest update was about :
  • easier manual adjustment of windshield wipers (with scroll wheel) INSTEAD of making the software better in recognizing the amount of rain
  • adding Audible INSTEAD of adding Google Auto (that has all these functions)
  • adding games INSTEAD of ensuring that the car can achieve the posted mileage
Tesla is pushing innovation. I am so ... unimpressed...

Looking forward for the next round of fart sounds... SO FUNNY (for children)

  • Question
Run low, charge high periodically to "exercise" cells?

Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere, but can't find specific answer. I have 2023 M3/ LR / DM
I normally leave it plugged in when not in use. My normal usage does not bring the battery below 60%. I charge to 81% (personal quirk, I like it to read 80% when I leave my driveway.)
A Tesla tech told me today that I should occasionally (perhaps every 6 months) let the battery run down to about 10%, then charge to about 90%.
This, he said, would "exercise" the cells, like a person who sits a lot getting up and stretching.
Do others agree? Good, bad, no difference?

Home/mobile charger challenges

Hello to all,

I am hoping to get some ideas from you all to solve my home charging issues. We have a model 3 LR and I have been using a 75ft extension cable to charge at home using mobile charger. Until about 5 months or so ago would usually get 24 mi/hr and now its reducing amps to 12 and getting only 11-12 mi/hr.
The charger begins flashing red and the adapter end of the mobile charger and extension becomes hot. I recently purchased a new 10-30 adapter and that didn't seem to fix the issue. I have tried unplugging and plugging the cable on the car but it quickly reduces charge from 24-12 mi/hr.

Some more information, the wall plug (dryer) is nema 10-50, cable has 10-50 adapter on one end and other end is 10-30. Not sure if this is an issue with mismatching 10-50 and 10-30. My next plan is to upgrade the wall outlet, just unsure which would be a good choice as an upgrade.

Never had charging issue with same extension cable but both ends were same in the past, 10-30. Unsure if mobile charger itself is crapping out.

Please feel free to provide feedback.


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